E-creator – this criminal enterprise is running a scam, stay away

There’s a Shona proverb that roughly translates to ‘Things should be tested, an old lady from Chivi cooked rocks and drank soup.’ In challenging times, we all try to cook rocks at some point. Just a shot in the dark, a prayer into the ether, hoping against hope that we will catch a lucky break. Hit a lick as the kids say.

A few years ago a number of organisations claiming they were experts in cryptocurrency trading crept up promising they could double whatever money you invested with them every month. It was obviously not possible but many Zimbos cooked that rock and what do you know, there was no soup.

The latest entrant promising to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams is E-creator. You can pretty much double your investment every month with E-creator. And that’s the least you can expect because you can get even better returns. Or so they promise.

My spidey senses tingle whenever I see someone promise to double any amount of money in a month. Not even the best hedge fund managers in the world who manage trillions of dollars promise that. Yet, the likes of E-creator can somehow promise this. I find it hard to believe.

I went into this sceptical of the legitimacy of E-creator’s business, in fact, I was 100% convinced it was a scam but I decided to let the facts take me wherever they take me. Spoiler – the facts made me even more confident in my opinion that it’s a scam. This rock does not produce any soup. Let’s talk about it.


If you get something from this article, here is what you need to know,

-E-creator runs a business where the main activity is posting fake reviews on e-commerce sites

-Posting fake reviews is unethical and illegal in many countries

-E-creator offers unrealistic returns for members who are required to post 10 fake reviews a day, promising about 100% of principal in commissions every month

-E-creator requires members deposit money with them and maintain that balance if they are to get the promised commissions

-There is no reason why they should require such deposits and E-creator has been asked and failed to explain why

-E-creator is not licensed to take deposits by the RBZ, if indeed the monies placed with them could be called deposits

-Stay away from E-creator, save yourself

E-creator, the company

As an organisation, they did well enough in making themselves look legit.

Some of the main red flags that can indicate that an organisation is a scam include:

  • The organization is not registered with any government agency.
  • The organization does not have a physical address or phone number.
  • The organisation’s owners and highest-level executives are anonymous.
  • The organization’s website is poorly designed or contains grammatical errors.
  • The organization is offering unrealistic returns on investment.

So, how does E-creator fare?

E-creator was registered as a limited liability company in Zimbabwe and they proudly display their certificate on their website. The company was registered on the 7th of February 2023.

Speaking of the website, it looks decent enough to be a legit company’s. However, they lose points for spelling their own name wrong in their URL. It says e-creatoerzw.com when I think they were going for e-creatorzw.com. More points are deducted for not having a phone number on their website.

E-creator ticks another item off the legit business checklist though – they have a physical address. They are located on the 10th Floor, Offices 15 and 16 at Joina City in Harare. You can walk in and see for yourself.

They have also made sure their ‘visionary CEO, Justin Kuchekenya,’ and the company’s office manager, Abraham Mutambu are visible. The guy has been on national TV championing his business. Who knows if he really is the guy behind this business or just a pawn placed there by the beneficial owners?

I say this because the E-creator app, available on Android, looks eerily similar to one that belongs to a Nigerian company – Amita E-commerce. The Nigerian company has a similar business model to E-creator’s and is reported to be struggling to meet customers’ withdrawal requests. More on this withdrawal stuff later.

Then when it comes to unrealistic returns on investment, need I say more? Doubling your money every month is as unrealistic as it gets.

E for Effort

So, at this point, it appears E-creator has done a decent job of making themselves look legit. However, it’s still not enough to shake the ‘scam’ label completely. The misspelt web address, the ties to Amita and the unrealistic promises count against them.

Before we conclude, let’s hear them out. Find out what kind of business they are in that allows them to offer 100% returns monthly.

What does E-creator do?

Here is what their office manager, as quoted by Zimtrending, had to say,

Our job is to rate products online and get commission daily. We don’t sell or sell products,…

That’s pretty much it. Of course, on their website and in their promotional material they will say they are into “Global internet operations, promotion and retail services.” Who could possibly know what that means?

For all the “we offer a range of services for e-commerce entrepreneurs, such as consulting, marketing planning, network promotion, product retailing, and more,” it all boils down to rating products online.

So, E-creator gathers an army of people who go onto e-commerce platforms like Lazada and Zaland and rate products. Never heard of those platforms? It’s understandable, they aren’t popular on this side of the planet. Zalando is German and Lazado has a presence in Asia.

You may be thinking, ‘I rate products on many platforms, but I’ve never been paid for that, how can E-creator promise to double my money just for rating products on those e-commerce platforms?’

You’re big boys and girls, you can handle the truth. Some of the reviews you see online, even on sites like Amazon and eBay are fake. Some sellers do indeed pay people to rate their products favourably on e-commerce sites.

The direct influence of fake online reviews on global online spending is $152 billion. Yes, fake reviews lead to $152 billion worth of business globally. So, you can understand why sellers are incentivised to pay people to post favourable reviews on their products and services.

