5G has arrived in Zim… Almost [Updated]

Yes! We finally have it. 5G was launched. Ribbons were cut and some phones got to flex that 5G icon next to the network bars for the 1st time in this teapot shaped country of ours. All thanks to Econet Wireless Zimbabwe. So let’s have a little QnA of our own right here. Starting with the usual.

What is 5G and what are it’s benefits?

5G is a system upgrade of the mobile network that uses sim cards. This system upgrade brings you, the user 3 major benefits. More bandwidth, more speed and lower latency. Big words there but here is what they mean.

More Bandwidth

With more bandwith you can get a more stable internet connection because it allows more processes to be handled at the same time. Think of it as you sending photos on WhatsApp. More bandwidth means you can send more photos at the same time because the nework can allow you to do so.

So in terms of more stable internet connections it means that a 5G base station can connect more phones to it and all these phones can get all the data they need without a drop in connection quality and speed. Speaking of speed.

More Speed

This one is your download speed. How fast that WhatsApp video will download onto your phone or how smoothly you can stream than video with no buffering. Whilst the best of 4G can allow you to download a whole movie in about 4 minutes, the best of 5G can allow you to download that same movie in about 4 seconds.

And with Econet they managed to reach a max speed of just over 3Gbps (Gigabits Per Second) which to put it to scale is enough speed for 30 Zol customers on the fastest Zol fibroniks package (100Mbps) to enjoy comfortably.

Lower Latency

Latency is just a fancy word describing reaction time. The time difference between issuing a command and an action being taken. With 4G this latency was around 100 milliseconds and 5G can get it as low as 1 millisecond on average.

This is great for tasks that need you to perform actions in real time. Think of lets say football. Someone watching a match on DStv may be celebrating a little bit earlier than someone watching the same match on a football streaming platform.

With 5G you get a much smaller delay than someone on 4G meaning you will the person celebrating that goal first before anyone else that’s not on 5G.

Not all 5G is the same

There are also different types of 5G. Lower band which is the slowest form of 5G but with the best signal coverage. Middle band 5G with average speeds and signal coverage (Econet is using this one) and millimeter wave (mmWave) 5G which has the fastest speeds but the smallest signal coverage. I made a video explaining these different types of 5G and you can watch it below.

Where is 5G best used?

5G currently exists to improve on aspects of 4G that were not ideal and most of it is futuristic first world stuff. So because of lower latency, it will make automated services in industry more reliable, safer and more efficient.

Think of a self driving car. The faster it can send data to a server and recieve a response, the faster it can react to the environment and avoid getting into accidents.

In heavy mining, some excavation equipment is remote controlled so again, the quicker it can respond to the input of the controller, the more efficiently it can be used and the safer it is to use around people.

In business it means more heavier softwares can now be run on the cloud and not on device so an example is you can now edit a video in your chrome browser with a standard laptop rather than getting a PC worth several thousand dollars than can handle editing videos on the device.

It can even mean a surgeon can perform an operation in another continent without needing to be physically present and in an environment where everything is getting smarter, it enables your smart devices to communicate faster and more efficiently.

As of right now the hope is that in business districts and co-working spaces it will offer a more reliable form of internet connectivity with enough speed for individuals and companies working in these spaces to be more productive.

Where can I get 5G in Zimbabwe?

At the time of writing this article, 5G is only available in Avondale and the coverage is around the Avondale main shopping centre, Avondale flea market and parts of Riverside walk. It’s a relatively small coverage because of technicalities associated with 5G which I’ll elabrate on later in the article.

Econet says they are midway through commissioning another 5G base station in Newlands and the total number of Econet 5G base stations in Zimbabwe will be 22 by June 2022. And on the 5G project Econet went with Ericsson as equipment supplier and backup if anyone was curious.

