Telecel isn’t feeling too good, customers say its been down for days (again)

Telecel sim, data, prices, bundles subscribers, zvaendwa, network

Telecel seems to be going through yet another rough patch… The country’s smallest mobile network operator put out a statement on the 29th of January 2022 saying that it was facing network challenges. However, Telecel’s customers have reached out to us saying the network has been down for days…

To our valued customers

Telecel would like to apologize for the network challenges we are currently facing. Our Technical team is working flat out to rectify the problem as soon as possible.

Telecel on Twitter

This sort of thing isn’t new for Telecel because towards the end of last year the mobile network operator was down but that time it was due to a system upgrade. It’s not clear if this current outage is because of that upgrade or it’s something else entirely.

Hopefully, they can get it sorted out soon…

Update: Telecel’s response

Telecel Zimbabwe would like to draw the public‘s attention to the current network challenges that it has been experiencing intermittently.  At the moment, customers are failing to make voice calls and at times access data services. This is due to expired software on the main Mobile Switching Controller (MSC). The software has since been renewed. However, the network is still having call control rejections.

The Company is working in close co-operation with the vendor Huawei, to rectify the challenge and we are confident of resolution in the shortest possible time. We would like to assure all stakeholders that there is no Regulatory threat to the operating license and we expect normal services to resume as soon as the technical challenge is rectified. 

We are appealing to our valued subscribers to bear with us during this period. 

Telecel Zimbabwe


  1. Lol

    If you’re still using Telecel you’re just asking for it

  2. phillipa goredema

    telecel please sort out the Bindura issue kunogara kusina network ma line enyu ndee decoration muma phone

  3. Thanos

    Telecel should be sold to MTN or other big operators so it rise again otherwise hapana hapana tangomirira kuti ivharwe chete

  4. Hugh Jarse

    Telecel have never been my fav, going back years! Have seen no reason to use their “service”, and don’t know of many people who were happy with it either.

  5. Anonymous

    Well i reached out to one of Telecel officers this is what he said

    “Siyaxolisa sibili,
    Network upgrade that went wrong in December.
    Engineers and software provider working flat out to restore normal network”

  6. Davidzoyashe

    Hi TechZim & TechZim readers. Question, how can I receive money through wire transfer to a Zimbabwean bank?

    Thanks for the help.

    1. Taps

      I use NMB Lite Nostro account to receive my money from my Google adsense account , e.g bank takes $30 for every money received.If i get $100 bank takes $30 i remain with $70.

      1. Aaron Ndhokoyo

        inbox me 0774 594 347

      2. Davidzoyashe

        Okay thank you✊

        I spoke to FBC today and they gave me the option of opening a Mastercard account or a Nostro account. They assured me I could withdraw the money without issue so I’ll be going with their option.

    2. Anonymous

      FBC takes zero amount.

  7. Recon

    Oh man that’s sad

  8. Thiboss

    I am in vic falls,telecel was last seen last year (2021)this side

  9. Ganyani KHOSA

    I am enjoying their services – best reception where i am in Kuwadzana, Harare. Maybe because I am the only one on that base-station.

  10. John

    africom has also been down for about 2 weeks now techzim report this coz we are loosing business

  11. Two Boy

    Nearly all telecoms are feeling the heat. The worst affected are Telecel and Afri-com. These small players has since switched off some of their mobile towers particularly in remote places and small towns. In places where they are still breathing, there is no back-up power. Though most of their services are a bargain, the market is unresponsive… what’s the point of having cheaper data that you can’t use anytime you want.

    Had these companies not government owned, they could have ‘folded their fishing rods’

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