E-creator is recruiting an army to post fake reviews on the sites they so proudly mention in their pitch to would-be members.

E-creator is implying that they are getting paid to post those fake reviews. Of course, E-creator and others like them have a better term for ‘fake review,’ calling what they do ‘order advertisement campaigns.’

However, even if it is true, they cannot possibly be getting paid enough to be able to offer a 100% return to each private in their fake review army.

That’s not to mention that this is unethical and worse still, illegal in many countries. It is considered to be fraud or deceptive marketing.

People have been arrested and sued for the practice. So, even if E-creator were making boatloads from fake reviews, they would be doing that as criminals. E-creator is a criminal enterprise and that’s not up for debate.

Where E-creator really makes money

If you were starting to think this might all be legit, or that there would be no harm in trying it out yourself, consider the smoking gun – you have to deposit money with E-creator to be able to join the fake review army.

Just why you have to give them your money is not clear. In fact, the office manager was asked this very question and he could not come up with an answer.

This is how it works:

  • If you deposit $15-100, you get up to 4% in return (commission) each day after you post 10 fake reviews. They call these fake reviews ‘jobs’. With this deposit, you are considered a VIP 1 member.
  • If you deposit $100-$500 and also recruit 5 other people to join as active VIP 1 members you are upgraded to VIP 2. This upgrade comes with a bump to 4.5% in commission.
  • You have to deposit over $500, up to a maximum of $2000 and have 5 VIP 2 recruits to be upgraded to VIP 3. Your commission rate bumps up to 5%.
  • And so on..
  • They also say if you recruit at least 50 people at any level, you qualify to be a manager which comes with a $400 bonus every month, on top of your own commissions.
  • Do remember that to remain on the program, you have to maintain your level’s minimum balance. If you’re a VIP 3 member, you have to maintain at least $500 and your recruits have to remain active for you to remain a VIP 3 member.
  • E-creator says one can withdraw both the principal and the earned commission at any time and exit the program.


Regardless of your level, you have to post 10 fake reviews a day. 10 and no more. They say they limit each individual to 10 for ‘regulation purposes.’

I suspect it could be to prevent the algorithms on the e-commerce sites that they flood with fake reviews from flagging E-creator reviewers. It’s a stretch as it is for someone to be posting 10 reviews every day. Like, how many things does this person buy? Imagine what kind of shopaholic one would have to be to post 10 genuine reviews on 10 products every day.

Note: some sellers utilise bots to post fake reviews but these may be easier to spot for the policing algorithms and so the sellers utilise both bots and humans.

This is a scam

There may be elements to E-creator’s business that actually bring on money. They could be getting paid for the fake reviews.

However, at the very least, E-creator is a criminal enterprise. They are actively posting fake reviews on e-commerce sites, which is illegal in many countries meaning they could face lawsuits and jail time in the future. Where would that leave you as a VIP member who posts positive reviews on products you never purchased or used? You would be placing yourself at risk.

In Zimbabwe, there is the Consumer Protection Act which prohibits businesses from engaging in deceptive or misleading marketing practices. This includes making false or misleading statements about a product or service.

Going beyond the fake reviews that do not really affect Zimbabwean buyers, we find E-creator could be contravening some serious laws in Zimbabwe. In finance, a deposit is defined as ‘an amount of money that is placed with a financial institution, such as a bank, for safekeeping or to earn interest.’

To be a deposit taker in Zimbabwe you have to be licensed by the RBZ and E-creator is not licensed as a deposit taker.

You could argue that the money placed with E-creator is not a deposit since they are not a financial institution and that they are not really promising interest, but rather a commission. They say you are recharging your account and not depositing after all.

We asked the RBZ to weigh in and will let you know when we get a response.

Stay away

If you are still on the line, just ask yourself, what do they do with the deposits that are placed with them? Are they actually buying products to make sure the fake reviews are not flagged?

If so, they would be spending it on products that no one is actually looking for. So, when you then go to withdraw your principal + commission, where do they get the money to give you? From the new schmucks joining the program, that’s from who.

If they are not buying products, where exactly are they keeping this money? Is it just sitting in an account somewhere? I think they use this pool of funds to pay out those that want to withdraw. However, they require new recruits to be able to keep paying out. Classic pyramid and Ponzi stuff.

There is absolutely no reason why you should be depositing any money with them if they are in the fake review business as they themselves claim. So use your brain, this is not legit stuff. This is all a scam. Tell someone and hopefully, we can get this company shut down ASAP, before many more people fall victim.

You will get no soup from the E-creator rock. You will lose your deposit.

Also read:

Beware the scam, you won’t get a UK VISA by sharing an ad on WhatsApp

Scammers can now convincingly fake browser windows, including URL. You can protect against that

Beware of scammers promising to process e-passports for Zim diasporans


157 responses

  1. Kay Bright Avatar
    Kay Bright

    I knew this was fake from the day my work mate wanted to sell me the idea…

    1. SiR Avatar

      but so far some of us have made money with it nevertheless….

  2. IPhone 15 Avatar
    IPhone 15

    Pyramid something!

