Techzim can reveal that the government of Zimbabwe has instructed Starlink to shut down services in the country. Users of the service received an email from the satellite internet service provider today, advising them it had been directed to disable services.
Said the email:
You are currently using Starlink in an unauthorised territory, As a result. Starlink has been directed by the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) to disable your service.
We will continue to work with POTRAZ to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals to turn on Starlink services in Zimbabwe as soon as possible. We encourage you to contact POTRAZ at or +263 242 333032 to communicate your support for Starlink to obtain the necessary regulatory approvals in Zimbabwe.
As described In your Terms of Service, Starlink does not guarantee when or where its Mobile or Mobile Priority Services Plans will be available. Use of such services Is dependent on many factors, including obtaining or maintaining the necessary regulatory approvals which are subject to change.
You may pause service and billing by following the Instructions here or continue service and use your Starlink service in an area we currently serve (see map here), If you opt to pause service, you can reach out to support and we will issue a service credit for any remainder of the current billing period.

Techzim can confirm several users in Zimbabwe have received the email. One user of the service user we spoke to said their terminal is still working but they think it’s just a matter of time before it’s disabled.
Effectively what’s supposed to happen next is that the terminals will stop working. This would mean even Starlink customers that are just visiting the country and have brought with their terminal, will not be able to use it. Or maybe allowed to just a few days per visit. We’re not sure.
The notice suggests Starlink is aware these devices were bought, registered, activated for the purpose of use in Zimbabwe, as it does not mention the need to return the terminal to the country of origin.
Why Starlink is such a big deal in Zimbabwe
To use Starlink, Zimbabweans would mostly buy the kits from unofficial importers of the kits who bring them in from from countries where the service is sold legally (like Mozambique, Zambia, Eswatini etc..). The prices would range from about $600 to $1500 depending on the seller. Installing the kit is generally easy and to operate it in Zimbabwe, they set their account to a roaming service.
The price of unlimited internet from Starlink with the roaming is about US $38, which customers would pay to the company directly. Ultimately, the service is popular in Zimbabwe because the price of an unlimited internet package by the country’s internet providers is at least US $140.
That and the fact that Starlink can work literally anywhere in the country – even the remotest pockets of the country where people there’s no infrastructure for other types of connectivity.
A source Techzim has spoken to, who has been involved in selling internet services in Zimbabwe, estimates there are about 5,000 Starlink terminals in Zimbabwe.
Why it is Illegal to use
In 2023, POTRAZ issued a statement warning Zimbabweans that using Starlink was illegal. Zimbabweans were ofcourse incentivised to ignore this, and the black market for terminals continued to thrive.
Coming under pressure from the market to explain why a more useful service was illegal to use, POTRAZ said they had no issues licensing Starlink as long as the company complied with the country’s laws – read fees, taxes, and ability for government to snoop on the traffic or disable the service at wish if the politics demanded it. Licensed operators in the country pay these costs (part of why the internet is so expensive in Zimbabwe) and allow government to intercept the internet when it wishes.
POTRAZ repeated that while Starlink had expressed interest to regularise operations in Zimbabwe, the company had not been licensed. At least 2 customers of the company were arrested this year for using the service.
Why would Starlink comply with a POTRAZ demand?
One question that people may have is if POTRAZ can technically switch Starlink off. They cannot, and in fact, that’s why they don’t want the service operating.
So if POTRAZ cannot technically switch if off, why would Starlink agree to do it? First, we don’t know if Starlink is agreeing and will go through with the disconnections. However, generally, except in very extreme situations a company would want to comply with the instructions of a government where they wish to operate in the future.
If Starlink is interested in selling to the 4 million Zimbabwean households market that may want a connection in the future, it’s in their interest to work with government and not antagonise it.
Shutdowns in Africa
Earlier this year, Starlink reportedly deactivated what was estimated to be between 300 and 400 devices in South Africa. The deactivated accounts were deemed to be “improperly” operating as they were being provided by an unofficial third party, Startsat.
There we also reports last month suggesting that users, possibly in DRC, experienced the Shut down that Starlink has issued in Zimbabwe.
It is possible that other governments observing this, will learn it’s something they too can do, and more shutdown orders may be coming.
This article was updated after publishing for clarity and additional infromation
Image credit: AFP
77 responses
If starlink is gone .Just stop using the internet .The rest is just a waste of money
What does it mean when it says Starlink has been instructed to shut down in Zimbabwe? Is it the technology or the administration?
With Starlink having “shut down”, can someone be prosecuted for using a shut down service?
It’s a moot point. It would be great to hear what the legal minds think of this entire debacle…..
Does that mean even if you buy the equipment elsewhere you won’t be able to use it in Zimbabwe on international roaming?