Update: 23 August 2022

Econet now has 22 operational 5G base stations scattered all over Zimbabwe and the sites are:

  • Avondale
  • Newlands
  • Greendale
  • Sam Levy’s
  • Econet Park
  • RGM Airport
  • Holiday Inn (Harare)
  • Club chambers
  • Belgravia
  • Makoni shops (Chitungwiza)
  • Zengeza Main
  • NSSA House Bulawayo
  • Anchor house Bulawayo
  • Econet house Bulawayo
  • NRZ Bulawayo
  • Rainbow Hotel
  • Mimosa House
  • NRZ Victoria Falls
  • Spar (OK) Victoria Falls
  • CABS Gweru
  • Rothbat Building

As Econet is adding more 5G sites they are updating the list which you can check out by clicking here.

Does 5G make sense in Zimbabwe right now?

A couple of cases against 5G in Zim

It’s no secret that internet connectivity is bad in Zimbabwe right now. The speeds are inconsistent and sometimes so is the network availability. And this is on 4G. I mean surely whatever capacity we have to spend on 5G could be put towards improving the existing 4G network. Moreover, will this 5G perform as advertised? All we have right now is the speed tests Econet showed us that they did on the 23rd of February 2022.

When we tried, we could not get a reliable speed test to prove this claim and in all fairness the Econet engineers did inform us that the base station at Avondale is not yet performing at full capacity because they are waiting for the bandwidth allocation from Potraz. So for now we can only take their word and figures for it.

5G has it’s fair share of complications. Coverage area of a 5G base station is smaller than a 4G base station and the faster the 5G technology, the smaller the signal’s range. Econet’s 5G is middle band 5G as stated earlier which somewhat offers the most efficient mix of speed and coverage. But even then, it’s going to be a treasure hunt finding areas where 5G base stations are unless they are put up in densely populated areas.

Smartphones that support 5G are a very small proportion right now because it’s a technology predominantly available on flagships which are inherently quite expensive. I mean there are exceptions like the Samsung Galaxy A32 5G, Huawei Nova 8 5G or the more affordable Tecno Pova 5G that I reviewed recently.

But still even the cheapest 5G smartphone is retailing for around US$300 in Zimbabwe making it a barrier of entry for those wanting to experience the technology. Also..side note. Econet we are still waiting for you to bring us eSims.

A couple of cases for 5G in Zim

But then we look at the numbers. Econet sits on a 58.6% market share on the base stations that exist in Zimbabwe and in October last year they announced they are adding 130 more between October and December 2021. We shall confirm the figures when the Potraz Q4 2021 report becomes available but this just further extends their coverage.

They may be the best positioned MNO to bring in new technology because really it costs quite a bit of money to bring in new technology like 5G. 5G is not a software update that you download and install so if someone in town starts a hustle saying “tinoisa 5G pama phone” I am telling you right now it can’t and it’s a lie.

Them bringing 5G means they are adding new equipment, new hardware to their base stations which will be emmiting this 5G signal and that is some expensive piece of kit. And with the numbers other MNOs have, they might not have the capacity to venture into 5G. If anyone could. It’s Econet.

Looking at the progressive nature of the startup ecosystem in Zimbabwe, 5G will be opening new doors for fields like commercial autonomous drone technology to provide economical agritech solutions and in mining. Industries that seem to managing to keep Zimbabwe’s economy afloat.

And for the online gamers reading this. Ping. #GoodPingWinsGames.

What I have come to see with new technologies is that when they launch the use cases are not as obvious. However there is always a tinkerer, an innovator or a dreamer in a room somewhere excited to figure out how a new technology can solve a problem they have…Or how a capitalist can capitalize on benefits from new tech.

Right now the most practical applications of 5G are in the commercial and industrial fields and even in these fields, the applications are still futuristic ones that few have managed to adopt. But that is progress and any progress is good progress. If it works as advertized it’s a nice option to have available in several value chains. But from the performance of 4G as of the past 4 years, Econet’s 5G has a lot of work to do in bringing back lost confidence in the reliability of the network.

