It was just the other day when we were talking about 3Ktv and how it’s apparently beating out South African channels in Zimbabwe. That is great to see. Like the channel or not, some people are clearly getting their entertainment itch scratched there.
In the discussion, some in our community felt ZTN was better than 3Ktv. What cannot be disputed apparently is that both are better than ZTV. I have no dog in that race, I’m just glad that there are more outlets for Zimbabwean content popping up.
You will remember though that when both 3Ktv and ZTN were licensed, four other applicants got licences too. One of those applicants was Rusununguko Media (Pvt) Ltd and their NRTV station. NRTV stands for Nkululeko Rusununguko Television.
Rusununguko Media is said to be owned by the Zimbabwe National Army. Does that have any bearing on the kind of content that will be aired on NRTV? I would imagine if there’s any political commentary on there it will lean a certain way.
However, politics is a bore-fest anyway and so if the other content is solid, the channel should be a welcome addition to the landscape. We are used to tuning out most political commentary in any case.
NRTV will be available on DStv and so if you still rock the satellite dish, you can check it out today. The channel promises everything from current affairs, drama, kids’ shows, entertainment and so on. So, don’t be scared away by the army ownership, you just might find your new favourite local show on there. There will also be some international content as well as you would expect.
Of the 6 that were licensed in 2020, three are now on air and all three are on DStv. I did not see this coming, at all. I welcome it though.
Update: NRTV not yet on DSTV. Said NRTV:
NRTV would like to address numerous media and social media posts, including one made erroneously on one of our own social media handles alluding to the fact that NRTV launched on MultiChoice platform DSTV on the 1′ of February 2023.
We wish to state categorically that NRTV is not yet on DSTV. This is an ongoing discussion as there are many stages to the process which NRTV must comply with.
We realize that this miscommunication has caused some confusion and wish to offer our sincerest apologies to all our stakeholders for this. We wish to reiterate that there was no malice intended in the post but a case of human error.
We continue to look forward to making a huge contribution in Zimbabwe’s broadcast arena as we take you “Beyond Your Imagination”.
General Manager
Mr A.T. Matambanadzo
Also read:
3ktv is beating South African channels in Zimbabwe, big deal or nah?
ZTN among 6 applicants to be awarded TV licences
Holding OpenView decoders makes you liable to arrest. Why do Zimbabweans still do it?
19 responses
So in effect Zimbabwe still only has 1 TV station? I mean it’s all very nice to say they have launched on DSTV but that’s almost meaningless considering the fact that in Zimbabwe most of those DSTV decoders are in storage or registered in South Africa. And the only decoders connected are of the Openview and philiboa(church channels)variety.
So basically almost noone will watch this new channel.
Makes one wonder about the whole set top box situation, doesn’t it? Is there some deliberate effort to make sure they aren’t available ensuring ZTV remains the only station for a while longer? On the other hand, will Zimbos really flock to get those set top boxes? They aren’t bothering with smart antennas right now so I’m not hopeful we’ll see mass adoption anytime soon.
The year is 2040, tichipo ne-digitalisation. The ordered but never used set-top boxes are being given away for free, but the newer Internet based set top boxes require payment. Only 2 TVs exist that can receive the terrestrial signal, but ZBC is still forcing everyone to pay their licences, Bitcoin is accepted as payment. Meanwhile, the new DSTv Holographic decoder has everyone talking, though subs are now $1000 USD a month through cumulative mandatory yearly price increases.
Yes tihis is what is true.In Zimababwe the majority of us have DSTV decorders but we are not able to subscribe those set to boxes.Let’s take for instance 3KTV was for free the first month it launched but it is now subscribed.So I cannot subscribe my DSTV to watch ZTN,3K TV and NR TV because they can’t provide the content that I want as compared to DSTV channels such as M-net.
Too late for anything zimbabwean. We no longer watch rubbish content. We watch what we want when we want. And if we want some ordinary tv OPEN VIEW is available. And great content is readily available…. look at EVOD. And learn and then implement.
There are actually more than six channels now broadcasting but not available in Zim, they are
ZTv, ZTv-News, ZTv Jive, ZTN, 3KTv, NRTv, and Keyona Tv. They are either on Azam or DSTv. this madness of sorts.