    1. Emmanuel Avatar

      It is great

  3. User Avatar

    Makes sense they scamming people or they are yet to

    1.  Avatar

      people are making money out there with E-CREATOR

      1. Webster Avatar

        My friend is trying so hard to make me join… He deposited waya, so he want to move to VIP 2…kkk

      2. G40 Avatar

        E-creater ndokuti cash, believe me kana kutengesa mustreat is well regarded as a scam, isiri scam ndeipi hama, it’s better ndiite hangu isina Council nema ngongongo mukati #e-creater

        1. Dumebi Avatar

          Scam iscam wangu ingoscammer wakanyarara instead of justifying that rubbish

        2.  Avatar

          As long yandakaisa ikadzoka and the rest ichauya ndakungoiti profit ….wangu no pressure

        3.  Avatar

          Nyarara iweee siya tidye marii😀😀

        4. Anonymous 90 Avatar
          Anonymous 90

          Do you still think it’s good then.l hope you ddnt loose a lot of money

        5. xxx Avatar

          Let’s reflect on you said

      3. Emmanuel Avatar

        That’s awesome

  4. Hokage Avatar

    “So use your brain, this is not legit stuff”
    Im insulted 😒, did you really think I would fall for that dumb scam? ofcoz not , it’s not like I deposited my last 100 Us dollars in ecreator hoping that it would double in a month so I could buy this cool graphics tablet I want .

    1. Anbu Jonin Avatar
      Anbu Jonin

      …Since you brought it up, what tablet are you looking at? It happens once in a blue moon but they sometimes pop up in the Comexposed Facebook groups. You could even do a Hail Mary and straight up ask if anyone is looking to sell.

    2. Mike Avatar

      This guy is selling s graphics tablet

  5. Hokage Avatar

    Hahaha_nice one Techzim almost had me panicking there , ha ha ha ha ha h ah , im sure you were just joking 😰, all those paragraphs 😨😰or those words all that research , Im sure it was a joke😳 , haha a funny joke , hahahah , thank you guys you’ve made my day 😅

  6. Nhems Avatar

    The money is buying gold from makorokoza at wholesale price and the gold is smuggled to Dubai were it is sold at international prices. E commerce is part of gold mafia.

    1. Gamue Avatar

      😂😂😂 hoyo

  7. Jinx Avatar

    Thanks for the article Leornard. I hope one day you coyld write on online platforms that claim to have debeloped A.Is that can trade forex and cryptos like Daisy, Qianze and FusionX. Like are there any real algorithms that where developed , if any, that can really trade. That’s the new kid on the block( maybe not so new).
    Also financial institutions like Fintoch that claim to run a blockchain blah blah blah bank. ROI and crap. Getting 1% ROI everyday.

    1. Ethan C Avatar
      Ethan C

      They are not called AI you can develop an EA Expert Advisor which can trade for u automatically and if the strategy used to program the ea is Powerful you will make money but if the strategy is bad u will just loose ur money using the same EA I develop some EA’s for other big traders and some of them are good they make profit because of his strategy so it all depends on the startegy being used by the EA And how accurate it is

      1. Bee Avatar

        Tell me more

      2.  Avatar

        I think no one is being forced to join this E-Creator thing….. It’s your money and your cellphone so why are you so concerned nezvisiri zvenyu kkkkkk Africans you are so funny pari kubiwa chaipo hamupataure….. This is my money and it’s my time and data so live us alone tazvijaira zvekubirwa😂😂😂😂

        1.  Avatar

          Watopedza soo…coz anyone will say whatever they want…it’s just a matter of what you believe

          1.  Avatar

            Regai tiite mari.kama zvazodhakwa Zvinenge zvadhakwa

        2.  Avatar

          Nhy hakoiwe pakubiwa chaipo hamutaure tinyararirei uko imari dzenyu here chero ikazonzi yavhara hameno ikoko we have nothing to loose yatakatanga nayo takatoi withdrawer kare kare chero takambodya tsvee kumyora zvinemsoro nama nama ne e-creator mukwane

        3. mbappe Avatar

          uyu ndomunhu ataura tajaira kubirwa isu…mhani . …open for business wodzingirirwa nekanzuru…kwekureva hatina….tiripakutsvaka …kusiri kufa ndekupi…ndikabirwa plan yekubawo inongowanikwa…chikuru kufema wangu

        4. SiR Avatar

          nhai nhai ahhhh tisiye isu, tikutodya mari dzacho isu, tauraiwo panonatsobiwa uko kkk

        5. Ask Me Avatar
          Ask Me

          Taura hako, iye arikupedza time kunyora that rubbish as if ndiye arikubirwa kwacho

  8. The Empress Avatar
    The Empress

    So take some MICRO WORK as the base blended in with some MULTI LEVEL MARKETING and then plain old PYRAMID SCHEME as the icing
    And you get the E-Creator cake
    I don’t know if it’s the zimbawean economy ,or maybe it’s desperation or maybe it’s just plain outright greed.
    But it seems like if you want a zimbawean to throw common sense out of the window you just have to offer them a 100% return.
    They’ll come running.

