Electricity is now pegged at 10.6 US cents per unit

Zimbabwe energy, Magetsi, Zimbabwe electricity generation, load shedding in ZImbabwe, prepaid electricity in Zimbabwe load shedding 12 hour

ZETDC has announced a new electricity tariff adjustment where a unit of electricity of 1KWhr will now be pegged at 10.63 US cents with effect from today Sunday 15 May 2022. This will be what the tariff will be pegged against the RTGS at the official rate of the day.


The statement reads:

The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission & Distribution Company (ZETDC) wishes to advise its valued clients that Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA) has approved a tariff adjustment in order to restore the value of the tariff to a level of USc10.63/1(Wh which was approved in 2019. This adjustment will go a long way in enabling the Utility to carry out its mandate of delivering services to the public. The Tariff review is with effect from 15 May 2022.
Stakeholder Relations (14/05/2022)

For more information contact us on:

Email : contactcentre@zetdc.co.zw Twitter : @ZetdcOfficial Facebook :@Zetdcofficial Website : www.zetdc.co.zw WhatsApp : +263719219977;0715519387; 0715519389

ZETDC Official Twitter page

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19 responses

  1. A Furious Citizen Avatar

    Why pegging in US dollars while they are always preaching and forcing us to use Rtgs n bond notes.

    1. Imi Vanhu Musadaro Avatar
      Imi Vanhu Musadaro

      It’s illegal to peg in USD, you are supposed to peg in ZWL with an option to pay in USD @ prevailing rate. But, government and parastatals do the reverse all the time. Hence the constant inflation of ZWL fees, due to “movements in the exchange rate” instead of the USD fee becoming cheaper. Kwete izvi zvekuti tank razara.

      1.  Avatar

        kkkkkkkkk haaa tank razara zveshuwa courtesy of Panonetsa Mangundya

    2. Home schooled Avatar

      Expecting everything to increase prices, as electricity has gone up. The gvt will have some sleepless nights as all their policies seem to come back and haunt them. We are now in 2008 upgraded.

    3. Imwe Mbeu Avatar
      Imwe Mbeu

      Why peg them in ZWL when costs incurred are in USD

      1. Maxwell Christian Avatar
        Maxwell Christian

        ZWL is the official currency of ZW and not the US$. Do all the people in ZW earn US$??? I may as well ask you why exporters are paid partly in local currency when they aern the revenue in US$.

    4. Barf! Avatar

      The price looks more reasonable in those figures… Printing them in ZWD /ZWL or whatever they want to call it, makes it look ridiculous. They also pay their brass in USD, as they won’t accept anything else. It’s another zpf rip-off, which has become the norm, but which has no chance of being fixed, no thanks to zpf incompetence, voter apathy, greedy stupids doing all they can to keep their mercs ‘n perks intact at the expense of the nation, and the fact that citizens have allowed Zimbabwe to go down the tubes since 1985, without so much as a squeak of protest, in past elections…

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Its surprising, salaries are pegged in RTGS so how do they expect us as Zimbabweans to survive?????

  3. Herbert Mudarikwa Avatar
    Herbert Mudarikwa

    If salaries are pegged in RTGS , it becomes very unfair to charge electricity in USD .

  4. Damn It Avatar
    Damn It

    Kkkk damn, we f**ked. Zimbabwe marubbish🛃

    1.  Avatar

      Register to vote

      1. Hugh Jarse Avatar
        Hugh Jarse

        Voting is one thing, stopping vote rigging another entirely. It also helps to have someone competent waiting in the wings as well… Cde Chamisa has kept his one seat, which won’t achieve that change on its own, neither will voter apathy or where rigging is ignored or condoned… Proven facts.

  5. Maxwell Christian Avatar
    Maxwell Christian

    I may as well ask you why exporters are paid partly in local currency when they aern the revenue in US$. ZWL is the official currency of ZW and not the US$. Do all the people in ZW earn US$???

  6.  Avatar

    kkkkkkkkk haaa tank razara zveshuwa courtesy of Panonetsa Mangundya

    1.  Avatar

      Ko isu ma civil servants tinoiwanepi usd racho

  7.  Avatar

    Ko isu ma civil servants tinoiwanepi usd racho

  8.  Avatar

    Bought electricity today but l haven’t received my token yet can l have number for someone at techzim

  9. Mabhaudhi redHot Avatar

    Hamusi mazonyanya here nhai weduwe? Todini isu tirikuhora maRTGs in other words murikuti ndowana less than 100 units pa$10 usd? kubva ma1 chaivo

  10. Mabhaudhi redHot Avatar

    Hamusi mazonyanya here nhai weduwe? Todini isu tirikuhora maRTGs in other words murikuti ndowana less than 100 units pa$10 usd? kubva ma1 chaivo

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