Potraz Bans Starlink Authorised Resellers, Frampol, Dandemutande From Advertising and Selling Starlink

L.S.M Kabweza Avatar

When we spoke to a source at Potraz last week we learned something that surprised us. Despite Dandemutande and Frampol securing their Starlink Authorised Reseller status, Potraz has so far refused to grant them “clearance” to sell Starlink.

This means that these Starlink Authorised Reseller cannot sell Starlink Services in Zimbabwe. The only companies granted the clearance are Aura and TelOne. And ofcourse Starlink Zimbabwe itself.

When Potraz announced the Starlink Licence approval earlier this month, it also announced a ban on selling of Starlink services in Zimbabwe without Potraz clearance:

It is a condition of the STARLINK Licences that such Agencies, Dealers and ISPs shall be subject to clearance by POTRAZ. This condition applies to both existing and prospective ISPs and Network Operators. The sale or distribution of STARLINK User Terminals without appropriate licensing and clearance is, therefore, an offence punishable by law.

Essentially, Starlink got the license on condition Potraz had the final say on who could be an authorised reseller.

According to a report in The Standard, Potraz has asked these uncleared ISPs to stop telling Zimbabweans they are Starlink Authorised Resellers. And as far as we can tell, they are complying.

This ban essentially gives Potraz the power to exclude Frampol, Dandemumutande, Paratus. Well, not Potraz per se. It’s the politicians that control Potraz that have that power. You probably noticed that it was not POTRAZ that announced the Starlink licence. It was the Minister of ICT. Potraz only announced the license the next day, as if to retweet the minister.

You will also remember that even back in May, it was not Potraz that announced the controversial Starlink licensing. It was the country’s president himself. Potraz didn’t say anything about it, and to this day have not commented on the mess of it all. It was a mess because the president was essentially telling Starlink it would give it a licence, on condition it worked with Wicknell Chivayo’s IMC exclusively. As we now know, Starlink refused.

But Zimbabweans continued to clamour for Starlink and a compromise had to be reached. Which is what we have today – instead of Chivayo, we have Aura, TelOne and Starlink itself. Navigating the licencing in Zimbabwe was so hard for Starlink, the SpaceX executive leading the effort described it as perseverance “through a difficult and complex licensing and activation effort.”

TelOne is a government owned company, and already an ISP. Aura is a private company. The Standard article we linked to above claims Aura is linked to some cabinet ministers and that it has ordered some 6,000 kits destined for tender business with the government.

What Aura says

We contacted Aura Group CEO, Samuelle Dimairho, to comment on this allegation. He denies it and says The Standard is using lies to create content to sell the paper. He explained:

We have a reputation of our own and proven track record and have never been in partnership or affiliated with any cabinet Minster or politician. We have been working on the Starlink project for the past 3 years and have been involved in a broader telecoms and IoT revolution for the past 8 years.

We have done much bigger and far more complex projects in Africa and Asia. One that is in the public domain is Chengetedzai Depository Company. We co-founded Chengetedzai and currently own a large stake.

We asked him how Aura got its “clearance” yet Potraz licensed ISPs are being denied, and he said only Potraz could explain that:

I think Potraz is best placed to answer that question. We have also been in situations where it is also even difficult to understand regulatory bodies and some of the decisions they make but the best to respond to that would be the regulators.

All I can say from our end is that we had been engaging government on this project for a long time and have also been subjected to rigorous assessments and reviews by government.

If you’re reading this an wondering how this affects your ability to buy from Starlink directly, it does not. As a consumer you can still go to stalink.com and order your kit. You will get in about 4 or so weeks.

The Authorised Resellers are there to serve businesses whose needs are usually a bit more complex than you average consumer. Starlink needs distributors on the ground able to help with troubleshooting, payments, designing the networking solutions and other such things. This is were resellers like TelOne and Aura come in.

