Econet says Oops! There will be no free data today (11 May) from 6:30pm, that was yesterday

Econet sent out messages saying they would be offering free data to all their customers from 6:30pm today (the 11th of May) to 3am on the 12th of May. We figured it was an apology for the outage their network faced over the past few days.

Well, it turns out the message was inaccurate. Econet offered free data last night (Wednesday), from 6:30pm on the 10th to 3am on the 11th (today). It’s just that they didn’t announce that they would be opening the taps for everyone.

This is what the message should have read,

Dear Customer. We offered you FREE DATA from 6.30 pm (10 May) to 3am (11 May), while our teams were working to resolve the technical challenges.

So, as some pointed out, they were able to browse for free on Econet’s network yesterday. If you missed out, you missed out, there will be no free data today. Ignore the message you received from Econet. They will be sending out one shortly telling you the same.

Please tell someone who might be gearing up to open those torrents at 6:30pm. If you do that you will only deplete your own data bundle.

I imagine Econet is going to face all kinds of insults for this move. Yanking the free data carrot that had been dangled in front of us like this stings. Not after the week they just had.

Also read:

Econet facing widespread service outage


30 responses

  1. Isaac Avatar

    Hah guys, was prepared for this apa it’s only 26 minutes left now and you say that’s history 😭

    1. Leonard Sengere Avatar
      Leonard Sengere

      We were all geared up Isaac 🤣

    2. Junior4ANC Avatar

      Kune vanhu vari kuti Free data raiva fake hazvizi zvo …Free data raiveko musiwa 10 may 2100 Upto 11 May 0230.Iyo message iyo Message iyo
      kwakunyepa .Sorry kune vasina kurara neZuro makamirira Free data rakatopfura and it was technical fault they didn’t mean give us that data freely for those hours without any restrictions…..Nezuro ndakashandisa internet zvandisati ndamboita pasi .Between 2100 to 0230 pafree data ranaZuro …Thanks to that problem ndakatoita zvese zvandaita zvese .Coz kuita rekutanga chairo ndaitoda 15gig……………Dai zvakaitika futi….(FAKE Message Rara,Zvako.Dear Customer. We offered you FREE DATA from 6.30 pm (11 May) to 3am (12 May), while our teams were working to resolve the technical challenges.]

  2. 2Ten Avatar

    Yesterday there was no network in Bindura guess that’s why we didn’t notice anything

  3.  Avatar

    Someone is not doing his or her work right at econet Zimbabwe.y sending those messages to their clients????

  4. Peace Sithole Avatar
    Peace Sithole

    Someone is not doing his or her work right at econet Zimbabwe..y sending those useless messages now.

  5. Topi Mafana Avatar
    Topi Mafana

    Haha and Econet keeps on shooting itself in the foot. How can they say the message was for nezuro when the dates are clearly stated? Maybe if there hadn’t put the dates it would be understandable.

  6. Don Swae Avatar
    Don Swae

    Ah ah ah
    kana iko kunyima kwacho, how does
    Econet give me data then tell me the next day after it expired
    gasses, nigga how

  7. Tada Avatar

    I received the message this evening and I was wondering for the why??? The times they mentioned weren’t adding up only to realise that they are telling me something useless 🤣

  8. The Empress Avatar
    The Empress

    An apology Zimbabwean style. We gave you free data yesterday as an apology but we’ll only tell you about it today !
    But let’s be honest if they did it any other way Econet would be reporting a loss this quarter because of the truly epic amounts of data that people would use in those few hours!
    Remember Econet is a local company they know exactly how we think.
    Picture the aftermath after a swarm of locusts have gone through a field. Moderation when it comes to free stuff is not how Zimbabweans roll! 😂😂

  9. Miracle Data Avatar
    Miracle Data

    😄 What an insincere offer! ‘Hey, by the way, I gave you free data! Isn’t that great? What, it’s not working? Hahaha, silly guy! That was for yesterday! Didn’t you notice? Well, you obviously should have been on your phone with no data trying to use miracle data from 1830 to 0300 like a normal person! Anyway, you are welcome! Thank me anytime, no pressure!’

    1. The Empress Avatar
      The Empress

      You are so right! Econet was very insincere with their apology. How many of us are so bored that they try browsing on their phones when they know that they have no data? It doesn’t make sense!
      It would have been far better if Econet hadn’t bothered, those sms’s they sent just added insult to injury.

      1. T Avatar

        Sure sure

    2. Isaac Avatar

      😂 that’s so brutal

  10. Fungzo mane Avatar
    Fungzo mane

    Econet services are horrible these days honestly wats going on with this company they seriously need replacing.

    1. Budiriro 4 Avatar
      Budiriro 4

      Kuno tatojaira manje 5kbps speed LTE iyoyo

    2. Budiriro 4 Avatar
      Budiriro 4

      Kuno tatojaira manje 5kbps speed LTE iyoyo…

  11. Admire Manyangadze Avatar
    Admire Manyangadze

    Dear Customer. We offered you FREE DATA from 6.30 pm (11 May) to 3am (12 May), while our teams were working to resolve the technical challenges.

  12. Admire Manyangadze Avatar
    Admire Manyangadze

    I received that message above👆👆at 16:41,Thursday.I havent received the data yet..

  13.  Avatar

    We were supposed kufembera kuti we have been give data. Econet so

    1. Junior4ANC Avatar

      Kune vanhu vari kuti Free data raiva fake hazvizi zvo …Free data raiveko musiwa 10 may 2100 Upto 11 May 0230.Iyo message iyo Message iyo
      kwakunyepa .Sorry kune vasina kurara neZuro makamirira Free data rakatopfura and it was technical fault they didn’t mean give us that data freely for those hours without any restrictions…..Nezuro ndakashandisa internet zvandisati ndamboita pasi .Between 2100 to 0230 pafree data ranaZuro …Thanks to that problem ndakatoita zvese zvandaita zvese .Coz kuita rekutanga chairo ndaitoda 15gig……………Dai zvakaitika futi….(FAKE Message Rara,Zvako.Dear Customer. We offered you FREE DATA from 6.30 pm (11 May) to 3am (12 May), while our teams were working to resolve the technical challenges.]

  14. Thamu Avatar

    Chero musi wa10-11 wacho harina kumboshanda kwedu kwaive kusina network kulLower Gwelo. I actually had bought daily data bundle that I failed to use till it’s expiry. To me it’s broad daylight robbery

  15.  Avatar

    Musatidero vekuEconet muri hama dzedu wani

  16. Skinny pig Avatar
    Skinny pig

    Piss boiling by Econet, l only chewed for an hour from 2am the download speeds top notch which is an insult if you ask me nxaa

  17. Data mafia Avatar
    Data mafia

    This is going to enroge me 😂😂

  18. FreeWorld Avatar

    They got hacked since 1901 Econet has never given out data,they are just trying to save face these c*nts

  19. Inspector Muregedze Avatar
    Inspector Muregedze

    Econet people are a bunch of Fools who don’t know what they are doing

  20. Boss Avatar

    Econet guys please be wise going forward.what was the use yekuudza vanhu zvnhu zvapfuura???dei makango nyarara kuti ziro pasina kana nyaya mufunge.

  21. Tin tin Avatar
    Tin tin

    I enjoyed this data, Yoh it’s been a long span since my last purchase of data. Thumbs up econet.

  22. CCCC Member Avatar
    CCCC Member

    Aaaaah they sent us the message zvapfuura imbwa dzevanhu econet

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