WeCodeZW is offering a coding and robotics BootCamp for kids this holiday

The school holidays have arrived and usually come with less work and more play. Unless you are parents to a curious mind that so happens to like coding and robots. WeCodeZW is offering just that. A coding and robotics BootCamp which is a pretty interactive way of learning programming. You build a robot and then use code to automate it and make it do stuff on its own.

It’s a 2-week-long boot camp starting the 12th of December 2022 and will run for 3 days per week. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The 2 weeks long BootCamp will attract a fee of US$50 for the entire duration. As for the venue, it will be at Batanai Gardens B2C Corner 1st and Jason Moyo Harare CBD. To register you can click here.

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