I have seen photo galleries that are equal parts photos taken with the camera and screenshots. I get it, mine used to look like that but my screenshots were of memes. Some of you guys like to archive your chat conversations in screenshot form.
For now, you can keep doing that for the most part. However, the creeps among us that love taking screenshots of people’s profile pictures, just know that your days are numbered.
Okay, I have taken my fair share of profile pics over the years but I was justified, unlike some of you guys. It doesn’t matter now, WhatsApp is working on shutting all that down.
WABetaInfo found a new feature being tested in the latest beta version of WhatsApp on Android. WhatsApp will restrict anyone, including your contacts, from taking a screenshot of your profile picture.

If, or more accurately, when they try to take a screenshot they will get an error message saying, “Can’t take screenshot due to app restrictions.”
We can expect to see the feature introduced to iOS and the desktop. However, this won’t be coming to WhatsApp Web, on Windows at least, because you cannot restrict screenshots, you can’t disable or block them from a browser.
Which brings us to the workarounds that the dedicated screenshotter has at their disposal.
As discussed above, the user can easily screenshot your profile pic if they use WhatsApp Web. Windows would have to be updated to allow the browser using HTML/CSS/JavaScript to control/restrict OS functions like screenshotting and I wouldn’t hold my breath for that happening.
The other workaround can actually never be defeated. It will always remain effective against all this privacy stuff. A person can just take a picture of the screen with another device. There is nothing you can do about this.
However, these two workarounds require the person to have another device and that should stop many a screenshotter. The WhatsApp Web one requires a computer and the picture one requires another phone. Not everyone has those lying around.
What I would like is for WhatsApp to tell us when people take screenshots of our chats or profile pics. Snapchat has been doing this for years and I would love to see it in WhatsApp. I think that could be a good deterrent, it would force people to use the two-device method to screenshot.
Do remember you can limit who can view your profile picture in the first place in the settings: Settings > Privacy > Profile Photo. That’s the least you can do if you don’t want people gawking at you.
Fun fact: You may have heard people refer to the profile pic as a DP and that stands for Display Picture. Some apps still call the PP the DP.
23 responses
That’s a lie
What’s the lie?
My WhatsApp number is banned
You were using GB ka iwe.
Lol, my thoughts exactly!
My watsap number is banned
I would like it to even block copy and paste of messages alongside chat screenshot blocking. Another point if the issue of using usernames instead of phone numbers then that will be the final nail in the Skype coffin
I get restricting profile pics, but why text content? The only motivations I’m coming up with are an attempt self incrimination down the line for shady stuff. And if that’s the case, why send shady stuff to begin with? Help me understand.
I raise you GB
Guys I want to highlight the extent of the demise of Telecel Zimbabwe and its website has not appeared on google for more than a month and checked on website planet to confirm all those times and unfortunately it is no longer available and for a company of Telecel Zimbabwe’s stature it only goes to show the dwindling of the company.Imagine the thirg biggest MNO in Zimbabwe is not available on the internet only on twitter and Facebook. We are talking of a company that once commanded over 30% of all network and Voice subscribers. Most of the shops are now closing and dilapidated.i saw imwe in joina yakutotengeswa hembe and still contains the telecel branding.#save telecel zimbabwe. I am David Junior Mhambare and you can reference me if you write such a story and I am a web developer and IOT fanatic. Mismanagemt and i believe it can still turnaround like Telone when Chipo Mtasa entered the fold
I used to buy 2gig daily on telecel to download. The 24hrs would expire whilst i have used less than 500mb because of its poor speed 2kb per second. 20kb during midnight…. What a joke of a service provider
Have had my numbers banned from using the App when i was saving pictures from FB
Thanks a lot,my son usually takes screenshots of his friend’s cartoon profile pics using my phone so no wonder why i was blocked on watsapp,now i know the reason
all these changes are not necessary
I think this additional feature is a Rubbish one and Completely UNCALLED FOR…
It will make things Complicated and will create Disharmony
8368556049 – What’s App
It is a Rubbish one and Completely UNCALLED FOR…
making things Complicated and will create Disharmony
8368556049 – What’s App
I think this additional feature is a Rubbish one and Completely UNCALLED FOR…
It will make things Complicated and will create Disharmony
The following user says that he
The following user says that he
The following document WhatsApp blocking the same thing happened
How do I restrict people from taking a screenshot of my profile picture
How can I stop my people to screenshot my profile pic..?