TECHNIKARI: A brand is not a logo, it’s a story SO TELL IT!!!

OnaDsgn Branding Logo Brand

On this episode of Technikari, I was joined by Sherman Baloyi who is the Creative Director at OnaDsgn, a local brand strategy firm to go over why international companies spend thousands to even millions of dollars on their brand/branding or unique identity. The conversation covers how logos have become more than just “we do this” to an embodiment of the greater ideal or goal an organisation strives for. The easiest example that comes to mind is how cleverly the Amazon logo was designed to show that they will take anything from A to Z.

It’s subtleties like this that are sometimes lacking in Zimbabwe and Sherman gave me the lay of the land locally. On top of that, he shed light on which startups/companies have excelled at creating a distinct brand and those that have fallen short of the mark.

You can listen to, watch or download this episode of Technikari with Sherman Baloyi from OnaDsgn with the links below

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5 responses

  1. Roger Voe Avatar

    Dear e/ Madam,
    Techzim – you once flighted an advert about: Fully Charge Phone In 9minutes OPPO 240 Watts Fast Charging, who are your Agents in Zimbabwe?

    1. Super Vooc Avatar
      Super Vooc

      That wasn’t an advert. It was a story on new technology Oppo had in development

  2. Imwe Mbeu Avatar
    Imwe Mbeu

    😢 Technikari, we can’t watch or listen to this story as it’s not zero rated 🤦

  3. John Murinye Avatar

    You can imagine my galore reading the title. I have been an avid follower of OnaDsgn for close to a year now. Love their thinking. My affinity, has now been further reinforced the more through this insightful podcast. Thank you, Sherman, for helping the efforts to reform the misaligned perceptions on branding. Thank you, Valentine, for — once again, an incredible interview. You really know how to draw out the best of your interviewees.

  4. Eddie M Avatar
    Eddie M

    Very few people know what the Amazon logo means so it’s all nonsense in the end……

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