  9. Legion Avatar

    I almost fell for this pyramid scheme it just sounded too good to be true. All my friends are into this I don’t want to convince them that they will loose their money it will sound like I am being jealous of them making money

    1. Don Avatar

      Hauna mari ndosaka

      1.  Avatar

        Tinyararire uko regioni ingoti you are broke chete

  10. Darlington Musundire Avatar
    Darlington Musundire

    I got turned off when i realised that you deposit funds in a personal account,the names that pop up on the ECOCASH accounts are Nigerian…This thing is a whole scam

    1. Frebba Avatar

      That led me to this article after seeing a name instead of a company name on EcoCash 😂😂😂

  11. The Empress Avatar
    The Empress

    Micro Work where you work really hard and the pay is micro 😔🤣
    It requires someone who is really hard working to be able to make a living out of it.

  12. 6god Avatar

    So what, others are paying rent with it

    1. Dumebi Avatar

      You’re working for other so hard.

      zmoneychanger ari nani pane kubira vanhu muchiti kusiri kuscamwa ndejupi.

      You’re being scammed and convincing others 2b scammed too. your ethics are questionable pajaderozve.
      musangoti saka saka

  13. Imi Vanhu Musadaro Avatar
    Imi Vanhu Musadaro

    This app multiplied my investment by a 100 in just 14 days. 2 weeks ago, I invested zero dollars, now I have 100 x 0 stashed away for a rainy day.

    1. Isaac Avatar

      Eh Bien, what do you mean when you say now you have 100 × 0 if your investment has multiplied?

      1. Joewbat (actor) Avatar
        Joewbat (actor)

        Honestly am enjoying this money why am saying so l recharged $100 then within a month l withdraw my money back. So l started using their profits am a risk taker.. Am making money this is similar wen you buy tomatoes with wholesale price then oora madomasi acho unobvunza ani..

        1.  Avatar

          Yesaya…Real life opp…use their profits instead…so no need to be bugging we not leaving E creater until yazvivharisa yega

        2. KayD Avatar

          The thing is, like all ponzi schemes. At the end of the day they’re innocent people multitudes who will not get back their money when it all comes crushing down. It is good to have a tendency of red flagging scams. As humans we need to have a conscious mind, for the people who are out there our mothers and grandmothers who are technophobic and will fall prey to such scams. It is the duty of us the literate to warn our friends and family who may not be well versed with these concepts. Nonetheless it is also the duty of regulatory bodies like consumer protection act and other financial regulators to protect the general public

          1. Wagwan Avatar

            If you not a risk taker you won’t achieve anything in life
            Calculation ndoinongodiwa musafungisise ungarwadziwe ne ku loser 15 Mari

            1. JJ Avatar

              15 mari is money is not stones in other countries someone works 1 hour to get that $15 that where you loose it.

  14.  Avatar

    these clowns managed to get on ZBC news

    1. Techzim and Ecreator are Inlove Avatar
      Techzim and Ecreator are Inlove

      You know nothing

    2. mbappe Avatar

      hatinei nazvo…ndimi mukubirwa here…ingani mari dzkadyiwa na Moors ne Africa bet….tibvirei apa…

  15. Techzim and Ecreator are Inlove Avatar
    Techzim and Ecreator are Inlove

    What’s funny is that you have a whatsapp group here on techzim, you are promoting this company and acting like you are against it kkkk

    1. Whatchu mean Willis Avatar
      Whatchu mean Willis

      I’m not in these groups so please bear with me. To be clear, are you saying a representative of techzim in their capacity as a member of techzim promoted this in the group or that some rando who’s only affiliation to techzim is reading the site and being in the group promoted it?

      1. Toblo Avatar

        Whether fake or not fake, after writing do you give people money? If you claim to have written facts beyond proving go and report to the police. Your opinion does not represent the truth, you just don’t know what you are saying. This company seem to have a big deal, I wanna pay it a visit

  16. Elton Guvheya Avatar

    e-Creator is true

  17. Chad Avatar

    I don’t know. All you’ve managed to do is half-convince us what they do is illegal (posting fake reviews) You haven’t proved that people lose their money when they join. Or they don’t get commissioned as stated. This actually looks like a smear piece to be honest. I’m never joining anything like that but this article is poorly return with very minimal factual findings. You need to do better.

    1. Smear or warning? Avatar
      Smear or warning?

      By the time people start losing money, it will be too late for a warning article like this
      We need to assess the facts and the trends. Based on this tthe model, it is likely that creator will start delaying people’s withdrawals soon. Someone already commented that the deposits go to personal ecocash accounts with Nigerian names. I’m sure after we have recruited and recruited tasvika mathousands or whatever their target is, the said Niger will withdraw the money and dash. So the venture works until it stops working. It’s wisdom to not be in their number on that unknown day

    2. XYZ Avatar

      are pyramid schemes legal in Zimbabwe?

