Spending most of the day staring at screens? Protect your eyes from strain using these home remedies

Justice League Snyder Cut

The life expectancy in Zimbabwe is around 62 years. That means our middle age is in the 30s and as a middle-ager, I can tell you for free, your body starts preparing for the long sleep once you hit the big three-oh.

I recently had to tend to my decaying body. A half-life of staring at screens apparently took its toll on my weary eyes and they requested a timeout. 

You probably have an equally demanding schedule, staring blankly at digital screens for no less than 15 hours a day. For most of us, the only time we are not looking at screens is when we are asleep. 

The morning starts with a quick reach for the trusty smartphone. Later on, we trade that small screen for a bigger computer screen and toil away the day. At the end of the day, we treat ourselves to a bit of entertainment to unwind and for that, we trade the computer screen for a larger one.

After the TV session, one sometimes has to do a little reading and that happens on some kind of screen in most cases. Physical books are a relic and we are encountering fewer and fewer of them. Depending on the lighting situation, physical books are just as taxing on the eyes though.

After a few chapters, you decide it’s time to knock off for the night and a little social media sesh on the phone is the preferred lullaby for most of us.

Eye strain

That is way too much screen time. If you don’t take precautions, that kind of screen time will bite you in the rear in due time.

They say if your vision is blurry and your eyes feel dry by the end of the day, you have screen time to thank for that. 

Apparently, we don’t blink as much as we normally do when we are staring at a screen. When not looking at screens, we blink about 15-20 times a minute but blink less than half as often when looking at screens.

Blinking spreads tears over the eyes, keeping them from getting dry and irritated. Hence why blinking less is bad for your eyes.

There are nonprescription artificial tears that can help you prevent and relieve dry eyes. However, before resorting to the pharmacy, there are other measures you can take to remedy the situation. 

Some home remedies to reduce eye strain

We have heard some of these remedies but hardly do we ever follow them until we get some kind of scare. Don’t be like me, try to make some of the lifestyle changes they say can help reduce eye strain.

Limit screen time

If you can help it, reduce the amount of time you spend staring at screens per day. Try listening to music, podcasts or whatever else you can think of that doesn’t involve eyeball on screen.

Take breaks

Even if you can’t really limit your screen time, you still need to take breaks. There is something called the 20-20-20 rule and it goes like this: every 20 minutes, look at an object at least 20 feet (6 metres) away for at least 20 seconds.

You should also take 15-minute breaks for every 2 hours you spend looking at a screen.

To be honest, this all sounds like it would disrupt my workflow and get me out of the ‘zone’ but my middle-aged eyes need it, so it has to be done. 

Optimise lighting

Whatever you do, you don’t want your light source shining directly into your eyes. So, avoid placing your monitor directly in front of a window. You don’t even want to have a white wall directly behind your monitor, it reflects too much light and it can be like a window.

Even for overhead lights, try angling off so that rays from the bulb do not have a direct path to your eyeballs. 

Further, you should also note that glare on your screen is just as bad. Some monitors come with antiglare coatings and if you have that, lucky you. If not you might want to invest in matte screen filters.

Still on lighting, you want to match your monitor’s brightness with the surroundings. Your monitor should not be brighter or dimmer than your surroundings. I used to type away in the dark, I preferred a dark room but little did I know that I was just straining my eyes for no reason.

Monitor position

Don’t sit too close to your monitor. Let it be about half a meter away from your face. You also need to make sure the centre of the monitor is 10-15 degrees below eye level.

Adjusting the screen itself

I am a member of the ‘all-things-dark-mode’ cult but as Khalid warned all those years ago, I was playing myself. Dark mode does reduce eye strain but only when you’re in a dim environment, hence why some call it night mode. In bright daylight, you want to keep dark mode off and you don’t want a bright screen in the dark. 

We have talked about blue light filters many times. It remains true, blue light fatigues your eyes faster. However, for many of us, the yellow screen that greets you when you turn the blue light filter on is too drastic to work with. Luckily, for most screens, you can now adjust the intensity of the blue light filter. Find what works for you.

The other sin I was committing was that of using tiny type. I would often choose the smallest font size available and for some reason found joy in not having to scroll as much by fitting as many words onto the screen as possible. As if scrolling would kill me. I was straining my eyes for no reason at all.

