Econet is facing unprecedented challenges on its network, to say the least. They resolved the voice services issue but data connectivity issues persist as we discussed here: 8 days later, Econet data connectivity challenges persist – a timeline of their comms on the issue.
In those messages, we got acknowledgements that there really is a problem and that it was not our phones. We understood that they are “currently experiencing intermittent system challenges.” However, the question remained, what really caused all this?
We got some sources within the organisation telling us the company was under attack, that they had been ‘hacked,’ so to speak. So, we reached out to Econet to comment on that.
Econet categorically (I love that word) denied that. There has been no hack. Instead, they told us what caused the network failure.
The outage was caused by multiple power failures at our NOC [network operations centre]. There was no hacking or anything of that sort that happened.
This is not the first time that Econet has faced power failures at its network operations centres. One incident that comes to mind was a few years ago when they put out the following statement,
Our engineers are busy working to resolve a network fault that started when generators at our Network Operations Centre failed to kickoff following a ZESA power outage.
The problem has since been isolated and our technical teams are working flat out to resolve the issue.
We sincerely regret the inconvenience this has caused to our customers.
That time, they resolved the issue within a day and yet this time around, 8 days in, they still haven’t managed to resolve the faults fully.
The operative word is ‘multiple’ when trying to understand why it has taken this long this time around.
Econet will be releasing a comprehensive statement on what happened soon. We will keep our eyes peeled for that. Hopefully, we will find out exactly what happened then.
Does Econet have qualified managers who understand the importance of Public Relations? Does Econet employ qualified and experienced PR people and what is handicapping them from doing their PR functions competently and thoroughly during the technical outages? Are the managers handicapping competent PR department? What reasonable excuses are there for this colossal failure in PR by Econet?
Might be a case of the right hand not knowing what the left is doing. If they don’t have it yet, they need to have a process that integrates reputation management with their technical side. Once an issue crosses a certain threshold of severity, ie number of subscribers projected to be affected or duration, it should automatically be forwarded to PR, with updates, until the issue is solved. Timely announcements through their sms and social media platforms would work wonders in bringing down the aggravation of customers and it would cost them next to nothing!
there is no competition
All competent PR people have left for the U.K to work as nurse aides
Give us free data then
yah true..
Econet ye ZANU PF
Did you guys close off free data on pindula news??
Thought it was this side which is failing to connect to Pindula, so its everywhere
I tried logging in through the app and chrome bt to no available, but they should just tell us than leave us in the dark
Yah neh, we need Zero rated Pindula especially now most of us in the residentials are lavishing on 2G network all day
Those asking about Pindula, it’s no longer zero rated. I understand they now have an app which you can use to connect to their zero rated website
What were the causes of the Econet outage, and how did multiple power failures at the network operations centre contribute to it?
What were the immediate and long-term consequences of the power failures at the Econet network operations centre?
What measures have been taken by Econet to prevent similar power failures and subsequent outages in the future?
How did the Econet outage impact its customers, and what steps has the company taken to address their concerns and ensure uninterrupted service in the future?
yah true..
Tyrant Lizard Emperor, King, and Queen: T-rex might be three species New analysis of old bones suggests it’s time make way for more members of the dinosaur royal family.
Unearthed in the Lancian upper Maastrichtian formations in North America, in sediments dating to between 67.5 and 66 million years ago. The distinctly banded sediment layers at this fossil site allowed researchers to arrange their specimens chronologically, with those found in the lowest layers representing the most ancient of the collection.
Importantly, the more gracile femurs were entirely absent from the lower layers.
Instead, the femurs in this layer showed only the normal degree of variation that is expected in any population. The researchers believe that at the time these lower layers of sediment were deposited, only a single Tyrannosaurus species roamed the Earth.
The first gracile femur makes its appearance in the middle layer, followed by five in the upper layer. In these most recent layers, the level of variation in these bones is no longer within the bounds of normal population differences, instead painting a picture of the emergence of distinct body forms, or “morphotypes”.
“We propose that the changes in the femur may have evolved over time from a common ancestor who displayed more robust femurs to become more gracile in later species,” says Gregory Paul, lead author and palaeoartist. “The differences in femur robustness across layers of sediment may be considered distinct enough that the specimens could potentially be considered separate species.”
Tyrannosaurus imperator attacks a herd of the contemporary Triceratops horridus.
#AviationX, SpaceX, TechX, ScienceX Correspondent