Voter registration ends 21 March, here’s how you check that all is in order


The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) started its final voter registration blitz on the 12th of March and it is set to end on the 21st. After the 21st of March, you will not be able to register. So, that gives you 6 days to do the right thing.

We see a lot of complaints in the comments sections about our elected officials. If you really aren’t happy with them, make it known by actually doing the only thing you can do about it. Go into it knowing that your side might not win but it still is your duty to try.

To register, ZEC says you need to provide:

  • National Identity Card (metal, plastic or waiting pass with holder’s picture) or
  •  Valid Zimbabwean passport and
  •  Proof of residence (For those who cannot produce proof of residence, an affidavit is available at the Registration)

It should be easy enough.

What has not been publicised is that if you registered to vote in the 2018 Presidential elections, then you are automatically registered to vote in this year’s elections.

So, if you still live at the same address and can visit the polling station you were assigned in 2018, you can skip this registration business and just show up to vote on the day with your I.D.

However, you will have to check to be sure you are indeed on the voters’ roll.

Checking your registration status and polling station

You have 2 options:

ZEC website:

  • You simply need to follow this link or just type the address:
  • You will need to input your surname and I.D. and it will tell you if you’re registered or not. You will need to confirm that all the captured details are correct. If not you will have to visit ZEC offices to get it sorted out.

I will tell you right now though that you probably won’t be able to check anything using the website. It’s almost always down.


This is your best bet. Just dial *265# and you will be prompted to enter your surname and I.D. number. Do that and it will spit out your full details; full name, I.D. number, polling station, ward and constituency.

Do note the *265# USSD should work on all networks but Telecel is being Telecel for me here. I tried testing on two different Telecel numbers, one does not have any network and one says the USSD code is invalid.

Also read:

Election season goodies galore, Zim govt to deploy 300 base stations in 2023

Zim govt established computer labs at over 1100 schools in 2022, election season is wild


8 responses

  1. Are Avatar

    Hello guys can anyone please provide me with 5 or 3 apps I can use to trade Zim stocks

    1.  Avatar


  2. Are Avatar

    Hello guys can anyone please assist me with 5 apps I can use to trade Zim stocks

    1. Keith Jabulani Shamu Avatar
      Keith Jabulani Shamu

      I only know of zse direct

  3. Francis Mataruka Avatar
    Francis Mataruka

    When you input your ID ignore the dash

    1. Is it something I said? Avatar
      Is it something I said?

      i’m not even getting that far! all my browsers are telling me no and I can’t even load the page!

  4.  Avatar

    Your websites and short codes are not working at all..

  5. Simon kutaura Avatar
    Simon kutaura

    I want to see my polling

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