_ _

If you are struggling with buying Starlink for any reason, general payment challenges, transferring a kit to Zimbabwe, selecting the right hardware for their needs, installation, accessories, troubleshooting Starlink and other such issues… a local ICT company, Safari Mounts, is helping Zimbabweans navigate Starlink problems with some hand holding. They can be contacted via this Google form and are charging a nominal fee to help. Techzim benefits a referral fee when they help you.



What’s your take?

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  1. Anonymous

    Can I purchase the residential lite plan using the standard kit?

    1. SM

      yes you can always change

  2. dies it

    “We contacted Aura Group CEO, Samuelle Dimairho, to comment on this allegation. He dies it and says The Standard is using lies to create content to sell the paper.” oh goodness gracious , HE DIES IT ?!! lol

    1. Farai Mufarachose

      Zimbabwe is political on every level because this aids and assists with the propagation of corruption and the streamlining of any available opportunities towards buddies. How a country can be run this badly is a miracle in the opposite. We can’t even let genuine people do what they are qualified for because being ZANU PF is the only qualification needed in this country.

    2. L.S.M Kabweza

      Fixed. thanks

  3. Taps

    I knew it the moment Telone got Authorized,now they want to create a monopoly so only Telone eats the cake.

  4. Dez

    I can already smell a rat with this controversial decision. They want to create a monopoly to their favoured and linked organizations. These guys know that with the ground being leveled they won’t even stand a chance of competing with sidelined competitors in this Starlink deal who will likely offer superior service compared to what they will ever offer. The regulator should have been impartial in its important decision….

  5. Mwari Wenyasha🎸

    Vapfana vamudhara. Go for it, why not, maaaake money. Hanti that’s what you were put on earth for.

  6. The Empress

    The goodness the world is making sense again! I was so confused ,how we were they going to eat?
    Now everything is back to normal!

    1. Calvinator 🔫🔪💣

      Takambomira kuti mupaparike, then we bring you back to reality. Asi mune choice ka, enjoy it, we cannot let you enjoy without us you know… Clears throat.

      Inini hangu, im going the Econet or any other provider route. 5Mbps for $20, bho.

      1. nicknotminaj

        5mbps now 20us ???

        1. Waiting on the wings ✈️

          Not sure about $20, but there is a $15 dollar option in testing by Econet, speed yet to confirm, release date yet to confirm.

  7. Docile Countryman🐏

    6000 kits and we sell them for $1500 to government and agencies.

    $9m easy.

    Ma Tax payer emu Zimbabwe hamuna hasha, muri ma Christu hanti. Don’t worry you shall have Starlink in heaven.

    They are the clever guys. Well done lads, bho zheti. So easy.



      Zimbabwe ndeye ropa. Kusvika mati tswiri tswiri bhuuuuuu, England, Spain, Germany, they all have powerful families its our time to create powerfull families at your expense. Long live Munhumutapa, long live Chikuyochisamarengu, long live Nyatsimba mutota.

  8. Mukanya

    Corruption is the preferred way of doing business in Zimbabwe

  9. ZRP

    To become a Starlink authorised reseller you don’t need Potraz you apply directly to Starlink and get approval from them .All the listed above resellers are considered illegal by starlink

    TechZim is now slowly becoming like the rest do your homework first

    1. Me

      Learn to read. Its clearly stated that part of Starlink’s license is that POTRAZ has the final say on who is allowed to sell in Zimbabwe

  10. Anonymous

    It’s all corruption

  11. James

    Guys kune vakusanganwo ne not yet shipped here or ndini ndega

  12. Sean Connary

    Tel one should have had starlink monopoly… But here we see another parallel set up like the muthapa parallel ministry of finance and industry in one..
    How do we try monopolising Internet service providers instead of trying to improve existing structures… There are so many factions.. We have list our identity and looters continue their destruction while the country at large is bleeding… GOD SEND THE RAIN

    1. Cobra iComms

      Let them have their day. Then at the polls let them have humiliation.

      Then we will come after them for recoveries.

  13. Anonymous

    Whats new here?