      Easy Come, Easy Go: The Myth and Law Behind Pyramid/Ponzi Schemes in Zimbabwe

    3. Leonard Sengere Avatar
      Leonard Sengere

      By all means Chad, let’s wait until E-creator starts defaulting on withdrawals to point out that this is a scam. People are not yet losing money, there have been no such reports. That’s how these schemes work, they start out paying out on time so that everyone joins, then they dip.
      You might have me on the piece being poorly written but this is definitely not a smear piece. It is a warning.

    4. Kaizen Avatar

      Poorly written as your (return) spelling for written?

  18. Pg Avatar

    Marii kuvanhu

  19. leeroy Avatar

    e_creator is true techzim tikuto dripper nayo

  20. leeroy Avatar

    tikuto dripper nayo

    1. Isaac Avatar

      At least you have been warned. You know now that next time, it might be your tears dripping

    2.  Avatar

      I think no one is being forced to join this E-Creator thing….. It’s your money and your cellphone so why are you so concerned nezvisiri zvenyu kkkkkk Africans you are so funny pari kubiwa chaipo hamupataure….. This is my money and it’s my time and data so live us alone tazvijaira zvekubirwa😂😂😂😂

  21. JesusIsComing Avatar

    If they do it well it might work. Paid reviews are a thing in developed countries. E.g. Yelp. Maybe they should slow down and not spend money showing up in the press all the time, end up broke and scamming people to pay off debts.

  22. Bdr Avatar

    Iam also a VIP 1 member guys I have invested and got my money back but guys don’t fall for this E Creator 1 day umwe achachema chete

  23. Bdr Avatar

    Guys be warned iam also a VIP 2 member but I don’t trust this E Creator

  24. Boss T1 Avatar
    Boss T1

    You may call it scam but I’m making a lot of good money with E-creator,

    1. Isaac Avatar

      It’s quite normal to make good money from a Pyramid Scheme especially during its early days. It’s crucial that they earn your trust otherwise it won’t work.

  25.  Avatar

    Mari kuvanhu asi ukavharwa ndezvako

  26. coned Avatar

    where is trafficmonsoom with our monies, its exactly as e-creator

  27.  Avatar

    You dont know how it works stay there and keep quiet. Hauna kana udea TechZim. E creator kuseri. Your explanations shows you know nothing about it.

  28.  Avatar

    You are just looking for attention and likes, do a deeper research, by the way you have limited knowledge about E-Commerce. TechZim washaya apa.

  29. E-Creator Made Thousandier Avatar
    E-Creator Made Thousandier

    I have withdrawn more than 1000usd and cashed out, yet I only recharged 40 dollars… I honestly don’t care if it’s a pyramid scheme.. I went in early and have benefited so yes… taurai henyu isu tichidya

  30.  Avatar

    Risk takers are rich. 😂😂😂😂 Let those who put negative news in their minds do so. Some of us we are moving on positively.apa inonaka sei marii ye E creator

  31. Muco Avatar

    Risk takers are rich. 😂😂😂😂 Let those who put negative news in their minds do so. Some of us we are moving on positively.apa inonaka sei mari ye E creator

    1. Ruf Avatar

      Thank you so much lenard for bring to our attention and being upstanding citizen.
      It’s clear some ppl are benifiting and the very same calling it a Ponzi at the expense of every one else…it just goes to show how greedy we have become and ppl will turn a blind eye when they on the gravy train

    2. Smokie Avatar

      Thanks Lenard for the , but it seems some people are ignorant ..the facts are and the red flags are there ….this e creator guys researched very well when it comes to know their customers,they know that Zimbabweans are still knew to this scam thing …this problem is going to exist for a long time,because most of us don’t know what a scam is or what it looks like. The 100% returns are too good to be true …just like any pyramid scam the first batch gets paid

      1. THE Avatar

        Xaa u cant tell us that yet we have spent more than 500 usd with this .

  32.  Avatar

    IF you join E-Creator we all earn and if you do not join we will continue earning

  33. Loreen Chido Avatar
    Loreen Chido

    This is actually not good to to release the news about E creator being fake why in the first place did the platform like ZBC tv take it to shows instead of evaluating the model of the company so it means if these platform failed to see that and published it to the nation it means they also will promote scam.

  34.  Avatar

    Yu know the things with black minds is that always have a negative mindset of something that comes up yu always find a way to criticize it for instance in forex and cryptocurrency investment they are some that are totally legit have personally tried them myself and l got my money so don’t quickly judge something first before thoroughly analyzing every possibility outcome hre mister maybe yu were scammed one time in yur life but that doesn’t imply everything out their isn’t probably legit. Don’t put money in yur accounts when trading on different platforms such as MT5 or MT4 accounts knowingly that there risk involved in there so my friend don’t be quickly blinded by your human error of misjudge. Let those who want to try something out do it we all learn from our mistakes such like a child playing with fire not knowing it’s dangerous so it doesn’t hurt to try something out

    1. Nxaa Avatar

      Allow me to call you an idiot someone who is short sighted. The moment you see something giving you quick money you shutdown your mind and start using your butt to think

  35. Watch Out Avatar
    Watch Out

    Chenjerai kuzo royana nevanhu vanenge vabefita imi maruza. I know one guy who did so well in Zimbabwe’s first pyramid scheme frenzy in the 90s, he died an painful and mysterious death. Some folks vanoti akaroi.

