Could Converting Regular Cars to Electric Vehicles Be Viable in Zimbabwe?

Electric Car

Wondered this after bumping into an article about companies doing this in South America.

Brand new full electric vehicles are quite pricey. But what if you could change that old rusting Bhamba-datya or Sunny box parked outside into an EV? Essentially swap out the petrol engine for electric parts. Body stays the same, but instead refuelling it, you plug it into a Zesa socket at home, or one of the few electric car chargers around Zimbabwe.

Would this make sense cost wise, or is this just a project for car enthusiasts looking for a challenge? Could this be a possible venture for auto-electricians? Or are second regular Japanese vehicles still cheaper even when you factor in long-term fuel vs electricity costs?

There are apparently a number of Chinese companies selling EV retrofit kits for different vehicle models, even going back vehicles made in the 80s. The Latin America company that’s the subject of the article are supplied by a Chinese electric power system company called Zhuhai Enpower Electric. You can also buy EV parts on platforms like Alibaba if you know what you’re doing.

The article says of the retrofitting process itself:

The retrofitting process requires skilled EV technicians to remove the engine, gas tank, exhaust, and other components within a regular car, and fit the electric motor, batteries, on-board charger, and computer into the empty space. Weight has to be carefully distributed so the car doesn’t tilt to one side. The original electrical components — such as airbags and sensors — must function properly, and the battery shouldn’t overheat.

But maybe we’re getting ahead of ourselves. What about the power situation in the country? We’ve had extreme load-shedding throughout the country for over a decade now. And the power it takes to charge a car is not going to come from your average low cost solar setup.

Just for the enthusiasts then?

Image Source: Rest of World


What’s your take?

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  1. Anonymous

    You need to do an update article on the EV status in Zim. How many EVs in Zim sofar? What the service I like. Costs. Charging etc

  2. Tanaka Kutama

    great idea but training is very vital at the moment

    1. Dzidzai

      I believe I can train or is it teach most subjects, I’m always happy to do it.

  3. Tanaka Kutama

    they are now over 35 EVs on the road and charging stations both private and commercial 15 including the petrotrade fast charger 40kw DC

    1. flysiddthesoulutionexe

      Ndoona sekuti Charging sources should be of main concern in major cities. Pane pauchacharger washandisa 5% from 100??

  4. Frog catcher

    Great idea but there are other aspects to consider such as safety, efficiency and drivability. Removing parts and changing the weight distribution of the vehicle can have numerous side effects.

  5. Cabson Moyo♥️

    Technology is fast revolutionising the way way we live and think, leaving the stone-age era as a bygone epoch. Thanks for the real-time updates.

  6. Magetsi kuVanhu

    A Kenyan Company called Roam has been doing it for a while now. They converted some of the National Parks’ Land Cruiser 79 Series into EVs

    1. Dzidzai

      Stealth is great for game viewing and anti poaching.

      Run silent

  7. Anonymous

    I used to like seeing that dairy bird EV vehicle of way in the 80s, silent it was no pollutants jus delivered milk door to door or to central milkman station it was indeed owesome, but there is hybrid conversion too, where on massive workload or retiring battery some mechanical. applications should be required
    And so as Zimbo, I feel our model should just be hybrid energy if only we could bolstera and capitalise on to that before many realise their effectiveness

    1. Anonymous

      yah the dairy bird was owesome indeed, i hope they can bolstera it … kkkk hahaha

    2. Dzidzai

      You betray your age, in the 80s some of us were just a learning to walk…kkk

      Mukoma Stan


  8. Dzidzai

    How about putting an electric motor on a Scotch Cart, with brakes and brake lights?

    1. Vicdebet

      Kkkkk(kkkk. Go electric everywhere

      1. Dzidzai

        Kkkk Everywhere Megahertz

  9. Heavy Internet User

    Those in Mutare how is Telone Blaze performing?

  10. Dzidzai

    Speaking of vehicles not EVs.

    My ex wife asked me, Dzidzai why are we buying a BMW, this was in Cape Town. We had an E36 316, grey in colour. My boss used to call it 316 Slow…kkkk until you got onto the N2.

    There was a Tog Gear episode I said. The Gorilla Clarkson brought a Benz, Richard Hammond brought a BMW E36, sorry James I forgot what you brought but it may have been a Daihatsu or something or Renault.

    Secretly I knew it was because in Grade 7 Steed Hutchings mom brought a white E36 to pick him up from hostel. And I was like, what is that, it looks like a Space Ship, in 1995 this was the latest car you could get. Till this day, it takes some beating. Speaking about beatings Mr. Clarkson…kkkk people assume journalists don’t have hands.

    I could have got a 328, Green in colour from Mitchell’s Plain, elderly driver. The person In was with unfortunately was complaining that we are seeing to many cars, let’s settle for this one, and its a Zimbabwean selling it, so yeah we went and took her home. Before we did, I burned CDs to listen to, no modulator in those days, the CD went straight into a horizontal slit, and by magic, it was pulled in. Try bearing CD Audio quality, not sure what the latest models with Harmon Kardon sound like.

    It was still a great car we had many adventures, sent up and down a mountain to Hermanus and we saw whales in their natural habit, its a magnificent creature. Do you know some whales drown, they have to come up to the surface to breathe, weird I know. However, a Shark is a fish, it doesn’t have a blow hole like a whale it has gills and evolution has taught it to convert oxygen from water. So technically all Creatures can drown if starved of oxygen, I don’t know about the, tartagrade* those things that can survive in space. This is whyvfish farmers have to check oxygen levels in the water, in Trout farming they have runways so water keeps flowing, Bream you can dig a Fish pond. Nature is fascinating, we like in an environment, therefore we should know and take care of our environment.

    1. T ccoki

      U got the time type all this . Man seems like ur youths expiring date is almost up 1995

  11. Anonymous

    @Techzim, your articles are now full of irrelevant spam comments! Boring stuff…

    1. Dzidzai

      Are you being tortured to read? Kkkk only in Zimbabwe do people mark comments….kkkk ayas

    2. Cobra iComms

      What is spam?

    3. The Oracle

      He wants comments that he likes but cannot give us his views on the article. Why are you even here? Contribute, let’s hear your views.

      I have never seen this on international platforms like E46 Fanatics. Why here Lord, why us, why are we so backward?

    4. DJD

      It’s a thinly veiled threat from a person who cannot have fun, even in a bar.

      1. Journo B

        What do you expect from a person who closes them. If he had it his way, everyone will be home by 6pm to catch him on the 8pm bulletin.

    5. D weku J (Inventor of Dice)

      If you are bored, why don’t you do something exciting like not picking up your phone to let everyone else know you are bored. Is the a word that can explain a person who is beyond boring. I’m having a Slumber party by myself. Going to watch a movie bow in 720p. Thanks lads for the plug

      1. Enquirer

        What are you watching.

        1. Variety

          The Hunt for Red October
          Crimson Tide
          Apocalypse Now
          The Gods must be Crazy
          Terminator 2 Judgement Day
          Alien 2
          Alien 3
          Dune Part 1
          Dune Part 2
          Saving Private Ryan
          Band of Brothers
          Seal Team

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