[Video]”I started my first job at NVIDIA without a degree!” – Marlene Mhangami

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In the most recent episode of Story Untold ZW sat with Marlene Mhangami – a software engineer currently working in Developer Advocacy at Voltron Data.

Marlene was also chair of the first ever pan-African PyCon (Python Conference). She co-founded ZimboPy, a non-profit that empowers young women in Zimbabwe to pursue careers in technology. In the episode Marlene shared how she transitioned from molecular biology to software engineering, what her current work role looks like, her experience starting a foundation that teaches girls to code and more…


32 responses

  1. Rejo Avatar

    Saka nyaya yacho ndeipi? Hamusi makutijairira?

    1. Disgruntled Avatar

      Vakutisaiza manje

    2. But Why Avatar
      But Why

      How you can come to a tech blog, ‘allegedly’ watch a video about a tech professional, on a channel that has platformed many others directly and indirectly in tech, yet somehow not only decide it is irrelevant but come away feeling personally attacked is beyond me😂

      1. Ngirozi yeHondo. Angel of War👼🏾🗡️💓 Avatar
        Ngirozi yeHondo. Angel of War👼🏾🗡️💓

        Witchcraft Test

        You do not want to other people to succeed.

        You are extremely jealous of others, and act upon it.

        You consult Earthly deities.

        You have a HARI for nefarious purposes.

        You have Chikwambo.

        You have zvidhoma.

        You can never see good in anything.

        You pay people peanuts even though you can pay them more.

        You want other people to work for you while you sit on your lazy ass.

        You kill Jesus Christ.

        You meet at night with kindred spirits to eat flesh of the dead.

        You do not want your kids to succeed.

        Other people disgust you.

        You live in constant FEAR!

        You pretend to love people, while using them.

        You do not want to pay your dues.

        You steal from widows and orphans.

        You call other humans dogs.

        You wake up at 3am to recite incantations.

        You turn your spouse into a Zombie

        You want to use other people.

        You pray loudly in tongues that cannot be interpreted.

        You want everyone to give you money for doing nothing.

        You dispose any good thing.

        You hate nature and animals.

        You kill innocent people.

        You want to be praised constantly and do not allow criticism even if it’s warranted.

        You are corrupt to the core.

        You care only about yourself.

        You love to flaunt your wealth, especially to those who do not have means.

        You have no skill.

        You have no gifts.

        You want what other people have.

        You are rude and lude.

        You cannot create but destroy.

        You want other people to be your slave.

        Other people’s love makes your blood curl.

        You seek to break up people in love.

        You break up families.

        You do not care about children.

        You seek the blood of the innocents for your rituals and sacrifices.

        You consult evil spirits.

        You throw away your filthy spirits at cross roads.

        You do not like to see other people having fun.

        You would rather burn everything than have someone else have something.

        You keep charms to hurt others or make them sick.

        Everything dies or falls sick around you; people, plants animals.

        You think you are smarter and better than everyone else.

        Very negative.



        You want other people’s children to go to war on your behalf while you sit in comfort and safety.

        You want to close down or shut off everything.

        You want a stake in everyone’s enterprise even if you do bring anything to the table.

        You stop it from raining.

        Kupesanisa vanhu, be it tribe, friends, lovers and family members.

        You want kupisa.

        You always want to be the center of attention.






        You want other people’s gifts.

        You eat people’s brains to gain their gifts.

        You suppress other people’s gifts and talent


        You can find your Witchcraft level according to how many points you score on the above table. Some people are Grand Masters and some people are novices.

  2. wetnoodle Avatar

    Where’s the story? Hamusi makutisizer ere apa

  3.  Avatar

    1 article per day, dzimwe nguva that article is blatant advertisement for Techno….. how do you guys expect this site to grow? or have you given up?

  4. Anonymous PQR Avatar
    Anonymous PQR

    We need more articles guys with information that can help us. Surely there are so many issues that you can write on

    1. Best Online shopping platform Zim
    2. Minimum specs that one can look for when buying phone (entry level/ mid /premium) for a decent and smooth experience.
    3. Best budget phone
    4. Best software for various activities
    5. How to……

    Come on there is a lot

    1. Imi Vanhu Musadaro Avatar
      Imi Vanhu Musadaro

      Just start writing your own articles here in the comments. It’ll make a great origin story for your blog.

  5. Vikacic Avatar

    Yaaa kupererwa ndikoku uku

  6. 😒 Avatar

    Techzim really needs to up their game. Rangova zuru rakapinda nyoka. There is a lot of tech news out there.

  7. GString Avatar

    I think kuTechzim hakuchisina maWriters so Mukoma Edwin ndivo Vega vasara and that wasn’t his primary job. Now vava pama1

    1. Muda Muda Avatar
      Muda Muda

      kana zvanetsa ngavatipe platform tinyore zvedu isusu, allow us to sharpen our writing skills

      1. Ora Ora Ora Avatar
        Ora Ora Ora

        Hey, if you have what it takes to be a guest writer, feel free to propose something. Don’t deny us your gifts

  8. Donvert Avatar

    Article iyi yakadhakwa zve nhaimi

  9. Bill Avatar

    Techzim you are starving us with stories, 2 articles per week aaaaah musadaro.

    1. Tawanda Avatar

      Moda fake news here kkkk

      1.  Avatar

        There is a lot going on in the tech world. no need for fake news

  10. Teddy Avatar

    Come on guys you can do better 😂😂

  11. Kachidza Avatar

    Mukuru ine ussd here kana iripo pane anoiziwawo

    1. Web Guru Avatar
      Web Guru


  12. Pastor Matinji Avatar
    Pastor Matinji

    Haa. Techzim makubhowa heavy. Ko nei muchitipa ma articles once in a blue moon? Asi others resigned? Give us the domain name kana mapererwa. It seems this site is now null and void. It’s obsolete. Ndongouya piano kana ndichida kuona kuti data rangu rapera here or I network😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. Rita Avatar

      Guys hw much are Econet USD airtime if you are buying them for resell ?

      1. Pastor Matinji Avatar
        Pastor Matinji

        They cost $8.60 in town. You’ll get 10USD worth of airtime

        1. Rita Avatar

          Thanks @ pastor Matinji

        2. J€®®¥ Avatar

          thanks, where can i get it

    2. Kirk Avatar

      Null and void lol 😂😂

  13. Bored developer Avatar
    Bored developer

    That title is misleading. She has a computer science degree. Stop capping

    1. I started this comment without a degree Avatar
      I started this comment without a degree

      So you wanted it to be ”I started my first job at NVIDIA without a degree, but I subsequently got a Computer Science Degree which doesn’t change the fact that I did get that job without a degree but I thought I’d mention it anyway!”

      1. I started this comment without a degree to gain attention Avatar
        I started this comment without a degree to gain attention

        They hired you for your skill, which includes Computer science by the way. Stop capping

  14. Charles Mwakandiedza Avatar

    kkkkkk saka tomira hedu kuenda kuchikoro here tozoenda tawana basa kkkkk

  15. Work In Zimbabwe Avatar

    It’s unfortunate that in Zimbabwe a Degree means everything, much more than the value that experience and knowledge combined have. In other countries, as long as you can prove that you have what it takes to tackle the responsibilities at hand, then the job is all yours. Manje for one to work in Zimbabwe, haaa you must have a diploma from a professional institute, a bachelor’s degree from a recognised university, a masters degree as well as 5 or more years of work experience, and above all, you must be below the age of 30 hehehe.

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