Global Social Media Platforms Threaten Our Sovereignty – Zimbabwe Government Minister

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Local innovators need to develop social media platforms to curb the threat of global companies such as Meta and ByteDance on Zimbabwe’s sovereignty, a government minister said this week.

The minister, Dr Jenfan Muswere was speaking at a conference at one of Zimbabwe’s oldest universities, NUST, where he warned against the continued reliance on social media platforms owned by “international giants”.

Muswere is Zimbabwe’s Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister. He said the traditional print media industry, which had a lot of influence on public opinion in the past, no longer held sway and their business is threatened by social media. Readership of newspapers in Zimbabwe has dropped from over 100,000 to less than 10,000 per day, he said.

Said Muswere:

“The phone, artificial intelligence, broadband and information science have completely transformed the way we live, handle transactions, and make decisions as countries and individuals.

“There is a total shift in marketing from the old print and broadcasting media to social media platforms, which now control and dominate advertising and marketing.

“Social media now dominates international trade and marketing, so it is very important for researchers and academics to work together to achieve data sovereignty.

“Universities must take the lead for Zimbabwe to develop its own social media platforms, as reliance on social media platforms owned by international giants will continue to threaten the sovereignty of our nation and other African countries.”

While newspapers are still read by older generations, younger people do not buy newspapers or read news websites anymore. They get their updates of local events and entertainment content from social media apps like Instagram, X, and WhatsApp plus global video platforms like YouTube, and TikTok.

Even a section of older Zimbabweans get their news on platforms such as Facebook and X.

This has shifted the control of information and influence on populations from country governments and traditional media to global companies like Meta, X, Google and ByteDance.

The global companies themselves are generally incentivised by business objectives and the algorithms determining spread and reach of information on the platforms are designed with those goals. However, the companies also answer to their own governments and owner’s non-business objectives.



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  1. D.K.

    The world has become a global village which only the newer generations can understand forty four years later. We can no longer isolate or insulate ourselves from the rest of the world to have a people who only use can influence. With not much activity happening now compared to a few years ago, the youth are curious to know and want to be involved in what makes the global world go round, they want to know and be involved in the making of cloth and clothes after David Whitehead Textiles as it was closed, in the making of cars after Willowvale Mazda closed, in the making of international quality motor tyres after Dunlop closed, the making of electronic gadgets after Philips, Supersonic and WRS closed, they want to follow and be in the spaces they could have been involved in in NRZ, Lever Brothers and the international banks and audit companies that left. As far the media, most of it has been bought by people with lots of money who have their interests to prop and protect, to the extent that newspapers have become tools and mouthpieces.
    While we want to follow the Chinese in localisation, we do not have the numbers of people or the resources. Even if we include the SADC, it will still not be feasible.
    Things will get worse for those for localisation with the coming in of the international telecommunications giant who is able to work in the country for the citizens without a physical presence in the country.
    In case they didn’t know, we used to buy newspapers mostly for the paid for adverts where we got the news we wanted. We would know who had died, when and where they will be cremated or buried, we would know what jobs are on offer, we would know about houses on sale, etc.
    The world is now for the new generation, and we, the older generation should adapt to keep our blood pressure from shooting.

  2. JC

    I am enjoying my Econet bundle of unlimited data and 200 minutes just for $15

    1. T ccoki

      How do you get it like the ussd code is pliz

    2. Voltron

      Tipei ma USSD code acho nesu titenge ma bundle acho

  3. Tkt

    Econet Family launched Sasai, & the people chose not to accept

    Saka umm, ma1 chaiwo

    1. Anonymous

      Services can’t be just accepted like that , it takes an innovative product for people to accept it in tech.

  4. Dalfpin

    Ana herald ngavavhare ma papers acho vogadzira ma tissue coz news dzavo ndedze ku murmur

  5. Dzidzai 💜

    I am sure if data was as cheap as in the West people from Zimbabwe could come up with their own World Class applications.

    Developing a World Class App without World Class Internet and salaries to match is like shearing a pig, lots of noise, not enough wool.

    In other words putting the Donkey before the Scotch Cart.

