We are still in the middle of the ZETDC meter upgrade and kudos to them for providing a decent amount of information on the upgrade process. That said, a number of us are still not crystal clear on how it goes so in this one we are now taking a jab at the more specific questions that you have been asking.
When will my meter stop accepting tokens?
Your meter will remain accepting tokens till 24 November 2024 which is a full year from now. However, ZETDC intends to have all meters upgraded by July 2024. So no need to panic.
What do I need to do to get the 3 tokens needed to upgrade my meter?
ZETDC is running the upgrades in phases. They are announcing these on their social media pages including the specific suburbs, towns, and villages. You will first need to follow these updates and see if your location is on the list.
If your location is on the list, then you should receive 3 tokens in addition to the one that has the electricity you bought. When you receive these 3 tokens, you will need to enter them in the order they came. Once that is done, you may recharge your electricity token. You do not need to send your meter to a ZETDC office.
Can I get the 3 tokens from anywhere or just from ZETDC?
All electricity tokens are generated by ZETDC regardless of where you buy them. You can continue buying from your preferred seller and you will still receive the meter upgrade tokens when the upgrade phase reaches your area.
I buy my tokens online, will I still get the upgrade tokens or do I need the physical slip?
You will get the upgrade tokens anywhere you purchase your electricity, online or offline. If your meter is in a phase where the upgrade cycle is running, you will receive the upgrade tokens whether you got your tokens on a printed slip or digitally from your online electricity reseller.
I only received one token and entered it and now my meter is not recharging
If you suspect that you may have entered an upgrade token and it’s stopping your meter from accepting new tokens, you can check your meter as follows:
- Log into the ZETDC self-service portal (you can also simply click here)
- Look for a button titled “Key Change Token”
- Enter your meter number and you will see a list of upgrade tokens
- Enter the tokens in order and then the energy token last.
How do I know if the upgrade I did was successful?
To check if your meter was successfully upgraded, you can enter these codes based on the brand and model of your meter.
Meter Type (meter number starting with) | Short Code to check Key Revision Number | Result before key change process | Expected result if the process has been successful |
INHEMETER Old Version (371…) | 077 | 1 | 2 |
INHEMETER New Version (372…) | C729 | 1 | 2 |
EDMI (430..) | 04 | 1 | 2 |
HEXING (141/2…) | 873 | 1 | 2 |
ISKRA (30…) | 005 | 1..2 | 2..2 |
ITRON (016…) | 005 | KR KT 1 2 | KR KT 2 2 |
LANDIS & GYR (070…) | 057 | 1 | 2 |
60 responses
Thank you very helpful
Where is the C on the keypad
Thanks, no idea how I missed that this runs till next year. Someone at ZETDC social media should link this or copy and paste (😅 Sorry TZ for calling for the Jolly Roger, but its for the greater good)!
Hahaha doing the lord’s work
Solar dzedu hadzina zvose izvozvo.
Thanks a million for all the information. It is interesting to note that, even with a communications department which has a manager, ZETDC has not accessed me with even an inkling of the information you have availed. It is not surprising, though, because they do not communicate much and the tariff changes silently. Even those cashiers who receive payment and issue tokens do not even know the current tariff, even the payment I would need to make for the first 100 or the first 200 units for the month. Even those on the WhatsApp customer queries cannot help with the present tariff!
If possible, can you suggest to them to use WhatsApp as well for the self service, since WhatsApp is the most used and most abused from of communication, and the use of ussid so that even the person with the greatest of all time phone, the mbudzi, can do the checks.
Thanks so much. They do have WhatsApp contacts 0715519387 or 0715519389
Thank you so much
What if I’m getting this message
“The meter is not compliant and will be replaced by ZETDC at no cost.”
ZETDC mentioned that there are some meters in use right now that cannot be updated and these will need to be replaced. Yours might me one of those meters and you will need to get it replaced at ZETDC
U need to upgrade all the systems of payment,ecocash etc..your 24/7 customer service it’s not working it also needs an upgrade
You can purchase your electricity from several places outside of ZETDC including Techzim. Just dial *405# and pay with EcoCash or OneMoney
We have been waiting since the 3rd of January to attend to our meter, we still have power but no readings on the meter, I have reported 5 times still waiting, have still been buying every month still
You might need to take the meter to your nearest ZETDC office to have it checked
Thank you. This article is very informative.
