Econet has been on a network upgrade spree, I fear the competition is falling hopelessly behind

Solar Base Station

It wasn’t too long ago that we were all complaining about the quality of service Econet was providing. Indeed, some still voice these concerns, but most of us should have noticed a significant improvement.

I’m one of those who have seen these improvements. I don’t make enough regular voice calls to comment on any reductions in call drop rates, but when it comes to internet reliability, I’m well placed to share my experience. I’ve been a happy camper these past few months.

The first major change I noticed in my neighborhood was the introduction of Econet 5G.

Econet 5G

This came with improvements. I’m enjoying incredible speeds and have only experienced a single slowdown, which happened on a day even Liquid Telecom faced issues.

In the past, only those lucky enough to win the “neighborhood lottery” got to enjoy such service. Econet claims to have turned this around. They’ve been on an upgrading spree, and most users should be seeing the benefits.

Econet network modernisation

Econet’s capital expenditure for the financial year ending February 2024 amounted to ZW$1.9 trillion (approximately US$127 million), a substantial 363% increase compared to ZW$0.4 trillion in 2023.

It seems this rate of expenditure has continued into the current year. I got 5G after the February 2024 cutoff for the reported figure of roughly US$127 million.

The capital expenditure was primarily directed towards the network modernization program. Key investments included:

  • Upgrading network infrastructure: Over 1,012 sites were modernized with 4G high-capacity base stations, focusing on Harare, Bulawayo, and the entire Manicaland region. Econet plans to modernize another 550 base stations after February.
  • Installation of new base stations: 50 new base station sites were added, expanding network coverage and likely improving service quality.
  • 5G deployment: 5 new 5G base stations were installed during the year, bringing the total to 27. I received 5G service after this, so more 5G base stations have been added since February 2024.
  • Renewable energy solutions: Efforts continued to deploy renewable energy solutions to address power outages and maintain high uptime at base stations.

What this means

The above explains why Econet is confident that network challenges should be a thing of the past for most users.

Notably, Econet was also provided with spectrum in the 700 MHz range by the telecoms regulator. As Econet puts it, “Spectrum refers to radio frequencies present in the air that telecom companies use to provide connectivity services.”

Econet says the 700 MHz band will “extend the coverage of existing base stations to serve customers who are at the periphery of the current coverage limit.”

You see, the 700 MHz frequency band can travel longer distances and penetrate buildings, walls, and other obstacles more effectively than higher frequency bands.

It’s excellent for expanding coverage in both rural and urban areas where building new infrastructure might be costly. In other words, it allows Econet to provide reliable service across wider areas with fewer base stations.

As you can see, 700 MHz is a big deal. Here are some of its benefits in short:

  • For Econet, this spectrum allows better network traffic management and the capacity to handle future increases in data traffic and support emerging technologies.
  • We will experience stronger signals inside buildings, leading to fewer dropped calls and better data connectivity indoors.
  • We can expect consistent service even in congested areas, as Econet can offload some capacity from the frequency bands currently in use to the newly allocated 700 MHz range.

One horse race

Econet has long acknowledged that the challenges we were facing were real. Back in 2021, they said:

Our infrastructure requires continuous improvement in order to continue providing service at the quality and scale demanded by our customers. This has not been possible in the current environment due to the unavailability of foreign currency.

There were years of underinvestment, and we all noticed it. But Econet seems to have found a way around this problem.

We’re all aware that the foreign currency shortage hasn’t really been resolved. In fact, it’s predicted to worsen with the government talking about accelerating de-dollarization efforts.

So, if it’s not because foreign currency is suddenly more available, how did Econet solve the puzzle? Partnerships, that’s how. As Econet stated:

Our strategic partnerships with key equipment vendors have enabled us to accelerate our current network modernization program after several years of underinvestment.

We don’t have the details of these partnerships, but it’s clear there wouldn’t be any upgrades without them.

My concern is that Zimbabwe’s telecoms race is going to become even more lopsided than it already is. It’s not just Econet whose equipment was outdated—the competition is facing the same problem.

With both NetOne and Telecel performing poorly, are they in a position to secure partnerships that would allow them to upgrade their own networks? I think it’s a tall order, short of the government injecting money it doesn’t have into these companies.

Econet is only going to increase its dominance. But perhaps that won’t be the case, and maybe I just won the neighbourhood lottery this time around. I’m curious to know if you’ve experienced the improvements these upgrades should bring.

Also read:


28 responses

  1. DH Avatar

    Econet is now doing the right thing in fear of losing subscribers to Starlink. We will not be moved by those improvements muchishona tirikuti Starlink chete chete.

    1. techMiner Avatar

      If Econet waited to be pushed by Starlink then that’s very sad but let all think about all the jobs of our brothers and sisters. Starlink belongs in the remote areas where ROI if negative.

      1. anon73352 Avatar

        Typical corporate apologists. So you’re saying let’s further enrich crooks who have been ripping us off for so long and squeezing everything out of us, we should support them just so they can pay poverty level wages to a couple people. Great logic right there. I for one will never support econet

        1. Glaurung The Dragon Avatar
          Glaurung The Dragon

          Why one would support a thieving organisation like Econet is beyond me.