Do I need a new SIM or special settings to use 5G?

No you don’t. If you have a 5G enabled smartphone with an Econet line that is working then your phone will automatically switch to 5G whenever you enter a location where there is 5G service. However 5G consumes a lot of power so it is usually switched off on most phones that come with it.

So if your phone supports 5G and you are at Foodlovers Avondale with no 5G icon on your phone, go to your mobile network settings and check if, on your prefered network mode, you have the combination with 5G selected. In some phones the button is conveniently placed in the drop down menu.

That’s pretty much it. All you need to use 5G on Econet is a phone that supports 5G. A 5G capable smarphone retails for as low as US$300 in Zimbabwe and that is the Tecno Pova 5G. So if you want to buy a 5G capable smartphone that’s the least you can expect to pay for one.

Now we wait for the base station to operate at full capacity so we can burn some data on speed tests.


28 responses

  1.  Avatar

    I wonder if this is why they putting up those console gaming bundles I seen on their selfcare webpage

  2. Lisa Avatar

    Yaas better speed please!

  3. Tkayz Avatar

    Netone last year yakango hukura kkk Econet yobva yaisa 100+ base stations kkk + 5g base station yacho kkk how Far Netone maisa maBase station mangani? And mukufungei ne 5g kkk

    1. Kujy Avatar

      What about the effects of 5G radiation? Or there is no such thing

  4. Thulani Avatar

    Now I understand why we are folking more on the services of EWZ thumbs up to them, they also should support NETONE to reach 4G standards.

    1. The Last Don Avatar
      The Last Don

      Obviously they reached 3Gbps because they were testing with one device or a couple. Kkk.
      Anyway I hope you guys in Zim get the best speeds even on 4G

      1.  Avatar

        Ridiculous attempt…
        Even 4g price is one of the highest in the world…even most of the developed countries don’t have 4g available for use for public….

    2. Timmad Avatar

      Worst of celebration, trust me if you can’t then speed test its 4G. Thank me later 🤣🤣🙌

  5. Emperor's New 5g Avatar
    Emperor’s New 5g

    As a customer, I’m not convinced 5g needs to be a high priority for Econet, but come my next upgrade round, it will be fun to do some 5G tourism. Just one day fire up the old tsokorolla and go to Avondale, by a cascade and screen cap a few speed tests, selfie with the base station, download a top seeded torrent then burn those cascade calories to go back to 4g-ville 😅

    1. The Last Don Avatar
      The Last Don

      During the advent of 3G I actually walked to Highfields from Glen View 1 (kwaMataure) to go and test the service when Econet flighted an advert that 3G was now live there. Ma1

  6.  Avatar

    Ridiculous attempt…
    Even 4g price is one of the highest in the world…even most of the developed countries don’t have 4g available for use for public….

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    The description of 4G throughput capabilities and associated latencies is not accurate. There was need to make an apples to a apples comparison on the 2. We are also not told how much RF channel bandwidth was allocated to achieve that throughput. IMT Advanced defines a far better spec for LTE than is described here!

    1. Edwin Chabuka Avatar
      Edwin Chabuka

      Very good. So it woud hace been nice to make an apples to apples comparison. But it goes deep into the weeds on the technical bits and that can be covered in another article. In this one it was more of a simplified explanation of 5G that majority of our readers, technical or non-technical, will be able to understand.

    2.  Avatar

      Econet doesnt have enough bandwidth for 4g vakutsvagei ku5G. It will end up jus the same having 4G but getting speeds of 3G even less. They shud priorities offering better 4G speeds

  8. John Gadzikwa Avatar
    John Gadzikwa

    Thank you very much for the comprehensive explanation, even I as a layman got the gist of the concept.

