Why is internet so expensive in Zimbabwe?

Wifi Internet

Every other week it seems like Data prices are just going up. Of course, we could blame that on our depreciating currency but even in the USD era, data was not what the typical Zimbo would term affordable. So for example in 2016 Zimbabwe had the 3rd most expensive internet in Africa with 1GB of NetOne data going for US$30.

It’s wild I know. But before we get to answering the question of why the internet is so expensive in Zimbabwe we need just a basic understanding of how the internet works. How does the internet get to Zimbabwe?

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How the internet works

The internet is basically a connection of a lot of computers. If you search for a picture of a Samsung right now on the internet, all you are doing is using whatever network you have to connect to a computer somewhere in the world where that Samsung picture is stored. So basically the internet is one big network of all devices that can connect to the internet.

That said, how does an email from someone in China get to me in Zimbabwe or how can I watch a live football match in Spain in bed on my tablet using DStv Now? Well, that happens thanks to 2 things really. Satellites and undersea cables. These 2 technologies are essentially the backbone of the internet as they connect continents to each other.

But then even on land, there are still massive cable networks, usually fiber optic cables, which take over from where satellites and undersea cables end to get the connection to the world closer to your doorstep. 

So between the cameraman in Spain filming the soccer match and your tablet with DStv Now streaming this match live, there are a lot of different companies involved. And this will be a very big simplification of it but it should be enough to paint a picture.

From the camera filming the match, the feed goes to a computer connected to a local Internet Service Provider (ISP) like Utande or a Mobile Network Operator (MNO) like Econet. MNOs or ISPs then go through Internet Access Providers (IAPs) like TelOne or Liquid Intelligent Technologies who then either choose to use an undersea cable or satellite to send this feed to the rest of the world.

This means they go through other companies like Eutelsat for satellite or Seacom for undersea cables. The reverse happens from here till the feed reaches its intended destination. Liquid takes over from Seacom, Econet takes over from Liquid and your tablet plays soccer live. As you can see there are quite a number of middlemen involved and they all need to get paid. In real money. So let’s talk about money.

Telecoms Operating Costs

A telecom operator pays a lot of money for a lot of stuff. So much so that we actually need to break it down into some categories.


This is pretty much the data rate of your internet connection. When the internet is priced for ISPs and IAPs it’s in traffic volume and not really data consumption. We can go into the weeds on this later, but higher transfer rates cost more because bandwidth is a limited resource.

A number of you in the Techzim Community always complained that the 4G speeds in Zimbabwe are generally good 3G speeds. This can be because of several reasons, with one of them being the base station you are connected to getting overwhelmed by the traffic it’s facing, but the cost of bandwidth is something that internet providers then consider before they decide on the speed of internet they can give you without making it too expensive.

Geographic Location

Zimbabwe is a land-locked country and because of this, IAPs have to lay down infrastructure to connect to the world by either setting up a Satellite like the Mazowe Earth Station that TelOne uses or a fiber network that Liquid Intelligent Solutions has been laying all over Africa.

This is an added cost that internet providers factor into the pricing of their data, and this is just to get the connections done for access, which is quite expensive as alluded by Director, CSI JAKOVLJEVIC, Dejan:

…affordability of internet and the return on investment (ROI) in landlocked countries is low. This is mainly due to the geographic remoteness and their further distant to the nearest undersea cable node, implying a cost of laying a transporting cable to the landlocked.

Director, CSI JAKOVLJEVIC, Dejan – ITU

Equipment and Software licenses

A lot of technology is involved in telecommunications with most of the equipment being bought by order and from the manufacturer. How good this equipment performs depends on the quality of hardware but more crucially how sound the software running on this hardware is.

This makes the equipment VERY sophisticated to a point where support comes from the guys who make the equipment. And most of them are based in Europe and Asia meaning if a critical system update needs to be done or new technology has to be put up, they have to fly these experts in. Moreover, the software used to manage these systems is licensed software that is paid for on a subscription basis. Again money is being spent to just keep everything running smoothly.

Operating licenses

Just like any registered business you need to be licensed to operate. And it’s not very cheap. For fixed telecom operators like TelOne and Liquid Home, they are looking at US$100 million for a 20-year license, and for MNOs like Econet, NetOne, and Telecel that is a cool US$137 million for the same 20-year license. Definitely not cheap.