    1. ndini ndadaro Avatar
      ndini ndadaro

      you say E creator is A scam hahaha because you have to deposit money
      ingawan tobhadara tax every month

    2. THE Avatar

      Thats his problem leave us alone kkkk

  36. MrMoney Man Avatar
    MrMoney Man

    Tanzwa nemarii dzemahara

  37. ProSocial Avatar

    Greed is bas Greed is bad Greed is bad

  38.  Avatar

    No doubt it is a pyramid scheme but in life you have to take risks. I’m a VIP 2, personally I can’t be bothered, ndaka onera zhet from the start so I have the early mover’s advantage. When s*** eventually hits the fan, no hard feelings my profit has already exceeded my initial investment. Kune vacha zo nyura zviriko futi, not my problem.

  39.  Avatar

    Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.” Gordon Gekko. WALL STREET

  40. Don Avatar

    Hauna mari ndosaka

  41. Data scientist Avatar
    Data scientist

    Munhu akagadzira e creator ndowando respector but vari ku joiner you need to read books anotaura how to make these things , kana waverenga unogona kuto discover kuti zvogadzirika nyore , woita Mari nechi scam chako , in Zimbabwe vanhu vakapusa , so there’s opportunity for you to make money wagadzira chi scam chako ,

  42. Ndini ndadaro Avatar
    Ndini ndadaro

    Well we shall see, I’m not investing much hangu I’ve already recovered my initial deposit

    1. Lewis Avatar

      Everything we do in life is a risk even doing the actual business it’s risk that is why we have HR with certain algorithm to help them to predict the future and the weakness an after that models are made to maximize rewards therefore e Creator is here with the vision to help people maximize profits and if you win you win then good but if you loose its okay because it’s part of thr game.If the model being used by the e creator is wrong then why did RBZ not taking action like it true on Innbucks.

  43.  Avatar

    Strive Masiwa is now rich because he risk and now rich

    1. Hokage Avatar

      @Anonymous , the f you talkin about ,

    2. Hokage Avatar

      I see what’s going on here , you guys are more than happy to pay so that you can wash the car 😳 , hee Risky risky , heee risky is equals to get richi , idiots , you don’t just take risks , people don’t become wealthy because of risking , it takes delicate planning , you don’t just stab into the dark , anyway I don really care what y’all do with your lives but i gotta say , it doesn’t make any sense to pay someone so that you can work for them to maybe get your money back

  44. Wray Avatar

    Lol the login button on the site says “Login in”

    Not a lot of effort in the planning – typo’d domain and typo’d content.

  45. Hokage Avatar

    I see what’s going on here , you guys are more than happy to pay so that you can wash the car 😳 , hee Risky risky , heee risky is equals to get richi , idiots , you don’t just take risks , people don’t become wealthy because of risking , it takes delicate planning , you don’t just stab into the dark , anyway I don really care what y’all do with your lives but i gotta say , it doesn’t make any sense to pay someone so that you can work for them to maybe get your money back

  46.  Avatar

    If do want to be in it keep your mouth shut…..wats yo prog if they loose their money

    1. Anonymous Avatar

      I will help you cry don’t worry

  47.  Avatar

    This is game is just too good to be true. But anyone can do what he wants with his/ her money. I joined with $100 and made profits. I then withdrew my $100. Now im trading with the profits. Ive nothing to lose😋

  48. kenneth madakwa Avatar

    only risk takers can understand

  49. Leigh Harris Avatar
    Leigh Harris

    I think zvinyowani ku Zim izvi that’s why vamwe vari excited nazvo. Ask people who have stayed in Dubai before about this and you will understand better about these scams. l worked in Chinese companies for more than two years and before wasting time checking the websites and everything, it didn’t take me a minute to know one of our products before .100% scam

  50. CYBER GHOST Avatar

    kkkkkk 😂 I’m finding it extremely funny and pathetic that someone who is in their right mind could fall for this PATHETIC SCAM.If you’re saying that you withdrew whatever sum you withdrew,how on earth do you think its gonna stay that way ?,COMMON SENSE IS THAT WE ALL STAY AWAY FROM THIS SCAM AND RATHER WORK HARD TO GET 💵

  51. Kid Mylo Fx Avatar
    Kid Mylo Fx

    Guys I’m not going to contradict anyone on this. Scamms are real and where people get scammed some would have already made money. Risk what you are willing to lose that’s the point. Some are buying cars with this E-creator thing , it’s up to oneself to make choices.

  52. No Nonsense Guy Avatar
    No Nonsense Guy

    This article was too long for nothing. Learn the basics, never be late, when it gets too popular leave. I made a killing for MMM back in the days, I have double my initial investment in Ecreator now my principal is withdrawn I play with commission.
    By the way TechZim, I am still waiting for an article which is not centered on the negatives.