  14. Taps

    My question is who makes up Starlink Zimbabwe, if we can find out, then all our questions will be answered. Techzim this is your homework

  15. HM

    Please stay with the technical content. You are so good at that. Zvimwe zvamave kuhumana-humana izvi hamuzvigoni. As jurnos you have to give a balanced and factual article. On this article you are just like the state newspapers. So one sided.
    For example :
    Toziva kuti telone ndeyani. Urikuti Aura are politically connected. Ko Dandemitande me Frampol ndezvaani? For all you know they may also be politically connected.
    Then pama interviews you just asked Aura and they gave their story. Ko Dandemitande me Frampol vari kuti chii? Varambirwei? Are they going to appeal or what?
    Ndosaka ndati stay on the technical issues which you are good at and which are objective and measurable.

    1. Jack

      Telling a writer what to write? Very controlling, very patronising very pferistic.

      1. Kirk

        Yes, Jack, the writer can be told what to write about. They’re just regurgitating garbage at this point. So, all l ask is for them to focus on actual technology news, the kind of news that nerds are interested in.

        Politics should be left to the likes of Hopewell Chin’ono. They have better command of the English language and use the appropriate terminologies anyway, so let them cook.

        1. Jack


    2. Dzidzai🇿🇼🇬🇧

      Do you know I love the Herald and other state newspapers, because they are ours. We can all tell our journalists have skill but the puppeteer wants them to dance to his tune. Spare a thought for their safety if they don’t start an article with NDS1 Vision 2030. What we appreciate is their skill, writing an article that’s read by an entire nation.

      On my form 3 holidays we didn’t have a TV an. I was taking care of my Dad. He was hospitalised pa Chitungwiza Central, only Mbuya from Honde Valley was here. So I had to cook and clean for her, and we hardly understood each other. Me with my Shona from the farm, she spoke with a thick Samanyika accent from Honde Valley. Muzukuru mvura yavhaira, huh what Gogo? Boiling… Kkkk

      I used to keep myself occupied by buying the Herald, mostly on Saturdays so I could read mukoma Robson’s take on the local and International game, and the cartoons, Hagar the Horrible, Andy Cap and the Farai the menace.

      I also used to read news papers from the UK. The Telegraph, Daily Mail. They used to be sold for a $1 for a couple, pa next door pana Wizzy mumaraini. Then you you will realise puppeteers are everywhere in the world.

  16. Wello Wello

    Is this why so many deliveries got hung up with DHL and nobody would give a straight answer? Lol, was it really just crossfire?

    This is why we can’t have nice things. Institutions being used as bludgeons to punish and as siphons of wealth.

    1. Ghetto Defender 🙅

      Unotosaya hope ichizvifunga. Inguva yavo.

  17. Dzidzai🎱

    Morning guys, I have a confession to make. I’m in love with about 20 ladies and I don’t want to let none of them go. Most of them this corner of J section.

    1. Ma1

      Repent otherwise unopera sadiddy

      1. Dzidzai

        Rudo rinorambidzwa here?..kkk I’m in love guys, its been a while😇😂

        Very happy. 😍

  18. Muzivi Wazvese😎

    Tsekzim yavekushaya nyaya manje. Are you Hopewell delving into the nitty gritties of corruption. Of all your readers who cares about resellership of starlink? Dzokerai kumareview eitel zvenyu ndakambozvitaura kuti about Starlink hamuna zvamunoziva. And it happened kuti its approval came to you like all ordinary zimbos. Yakasvika pakubuda muchinyebera vanhu kuti frampol nyonyonyo.

    1. Cobra iComms

      Bho here? Why do you do corruption if you do not want it to be exposed?

      Munonyara? Saka munoi’itirei?

      Manje mukanyara hamu hwine. Be proud of it.

      Kumasvingo vanoti kusvoda, kunyara kuneta😜😂

    2. Exorcist🙏

      Party sponsored actors. When ever something becomes international like Techzim in Zimbabwe they come up with insults in order to keep you down or hide their corruption and wicked ways.

      This is an international blog and you show the worst side of our society. People world over must think Zimbabweans areDo mad and feeble, you think writing in Shona hides the vile attitude you bare? People have google translate and can read everything you say.