You would need to activate it in the foreign country, then activate roaming. If I’m not mistaken, roaming is an inherent feature for Starlink and it should work in most locations around the globe.
If anyone was using it in Zimbabwe it had to be Roaming already. I’m guessing that’s everyone of the estimated 5000 units in Zimbabwe receiving the notification from Starlink.
Power Move
Last legged horse.
Ko why
Will not happen. Starlink will not stop its roaming service around the world. So I wouldn’t worry. Zim has no authority with an open source.
I don’t think you understand what open source means comrade
…Zim has no authority over what it can’t control.”
Stale news we new this was coming. Key industry analysts are saying the big EWZ had a role to play as they are the most affected having at least 3 companies operating in that space in Zim. If it is licensed they loose because Dandemutande will dominate them.
(E.g. Huawei is Apple resulting in Huawei getting sanctions and technology restrictions and TikTok vs American owned social media apps)
Also, the service is in its early stages so regulations are someone’s hard to come by that is why they were shut down. It’s not new to me in the USA FTX lead to congress requiring regulations after customer losses of $10 billion not the fake $15 billion diamond saga of Zimbabwe.
So Only ZBC ZTV can use it?!
Double standards as always.
…and children of politicians can sell the kits. They are untouchable?
Econet just raised tarriffs today obviously approved by portraz so portraz approves expensive internet and bans affordable internet, so who does portraz represent econet or the public? Portraz recently had a n event full of liquid telcom and econet banners portraz is on the payroll of liquid and econet. Portraz officials should investigated by the anti corruption commision.
I am not trying to be less than charitable to POTRAZ, but the MNO that consistently pays their licence fee is Econet. The others are ‘protected’, not sure where this licence fee money goes, but I think you get the point. Econet probably feels hard done by, and rightfully so. They have to please them, somehow, which means passing it on to the consumer.
He who pays the Piper calls the tune.
That’s just a convenient ruse for them to use to be honest. Econet is essentially a Prop to show to the public of what an MNO abiding by their rules looks like and they have to be seen to be doing something about their concerns.
If anything, I say take a look at the service providers currently operating in Zimbabwe so to speak. Check their nationalities and their agendas. It all comes back to a control thing. Essentially Politics.
Watch as a Chinese or Russian version of Starlink get the red carpet from Protraz.
Watch as a Chinese or Russian version of Starlink get the red carpet from Protraz.
Basically the current regime does not want progress… zanupf is just something else
Then vote them out enmasse in 2028. Chisangapere chinoshura. It cannot be close, it must be a landslide for our independent candidate so now one can even think about cooking the books.😜😘
Then u come up and our country will be. Ok
U dont want cheap affodable to your citizens
If u ar afraid of spy the gvt shuld not use it
Let the public enjoy
At home they have unlimited 100Mbps for USD$300, so why worry for them? They do not really care about you or me. They just care about their pocket and living long enough to pillage as much as they can from the coffers. A man riding a Tiger doesn’t want to get off lest he be sent to the Hague for war crimes. At this rate we will find a way to send them regardless, so noting like what they did should ever happen again. We used to see coups in ‘other’ African countries, but alas, they brought it home. Then squandered the good will of the people.
Tech moving faster than regulators 🤣. I interesting to see where the world is going
Only in countries like Zimbabwe, Mozambique has already licenced Starlink.
Our peers in the region are wiping the floor off us. Somehow the incumbent operators are surving with a licenced Starlink. Since, for every 10% penetration of highspeed broadband GDP increases by 2%, it’s only a matter of time Zimbabwe has the wooden spoon in the region and Africa as a whole.
It is so sad that this has happened as we live in a rural area with no access to a decent, affordable Internet so could not pay government required stats now with this Internet can pay bills on time keep on top of banking so everything is easy and works. It is very sad that whoever feels threatened when they actually benefit with payments and a proper working system. I listen to people in town who complain about every single local Internet unaffordable never work. I was with Net One and spent a fortune for a system that probably worked once a month in the early hours and I slept through what a way for them to make money for no service and zol etc are as bad. Please give Starlink what ever they need as it is hard enough try to make one thing easy 🙏
They turn a blind eye to the needs of the people. Screw anyone trying to be enterprising and creating employment. We should all sell ZiG on street corners for the lads at the Federal Reserve.
Portraz official were probably paid bribes by econet and liquid coz they never regualte them but aupport them by approving tarriff increases and high prices and eliminating the competition for them. Also there are a lot of rumours about portraz official getting houses and cars as bribes from econet.
It’s not far fetched as it seems. Protectionism at the detriment of the national agenda. It also doesn’t help that the incumbent doesn’t understand anything about technology.
It’s sad what our country man will do for cars. Case in point election time. Stuff everyone else, I have a car.