And it’s a very significant chunk of their revenue. We can look at Econet as a case study because, well, they are the biggest MNO in Zimbabwe and they have their data online. In 2021 their total revenue was Z$35 billion which at the RBZ interbank rate of Z$108 to US$1 meant that in US$ Econet’s revenue was around US$325 million. This is before we remove overheads like licenses we mentioned before, wages, utilities, legal fees, etc. Every year Econet will need to pay US$6.85m on top of all these said overheads.

Just for comparison, we can take our neighbor Zambia where an operator’s license is US$1 million valid for 10 years which is still US$100 000 per year vs US$6.85 million per year in Zim. An operator’s license in Zimbabwe is 68.5 times more expensive than in Zambia which is also a landlocked country. 


In 2014 there was a 5% excise duty tax applied to all Airtime purchases. Another 5% tax was proposed in 2017 this time labeled as a health levy. Then in February 2022, a 10% tax was imposed on all internet and VOIP services in Zimbabwe.

All these costs are not absorbed by the telcos but rather are pushed to the public through the increased costs of internet and voice services. And these just come in whichever way, shape, and form which keeps driving prices of data up.

Overheads unique to Zim

Every business everywhere in the world has to deal with overheads like utilities, security, and general service and maintenance. But this is Zimbabwe and as such, some of these overheads are a much bigger cost than outside of Zimbabwe.

The biggest one lately has been the availability of power. The electricity supply in the country has been abysmal for the past couple of years. It’s been so bad that standby generators on telecoms infrastructure have been asked to run continuously for 12 hours in several instances.

This is an expensive source of power compounded by the fact that fuel is sold in US$ whilst telecom operators are selling their internet and voice services in Z$. And if you are following, the Z$ has lost 3.5x its value in the last 6 months according to the RBZ auction rates, whilst tariffs for telecom operators have not managed to keep up with the loss in value of the Z$.

Some MNOs are now spending money to get more affordable sources of power which in this case is solar. Econet has actually installed around 520 Tesla power walls in 260 of their base stations so they can run on the cheaper solar energy.

Econet has installed 520 Powerwall batteries, with two going into each base station, which is reportedly the largest telecommunications project in which Tesla has participated to date.

IT Web

The power issue is a Zimbabwean problem and even we citizens are going the solar route meaning the demand for solar systems is at an all-time high. So is the case of vandalism of telecom sites from individuals desperate to make ends meet by stealing solar panels and lithium batteries. This is again a problem inflating operating costs for MNOs as it adds downtime to their operations and forces them to spend Capex replacing hardware prematurely.

Fixed telecom operators are not spared either, especially TelOne which has the largest ADSL network in the country. This ADSL network uses copper cables as a transmission medium to get the internet to your home. Because of the price copper fetches as scrap metal it’s another target for vandals who steal it to sell and gain a quick buck. It’s so bad that there is a 10-year jail sentence in Zimbabwe for anyone caught stealing these copper cables.

Now it becomes a bigger problem when you see that all the expenses I have outlined here are paid for in forex. And we are buying all our airtime and data in Z$ meaning these telecom operators have to convert this Z$ to forex at the RBZ. But we have a massive forex shortage in Zimbabwe to the point that the RBZ developed a forex auction system where those that need forex can bid for it and keep their fingers crossed that they win the bid. Even then, the available forex isn’t enough to fully satisfy the demand.


We are not a lot in Zimbabwe. Our population sits at 14.8 million in total with less than half of this population living in the urban areas and using the internet. For telecom operators to make reasonable margins they need to have a lot of active subscribers and the more active subscribers they have, the more the costs they incur can be spread over a greater subscription base, therefore, driving the cost of internet and voice services lower.

I get it. But are telcos being genuine?

At the end of the day, telcos are businesses. They need to make money and fend off competition. So it will not do them any good if they make their services so expensive that no one can afford them. They’ll lose customers to the competition and eventually go broke.

Making their services dirt cheap is also a problem because they have all those expenses we talked about that they need to cover for them to stay running otherwise the quality of service will take a nosedive and again customers will move to the competition.

I believe that telcos in Zim are being as reasonable as they possibly can, given the operating environment, with some not having even seen a profit in decades. Regardless I want you to let me know what you think. Are the costs of data in Zimbabwe justified?