  53. Princess Avatar


  54. Nashto Cris Avatar
    Nashto Cris

    Kutaura kuno Comment yangu ndikunyora ne iPhone 12Promax yandakatenga nemari ye E Creator😄
    But andisi kuramba kuti it’s a Scam😂

  55. Nashto Cris Avatar
    Nashto Cris

    You may call it scam but I’m making a lot of good money with E-creator

    It’s called E Commerce kana usina kuenda kuchikoro ahuzvinzwisise

    Mari kuvanhu

  56. Frebba Avatar

    Hatisati tanonoka here? I heard about this when it started but was too skeptic. But after seeing someone withdraw us$500 last Friday i think i want to join😬😬😬😬

  57. DR P SHIRI Avatar

    just joined today at least you invest what you are ready to lose, i lost big monies through cryptoshares now i dont put all eggs in one hatchery magetsi akaenda you cry

  58. mbappe Avatar

    hatinei nazvo…ndimi mukubirwa here…ingani mari dzkadyiwa na Moors ne Africa bet….tibvirei apa…

  59. Nee Avatar

    I understand wat you said, you have analysed all the area but there’s one area you didn’t analyse.so tell me if it is a scam as you ,why will they say a minimum deposit of 15 ? If I lose 15$ will any one cry ? If I put my 100$ month end I withdraw it ,and start to accumulate their cash if l lose their cash will I die ,no no I will lough instead.when Noah was building an arch everyone was saying he is cry . other will buy chopper while saying scam scam enjoy fruits of scam while you can if it so . Just don’t invest cash you are not willing to lose ,one principal of investment. So please stop putting people fear, tell them how best they can invest.

  60. Wagwan Avatar

    You say it’s a scam have you ever tried using it and withdraw then you failed to get your money back

  61. Boitsepo Dube Avatar
    Boitsepo Dube

    How to delete the account

  62. Talent Machisa Avatar
    Talent Machisa

    I’m totally agreed with your point

  63. ERNEST CHRIST Avatar

    The company must respond to otherwise sensible allegations about the funding of the company. I honestly have questioned why different money levels are needed to join. I smell a rat personally. I will not advise any person to join until the cloud is cleared over the raised allegations

  64.  Avatar

    And yet people are making money. High risk, high return.

  65. Unreal Avatar

    Its the new members’s money thats paying the earlier members..once pple stop joining thats when the scheme is going to collapse

    1. e-creator mafia not the gold mafia 😂😂😂😂🎮 Avatar
      e-creator mafia not the gold mafia 😂😂😂😂🎮

      ko iwewe wacho techzim ukatoti hausi scam pachezvako here..website yako haisi legit futi iyi,you have a lot of things amiss…..

      siyana ne ecreator

      Pachi Passion Java tobva tati isusu heee hanzi ecreator muchi creator creator..SAKA TECHZIM UCHAITA SEI, UCHAITA SEI, SIYANA NE E-CREATOR.. tseeeeeek 😂😂😂

      1. Anonymous 90 Avatar
        Anonymous 90

        Saka muchadii mnje Mari yaenda.

      2. Isaac Avatar

        Tototi makorokoto 😂

    2. GOLDEN T CHIWARA Avatar


  66.  Avatar

    We are making money with that your so called fake thing.so there is no other way you can discourage us

  67. SITHOLE Styles Avatar
    SITHOLE Styles

    It’s obvious kuti sooner or later E creator ichavhara but The idea ndeyekuti pazvinovharana tinenge tadya Mari ….vachanonoka kuJoiner ndovachanyura

  68. Rutendo Avatar

    But if you invest 20 dollars in a month working you earn double even a 100 dollar note .

  69. Tisiyei Avatar

    Zvripa2.iwe munyori ndiwe unetsits kudarika vamwe vese here or wabhadharwa.wat i can say is we dont trust all of you from the writer to this e creator thing.zvamanjemanje pple are ripping benefits from e creator everyday,its called advertising it makes sense that you have to be paid for t.proly the scam part is yet to come

    1.  Avatar

      It’s bhoo ita zvapaden Pako nezvinokunetsa ndiwe unozviziva wega

  70. tery Avatar

    we are making money brother.. with the tide….

  71. Tk Avatar

    Zvekuti E-creator is a scam izvo garai nazvo mukuru , ini ndoita trial and error, hapana pasiri kuvharwa vanhu imi kunyora this article hanti kutotsvagawo Mari munotowana Mari through this article, so mangwavhiro ndoanosiyana , takatombobirwa and nazvino tirikungobirwa , kkkkkkkk saka tozotya kubirwa online haaaaa zvekubirwa izvi nyararai baba, panobiwa chaipo hamutaure, mozotiudza zvekubirwa nee-creator regai itibire we are used mumukubirwa mdra

  72. Stulo Avatar

    one day this guy will become a millionaire . Probably they are buying and selling something profitable using our money like gold or diamond . Zim zvaine vanhu vanofunga they are good because vanodyawo nenyika.

