Frampol Becomes Starlink Authorised Reseller in Zimbabwe

Local ICT solutions company, Frampol, has become (as far as we know) the first Authorised Starlink Reseller in Zimbabwe. ZimPriceCheck revealed this morning that the Frampol announced to customers:

“As our valued customer, we are thrilled to announce that Frampol has been officially approved as a Starlink Reseller! We are providing the opportunity to secure your kit while awaiting Government approval.”

When we wrote last week that Starlink was targeting a September 1 go-live date, our sources advised us IMC, the company that was politically endorsed to become sole Starlink Distributor in Zimbabwe had still not secured the reseller partnership with Starlink. So we speculated other ISPs were probably in the picture:

As far as we know, the IMC position we reported hasn’t changed – our information says Starlink won’t touch that company with a very long stick. We’re checking again with everyone however just in case. But also remember, Potraz itself said any ISP could technically be a Starlink distributor as long as they secure the partnership and distribute kits under their license. That leaves some room for other players to get in on this.

We’re happy we were right. We’re bummed we didn’t dig any deeper.

We expect more ISP to announce their reseller status with Starlink, assuming ofcourse that Frampol didn’t secure some kind of buffer time to sell the huge consignment of Starlink kits they have to buy to secure this partnership. Dandemutande and Liquid especially, are likely already working hard to be authorised resellers. If you can’t beat Starlink…

Frampol is not new to selling connectivity services in Zimbabwe. They have been in the business for some 2 decades now. The company has focused on B2B connectivity, selling internet solutions (including connectivity itself) atop the network infrastructure of longer established companies such as Liquid.

We suspect the fact that Frampol has always considered connectivity as a solution meeting a customer need, instead of an infrastructure enabled installation, is why they have moved with speed to secure this partnership. Established ISPs with infrastructure probably looked at Starlink more as competition that they reluctantly have no choice but to work with…eventually. Some probably still do. Otherwise, why is this announcement not coming from Liquid, TelOne, Telco, Powertel, or Dandemutande?

In terms of when Starlink is going live, it does look like any time now, barring something big unexpected happening. This is Zimbabwe. If you’re keen to move over from your ISP to Starlink, it is definitely wise to reserve your kit right away, either via the Starlink website or with Frampol.


31 responses

  1. Moonlink Avatar

    “Any time now” lol

  2. Anony Avatar

    We’ve been waiting since Monday, iyoh!

    1. Moonlink Avatar

      Yeah and techzim hasn’t been accurate at all, claiming to have inside sources that itl launch 1 September.
      This website has been riding this starlink wave even if it means putting out fake news just for clicks

      1. Brian Mubvumbi Avatar
        Brian Mubvumbi

        I dont blame the honestly with how things happen in Zimbabwe.

        Too many changes to everything you have to constantly be on your guards.

        You doing well techzim thanks

  3. Mvx Avatar

    Lack of clear transparency on when its gonna go live

  4. Jack Avatar

    Thanks for the article. But to the public, no need for anxiety. Anyone in business and keen to make money, let them publicly advertise and offer the services when theybare available for use. Wasting our time and resources selling starling link like mbanje or coccaine. Nxaa

  5. anonymous Avatar

    fake publicity

    1. Mwendaz Avatar

      Dzungu moriwanza!!

  6. Boss Avatar

    Starlink yagarwa iyo aStrive

  7. Digga Barnes Avatar
    Digga Barnes

    Quick ask: Do the Starlink prices include 15% VAT and 10% Excise Duty

  8. Godfrey Akanyang Avatar
    Godfrey Akanyang

    We are a company called Parrot Agencies in Botswana and we are interested in joining as a agent to sell your services this side. Please advise on what criteria you need from us to get in your suppliers database.

    Best regards
    Godfrey Akanyang
    Managing Director
    Parrot Agencies

    1.  Avatar

      This is not Starlink’s site, this is a news site…

  9.  Avatar

    Hello so are you saying we can purchase the kit from frampol while we wait for the starlink launch in the country?

  10. Indomitable Lion Avatar
    Indomitable Lion

    Zimloan USD Loan

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    1. Ok Avatar

      What’s this?

  11. Pasi ne Econet and Liquid Avatar
    Pasi ne Econet and Liquid

    Well done Frampol!

  12. Henk Terblanche Avatar
    Henk Terblanche

    I really need Starlink out in karoi north

  13. Muzivi Wazvese😎 Avatar
    Muzivi Wazvese😎

    Techzim panyaya yestarlink hamuna kana clue. Dai masiyana nayo henyu maenda mberi nekuita mareview enyu emaItel. Looks like there is not much tech news in zim after all. Dai matogadzira tech yacho imi otherwise kuzviti techzim nyaya chaidzo hamuna

  14. Nothing like little news Avatar
    Nothing like little news

    People be in the comment section blasting Techzim for having no news after reading a 2 to 5min article and comments, for free. Apa hauna data futi. Some cant acjnowledge the days get longer when there are no posts here. The little updates go a long way.

  15. Mc Avatar

    I would love to collaborate with them.

  16. Mr BC Avatar
    Mr BC

    Zimboz are lazy,they castigate you on updates about Starlink but they have capacity to go on Starlink Website and write them an email.

    1. Iyeni Avatar

      When there is no update from Starlink themselves anything else is speculation Mr BC. It’s childplay for techzim to keep wanting the mileage for information they are not sure of. It’s better for them to write more articles on how Starlink can change Zimbabwe or what to do with it when it comes than to do hit and miss posts on the release date they will discover at the same time as the rest of zimbabwe

  17. The Real Deal Avatar
    The Real Deal

    Frampol simply signed an agreement with another authorised regional or global reseller just like Utande and DFA. Mind you this agreement still needs to be approved by POTRAZ since it’s not a direct agreement with Starlink themselves. Frampol does not have direct access to Starlink. They still have no clue what the package prices are and what the final price of equipment would be. Please research before publishing unverified information! You are becoming lazy Techzim!

  18. Andrew Avatar

    Can’t say much lovely step one

  19. UNAMUSED Avatar

    This opening statement…..
    As our valued customer, we are thrilled to announce that Frampol has been officially approved as a Starlink Reseller! We are providing the opportunity to secure your kit while awaiting Government approval.”

    Thrilled you have been approved so we must secure our kits from you while awaiting government approval

    What does this nonsense mean?

  20. aubrey sean patel Avatar
    aubrey sean patel

    i would like to secure a gen 2 kit with you how what is your websitre address?

  21. # Avatar

    Econet will beat them to this

  22. Osborne Taitoranyika Karuva Avatar
    Osborne Taitoranyika Karuva

    Zim deals are always like chasing shadows and moving targets – you can even chase your own tail until forever??? 😂😂😂

  23. Tsitsi Dangarembga Avatar
    Tsitsi Dangarembga

    Any idea who owns Frampol? I expect to buy a kit but I’d still like to know who I’m buying from.

  24. Tins Avatar

    Why would other ISPs like Liquid and Dande resell Starlink which is their competitor

  25. Nyasha Avatar

    Ini I am confused what foes being a starlink reseller mean?What services will they be offering exactly??

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