  9. Douglas Kaliwoh Avatar
    Douglas Kaliwoh

    Congratulations to Econet. At least no-one stopped them from taking their number one position. It also shows that they know where they can get the clientele to support the initial 5G base stations. Real money is no longer in the CBD, and it would be a bad business decision at this stage to target the CBD.
    p.s.the cheapest phone should have been named Povo 5G

  10. Walleh Avatar

    Congrats to TELECEL.yaisa 5 ma base station e 3G.Currently, they are working day and night to solve the network challenges their customers are experiencing.

  11.  Avatar

    Funny how you’re excited and gave soo much to say about this but yet all 4g networks atinawo marara muzim. Instead of fixing that tikufarira 5g ine ma fon anotodhurawo zvawo… Rega iTel ichizadza mweya we 3g tho

  12. Kevymush Avatar

    kkk, the speed of the connection is directly proportional to how many seconds you will spend connected which is veeerrry few fo sho 🙂

    1.  Avatar

      Software creators who created JAVA and other programming languages are the ones who make large apps, and thats a problem thats why we are reaching 5G there is no need for 5G can you imagine taking one photo with a phone and it rates 20Mb output, u try editing a 700Mb video with a laptop the out put will be 17 Gb u can tell something is wrong at least software like lobrid are still honest enough u are able to compress a 2hours video about 2Gb and the output will be 500Mb without loosing quality, it shows that whether the video is 4k or 720p your video is still the same thats why u want to buy 16Gb of ram Core i7 laptop to play a game thats how they make money u will continue upgranding until your phone turns into a weapon. If google doesn’t see this then another google will be made by someone where u will be able to download 150Kb video with 4k picture in it and it is going to be faster than 5G you are praising.Even a selfdriving car do not need servers to function let me ask u do you need a server for you to function ? Well don’t answer.lobrid is coming very soon in Zimbabwe i’m telling you.

      1. Edwin Chabuka Avatar
        Edwin Chabuka

        Interesting. Whilst I do simpathise with some of your sentiments there, I also believe that every software and technology has a use case and a place in the world. What we all have to then invest in is understanding what our demands are from a software of a piece of technology that they can satisfy and go with that.

        It’s not a crime to need a seriously powerful machine to process large data files on resource intensive apps, neither is it a crime to prefer a lighter more economical app that is also efficient on the output product. Each has a use case and both can co-exist

  13.  Avatar

    True for video purpose we just need a software to compress a video whether you are using 5G or 2G phone quality will be the same i don’t know about games

  14. Optimus Prime Avatar
    Optimus Prime

    “Econet went with Ericsson” well done Econet Kkkk if you know what I mean.
    Techzim could you do an article about netwok speeds using different equipment e.g. 4g speeds on Huawei vs ZTE vs Nokia vs Samsung vs Ericsson etc those telecommunications equipment manufactures.

    1. Edwin Chabuka Avatar
      Edwin Chabuka

      I mean we could. But really it’s not a long story that would need an article. So different OEMs or equipment manufacturers design their hardware to industry standards. So before they are sold to the public, they have to pass testing to see if they meet these standards.

      This is done so that the end user does not have to feel a difference between 4G on a Huawei base station vs 4G on a Nokia base stastion. According to the industry standard, the 4G on either of them is the same.

      1. Optimus Prime Avatar
        Optimus Prime

        Okay, thanks for the info.

  15. Richard Avatar

    I need 5G pls

  16. Imi Vanhu Musadaro Avatar
    Imi Vanhu Musadaro

    Zimbabwean 4G is like expensive GPRS, I doubt the 5G implementations will be any better. You have take your device physically to customer care to prove it supports 4G (because they think the customer is too dumb to know what they own), and still noone can explain why the Internet is soooooo slow.

    5G in Zimbabwe, is like a Bugatti papurazi. You can brag that you have it, but it won’t make much of a difference from those without it.

  17. Creg Avatar

    You said at CABS Gweru there in now 5G but with my Pova 5g phone i haven’t connected to 5g and everything is set correctly

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