ZETDC is bringing a 24-hour National Contact Center

The season we are in is notorious for weather-induced power cuts either from falling trees, broken tree branches, or lightning strikes. Let’s not forget those stealing transformer oil. The volume of fault reports is pretty high and ZETDC wants to try and manage that. Starting 1 February 2023, they will be employing a 24-hour National Contact Centre to attend to your queries.


ZETDC would like to advise its customers in Bindura, Kadoma, Chinhoyi and Marondera districts that we are closing all District call centres and migrating to the 24 Hour National Contact Centre effective 1 February 2023.

This move is aimed at improving our service delivery, effective management of client enquiries as well as improving client experience in pursuit of world class standards.

As such, customers can get in touch with us on the communication channels below;

Email: contactcentre@zetdc.co.zw
Twitter: @ZetdcOfficial
Facebook: ZetdcOfficial
Website: www.zetdc.co.zw
WhatsApp: +263715519387/9 or +263719219977
Voice Calls: 704 or 08688003485/6 or 0242704040

ZETDC Press Statement

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11 responses

  1. big brother Avatar
    big brother

    Hey guys,sorry for being off topic. Is there any former student of Zimbabwe School of Mines who can confirm for me the rumours that if you go there you are guaranteed to get a job after you’re done with the course. I have someone who finished form 4 and is waiting for their results. I’m just trying to help him with career guidance. Can anyone confirm on the rumours?


    1. Eureka Avatar

      No. You are not guaranteed a job. I know two close people who studied at Zim mines, both have not been with a stable job since they completed their programs. But if he can afford the expensive fees there , encourage him to enroll..The mining sector is still growing in Zimbabwe, so definitely , the country is going to need more professionals in that field , in the long run

      1. big brother Avatar
        big brother

        Thank you so much

  2.  Avatar

    What for. These guys should just focus on ending load shedding then they can tell us about all the other unnecessary things

    1. Bigger Brother Avatar
      Bigger Brother

      I’m afraid it won’t be anytime soon brother.

    2. sadney Avatar

      If you have heard Escom saying that they will increase load shedding, what more should we expect from our own zesa which relies on imports?

      1. sadney Avatar

        If you have heard Eskom saying that they will increase load shedding, what more should we expect from our own zesa which relies on imports?

  3. Imi Vanhu Musadaro Avatar
    Imi Vanhu Musadaro

    They don’t need to employ anyone, they just need an automated message on repeat, “It’s not a fault, it’s loadshedding. It’ll will be back whenever it’s back. Thank you”

    1. Boyfriend yamhamha vako. Avatar
      Boyfriend yamhamha vako.

      Iwee mudhara usade kujairira vanhu 😂😂😂….. Nice pun though.

    2. Boyfriend yamhamha vako. Avatar
      Boyfriend yamhamha vako.

      Mudhara iwee usade kujairira vanhu 😂😂😂😂….. Nice pun though.

  4. Brenda Avatar

    My Hexing meter is not working properly every recharge code or balance enquiry or any short code is just saying failed and l can’t do anything with it

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