Do people actually know they can buy their own cars without a face of another male model on there. It is satisfying, one day you may have to answer for those vehicles and you wish you had just lived your own life frugal or average just like everyone else.
To some of those people, being given a car is like being given a goblin, chikwambo or utokoloshi. Are those people able to afford proper insurance, proper servicing and fuel? Does their accommodation match the type of vehicle? How safe is the vehicle at night, or is it parked at the car park by the shopping centre, school or church for the night?
You ask very good questions. I do not believe they think past the euphoria of showing off to their friends and WAGS about their new precious ‘acquisition’. It’s like being given a Mansion, with two maids, two garden lads, two gersey’s, 10 rooms requiring lighting,heating and cooling without a matching income to pay, $5000 USD per month in upkeep alone. What happens next is all too common, steal more to fund your lavish lifestyle.
It’s crazy to buy cars en-masse every election cycle.
Quick maths.
300 x $50,000 Ford Ranger’s from a country sanctioning you is $15,000,000 Forex before parts and maintenance.
Why we cannot give these amounts to AVM, Quest …etc to make vehicles for the domestic market and African free trade area beats me. Those are jobs and much needed revenue for the treasury…..
What you should be asking yourself is, Why do you expect the current leadership to do that , they have been on power for almost half a century, they have never done this before , what makes you think they will do it now or ever. The question is why do you keep them in power , knowing what they are all about ????
What an interesting week. We don’t link Starlink in our nation, and we are returning to a Gold Standard without enough Gold stores or a Fort Know at Battlefields.
Trying to buy data. ZiG 60 = 1200MB. Does this mean $1 USD = 60 ZiG before we get to 30 April 2024?
If so, this is not a gold standard, Gold is worth more than USD.
You cannot call something a Gold standard unless you have enough Gold deposits to back it up. Also why not put a platinum strip on our notes and coins with the corresponding value on the note. Theoretically an individual can smelt their note back into platinum while maintaining it’s value, either than that it’s just a piece of paper from an untrusted source (people have been burnt before), what could go wrong?
those who also claim they don’t want it taken 😟
This is not the dream our freedom fighters had in the bush Proximo. This is not the dream of Zimbabwe.
People are sick, people are starving/ mal nourished and suffering daily.
While we concentrate on banning things that will aid us in business
Bogles the mind.🤯
This country 😡
Not the country Sir or Ma’am a few individuals.
In the global village. Local, diasporan and international investors are all reading this news thinking, perhaps I should take my money to Mozambique 🇲🇿
Kozvazvainz nana Mbuya nehanda mapfupa achamuka ,ndokwatirikuenda here uku?
We silently dieing!
They conveniently ignore Mbuya Nehanda and Chaminuka when it suits them. They would rather partake in rituals with fake prophets and n’angas. Rituals to prolong their life and stay in power (witchcraft). Is it not simpler just to do the right thing and not taint the family name for generations to come?
Peace be still they will get their reward soon.
The only think you should be shipping on KLM from Amsterdam is a Small Modular Reactor Core, not an ostentatious yellow supercar in a country with not so Stella roads
Yes, we do not have the reactor technology yet to creat our own, but why can’t we get our best minds and institutions together. We design and build the shell of the power plant like all corresponding infrastructure; the building, cabling, transformers. When we get our act together we just stick a reactor in there, but the ground work has already been done so we don’t have to wait another three to five years for the reactors come online. 3 x 500MW reactors generating 1500 MW. One in Kariba, one Tokwe Mukosi, One Lake Manyame.
Wise men plant trees whose shade they will not sit under. We will gladly name the plants after you. ⚡🧲🚎🔌🔦🌲🌳🌴🍁🏡
They would call it mad Kingman. If not for politics,most of you would employ some of these lads and lasses in your business…..
Someone with access to highspeed internet, please may you help me.
What raw materials are used in the manufacturing of Cell Phones. From the shell to the complete device and what plant equipment is needed?
Which of these are found in Zimbabwe?
One could assume this ban was lobbied by Econet and the funny thing is its hypocritical since econet faced a lot of challenges while trying to license the company as a telecommunications service provider. What affects me the most is that Starlink’s technology is capable of bridging the digital divide between rural and urban areas, making internet readily available in remote areas where local service providers are resistant in installing infrastructure.
They faced difficulties but now they are about to get wiped out of existence. 25 years of investments in Fibre infrastructure, marketing partners all to be disrupted by Starlink and its one sole partner Dandemutande. If it were u, u will see the losses. It’s better to be protected than to say let’s have competition and u lose.