What a crazy state of affairs. How are they paying for the content on these stations if they aren’t getting the Zimbo eyeballs? Are advertisers okay with this?
Don’t forget the rule that states that as long as DSTV wants to operate in Zimbabwe they have to carry Zimbabwean government owned channels for free(?).
I am pretty sure that it’s for free. I have 2 reasons
(1) We have never heard of any the government owned channels being kicked off air because of non payment of bills which is surprising because sometimes the whole country gets cut off for not paying its electricity providers!
(2) During the time that philib/wiztec decoders were popular and almost every household in had one of those decoders and some prophet who was just getting started in Nigeria with a congregation of barely 150 was broadcasting his services as a free to air channel on the philiboa decoder. ZTV couldn’t afford to do the same.
Some marketing/advertising guru once said
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”
Are the advertisers happy? Maybe they are doing it for goodwill from the powers that be or they are getting a really good rate. Who knows?
If is Free why don’t we have the ZTV News Channel live on DSTV, I believe it’s a Website Station or Under the Digital setup
All I did was try to provide a logical explanation on why those channels are on DSTV.
And my explanation was that. They like to take advantage of cheap/free things.
As to the INSANITY of hosting ZTV News on a website in a country where ±90% can only connect to the internet through WhatsApp bundles or Zero Rated Websites? Or through a medium(digital decoders) that for all intents and purposes doesn’t exist yet?
That my friend requires skills that I sadly lack, maybe someone who works at Ingutsheni mental hospital can help us out with some sort of an explanation on the thinking process behind this decision. 🤔
the channels Are available in Zimbabwe free to air not only in Zimbabwe but in Africa l install them for several clients
Its a bit tricky now to get zimboz to switch from open view to something Zimbabwean. And actually they will never attempt. Its too late. There are so many better programs on open view than what ever they are promising (Zimbabwean) content will never match up OPEN VIEW… ans E-vod
Shows why trade tariffs are a thing. These stations are trying to get off the ground and off the bat they have to battle seasoned veterans. In this case, the ‘trade tariffs’ are in place but the Open View decoders are being smuggled in. Reduces the chances of success for our local stations.
That’s when we say…offer competitive content and that’s where we say who ever is innovative wins
Whatever it is, I think it borders on corruption. There was a time years ago, when they were announcing that set top boxes were soon going to be available. That went silent. Then came the issue of transmitter locations where there was self praise that they were saving the country money. And then very top people toured the country to visit the transmitter sites, getting to travel and stay in the best hotels, with the generous allowances government avails to such level of staff. Why would one be interested to get such a cash cow running if there is an opportunity to do another lucrative visit to the transmitter sites. The country is still hogging onto a costly frequency spectrum which could have been released and put into very profitable use by going digital. At the same time, the country should be paying a handsome amount to use transponders on a satellite, with only a handful of people accessing that signal. Even the initiative to train and sponsor local content producers ended on the drawing board, no wonder there is talk of endless repeats. If the anti corruption people were not too busy with more important issues, this would be an area to probe, with input from the lone voice in the wilderness, the Auditor General.
There is a new channel popping up on zim TV sets today, search it now no set up box required 🎬
Jiv TV and some channels ate popping up without set top boxes just do a search on your TV set and walla
OK thanks
The thing is that these ZBH guys never thot of technology being carnivorous. They never thot there would be netflix. Or digital whatever. They thot they wer only going to be the sole media. And sat on spectrum and now the even possible customers went on to invest in other markets. And now they are stuck with a rotting cow. This should be have been done 20yrs ago. Now its to late they cant recover pple from open view. Thats the reality. They messed up for 23yrs and now they are realizing it. Dai yakato vhara ZBC yacho. ZBH yacho.. chero yakavhara who cares. Hatinei navo. i am loving KINGS OF JO’BURG, HOUSE OF THE DRAGON, THE LORD OF RINGS..RINGS OF POWER. and Media Star inobuditsa bhora heavy so … people looked for alternatives and found them. And they are enjoying heavy and plethora of quality good tv