      You are dated and not fit for purpose. We cannot wait to see the back of you and your minions. Be gone!

  19. Dzidzai☔

    Ladies and gents spare a thought for farm workers. Here we are talking about Starlink that costs $100 per month, with the roaming option. Its obscene! That’s someone’s budget for a bottle of wine.

    Do you know there are farm workers who get paid $60 per month. With that amount the kids must go to school, uniforms, food, drinks for dad, internet in your dreams.

    Some of the lads I grew up with never left the farm or 20km radius. The only time they would travel was when the football team had an away game.

    What was the whole point of the war then, when conditions are the same or worse than Rhodesia? A waste of blood for a few to personalise an entire nation.

    May the blood of those that fought in the liberation struggle rise up and fight you spiritually. May the blood of the innocent killed rise up and fight you spiritually. 💉

    1. Dzidzai

      That reminds me I need to go back to Dunolly(Dhinori) Farm near Landas to check on my friends. Some of them are father’s now, some mother’s. Just for ‘Al lang syne’.

      Ndikaita tumari maybe Starlink for the compound is a good idea, since our MNO’s are not active with FTTC. Only the owner will have a Highspeed data connection or Starlink. Manje my campaign is based on Starlink to the Compound.

      Please copy, it would also make me happy. Copying good things for our people.

      From compound to the wurl🌎🌍🌏

      1. Copycat

        I will do so.

        1. Cobra iComms


    2. |||

      Sorry bro unfortunately life in Zimbabwe is a class struggle. A war between the ruling class and the working class. As much as you go about yammering about liberation struggle,we will always have these classes,the real fight you should be engaged in is the reduction of the gap between the ruling and working class. Please note: You pretend to be learned but your reasoning betrays you.

      1. Dzidzai Chidumba

        I cannot argue with your take on things, thats your right to disagree with me, ndo’ mafungiro ako. Ini ndinemafungiro anguwo’.

        1. Cobra iComms📡

          Our working class is more than 80% informal. Then what are you ruling?

  20. Dzidzai is not a Professor

    Some of these lads are very fortunate to have grown up in the right families.

    It makes you seem very smart and very shrewd business wise. I wonder if they had grown in a farm compound would they have made it all the way to the University of Cape Town.

    Or had their theories in Popular Mechanics, hanzi the universe is rebooting itself….kkkk I hope Popular Mechanics credits Techzim, that’s were I first posted the theory. Chaminuka University, J campus. 😛😝😜

  21. Yy

    Any news from Dandemutande and frampol

  22. HM

    Look guys techzim must have an editorial focus. This we decipher from their name and what they say on their logo. It’s a techno-sauvy website. Izvi zve corruption, propaganda, conspiracy theories and some such subjective discussions, zvisina technical validation, zvinotoenderwa kuchikoro izvi. Just like your technical knowledge. Sei ve techzim mavekuda kuita basa raana Bhozhongora, Kapfupi, Hopewell Chon’ono a and others. Stay on track!

    1. Ok

      Lol kunyangwe kutech kune nyaya dzirikowo. Zvakangofanana pakabuda 5g, America yaiti inokonzera cancer kudii kudii. Saka kwandiri nyaya dzakadai dzinobatsira kundizivisa kuti chii chirikuita kuti nyika ino irambe iriyekumasure

      1. Cobra iComms

        I owe you a two keys honey, or kokora. 🍯🍷🍺🍹

  23. Brandon

    It’s concerning to see Potraz banning Starlink resellers like Frampol and Dandemutande from advertising and selling the service. This could limit access to vital connectivity for many. Transparency on the reasons behind this decision is crucial for public trust. Let’s hope for a resolution that benefits consumers and fosters competition.

  24. Will.

    6000 kits for tenders. Amana ka. We know the rest.

