We talked about Liquid’s SpeeD bundles a few weeks ago. In my opinion, the $11 for 45GB deal is the best value on offer. That is still available, Liquid has only introduced more deals.
- FibroniX SpeeD 555 – get 400GB of data and an extra 155GB bonus for $99
- FibroniX SpeeD Terra 1 – get 500GB of data and an extra 500GB bonus for $139
I have to say, this is good. However, that’s only if we compare it against the other Liquid Home packages. If all you have access to in your neighbourhood is Liquid Home then you might want to get in on this action.
If TelOne is an option for you, there just is no beating $60 for 500GB. Contrast that with Liquid’s $99 for 555GB. TelOne goes further and offers unlimited data for $90. That blows Liquid out of the water.
Do remember though that the amount of data is not the only consideration when picking a service. Consider everything and choose wisely.
TelOne’s USD Bonus Broadband Bundles are competitively priced. I mentioned Liquid’s $11 for 45GB deal but TelOne beats that with a $10 for 50GB. It’s a buck less and offers 5GB more.
The real value is in the ZW$ bundles though
The ZW$ has been tanking and these companies have not had time to adjust their prices accordingly. Okay, they have the time but they need permission to do that and so I can only imagine that they haven’t gotten the nod from Potraz.
It’s the Wild Wild West on the black market when it comes to the exchange rate and so we won’t agree on what the rate is. However, I will use this one, 1:7600. At that rate, here’s how much some of Liquid and TelOne’s bundles cost.
Liquid Home
- Fibronix family entertainment (Unlimited data at up to 20Mbps) – $29.58 (ZW$224,783)
- Fibronix Come Alive (150GB at up to 10Mbps) – $19.77 (ZW$150,215)
- Fibronix basic essentials (50GB at up to 10Mbps) – $7.79 (ZW$59,215)
- Intense (Unlimited Data at up to 20Mbps) – $29.51 (ZW$224,306)
- Home Boost (200GB at up to 5Mbps) – $20.72 (ZW$157,491)
- Home Premier (60GB at up to 5Mbps) – $7.79 (ZW$59,180)
So, as you can see, not even Starlink can compete with these prices. Both Liquid and TelOne are offering unlimited data, on a fixed connection no less, for less than US$30. You don’t have to shell out over $600 for equipment like you would with Starlink either.
Starlink is giving Mozambicans unlimited data at faster speeds but for $47 a month.
This is only temporary though. Liquid and TelOne will be adjusting their prices as soon as they are allowed. So think of these deals as “while stocks last” kinds of deals.
So, if you’re gonna get in on it, now is the time. Treat yourself to some cheap data, you deserve it. This could compromise the long-term health of the Internet Providers but what can you do about it?
Also read:
Liquid courts the public sector, looks to end use of Gmail for govt business
32 responses
If you completely ignore the fact that our connectivity and speeds on our local ISPs are the key pungent component of compost! Starlink is still the better bargain.
Speed ndoyatoda
Our focus is on speed, not on prices.
Wow, this has been strongly emphasized, ‘money is not a problem’ 😄
Kungotaura uko. Speed only becomes an issue if you have some data, without, you will take any you can get. That said Telone speeds have been completely terrible not sure about Liquid. We wouldn’t mind an actual piece on it with an official comment. Telone is now getting away with too much.
They are not offering lower priced packages, they got caught up with the collapse of ZW, all the same they are charging that money for sh@*t service. Starlink any day for me, if you need a reliable internet connection for your income then there’s no question what option you’ll pick.
Pamberi ne Starlink
This will be the beginning of a new era in poor network speeds that will used in universities as a case study. We know each other from long back with Zimbabwean MNOs. We expect nothing from them and are never disappointed.
Umm… the way things are changing these days, first ZESA, then the Exchange Rate, now these 2. We’ll see Econet tomorrow, but I have never heard of it dropping data prices before.
Looking at the new Econet prices, those prices you mentioned are most likely to skyrocket soon.
And the new look is nice 👌🏾
Nice on mobile, but my brain is refusing on desktop😂 I have to squeeze the window to mobile proportions to make it feel right🙊
Ahh! What is this ‘Select this tickbox’ thing? I can’t post a comment without selecting it. If it’s gonna act like a false choice, just hide it in the first place. Guess these refinements will come with time
I haven’t tried it on a Desktop. Maybe it’s a Mobile 1st design 😉
Internet is now measured by the quality of experience, 500GB at 500kbps with high latencies and occassional timeouts is now meaningless. More and more people are working online and a clear teams or zoom meetings is now more important that amount of data you have. Would be nice if the service providers would also work on the quality
What’s the purpose of having data you can’t utilise?
We want Spe4ED 😜
Honestly, I with the consensus here. Speed ranks highest followed by data per dollar. Case in point, I use the intense package (20Mbps bla bla bla ) from Tel One for work yet I find it slower than the capped packages (50gb basic essentials) from Liquid. If Starlink is even better I won’t hesitate to switch wherever I can.
Yes Netone goes miles longer . The only challenge we have is Telone cable faults everything. You pay for 500GB a few days down the line there is no connection
What we need in Zimbabwe are services that work. Its useless paying for an uncapped package per month yet its always Service Downtime! Zimbabwe ISPs must stop taking people for granted. If Starlink comes-off we go!
Really kills me is the wisdom to compare prices from different technologies. How much is a VSAT unlimited package from ZOL or Telone. VSAT 10mb for ZOL is Z$2,887,238.39; that is what you should compare with starlink. It’s 400 USD for a 10MB link
Dang, you’re right! Eat that Leonard 😂
Yes we might be happy that we can have advantages paying in ZWL,But it will definitely affect the operations of these Service providers and eventually us…Think about the ZESA Issue,the ridiculously low ZWL Electricity definitely is a contributing factor to the poor service we get from them.The point is this- Its better to pay more for an efficient and available service than paying next-to-nothing for a very unreliable and almost non-existent service like ZESA
At list with starlink you wont get a blackout on election day. You all know the are going to do so right🥱🤗
I’m considering installation Telone fibre at my place can someone kindly educate me on the speeds, reliability etc of Telone Fibre
By the way, I’m enjoying the New website layout and functionality,Thumbs up Techzim guys !
Hi Dose telco
follow the same rules as the other isps ? i have already received my next bill of 186 u.s that is converted the day i make payment.
Anyone ane line re telone risiri geo locked.
Are they still giving those out, i need it aswell in byo 0774 359 539
which one of the above have network coverage in Chipinge checheche
Lol…low priced with extremely lower speeds than the actual price…
Ndotora hangu Starlink for the higher throughput anyday!!!
I think you need to rewrite the story as we are currently in a different era. The published rate for Liquid FibroniX Family Entertainment is Z$2,059,420, equivalent to $357.96 (official rate of 5,754.34). The same package used to cost $149.00.
I think you need to rewrite the story as we are currently in a different era. The published rate for Liquid FibroniX Family Entertainment is Z$2,059,420, equivalent to $357.96 (official rate of 5,754.34). The same package used to cost $149.00.