Two Zim startups partner to provide Digital Identity in Healthcare for millions in Africa

FlexID Ubuntu Digital Identities

Algorand powered local blockchain startup FlexID (FlexFinTx) has extended its Self Sovereign Identity platform to the healthcare industry in what the company says is a world-first real-world use case scenario in partnership with Ubuntu Clinics. The former is a Zimbabwean founded firm that is also registered in Singapore with operations in Africa and Southeast Asia providing digital identity solutions. And the latter is an African based start-up providing innovative healthcare solutions across Zimbabwe including decentralized healthcare facilities, electronic health management systems and more.

“The challenge for healthcare systems worldwide, is ‘doing more for less.’ At FlexID Technologies, we believe that harnessing the power of technology in the healthcare sector is paramount in driving cost down and most importantly improving patient outcomes. It is with this mind, that may team I found it necessary to involve ourselves in the compilation of this report. The findings and insights that came from this baseline household survey are important in shaping FlexID Technologies’s blockchain enabled digital identity solution for patients, community health workers, doctors, nurses, and any other health service provider across the continent.

Built on the Algorand blockchain, we know that by leveraging digital identity we bring instant and secure authentication of patient data; protection of patients against the potential for medical identity theft; reduction in operating expenses and related admin costs; and brings a positive experience for user and medical professionals. We aim on bringing all these aforementioned benefits and many more to our healthcare system, so we can do more for less!”

Victor Mapunga, Founder and CEO of FlexID

Throughout 2021 into 2022, Ubuntu Clinics carried out an extensive healthcare drive covering nearly 15 000 households & over 50 000 patients for their pilot in which, in a world first, patients had their own digital identities linked to their health records created on the FlexID platform.

Mortality due to a pervasive lack of access to healthcare facilities in Sub-Saharan Africa despite a few improvements, remains extremely high. The numbers are sobering – one in five children born in this region today will die before the age of five, African women face more than a hundred times the risk of maternal mortality than women in the developed world, and the average life expectancy is only a mere 51 years. The challenge of providing accessible health service has taken top shelf in the global policy debates, and Zimbabwe is not an exception to this anomaly and challenge.

It is in view of this challenge that Ubuntu Clinic found it imperative to undertake a baseline survey. Its findings, that are detailed in this report, will be used to inform the design of a solution that can mitigate the risk, a lack of access to healthcare facilities brings to vulnerable communities.”

Munyaradzi Chakonda, Ubuntu Clinics Founder and CEO

You should also check out

Ubuntu Clinic and FlexID supported by The Africa University, The Ministry of Health and Global Performace Designs, The State of Healthcare in Zimbabwe: Access to healthcare in Mutare Urban District Report you can check it out in the link below:


7 responses

  1. Mthembo Avatar

    Never link your real name and ID # with any platform. That’s how they track you. Ten years later anyone will be able to see your medical records ( if you have aids, blood type ets). They not just collecting your data because they want to help you.

  2. Employee @FlexID Avatar
    Employee @FlexID

    That’s not how it works. FlexID uses the blockchain to secure digital credentials in private wallets that only a user/ patient can access. It’s the the most secure method of data storage & most robust privacy architecture in the world. Your data just can’t be accessed without your permission.

    1. Mthembo Avatar

      Dude, most secure is definitely *not* secure. The moment you store something, it can now be prone to unauthorized access. Secondly there are hundreds of people who can legally access it, from the data admin, backend Devs, the CEO, his friends, the ministry of health, the gvt, the CIA, the CIO, the KGB etc. That’s at least 10000 people who are allowed to use your data for whatever. And then there is the issue of hackers. So let’s just call a spade a spade, anyone can access it, with the right resources.

      1. Guy next door Avatar
        Guy next door

        You are very right Mthembo. Systems administrator and developers can access your data anytime they want. But we cannot run away from the fact that everything is going digital. We will hop on board soon one way or another.

    2. Mor Pa Avatar
      Mor Pa

      There will always be criticism everywhere. Take the positives out of it. If it means improving your security, do it! Do your best to ascertain the safe guarding of your systems. Even the best institutions still get hacked. Thats why security is big.The benefits of such systems still outweigh the risks. Soldier on!!

  3. Farai Avatar

    This is great news , innovating our future in Africa not shipping all innovation from other continents .
    Invest more in security of user data .
    Wish more support from health institute and governments

  4. Magatsheni Avatar

    That’s a very good innovative venture. more support to that.

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