  25. Cobra iComms🚀📡✈️😜

    How come they don’t do corruption for cool things like tenders for reusable rockets. 🚀

    Here the is the zheti lads. We want to make a rocket, its also a missile if you put a war head. We take Mr. Manns billion, we build a factory for 200m, we use the other $795m for getting everything to work including supporting infrastructure, university partnerships and cashflow.

    We keep $5million as consultation fees. Bho

    Then we make sure we make the rockets, missiles, artillery shells, we keep getting paid every year for life as long as the factory is producing rockets.

    We may even pivot into space tourism, defence and security or chemicals.

    Don’t worry the people wont complain because they will have jobs and suppliers will have business.

    You have to be taught corruption because you are doing it wrong💁‍♂️

    1. Simon Mann 🇬🇧🇿🇼

      I just want my money back and a little interest, executive outcome. 💷

      1. Sir Wiki🌈

        Hello Simon darling, how come you haven’t called me.


        1. Gossip Girl 🍭


  26. Matt

    Is Aura a licensed Starlink reseller, or they are going to break the law again?

  27. Dzidzai Chidumba

    Youth wing. When you look at the man next to you, do you believe that we would have removed Smith if it was our generation called to the task.

    Or we would wait for t-shirts and national events were we queue for hours and have chicken thrown at us like the Colosseum.

    You need to thank these ex-combatants, not one payslip in
    more than 10 years in the bush, just for an idea. The idea of a free and independent Zimbabwe.

    What are you fighting for now after ana mukoma did the heavy lifting for you to be born free?. Economic freedom or the pockets of a few?

  28. Cobra iComms📡

    History lesson.

    Simon Mann is a British national🇬🇧 , I cannot remember from which military organisation. He specialised in regime change as a Soldier of Fortune with a company called Executive Outcomes, mercenaries.

    Enroute to overthrow the Equatorial Guinea government he was caught in Zimbabwe together with his band of merry men.

    He spent some quality time with Sir Wicknell in Chikurubi Maximum Security prison. They got talking, a page in his book is dedicated to our celebrity.

    Executive Outcomes had a torrid time in Angola. They met up with Zimbabwean special forces 🇿🇼 and Angolan regulars🇦🇴 , Jonas Savimbi died and Angola has never looked back since, they have excelled in leaps and bounds, while others have regressed.

    In Cape Town, I remember Nigel Dorward saying he is now farming Tobacco in Angola. An attractive investment destination advertises itself, its not loud.

    1. Cobra iComms💀


  29. Cobra iComms💦

    In 2017, I didn’t participate in that march. I knew what it meant to see a man with camouflage on TV in a live unscheduled broadcast. I shed a tear that morning, not us.

    A lot of people in the delirium of the moment forgot about the future and alcohol flowed and pictures were taken. I met someone at Ashbrittle who had come back for more booze. Face beaming with unbridled joy.

    A coup had come to Southern Africa of all places. The play book is
    simple, when you put people into a corner, they are happy with any reprieve. You become their saviour.

    When the boys and the base commander were dismissed at Inkomo. I cried, tears chaiwo. I remember it was morning and I was coming from elo after a night out. I got home, changed. Headed for Nyabira, then I was briefed on the entire incident.

    1. Cobra iComms📡

      You are not gullible as people🇿🇼 . They just have access to books, knowledge and training that you do not have. You can train yourself if you have the time.

      What is the difference between a Soldier and a Civilian.

      Tom Clancy: Training

    2. Cobra iComms📡

      Hanzi mudhara akati, ah saka Army haisi neni. Then he made another mistake in a string of mistakes….

      Everyone is watched.

      1. Senator Cracsus🇮🇹🇿🇼

        A boy with an Army behind him can be extremely political.

        Gladiator Extended Version 1080p. MP4

    3. Armchair General💀

      History Lesson.

      Gladiator the movie is based on true events. Yes Emperor Marcus Aurelius existed. Yes Commodus existed. Yes Emperor Aurelius ruled from when he was 40 years old and conquered and sudued his enemies.

      He broke with an unwritten tradition. Roman Emperors usually adopted a son then made him Emperor in order to protect their legacy, the best candidate was usually chosen, like how Julius Ceasar made Octavian later to be Augustus Ceasar his heir.