31 responses

  1. Tashinga Avatar

    The most culprit is Zimbabwean government for internet to be more expensive. Why would we pay 10% Excise duty? Government is already receiving a lot of money from these telcos businesses in the way of 14.5% VAT; 25.5% Income Tax; PAYE; 2% IMT; and US$6.85 million per year operating license compared to our neighbor Zambia pay US$100 000 per year which is also a land locked country. In Zambia Data is cheaper than in Zimbabwe. Sorry Government but we need a break!

    1. Omg Avatar

      100k per year, aim it’s 2,5 million for 20 years. So where is your issue?

      1. K Avatar

        You conveniently ignored all the other charges, and econet are the only ones who have to pay for that. Do you get tired of skimping for ZANU?

        1. Omg Avatar

          Who told u they don’t pay? They paid when they were PTC before they were unbundled. The problem is you are uninformed and you think being factual one is touching for Zanu. Ndochitsaga ichocho

      2. Adnet Avatar

        @OMG read again unless kana Maths dzichinetsa. 2.5Mil for Zambia against 20Mil for Zimbabwe for same period

    2. Asher_263 Avatar

      Our government is the one making data to be this expensive, zambia charging $2 million per 20 years znd yet zim charging $137 million for the same period haaa daylight robbery

  2. Isaac Avatar

    Great article 👏🏽

  3. why Avatar

    Why is more affordable in Zambia?

  4. J Avatar

    All of a sudden i now feel sorry for econet, operating license $100 million… who in the hell came up with that figure…. Amount ngayidzikiswe iyo

    1. Hauna Nyaya Avatar
      Hauna Nyaya

      Haifanirwe kudzika. its 100 million for 20 years. thats 5 million per year, Econet makes more than 15 million per month. Nyaya yako iripapi.

    2.  Avatar

      Bro if it was in America Econet would be paying more than that

  5. Bernard Duma Avatar

    This is insane econet and zo…the way they charge on wi-fi it seems like people
    dont know the value of USD but people have no choice.. in Zimbabwe we need more network companies…econet its tooo much.. how can we develop if you keep on charging like that..how!

  6. Publish the name, Lennon Avatar
    Publish the name, Lennon

    Utande 5Mbps package is 64000 this month or $99

  7. Nitpik Avatar

    Outstanding content. Almost makes me feel sorry for mnos also that Tesla bit… Impressive

  8. Vladimir Harkonen Avatar
    Vladimir Harkonen

    The real problem is just the way Zimbabwe is run by the government. It’s a well known fact that it is a nightmare and costly to run any business in Zimbabwe, so it’s basically a no brainer on why the internet is expensive, say compared to Zambia.

  9. Anonymous Avatar

    Great article, but it does not take into account that the price of bandwidth is going down and speeds keep increasing. Recently google connected Africa to a 100Tbps undersea cable https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/infrastructure/introducing-equiano-a-subsea-cable-from-portugal-to-south-africa, Huawei also connected Africa to the PEACE cable 40Tbps, CDN (Content Delivery Networks) mean that we can get our content cheaper and quicker from sites like Google, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, Youtube – this also drives the cost of data even lower. Zimbabwe should also speak to partners so that we can have these CDNs in our city to reduce traffic on the undersea cables. I don’t buy the whole licensing fees and infrastructure costs being expensive – Elon Musk is able to put self-driving satellites in space and is able to charge 100 USD for a 500Mbps unlimited connection.I wonder how much our service providers would charge per MB if they had put 1 satellite in space. Our service providers should focus more on providing value-added services. The cost of bandwidth is typical to 20 years ago when it would cost the price of a literal cow to buy a sim card. At the time there was the same justification as we have now. But when operators released that they could get more money from the public via EcoCash, one wallet and another value-added service, the price of sim cards was reduced to nothing. But the challenge, for now, is that service providers want to make a profit from connectivity, that model will always make connectivity expensive. The amount POTRAZ is charging is exorbitant and they have no meaningful contribution they can show for it, except for an expensive monitoring system.

