Yesterday, we asked our followers on X:
See, this past week, with Starlink having finally gone live in Zimbabwe, Econet started fighting back more aggressively than it was with SmartBiz. It sent out a message to some of its customers on Wednesday telling them:
Dear Customer. You have been selected to test our new bundle. Look out for a special offer notification from 289. Your participation means a lot to us
About 24 hours later its customers started receiving the special offer as promised. Except the offer wasn’t the same. The new bundle is a actually an A/B test of sorts. From the responses we got to our tweet, Econet has been sending out at least different offers.
Here are the offers:
USD Price | Calls (Minutes) | SMS |
$5 | 88 | 88 |
$10 | 133 | 160 |
$15 | 200 | 240 |
$23 | 280 | 340 |
$30 | 420 | 500 |
$45 | 580 | 700 |
$60 | 750 | 900 |
$75 | 920 | 1100 |
$98 | 1250 | 1500 |
$158 | 1580 | 1900 |
$195 | 1890 | 2480 |
We are thankful to everyone that respond to our tweet 🙏🏾. Our sample is very small – just 25, so we don’t know if this represents all the offers well. Regardless, it is interesting that the $75 offer is the most common here.
The offer can also be redeemed using the local ZWG at the official rate, currently 13.6. (We hear the black market rate is around 29 now) so in the end what Econet gets is actually less than half the USD price.
When you receive the offer, you have the option to accept or reject it. Those that reject are asked for their reasons. If you don’t receive the offer, there seems to be no way to request one. Unless, maybe, you know someone at Econet.
Our assumption is that Econet will look at this data and make the actual new bundle available for purchase on the *143# USSD menu and within the EcoCash app.
Econet’s Hand
Econet is playing to the two advantages it has over Starlink right now – customers being able to get this offer without needing new hardware, and the ability to do regular calls and SMS.
We’re not sure how big a deal SMS still is, but calls are definitely still a thing, and based on the responses we got, the company has succeeded convincing a decent number of people to accept the offer.
It’s a no brainer, right? Anyone offered $15 unlimited data and 200 minutes calls in Zimbabwe would be foolish not to accept. Right? Even compared to Starlink, this is a solid deal. Well, all things – speed and network coverage that is – being equal. But are they?
If indeed Econet ends up giving away unlimited data at $23 or $15, this might turn out to be complementary connectivity to Starlink. Starlink at home for the household, while individuals buy the Econet unlimited bundle for internet on the go, and for those calls. $75 unlimited, the average person, will not do though.
Econet, NetOne (and maybe Telecel) may be in the position to compete and complement Starlink this way. But what about the operators offering fibre and home-fixed LTE? There’s the reselling which is complementary, but there’s also other digital solutions. Connecting to the internet is just the start, there’s so much more businesses, families, schools, health providers, miners, farmers… need once they are connected.
Starlink is a huge shift in the market, enough to qualify as a true game changer. These are early days yes, but signs show it will be opening new possibilities for the previously underserved.
34 responses
$15-$30 unlimited on mobile would really hit the spot, even with the bait and switch that is fair usage.
Econet showing some responsiveness is pretty good. Shame it’s coming out of self preservation instead of the desire to offer a quality service.
Telecel… I guess they lost a sense of urgency now that Gov is there to keep them floating. Imagine if they had spearheaded Starlink distribution and were in talks to the first in zim to beta Direct to Cell and even roll it out.
Tomorrow I’ll be paying my last $70 for 5mb/s unlimited data to Netconnect in Bulawayo. I’ve already ordered my Starlink kit and subscribed for IPTV.
Hie, is Econet still providing 2G data network? Asking for a friend who is unable to use data network on a small Huawei 2G android phone
We have long moved away from that outdated technology
But are still kinda using the speeds of that old tech though
Spot on Alo, lol
This survey was supposed to have been done way back when Starlink wanted to come through MC. How long will it take for them to come to a conclusion on which packages to offer and @ what speeds
It’s sad that Netone and telecel aren’t doing anything just to wait to copy Econet. Should they have participated in this we would have better offers by now
I am in Highfield had to switch to Netone because Econet is super slow. Honestly Netone has been working greatly
in tynwald north connectivity is pathetic and its a shame econet is not bothered by the poor service delivery there. well i will say thumbs up to econet for aggressively and religiously campaigning for starlink to come and sit on its throne … pathetic econet.
Network yeEconet iri very slow had to switch to Netone and Netone has been doing well than Masiiwa
Hi guys Am trying to buy a Samsung M32 on techzim webpage here its not working for me it keeps poping a msg that says “it has been added to yo cart,what shld i do coz i want this phone right now,pliz help
Use pindula app instead
Complacency always destroys good companies. I think it’s the price you pay, after all, drowsiness will cloth man with rags.
So Far the $15 unlimited will be a great offer since it is connectivity on the go. On speeds we can deal the way we’ve been doing it. To anyone who can’t raise the $300 for Starlink hardware, that one is the pick and I would want to believe that’s the huge population of Econet subscribers.
Even Stalink subscribers would as well pick that package for times when they are outside the coverage of their routers.
Just that I don’t know if this would be sustainable for Econet going forward in terms of profitability.
I ‘ve been on Unlimited data for no fee for 19 days now from Econet on my Plan and on my Buddie. There were no notification.
I think they have a minded team working things behind the scene.
Just my idea.
This is it the game changer we’ve been needing like for mobile even its 5mbs thats solid . I can go anywhere knowing my network plan is safe . While most heavy stuff for home wifi. Team econet please make me a beta tester pliz
I was offered $45 for unlimited
I haven’t received any offer. Econet like all my mobile operators are just too expensive.
How can you call a 98 US dollars bundke special offer package when you have almost the same package for 45 US dollars and why are they mixing it with calls and messages they know we are not really gonna use
Do you know that in some area in Masvingo you can econet monthly data but not use ¼ of the data because of poor network fullstop Therefore what is the use of buying unlimited data when you still gonna face the same challenge.
true, in my neighborhood am getting 14mbs
from netone
it’s this why the yomix app is not working
techzim please let us know. for the record… tonic offers great SMS and voice bundles
But they were telling us that it’s hard to do business in Zim, starlink is now there and suddenly it’s no longer hard to do business.
I am happy with how events are unfolding, its good when players make good counter offers. My only concern is was there any justification in pegging prices at the levels they were previously? Are our pricing systems user centric and profit centric. STARLINK is bringing cheaper technology with better coverage and current local players should have sought working with it rather than compete,because surely there are some areas with pathetic network or close to zero. I would cherish a situation when all could continue and compete and give us better services.
You have been offered Unlimited Data Bundle + 1250mins + 1500SMS USD98.0/ZWG1328.88
1. Accept offer
2. Reject offer
3. Remind me later
That the offer I got but I didn’t respond I didn’t understand it
I got the $15 off when i tried to accept it and buy with ecocash it wanted usd.
Its good
I didn’t receive any message
This is awesome
Econet customers
Will like it
No matter what
Unlimited for sure, the speed is hideous hardly 50kbps download speed. The $23 bundle is the worst 4G Internet speed I have seen in my life. Poor very poor. They should have said initially that these bundles are exclusively [Unlimited Social Media] bundles. Besides WhatsApp and Tick Tock there’s nothing sensible you can use that bundle for. Waste of money. Just get your starlink kit and forget these Econet crooks.
Very useless indeed.I got the $15 offer and in 3 days, they are telling me I have exhausted my unlimited offer.I didn’t make any meaningful calls and not even 1 sms.They should just specify the gigabytes rather than use the term ‘unlimited’