  73. Ask Me Avatar
    Ask Me

    Iwe righter, rako basa ita hapana ambokubvunza saka

    Mind your business

    1 Thessalonians 4:11 And that you study to be quiet, and to mind your own business,

  74. Tatenda Ndhlovu Avatar
    Tatenda Ndhlovu

    Basically E Creator is a Scam,It is similar to this other Platform that was named “MONEYINCREW”.it scammed people and ran away.

    I have been doing Forex Trading for a while now and I have never come across this kind of a Joke Platform…

    The only research I came across on how to identify Scam
    websites was that”A scamming organisation doesnt have a Phone number,Legit Adress”…The way I see it,E-Creator is a scam,Only for now people are enjoying the benefits …we dont argue on that…But soon chirikudhakwa coz evryone will be a participant and no where to be found some recruitments to promote your commissions…

    Ayo maFake reviews amukuisa ayo guys…Just that some of us have never been to Tech zvekudaro,You would surely know the difference.

    Even pama Withdrawals,If you try to Deposit,It pops up different names the moment to exit and login again.

    those names u deposit your 15 are the people waiting for their withdrawals,The guys dont have any money kkk ayas.

  75. Bakhmut Avatar

    Problem yamaita chibaba is that you never really tried the scheme.maifanirwa kutanga majoina then come with the results before you call it a scam.

  76. Ndangoti tionesane Avatar
    Ndangoti tionesane

    i think minding self business is profitable than telling someone kut uriku scammwa yet the majority of us we are already infact tave nema years n years tichirarama mukuscamwa everyday….imagine the high rate thing,imagine the cashout for ecocash thing….u gat 100 in yo eco wonzi 30% wosara nemarii lol izvezvi vamwe vatambira 900000rtgs rent inoda ma usd,transport to n from work inoda ma usd$ woti rega nditenge usd wonzwa aaah 12000 per $1 wch mins ka pay kako hakachasvike $100 usd apa murungu arikutoti haaa ndamupa mari yakawanda iye aweka ne bank rate re 6000 hake…..ndeipi scam iri worser than that?

  77. Emmanuel Avatar


  78. tery Avatar

    you dont know what you are talking about.. there is know spelling error on e creatoer but the domain name e creator was already taken.. unfortunately you dont know anything about domain names so you will always stay a lay man

  79. alArchY Avatar

    Nice useless paragraphs but it’s clear you don’t know anything about affiliate marketing ,so go and do your research and stop embarrassing your self, what I can guarantee you is e-creator is legit..you have no idea how much Amazon makes every year on fake reviews!! Go home do your homework and get your facts straight!!

  80. Kd January Avatar
    Kd January


  81. Kd January Avatar
    Kd January

    E creator is a SCAM, tears are coming very soon,inharo bedzi but those who are into it ngwarai not to do some things muchiti majaira ……….wat do they benefit from those reviews ?

  82. maths5936@gmail.com Avatar

    It takes how many months

  83. Tinotenda Mabota Avatar
    Tinotenda Mabota

    No one knows the day they’ll shut it down…some are making money but verily verily I say unto thee, the day will come and many will be very unfortunate and there shall be weeping in the streets….


    I agree that e-creator is a scam . Nonetheless I have once been an active VIP member and I testify to have benefited from it ,but I have always been skeptical about the whole scam . In this regard , I have always been quick to make withdrawals as soon as my balance accumulated enough to allow me to recover my principal deposit as well as some profits.

  85. Clemence Avatar

    Hakuna mabasa muzimbabwe moda kuti tiite sei kudhara makataura kuty iscam iyo yakandipinzira 50 muhomwe….ini ndichatoramba ndichichimhanya kana iwe zvisingachide gara kumba kwenyu ufe nenhamo

  86. Clemence Avatar

    Pamberi ne e creator munhu wese

  87. Anonymous 1 Avatar
    Anonymous 1

    I think right now mudumbu mukurwadza apa unenge uchity ndaneka600 us ndozowithdrawa tmrw or day aftr then boom e creator bvayati we are upgrading.mari iyoyo inotokurwadza chete like now ,,🤣🤣🤣 oooh my dikita rako rakangonaka asi.E creator advocate are you oky,,shld l came nekafan mohwa semotsva,mohwa semopindwa nechando

    1. Justin Avatar

      Those who were defending e-creator as if their life depend on it should feel ashamed of themselves. The E- Creator has finally closed. Sometimes it is good to listen to voice of reason. I have discovered that Zimbabweans can defend the wrong as long as it is benefiting them temporarily. Chaora chinhu ichi , some are crying now with their so called investment locked up.

  88. Makho Avatar

    I saw this already scammed but thank you for the foresight. Wish I had Googled before depositing money

  89. Makho Avatar

    Can you say something about engienegies

    1. Isaac Avatar

      You know what it is my friend.

  90. Wechidhaka Avatar

    Chinhu1 chandodira techzim ndechekut anotaura chokwadi. E-creator yavhariswa vamwe varikuchema so. Vairasha muromo.

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