As the climate crisis intensifies and biodiversity loss accelerates, the work of nature conservation non-governmental organisations is becoming increasingly urgent. To tackle this matter, Impact Hub partnered up with the Luc Hoffmann Institute and the Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (IUCN CEESP) to launch the Future of Conservation NGOs Innovation Challenge.
The challenge is calling out for solutions that proactively address the deep-rooted issues facing conservation NGOs are welcome. This might be by addressing legacies of discrimination, equalising voices and resources, dismantling existing power structures, reframing narratives or challenging the approaches that perpetuate existing social and economic inequalities.
Anyone, from any sector, experience or background, with a transformative vision for the ‘future of conservation’ can apply. Concepts at all stages of development, from ideation through to prototyping or beginning to scale, will be considered. The ideas or projects may include new business model innovations, partnerships, networks, structures and/or tools and tactics.
Selected participants stand a chance to win €5,000, receive a place in a tailored incubation programme and gain access to a community of conservation practitioners, fellow change-makers and potential investors.
Applications for the challenge are open until May 22, 2022.
You can find the application form with the link here
4 responses
Too late
ielts cancellation
“This might be by addressing legacies of discrimination, equalising voices and resources, dismantling existing power structures, reframing narratives or challenging the approaches that perpetuate existing social and economic inequalities”
LOL, ZANUPF has entered the chat…
“This might be by addressing legacies of discrimination, equalising voices and resources, dismantling existing power structures, reframing narratives or challenging the approaches that perpetuate existing social and economic inequalities”
LOL, ZANUPF has entered the chat…
Izimbabwe ipi iyi yamurikutaura izvi?