    1.  Avatar

      The capex to accommodate the increased bandwidth is sadly not cheaper. 1gbps to a 100gbps, the infrastructure costs are miles apart. You can get 1gig capable mpls capable device for a few k. Jump to 100g and the SFPs alone will set you back many thousands. The equipment will hundreds of thousands, going into the millions. Not taking into account we are a developing country, the physical cables are still being layer. Lots of costs still. It will go down, but not quickly. Potraz need to eliminate that licensing fee to make it easier for competition to start operating. That’ll help a lot. Open up the airspace to allow wireless ISPs to operate freely in unlicensed bands. The rest of the world do it. We should focus on improving connectivity to the entire country over revenue collection from it.

  10. King Avatar

    Everything in Zimbabwe is expensive. In other countries like South Korea , Japan and Russia people get free internet everywhere or maybe its because they can put as many satellites in space as they want

  11. getinshotproapk Avatar

    There are a few reasons why the internet is expensive in Zimbabwe. The first reason is that the country has a very high inflation rate, which makes everything more expensive. The second reason is that the government has been putting restrictions on internet usage and raising prices to try and control how people use it. This has made it difficult for people to afford data plans. The third reason is that there are not many infrastructure options available in Zimbabwe, so companies have to charge more to cover their costs. All of these factors make it difficult for people to have access to affordable internet in Zimbabwe.

  12. C. Mufote Avatar
    C. Mufote

    The Zim telecoms have taken their customers for a ride since the introduction of Cell phones in Zimbabwe. People bought Cell phone line for an amount equivalent to a price of a beast ( Cow, bull or Ox) at times the line was bought with as much as R300.

    History has demonstrated that corruption has been legalized somehow. The Cellphone business is all about using data and airtime but in Zimbabwe the phone would be cheaper than a line.

    Even today lines are sold. In fact the behavior of Service providers hasn’t been business friendly.
    I appreciate so much how you try to comfort customers but because you ask people to comment I decided to add what you miss in your presentation that is to say Telecoms are taking advantage of the Zim teleoms monopoly. If players like Vodacom SA and MTN get in Zimbabwe data won’t be so expensive.

    1. W Avatar

      If there are 4 MNOs dat is ECONET NETONE TELECEL And AFRICOM and u a saying there is a monoply…. u a wrong…. i dont think u even go xcul…. search for the term monopoly what it means….. the problems are cost of doing biz and low demand which pushes companies to put a bigger margin

  13. Marumbei T Avatar
    Marumbei T

    I can not imagine how I would survive if I was using anyone of these networks. I need at least 1 Gig a day.

  14. RedCapCed Avatar

    This is crap we know what the real game is here, we’ll keep using vpns for free internet on some networks here

  15. Theelvis Avatar

    Wait for a couple of months or a years to come the same router will be cheaper so i will just be patient hangu

  16. Takunda Avatar

    I believe Zim is just an expensive country because tajaira kungo dhurisirwa and we pay quietly. Like one said up there… People sold mombe and cars to buy a Sim card and everyone was fine with it. Ironically just crossing into SA and you’d meet vendors giving away Sim cards. Zve Zim kuti 100 MILLION USD for a 20 year license vs another landlocked and equally developing country (though avo vanenge vane less kusarongeka and greed) charging 100000 per year means kuno kutori ne problem. I honestly feel like the licensing vano nyepedzera kudzungaira to bottleneck services for their gains… Mainly super profits and, to restrict communication down to a certain level. I bet mabosses eku portraz nana Econet, TelOne etc all drive expensive vehicles, live in huge houses and live good. If there was no profits being made, ma businesses avo would have shut down and them having moved on but, they’re still there getting richer by the day. Long story short… If other landlocked countries that are also developing can do better than we do, why can’t we copy the working formula? Why stick with things that are making difficult to make a vital tool such as the Internet inaccessible. I’m certain all this at its core has a strategy for Super profit and low-key information bottleneck.

  17. Nyasha Avatar

    Guys – I think the license numbers you have there are in-correct. See below the ones gazzetted this January –

    So your number of $100m is not correct here. Also IAPs pay even less now in this new license regime. Therefore I am still not sure why internet is so costly in Zim.

  18. King Free Wifi Avatar
    King Free Wifi


  19. Perox Avatar

    Ini ndakumbomhanya ne netone…ine chido nesu kkk

  20. Perox Avatar

    Econet ngaitioneo $10 for 8gig

  21. retro bowl Avatar

    The license numbers you have there, in my opinion, are incorrect.

  22. Pia atonano Avatar
    Pia atonano

    That’s it

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