Apple fanboys are derogatorily known as sheep who would buy even bird droppings if they were slapped with an Apple logo.
However, it appears the so-called sheep have a limit. Apple introduced a Honda Fit-priced gadget called the Vision Pro and it has flopped big time. Apparently.
I think they overestimated their powers of hypnosis and thought the sheeple would buy a $3500 virtual reality headset.
Apple may stop Vision Pro production
Production Cut — Apple has significantly reduced the production of its Vision Pro headset due to declining sales and high production costs.
Reports suggest that Apple might stop producing the current version of the Vision Pro by the end of 2024. Remember, the device came out in February 2024. So, that would mean less than a year in production, yikes.
The Vision Pro’s high price of around $3,500 has been a barrier to mass-market adoption, leading to lower than expected sales. Even the sheeple said ‘No, thank you’ to Apple.
Apple is reportedly focusing on developing a more affordable version of the headset, potentially to be released in the coming years. This would be a winning strategy in my opinion. I think one for less than $1000 would see the Apple hypnosis kick into gear.
Apple has sold approximately 370,000 units of the $3500 headset in the first three quarters of 2024, far below initial expectations. Analysts expected Apple to sell more than that? It seems everyone overestimated the power of the Apple logo.
I’m actually surprised they sold that many. We should note though that a significant portion of those sales were to YouTubers who got them to make content.
Production challenges
Signs that things weren’t going to plan were there from the very beginning.
Production of certain components for the Vision Pro began halting as early as May 2024, just three months after launch, indicating supply chain challenges.
Today, factories involved in the production of Vision Pro components have reduced their output, with some suspending production entirely.
Apple has accumulated enough components to potentially last through the next year, suggesting that production was way beyond actual demand. Apple believed its own hype.
Zuckerberg’s Quest dominates
While Apple flounders, Meta dominates the VR space with the Quest.
Of course, one of the major factors is price. The Vision Pro costs $3,500, significantly higher than Meta’s Quest 3, which costs around $500.
As you would expect to see in a functional world, Meta’s Quest 2 and Quest 3 have sold millions of units, far surpassing Vision Pro’s sales figures.
It turns out that people aren’t even interested in demos of the Vision Pro anymore. Interest in Vision Pro demos has waned, with fewer consumers showing up for appointments at Apple Stores.
Why would they when reviews say the hardware is impressive but there really isn’t much to do with the thing? Developers are not making apps or games for it because there is no demand, so it’s a vicious cycle that handicaps the device.
A cheaper Vision Pro
It appears reason and humility has found its way back to Apple HQ and they are working on a cheaper Vision Pro.
Apple is reportedly working on a more affordable version of the Vision Pro, possibly called the Vision Pro Air.
The new, cheaper headset could be released as early as next year, with a focus on reducing costs while maintaining key features.
This would be achieved by using simpler materials and reducing the number of cameras and sensors. It’s almost as if Meta was on to something by using plastic on its devices.
That said, Apple has not completely given up on moving the Vision Pro. I mean, they have boxes upon boxes of the things sitting idle in storerooms and so they have to try and find a market for them.
So, despite production challenges, Apple is expanding Vision Pro sales to new markets like South Korea and the UAE. We shall see if those markets can stomach the $3500 asking price.
I know Apple employees fall into convulsions if you mention the ‘D’ word but they might want to consider it. It’s time to offer massive Discounts and push these overpriced headsets.
One response
Leonard, we get it, you joined the Apple cult. Please spare us the fruity propaganda.