They have 4 companies in Zimbabwe offering what Space Xs Starlink will do with one company who loses. It’s them that’s why they are paying for PROTECTIONISM
Well said. But havadaro. For ARPU at $20 in Zim ma 1 chaiwo. They could have achieved anything with the bank but it seems they want to do away with the bank from current reports.
Everyone is the World is sating give the youth access to technology and information so they can transform their lives, they don’t want a free car or a handout.
Council of Wisemen. Who cares what the World think, bank Starlink for underserved rural areas.
Holding other things constant, we need Starlink services in Zimbabwe
We do. We will all benefit. Clever ISPs will use it at remote locations like growth points, police stations, clinics, stadiums, bars and restaurants, schools out in the bhundu. Starlink to the BTS. Tangible success.
AMN using Starlink to expand mobile networks in underserved parts of Africa
Starlink going to Zambia
The Zambian president met with the Starlink team with a view to bringing the service to Zambia. Apparently the talks went well and it looks like Starlink is bound for our landlocked northern neighbour’s shores.
Musk tweeted, “Looking forward to bringing Starlink service to the people of Zambia,” in response to a tweet by an advisor to the Zambian president announcing the fruitful talks.
That means we are now sandwiched between countries that have or will have Starlink soon in South Africa and Zambia. Clearly, our location on the world map will not count against us. Will the other stuff that scares other foreign investors work against us? I hope not.
Meeting Java will not gives us fast affordable internet in remote areas, will it?
I’m talking about the programming language. 🌳🗿
So Starlink sent emails to anyone anyone who has an active device which is live in Zimbabwe? I doubt that. Officially, even on their site they show that they their services are not available in Zim, so nothing has changed at all
People were roaming
My two cents on the issue is we are doomed as a nation
Charlie Chaplin said as long as men die, we will be okay.
Collaboration and innovation keeps us in the black.
Can’t mirror torrents legally, yes theres a lot of ‘free’ content on torrents – but what majority of people download is not legal.
Mirroring frequently used sites… Possible in 2010, not so much now with HTTPS everywhere.
Can anyone tell me where I can pay dstv south africa account
Visa or Mastercard
I think it’s best if you verify if it is starlink how have not made their submissions for a license or its our government who are has denied starlink to be registered
Lets hope this will be fixed soon🀄
Starlink cannot scramble services in Zim cause its on a Roaming world
It might prove difficult for those with trackers on cars bracelets watches or even cattle and goats to those doing extensive farming, I think Econet through Cassava Tech has had annexation of that feat effectively, in that, in layman’s view, their intermediate intervention between Google satellite and we the receipiant has a massed dominions and there’s just been no space to accommodate Starlink, the only things people want from Starlink is the cheaper Internet connectivity, fair enough, we are much working on innovativeness in the for of AI, it is that feat of expensive lnternet services that’s so greatly affected as our service provider are charging exorbitantly so it’s a career that’s missed but if you go to Mozambique you can achieve your dream at the squint of an eye
TECHNOLOGY does not stop for Zimbabwe to better its policies on Internet it’s moving faster with roaring success with or without Zimbabwe,
WE missed out Lifi and now we are battling With Vintage WiFi quips dubbed miti isina Zita, I think they are Telone if not neto e booster that look like Xmas trees, there have long been discarded world over and have since been redundant barely operative in less than five years in Zimbabwe, so we nursing those wounds too long even to miss starlink
Chinese G 60 is still in its infancy and that retardation makes already established star link further development its new features of service and we still licking wound to make up our depleted WiFi services
Starlink has to be regulated, it’s a foreign company trying to get a license to operate in our land it has to follow the rules, because if left unchecked it will morph into this world dominating global cooperates, it will be able to dislodge governments, start or fuel ethnic civil wars, that’s why African giants like SA, Egypt, Nigeria, Ethiopia etc has not allowed starlink to operate in their countries it’s about control and maintaining it
I am very disappointed in Starlink and the Zim government attitude. Access to internet should not be politicised especially as people’s livelihoods often depend on reliable, regular and fast internet connection. Freedom of internet is now a human right, not a concession.
I remember at the NG Telecoms summit in Cape Town. A French South African can to chat to us lads from Zimbabwe. The first thing he said to us was, I had you just fired the nurses. This was around 2018. The entire global village is looking at tje teapot country wondering, what’s going on up there?
This is a big situation and it takes time to be settled. I Musk, wish for Starlink to sway it’s way legally into the country but because of the approvals, we are still working things out. This involves corrupt politicians and government officials who want to exploit our profits and heavy taxes like they do on ZW Econet (that’s why ZW Econet prices are very high. We will continue negotiating with the approvals and hope for the best in the Future. Yours,
OK sir
If Starlink makes a deal with Zimbabwe gov and pay them 20% of what they receive from SL customers, gov would approve SL service immediately.
Why paused is not working?