Magamba and Defend Defenders are calling on you security experts to participate in a design-athon. You will be helping to innovate and redesign a digital security toolkit and you could win US$1000 for your troubles.
Here is everything you need to know about the design-athon.
Title : Magamba Defend Defenders Design-athon
Date : 16 to 22 September 2022
Venue : Virtual
Eligibility : 18- 35
Prizes : USD $1,000
Digital security toolkits are vital in protecting human rights activists from online attacks and surveillance by hostile groups. Help us to innovate and re-design our tool kit and stand a chance to win a cash prize!
Programme for the event
Day 1 : Briefing Meeting , Keynotes Speeches
Day 5 : Submission of solutions
Day 6 : Judging starts
Day 7 : Judging ends and results published
Area of Focus
The two main areas for digital security are
1.Mitigation how to stop security breaches from happening
RISK MATRIX: A risk matrix is a matrix that is used during risk assessment to define the level of risk by considering the category of probability or likelihood against the category of consequence severity. This is a simple mechanism to increase visibility of risks and assist management decision making
SELF ASSESMENT FRAMEWORK: Self-assessments provide a method for individuals and officials to determine the current status of their information security programs and, where necessary, establish a target for improvement.
SYSTEMS: Systems are dynamic and composed of a variety of actors, interconnections, power dynamics and underlying cultural mindsets. In terms of security there is need to map them preferable in a visual manner. This allows you pinpoint areas of possible disruption to the operations of an individual or organization.
DATA: Data is the life blood of an organization. There is need to prevent data from being misused and to mitigate a complete loss of data The main points to consider for an organization are
i) Controlled access
ii) abuse of access
iii) losing access
iv) Data loss
EDUCATION: How to communicate and help retain digital security concepts and associated plans and strategies. This may include but not limited to
i) Utilize Mnemonic Devices
ii) Visualize Concepts
iii) Integrate stories that trigger an emotional connection.
iv) Use chunking. Break the eLearning course into bite-sized lessons.
2.Emergency Recovery Plans after a breach
RESPONSE PLAN: How to recover from incidents including defining incident management roles and responsibilities.
CONTINUITY: How to continue operations in the midst of an incident. Examples including using pre-determined alternative systems for work tasks.
COMMUNICATION: How you will communicate this disaster, both internally and externally? How will you make sure all your staff members are up to date about what has happened? And how are you going to break the news to stakeholders? Think about how you’re going to communicate with your internal team that the threat is underway.
SYSTEMS: Identify and Map out alternatives work channels, services, and facilities.
DATA RECOVERY: Data Recovery aims to help an organization resolve data loss and recover system functionality so that it can perform in the aftermath of an incident, even if it operates at a minimal level.
Judging Criteria
Impact: How much impact would a solution have in solving the addressed challenge?
Feasibility: Is the solution realistic in terms of the technological, legal and other aspects?
Implementation: How much was done in the hackathon in terms of making a real solution?
Innovation: Is the solution innovative and creative. Is it using the latest technologies?
Progress: How much progress was achieved during the Hackathon?
Presentation: How is the project presented overall?
Creativity: Was the challenge solved in an original way?
Innovation: How innovative is the project? Is there a comparable solution on the market already or is the idea brand new?
You can find the application with this form HERE.
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5 responses
Truth be told techzim you are now getting sloppy on stories and your research capabilities are just now centered like you are being paid to post these stories
We need reviews,like the old days, cutting edge things to review
Like the old days not these boring posts
We used to debate like reaching to 50 comments a day and it was very good
Please give us something more interesting
no lies detected
i agree with Mike
… It’s an announcement, basically a circular and not even the only post of the day. Are they supposed to somehow make a treatise out of it or maybe ignore announcements like these completely?
Genuinely curious
Mr school circular og….you get the point we are saying but u just wanna justify what you see is not working out like RTGS
Techzim used to be a big hub , the research capability was on point bt now its just these””announcement posts”””
We used to share this page a lot in our techno groups bt nw are days u open , and u see these boring posts and close the site ,
Instead of techzim telling us about hackathon , they should host their own , get more people involved, just to create traffic, get freelance writers , just to spice up the page