    1. The Accountant

      You don’t need a salary for that but love for wat u want and do we lack that

  6. Cobra iComms

    Perhaps people in Zimbabwe prefer World Class apps because they are more fun..

    1. DJD

      Maybe vanoda zvinhu wo’♋

      1. Dzidzai 2028:)

        There is also the small matter of when you are under sanctions people in the other countries won’t want to use your YouTube alternative like Uhuru, just for just, some won’t even want to travel to come see you, some won’t even want to play football in your stadiums.

  7. rubbish stuff

    i bought a herald newspaper in 2001, it was a waste of whatever the currency was called and a load of rubbish (the currency and the newspaper were both a load of rubbish) so i never bought one again, my mental health has improved a lot since 2001 when i last read the herald…

  8. Dzidzai 2028:)

    How a boy from compound got to Great Zimbabwe.

    It started when I watched a female youtuber from the Netherlands travel across Zimbabwe with a Bike.

    It challenged, Dzidzai you have been in Zimbabwe how many years now and a foreign tourist has beaten you to Epworth balancing rocks, Ngomakurira, Nyanga and Great Zimbabwe. It was not for lack of trying.

    So I decided, kids wife we are going to Ngomakurira.. How would be get up the mountain. Well we were in a 4×4 group, and I was made privy to a hidden trail..

    We paid our dues and got a kid as a tour guide A’s the trail is tricky for first timers.. We took the Mazda BT50 from Amtec up and down the mountain. Any mistake and your entire family is dead so no fear drive straight true, remember your training.

    Then I went on a minor excursion without the family.. The cliff was too steep to risk it. So I went with the young lads who were used to the inclination..

    We saw a defaced cave with ancient cave paintings.. The lads said there is a Panther.. I disagree with them, we do not have Panthers here only in Latin.. And the enormous creature looked like a Dinosaur preserved in Stone. Our very own Lockness monster.

    With a bit of confidence, I thought I could now conquer all the peaks and marques. Got to Spitfire Avenue in Gweru, the Aviation and Military Musuem, National Archives then something happened.

    I wanted to keep my own Bees at home.. So I asked my ancestors. I heard Sekuru you used to go to war with Bees, I would like my own..

    By faith, I bought a Bee hive near Gateway Highschool.. It didn’t have a cover, so I had to use a grinder to fashion a roof for my future bees.. A scouting party came a day before, a lone Bee. I took a video then posted it to the United Provinces WhatsApp group. The same group Mukoma Prosper said, mukaramba muchiseka Dzidzai muma groups enyu, tichazoitenga manje, muchawa to the rescue.

    Next day at Gwebi River, at the bridge to Mount Pleasant heights marked with Wheeping Willow trees, and a pool that never runs dry.. Now Dion has stuff a monstrous irrigation pump that polluted the river, use a solar pump you Dits. Right there, I found a swarm of Bees right there in front of me on a branch by a thicket.

    No Bee suit. Just my K-Way gloves bought through our work account at Cape Union Mart. My Resto as a face mask, my secateurs and an uncommon confidence. I went removed the Bees with surgeon precision. Packed them into the M54, it rained then I parked at Java for refreshments. Took my Bees home, couldn’t wait for morning to let them out.

    Then the hive went alive. A lot hi tree nearby the Bees were happy, then the garden help sprayed them with herbicide, not before slashing my 200 Banana plants I had tissue cultured in sawdust.. A long process destroyed in 5 minutes. I asked him why, orders you see, orders from mum. Why couldn’t you give me warning to remove them since you didn’t want them at the house. It pissed me off immensely.

    So I went AWOL. Found myself at Mbare waiting for the Sibs Express bus to take off. After spotting a torch light in the darkness I was at my busy station. Lodging a for a night, planting in the morning and I was on my way to Maringire.

    On my way back I asked if Great Zimbabwe was open. I was dropped off the the Great Zimbabwe turn off. Then I waiting an eternity for transport, so I decide I will walk them. Some Adam footsteps and sweat a Wish stopped. Kunzwirwa tsitsi na driver. In the middle of knowhere. So I sat in the bush because we were packed to the raffters.

