RETRACTION :Telecel IS NOT shutting down

Earlier today we published an article titled “Telecel forced to shut down! Why and why now?” on the Techzim website. We are retracting that article. Potraz is not forcing Telecel to shut down like we asserted in the article. Telecel is still licenced to operate in Zimbabwe and there is nothing to our knowledge that will change that in the near future.

We worked with information that turned out to be years old and yet made it appear as if it was current information. Such an order to shut down Telecel was given back in 2015 and the matter was resolved with Telecel being greenlit to operate in Zimbabwe.

We would like to apologise to Telecel Zimbabwe and to Zimbabwe at large for this mistake.


37 responses

  1. Do your research Avatar
    Do your research

    Do u guys really do proper journalism or you run this as a tabloid. Such rash reporting has greater implications on society and business at large. One day you will be sued

    1. Imi Vanhu Musadaro Avatar
      Imi Vanhu Musadaro

      This story wasn’t pulled from thin air, in this case. Even Herald has it running, so hold your horses.

      It is a fact though that Telecel lines are down since yesterday and there’s has been not announcement from Telecel why. Nothing, nada, on radio, in newspapers, on social media, nothing.

      1. sean Avatar

        but your article is from 2015 boss

      2. Twimbo Avatar

        You just posted an article from 7 years ago hehehe. Exact reason they are apologizing for running old news as current.

  2. L. Makombe Avatar
    L. Makombe

    This is very bad reporting and Techzim must be censored by the regulatory authorities. The article has a negative impact on people’s lives. I think Telecel employees and colleagues had heart attacks after reading the article based on gutter journalism. Was POTRAZ consulted before the article was published, surely POTRAZ should have been the first port of call. Retracting the article is a half measure, who is going to compensate Telecel of the lost revenue during the period. Even now, people will think twice before getting service from Telecel.

  3. jaybee Avatar

    Whether telecel has shut down or not is something we do not need to be told. As we speak its shut down because there is no service and no amount of article retractions will change that. Lets see if they re-open

  4.  Avatar

    Lilamawala too much lina bantu be Techzim mcim,verify before you publish your stories bunch of loonies nxaaa

  5.  Avatar

    Still no network for many days saka nothing’s changed and that’s why the story was plausible

  6. Jiga Avatar

    You people are so unprofessional. How did this happen?

  7. Miles Avatar

    hahahaha mabhaiza

  8.  Avatar

    Zvinowanikwa next time make sure musati ma poster handity

  9. Ndoshandira Potraz Avatar
    Ndoshandira Potraz

    Guys guys guys. Dont act like you dont know how Potraz and gvt entities behave. The news that it was closed is true. But its a gvt entity Potraz was forced to revoke for the sake of ED and zanu. Elections are coming. But Telecel has been down for a while now

  10. Doug Avatar

    Well done for retracting as soon as you realised the compromise. I choose to rate Techzim on the over 99% where you are always on point. However, there is no smoke without a fire.

  11. KillerB Avatar

    you guys should be sued, then you’ll learn your lesson

  12. Telecel Customer Avatar

    Doesn’t change the fact the network is offline since last week and their walk in centres all have closed for stock taking notices.

  13. Concerned Bystander Avatar
    Concerned Bystander

    Hope whatever payout you received to write such an misinformed article was worth your journalistic integrity and reputation.Good day fellow

  14.  Avatar

    Hope you are not going to retract a retract because there lines are down since yesterday

  15. Anonymous Avatar

    Hope you are not going to retract a retract because there lines are down since yesterday

  16. Chinyika Chakaoma Ichi Avatar
    Chinyika Chakaoma Ichi

    The network is still down

  17.  Avatar

    Network not being provided since Friday last week and I think they are 💯 correct it’s only just a sending wave to the background but the truth on the ground is ?????
    If you know ,you know

  18. Prayer_Warrior Avatar

    This is a blunder of such catastrophic levels. TechZim crew should be on their knees praying that Telecel management does not decide to sue. You guys are in deep s*#t

  19. D1vant Avatar

    When i first the Shutdown ARTicle, i wasn’t surprised, i was like ohh ok…. Telecel’s network has been offline for several days now, so it’s as GOOD as Dead

  20. Koffi olomide Avatar
    Koffi olomide

    Vafonerwa vakavhundutsirwa vanhu ava…telecel has been offline for 7 days now….surely its not a technical glitch…its a bigger mess…Whats going on

  21.  Avatar

    There is an element of truth in that shutdown. Mine has been offline since 30 Dec 2021.

  22. Themba Avatar

    Mhhh musadaro the negative effects are far reaching, vamwe vatorasa ma line

  23. Lominade Gupo Avatar
    Lominade Gupo

    My telecel line is just receiving calls, no outgoing calls since 30 Dec last year. So there is an element of truth. The customer service can’t be accessed either. You are shortchanging us & Telecel losing out as well.

  24.  Avatar

    Techzim and Pindula guys you offer high quality services it’s just an anomaly that occured and we understand. Ndipeiwo back link kaaa

  25. Hararevoice Avatar

    We understand guys. Pindula and Techzim have been offering high quality services we respect you guys it happens. May l have a back link kaaa guys 😂😍

  26. Walle Avatar

    Yesss it’s closed z🤔🔐🌬️

    1.  Avatar

      Spread again uchivaudza kuti kunyepa ,it’s not closed

  27. Ayah Zulu Avatar
    Ayah Zulu

    Ummm apa ndato spreader news

  28.  Avatar

    Haha, you shud have not apologised. The Telecel office in KweKwe is closed. With reports today they have been shut down. I firmly believe it. What mobile network does not work for over a week? A few hours or a day yes but not over a week.

  29. Veduwe Avatar

    TELECEL is down for days now no service ,Vakomana vetechzim varohwa ne politics chete ,but chinenge chokwadi because hapana service yacho

  30. yavhara Avatar

    ah hanty hakuna network yacho hre. so its as good as yakavhara kkkk.

  31. I have lied too, so have you Avatar
    I have lied too, so have you

    We all make mistakes. None of those bashing TechZim for their error can stand up and say they have never made a mistake in their life, even at their work place. The only weakness they have is that they deal with the public and their mistakes become apparent to all.
    Well done guys for eating the humble pie of coming out to apologise and for pulling down your article

  32. Beki Avatar

    The varakashi went on the offensive because of a retraction. Shame. Telecel is a scam. I was buying night data and getting nothing for days before i gave up sometime back. This nonsense happened with a govt company called POWERTEL. The mobile internet network disappeared on the 19th of July 2021 in Luveve and it has never come back. yet they were taking money.

  33. Tinashe Avatar

    Really telelel , even from past few years it seems that in town and city centers you are allmostly good and fast in calling and strategy of response even when using your lines but when out side in rural areas you are totally nothing , Speed of accessing whatever and network should be improved even you Mobile fanancial service is not popular, your are allways backward ,Your agents are not available , as compared to that one Neto and Econet. I am a big fan of of one the mobile telecommunications ,and l expect you to be so improve your strategy ,service, and network

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