You should make text larger for easier reading and less strain on your eyes. 

Protect your eyes

There is more you can do to reduce eye strain but the above should get you started. Don’t wait till you have to see a doctor to try out the home remedies we talked about. 

However, if possible, try to get your eyes checked out, especially if you have been experiencing eye strain regularly. 

All the best and remember to blink more.

Also read:

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13 responses

  1. Existential Decay Avatar
    Existential Decay

    Being a commercial arts pro, losing quality of sight is a horrible prospect, even though I’ve been lucky in that aspect so far. Had a nice, expensive wakeup call a few years ago and came out of it with an eye exam, glasses with a mild corrective prescription and a short break from work. I’m now more or less glasses free thanks to a lot of these tips and a couple more besides. There is an X-factor that I still fear though, diabetes. I got shivers up and down my spine when my father explained how he has to take regular injections into his eyeballs to maintain a good level of eyesight. Kids, heed old man Lenso’s words and take care of your peepers, including doing everything in your power to avoid diabetes!

    Where I haven’t been so lucky is with my dominant wrist. It got bad enough that I took a good 6 months off work (AKA got fired😂)! I may or may not have done a blood sacrifice to afford a more ergonomic mouse and graphics tablet so I could get back in the game with minimal pain! Now, even looking at an Apple Magic Mouse gives my wrist PTSD flashbacks!

    1. Leonard Sengere Avatar
      Leonard Sengere

      Yo, I pray I never have to take injections into my eyeballs. I don’t know if I have it in me to do that. Diabetes is a terrible disease.

      The example of your wrist is chilling. We often take our work setups for granted. We hold on to broken chairs, unergonomic peripherals, flickering screens etc to save money, never once thinking about the toll we put our bodies through. Unfortunately, that’s a bill we will have to pay at some point. The flat Magic Mouse was okay for you even as it damaged your wrist, only to ultimately lead to you losing your job.

      So, old man Lenso 😂 was talking more about eyes but the whole body needs care if its going to be hunched up in front of a computer every day.

  2. @/usr/bin/ Avatar

    You helped a brother will practice those remedies. I spend much time on screens.

    1. Leonard Sengere Avatar
      Leonard Sengere

      There’s no escaping the screens. Glad you’ve decided to be proactive about protecting your eyes.

  3. Smokie Avatar

    Was worried kuti Sengere akabva ku techzim

    1. Leonard Sengere Avatar
      Leonard Sengere

      Tiriko Smokie. The eyes needed some attention chete.

  4. Topi Mafana Avatar
    Topi Mafana

    I’m guilty on that tiny type mission, I always choose the smallest font I can find on any gadget,, main reason being kuti I don’t want the person sitting next to me, say in a kombi, to see what I’m typing or reading …I never thought it was bad for my eyes, but thanks ey.

    1. Leonard Sengere Avatar
      Leonard Sengere

      Tiny font and dim screen is a good combo to keep prying eyes at bay when out and about, but at the cost of our eyes unfortunately.

  5. Staera we Style Avatar
    Staera we Style

    Thanks brother Leonard for the tips, in shona we say “mugare kure ne moto” you helped me a lot with the advices, i am one guy who is addicted to screens, i once had a laptop that i was adapted to like its my oxygen for survival, i would spend the whole day glued on its screen surfing the Internet for there was Wifi at home , always ON 24/7.I would also stay awake up to 2 or 3 am using Wifi while others are asleep and then manage to sleep towards to 3 am or to 4 am. In the mornings when i wake up i used to feel my eyes itching and the would be purple or red due to exhaustion, luckily the laptop no longer work, the screen was damaged, it was still my everyday routine up to now as i switched to using my phone the way i used to do with my laptop, i have black spots around my eyes and tears usually spill out as they itch too, thank you that i have read this post i am saved from whatever that was waiting for me to be an eye problem, i have to get some sleep, take breaks and so forth

  6. TS Avatar

    Can we safely say ZESA is doing us a favour kkkkkkk

    1. King Adoe 🤴🏼 Avatar
      King Adoe 🤴🏼

      Kkkkkk yeah that’s true

  7. Anon Avatar

    Guys, i spend nearly 20 hours on screen a day.Because i m a Spy.if i stop working , i will be finished.Terrible….

    1. sekisi Avatar

      kkkk haha funny guy

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