    A lady asked, murikuenda kumutambo here? No. I’m just a tourist. Great Zimbabwe is magnificent, there is serenity around it..

    Then the twin Bateleur Eagles flew overhead. Then the Baboons then the wildlife Judy and all came. African Safari on a budget.. Less than $50 later I was on my way back to Harare.

    Not before I made my mark☢️☣️🀄 , it’s a seal and only my friends are invited.

    1. Cobra iComms

      You forgot the Heroes Acre, The stairs, Sekuru’s grave ‘no kudeketera’ and the mausoleum, and the soldiers and support.. And the Hoka they gave you.

  9. Unknown

    Global social media is only a threat to those who wanna keep people in the dark about what is possible when a government is for the people, and by the people.

  10. Cobra iComms

    The results of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 IOC Athletes’ Commission election are as follows:

    Name Sport NOC TOTAL
    Allyson FELIX Athletics USA 2880
    Kim BUI Gymnastics GER 1721
    Jessica FOX Canoe AUS 1567
    Marcus DANIELL Tennis NZL 1563
    Simona KUBOVA Aquatics CZE 1353
    Kahena KUNZE Sailing BRA 1306
    Husein A. ALIREZA Rowing KSA 1266
    Olufunke OSHONAIKE Table Tennis NGR 1266
    Cheick Sallah CISSÉ Taekwondo CIV 1148
    Aliya BOSHNAK Athletics JOR 1145
    Emma PLASSCHAERT Sailing BEL 1075
    Mariana PAJÓN Cycling COL 978
    Valent SINKOVIC Rowing CRO 872
    Melissa MOJICA ROSARIO Judo PUR 851
    Áron SZILÁGYI Fencing HUN 833
    Georgii ZANTARAIA Judo UKR 829
    Yazan AL BAWWAB Aquatics PLE 827
    Inbee PARK Golf KOR 590
    Soraya AGHAEI HAJI AGHA Badminton IRI 582
    Anton MCKEE Aquatics ISL 560
    Emiliano HERNANDEZ USCANGA Modern Pentathlon MEX 524
    Gunta VAICULE Athletics LAT 429
    Enrique ARATHOON Sailing ESA 424
    Chih-Yuan CHUANG Table Tennis TPE 408
    Mulern JEAN Athletics HAI 357
    Niluka KARUNARATNE Badminton SRI 308
    Yakov TOUMARKIN Aquatics ISR 235
    Silina PHA APHAY Athletics LAO 171
    Izmir SMAJLAJ Athletics ALB

    1. Comodo Dragon 🐍

      So I’m watching the rugby championship and Siyatanda Kilosi said something very profound.

      Para phrased as ‘ we congratulate the people of South Africa for 30 years of freedom, but we know some people who are not free’.

      Gender biased violence is bad either way, that’s why it is not gender specific..

      Sometimes it is better just to have a beer, and watch World Class sport. Bvonga bvonga kwete, one zvinomakisa two zvinokwidza BP mahara.

      Manje ininidokuruma in self defence. Kana kutiza. Tozouya for recovery.

  11. Just barking

    Tuma statements twema Caveman being made by muswere. Social media apps are far too sophisticated for zim gvt to run. Imagine the gvt cannot keep its own websites running and updated vozoda kutaura abt these platforms way beyond their reach. Iyo sovereignty yavanoda kutaura ndeipi when they are freely giving china, russia, belarus etc unfettered access.

  12. Mukanya

    Social media is the way to go please advise Muswere, I neither read nor listen from the the so-called official media which distorts what I would have seen live with my own eyes..

  13. X

    Econet could have done it with Sasai, because they had all the right ingredients, a telecommunication company with the largest subscriber base, they could have allowed people to use Sasai for free, it would have been expensive for them at the beginning but would be profitable on the long term because Sasai is not just a social media app its a mixture of services and that would have opened up many revenue avenues for econet, they would have a far greater monopoly than they have today but econet being econet they missed out on that opportunity because of greed

    1. Me

      True. Sasai was supposed to be zero rated on econet, Marketed in Schools (highschools and tertiary) because the younger generation was goingg to give it even more popularity on a wider scale

      They were also supposed to promote it more during the covid era, which they failed