New Zesa tariffs with effect 26 Sept 2022. 45% hike!

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Hwange ZESA

Zesa has updated its tariffs for September 2022 taking effect on the 26th of the same month. The tariffs include the 6% REA levy. It looks like the tariffs are up by 45% across the board so expect an equally hefty increase to your electricity bill. You can click here to buy your tokens or just use the calculator to work out how much you need to budget for now.

BandsOld Price per unit (ZW$)New Price per unit (ZW$)
401 and above48.2490.14

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  1. Tawanda

    Good thing they can’t charge us for basking in the 🌞

  2. Mason

    Energy is the cheapest thing but they should have up by 30 percent to be fair

  3. Who

    How can the Zimbabwe dollar be stable when every month-end every government controlled services are reviewing upwards Zimbabwe dollar prices of the charges for services and products.

    At the moment a stable Zimbabwe dollar is a pie in the sky

  4. z a nu sti nks

    a big f u ck you to all z a nu pf members and their brain damaged z a n oi d supporters , F U C K you all !!

    1. Roger

      Yip .. and the lads are saying the same thing to the ANC!! 😂

  5. Munyaradzi

    It’s unfortunate that the salary for a teacher is not enough to buy electricity for one month. Someone needs to wake up and face the reality out there.

  6. Anonymous

    And we realized that Solar power is better than Zesa look we already have Replaced ZINWA water with our Boreholes so soon they will be using their Zesa om their own🤐

  7. Anonymous

    Welcome to Zimbabwe where electricity switches off before we wake up n lights bec while we are sleeping….. Stop politicize everything guys …. Aren’t we look like human beings?

  8. Imi Vanhu Musadaro

    With the amount of loadshedding, one months power should last till the New Year. Thank you ZESA… 👏🏽


      No joke! I’ve almost forgotten how many ways there are to buy zesa😂

  9. Observer

    A day after this article there was a national blackout…no electricity from 6am to 5pm

  10. Anonymous

    These increases are without a drought unsustainable..
    It is not in tandem with the poverty datum line. The country manufacturing and other agri exports would be out priced in the region for future business..
    A serious audit needs to be undertaken to see where the income earned through consumer purchases for electricity is being erroneously used..

  11. Sizah Zaranyika

    Kindly advise a rough estimate of electricity usage for an average low and high density household in zwl.

  12. Roger Lovatt

    To the Staff writer who published these New ZETDC rates!
    Firstly they came into effect on 21st September NOT the 26th! And I in fact emailed the New Rates to at 0739hrs on Monday 26th!
    Secondly, the increase equates to basically 38.5% on 3rd of August rates, NOT 45% as stated.

  13. Romeo Govera

    I think something is amiss here, the tariff hikes are unjustifiable. Maybe its due to the fact consumers no longer have mandate to complain ,we are just forced to. It seems we are just paying for the power we are not consuming. The load shedding is too much and at the same time you check your balance, you will be shocked, your units are heavily subtracted.

  14. Maddy

    Amazing how tariffs are increased when Zesa owes us units for cables that we paid for. This hike in tariffs is just an excuse to refund us less units, IF they ever refund the units. We have spent more than USD$150 in replacing stolen cables!!! When are we going to get our units Zesa bigwigs??? Answer us that!!!

  15. Anonymous

    This only affects those who are using cash power,this is unfair,remove cash power.

  16. 0771309747

    Ndi justice

  17. tapfumanei

    I just want to know the reason why there is a REA levy on Zesa tarrifs. Also explain why it is that exorbitant.