      Marcus Aurelius had big plans for Commodus his biological son, however Commodus was not a moral man. He died and Commodus became Emperor.

      Commodus organised lavish games that bankrupt the State Exchequer, yes the gladiatorial games. Before we get back there, his friends were working against him, selling off grain and other corrupt activities to undermine him as they felt they could do a better job than their Ceasar, some just for their own personal greed.

      The games must have been a reprieve for him. People can distracted by bread and circuses. Now Commadus made a fatal error. He swore the Gladiatorial oath in front of Gladiators as one of them and he was to fight and die as one of them in the arena, very brave and manly right!

      Wrong, his matches against other gladiators were fixed. He gave his opponents blunt swords. He started winning in the arena and the crowd loved him, but he was cheating and with each fight, breaking the galdiators oath.

      One of the top gladiators found out. They tried to poison him first, but because he drank corpus amounts of wine, he vomitted. It gets fuzzy in my head what happened, but the Gladiators killed an Emperor, the movie doesn’t show that because General Maximus is fictitious, the rral life Commodus was killed by gladiators.

      Gladiators Ahoi🔪 ‘We who are about to die, salute you’ 📯

  30. Dzidzai

    I heard something very disturbing when I came from suprising Jacob for his birrhday.

    First I had to see the lads at One Commando, couldn’t make out if the fence has been fixed or not as it was night time.

    I got to Jongwe corner, I was like okay, I can take a breather here😂 I try to walk in. The bouncer gets physical with me for no apparent reason, no $1 for your bar. So i went to drink outside my Two Keys Honey. Then something happened. The entire bar left the inside and came outside ladies included😅 . I didn’t talk to anyone, everyone was minding their own business enjoying fresh air.

    I bought some Storm from a very stingy vendor, a mudhara ndeya dhora here iyi, but I needed so I bought it. Town premium perhaps😂

    When I got to Maruta, a lady said to me, this is a Growth Point, what? Maruta a growth point, what are we growing in the middle of town. Where in the world has a country developed using the growth point model, certainly not us.

    Disturbed, I started walking home, wanted to make a stop at Koala because there is a compound, pamwe ndaijuma zvigure. Then I saw an accident, then lads from the PG gave me a lift. Flying pickup takagara hedu ku flatbed, no helmets 😉

  31. Cobra iComms👾

    Starlink has brought about opportunities and risks for Space Command. It has enabled Zimbabwe to participate in the Global Space Race without having to send 👾 assets into low earth orbit.🌍

    We are now limited only by our imagination on what is possible.


    – Strengthening alliances & attracting new partners
    – Enhancing interoperability
    – Uniting around a compelling

    – Promoting responsible
    behaviors in space
    – Advocating for greater
    space capabilities
    – Collaborating to solve mutual
    challenges with all elements of
    national power

    – Educating Joint warfighters on
    threats & adversaries
    – Training Joint warfighters to
    outmaneuver our enemies
    – Innovating through disruptive


    A team of warfighters who outthink and outmanuva our adversaries and enemies, and if necessary,
    dominate through space combat power.

    – Achieving full operational capability
    – Sustaining a warfighting culture
    – Adapting to a dynamic & changing strategic environment


    Commander’s Strategic Vision

    – Innovating for competitive
    – Evolving cyber operations for
    an agile & resilient posture
    – Investing in game-changing


  32. HM

    Let’s unpack political risk when assessing customers, suppliers etc. Organizations usually assess these at various levels in the organization. High political risk customers, distributors, suppliers etc may have to be approved at very high levels, even at board level. Depence on the financial risks attached to the deals. Cause these are the people who are protected from the law through their political connections and can renege from the deals without recourse. So these distributors have to be clean from at least two angles, Starlink and the authorities. So for all you know the authorities may be protecting you from people who have not given sufficient guarantees to protect your money.
    These distributors will be holding in trust millions on behalf of all of us. So regai vapedzerane.