      2. sad Avatar

        just the threat of starlink had fixes them to had 45usd 1tb package… why were they sitting on this bandwidth.
        I shudder to think what 1tb cost before

        1. T ccoki Avatar
          T ccoki

          There was never starlink pressure. Coz can u move with that route of urs . U ppl think wats outside ur boxes forgot wat u already have in ur box

  2. The Last Don Avatar
    The Last Don

    And just to think Econet still doesn’t have VoLTE in this day and age is baffling. This technology improves call quality as voice calls will be made over 4G LTE networks. I am failing to see which improvements or upgrades they are making if this one is not one of them.

  3. flysiddthesoulutionexe Avatar

    Ndiriko kungezi ndirikuwana 4g+ haaa akoma buddie varikushanda shuwa

  4. The Empress Avatar
    The Empress

    I have said it many times on this platform.
    Econet is Usain Bolt pretending to be under stress when running against toddlers!
    There’s never been any real competition for Econet in Zimbabwe, in fact I put it to you that Econet has had to put in more effort into holding back than actually competing against NetOne or Telecel.
    But now that Starlink has been allowed to operate in the country and Econet is now facing competition that’s actually capable ,well the kid gloves are off and they are going to get serious.
    The only hope for NetOne and Telecel is prayer. If they still have a combined 15% market share 5 years from now it will be a miracle.

    1.  Avatar

      Starlink will be better than econet pretty soon unless econet decreases it’s crazy data tarrifs

  5. Ranga Avatar

    Special thanks to Huawei their telecom vendor on some 5G sites around Harare, i operate directly with them and there is a huge improvement especially from R.G Mugabe International AirPort to the CBD, there are great networks performances right now

  6. TelTech Avatar

    I feel like econet is currently facing major competition from netone . This year alone Netone has installed more 5G sites than econet , I’m sure of 7 installed in the past 3months. Also it has been on a serious 4G+ installation program since the beginning of the year.

    1. Bhinikwa Avatar

      Where are those 5G sites…..maybe only in Harare as usual. To date we have no Blaze in Byo. ……………..though kudos l got connected to their FTTH at home. Very nice speeds. Last nite l was downloading a 300mb file at 7mbps download rate. Now thats really cool

      1.  Avatar

        Telone FTTH in KweKwe is more or less around 14mbps. Well my speed is.

        Poor Bullies!

  7. synysterGates Avatar

    Ngavatipreoka mabasa. Upgrade spree kudii

  8. Saucy Pervet🍑 Avatar
    Saucy Pervet🍑

    If only the Government wasn’t greedy why not sell Telecel and NetOne to any local company in Zimbabwe and let these MNOs compete effectively with Econet otherwise it will be a 1 horse race indeed in the future.

    1. Ngoni Avatar

      Its not about profitability for NetOne or Telecel – besides we all know they’re making losses. It’s all a bout controlling the sector – at least if they have MNO’s that they run they have leverage on the ICT sector.But jealous down NetOne is performing wonders in my hood – actually I have switched over from Econet during the worst of its woes – I’m now a happy NetOne subscriber 😀😀😀

  9. where? Avatar

    where are the 5G base stations situated? or is this a secret? coverage areas?

  10. Kbsales Zw Avatar
    Kbsales Zw

    Aiwa titende Starlink yauya neReal Competition
    Zvisinei ini zvese izvo handinei nazvo

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    Contact 0776573978

    Available at 59 Cameron Street
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    Computer Village Mall
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    Follow @Kbsales Zw paFacebook

  11. Unk Avatar

    I was on this platform last year complaining about how my area penhalonga only had 2G,now it’s 4G everywhere

  12. User001 Avatar

    In my area you’re lucky if you get an H+. We live in an area where there’s a network shadow.
    Try calling the dude next to you and he’s unavailable. Messages don’t get delivered instantly. Sometimes they take hours.

    5G is still a dream. Even if its upgraded we will still be in the shadows

  13. K Avatar

    Starlink threat, they are preparing for the bout

  14. Richard Norman Avatar
    Richard Norman

    Not in Kariba, showing usual speed of 0.5 KB/s.

  15.  Avatar

    When will Econet improve voice quality? There is a big quality difference when you use a Vodacom line and speak to someone. The person sounds like they are next to you.

  16. Thanks for the good read.. Avatar
    Thanks for the good read..

    your comments make more sense, and are more informative, than most of techzims articles, thank you !!

  17. Red Avatar

    Am now experiencing 5G network in Glen View with better speed. Currently econet is dominating when it comes to service

  18. The Truth Avatar
    The Truth

    Don’t misinform people, what can you say when your site runs free on Econet lines. No competition is falling behind because i would go as far as to say Netone is in the same bracket now. Their network has improved significantly but in 3 years time they will be all history, starlinm is Thanos and is inevitable.

    1. Thanos Avatar

      But not for those in Kadoma

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