The change token is returning a message “rejected”
What do I do
I would like to assume that the meter could be what ZETDC only can connect or disconnect at the customer premises. Some meters have a customer interface unit (CIU) which communicates with the meter, and I think there is a maximum distance the CIU can be from the meter, taking the CIU to the nearest ZETDC office could be too far for it to communicate with the meter.
I think, since the customer who has a blank meter from January still gets electricity and experiences the load shedding, they should just wait for the day ZETDC will pay them a visit. I am sure ZETDC does not know whether the customer is paying for the electricity that is passing through a faulty meter.
Will we get credit notes for tokens purchased before the upgrade that are no longer valid?
They said you have to feed in all tokens purchased before you feed in the two tokens for the upgrade and the third with the power units. They have put a disclaimer that they will not be held responsible for any tokens bought but not fed in before the upgrade.
Good afternoon Edwin. Thank you for the information. I have tried the steps you mentioned, including entering the meter number and accessing the tokens. When entering these tokens, I keep getting Error-77. My meter is ISKRA and I did check using the code 005 and got Error-77 even on the code. I am not sure what to do next. I should be grateful if someone can physically assist.
According to ZETDC the error-77 code is a result of the Customer Interface Unit (the meter with the keypad in your house) not being able to communicate with the meter in the Mains box. ZETDC recommends that you try this
“Good day. Kindly note that Error 77 is a communication error. To clear Error 77 on the CIU (customer Interfacce Unit) enter 0 meter number 0 meter number and enter. As an example 037121144556037121144556ENTER”
I have done the 0 meter number 0 meter number several times and Error 77 keeps coming up. This has been happening since Wednesday last week. It’s going to be a week tomorrow.
My inside meter does not work, will this effect the upgrade. How do I get a meter for inside the house. Currently use the external meter.
Plus help
With 3 tokens
A nice follow up would be the full schedule. On social media, they are just drip feeding us with upgrade zones. Being able to look things up ourselves and using the posts as just reminders would be ideal.
How do I know I am in the phase area which is now being upgraded?
Excellent 👍 the world is going professional
Thank you for your update.
How do we get on your mailing list for further updates and information.?
I wanted to enter my token
But l don’t know who to use this system
Thanks for this info. If you have a credit balance already entered in your meter, do you remain with that credit after upgrading?
The upgrade will only affect old tokens that you have not recharged yet. The units you already have on your meter and any credit balances already existing will not be affected by the upgrade
My meter
My meter only shows digits as u click when juicing .After that it remains blank not showing kuti waisa magetsi emari.It doesnt display the units
Appdate meter
What do i do my areas is not yet upgraded and my electricity if finished
If you area is not yet on the list don’t worry. Just continue recharging your tokens the same way you were doing so already. If it’s your turn to upgrade, you will see it from the 3 tokens you will get when you buy electricity
After entering the upgrade token should i wait for it to say accepted
Only received one tòken
I recharged the first token and it was successful..I then entered the second token but it’s now saying rejected..what do I do
Upgrading the customer interface unit is not possible, instead it is displaying 30. How then should I get assistance. There are only 2units left the result is darkness soon
Entered two tokens the third one is being rejected
Thanks guys for this extremely useful article. Keep it up!!!
I m having challenges,kindly assist. The first set of token is giving me an error ‘EE’ rejected but the second token is going through and shows 55 on the top left and 24 on the main screen. The last token is giving the same error as the first.
Good day.
The 3rd token is rejecting, what do I do
Your update system is not efficient we cant topup our zesa now plse help
I live in a house whose meter was registered by my husband who no longer lives with me how do i register on zesa portal?
Hmm sorry heyy. Do you need someone to make you happier
I’m trying to enter my token number but it keeps writing IC 03 and making an annoying sound….what should I do?
I entered the first set successfully. When I enter the second set, I get the response rejected on the screen. What shiuld I do?
How do I reset the meter if I entered the upgrade tokens in the wrong order.
Hi there
Thank you for the informative article.
After entering my first token i keep getting a message saying rejected on the interface.
Please advise what steps to take.
Hie I don’t understand anything do we need to buy new meters or what because my meter all the numbers are not working
Entered the three tokens twice
No units showing on screen ?
What do I do ?
Have you done upgrades for Kuwadzana?
I have a Hexing meter and I entered the short code to check if my meter has upgraded but its just saying “Rejected”
I am failing to recharge the token that I bought our meter was changed we were given a new account number because our meter had a fault
So helpful!!!
My meter is old and says it will not upgrade where at joina city do I get a replacement and at what cost