Only Engineers Can Turn Zimbabwe Around

Zimbabwe stands at a critical juncture, facing numerous economic challenges that require a fresh perspective and innovative solutions. As the nation grapples with issues such as unemployment,
infrastructure deficits and inflation, the need for analytical minds in leadership becomes increasingly clear. While lawyers and accountants have traditionally held sway over the economic landscape,
it is essential to recognise that engineers should take the lead in infrastructure development to drive Zimbabwe’s recovery.

The importance of analytical thinking cannot be overstated. Engineers are trained to approach problems methodically, utilising data and technical expertise to devise practical solutions. Their analytical mindset equips them to tackle complex issues that require a blend of creativity and precision. In Zimbabwe, where infrastructure is crumbling and public services are inadequate, engineers can offer the strategic vision and technical know-how necessary for effective development.

China serves as a compelling example of how engineering leadership can propel national development. Over the past few decades, China has experienced unprecedented economic growth, largely attributed to its focus on infrastructure. The Chinese government has prioritised
engineering-led initiatives, investing heavily in transportation, energy and urban development. Engineers have been at the forefront of this transformation, designing and implementing projects that have fundamentally changed the economic landscape.

Jiang Zemin, an influential Chinese leader, rose from an engineering background to become the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China in 1989. Initially trained as an electrical engineer, his technical expertise informed his leadership style. Under Jiang’s administration, China experienced significant economic reforms and opened up to the global market, fostering rapid industrialization and urbanization. His “Three Represents” theory broadened the Party’s base, incorporating business interests and promoting modernization. Jiang’s tenure saw China’s ascent as a global economic power, laying the groundwork for its continued growth. His leadership marked a transformative period in China’s development and modernisation.

For instance, the construction of high-speed railways, modern highways and efficient urban transit systems has not only improved connectivity but has also stimulated economic activity. These projects have generated jobs, enhanced trade and attracted foreign investment. The Chinese model demonstrates that when engineers lead infrastructure development, the benefits extend beyond mere construction, they create a sustainable framework for economic growth.

In Zimbabwe, the current reliance on lawyers and accountants can often lead to a focus on regulatory compliance and financial management, which, while important, can overshadow the need for innovative infrastructure solutions. This approach may result in short-term fixes rather than long-term strategic planning. Without the analytical input of engineers, critical infrastructure projects may lack the technical rigor needed to ensure their success and sustainability.

To initiate a meaningful turnaround, Zimbabwe must embrace a more collaborative approach that integrates the analytical skills of engineers with the insights of legal and financial professionals. This
cross-disciplinary collaboration can lead to more effective decision-making and innovative solutions to the country’s pressing challenges. For instance, engineers can work alongside policymakers to
identify infrastructure needs, design efficient systems, and implement projects that are economically viable and environmentally sustainable.

Moreover, investing in engineering education and research is vital for nurturing the next generation of leaders in Zimbabwe. A robust engineering workforce will not only enhance the country’s technical capacity but also foster a culture of innovation and problem-solving. By prioritizing engineering as a critical driver of national development, Zimbabwe can cultivate a new breed of leaders who are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of modern economic challenges.

For Zimbabwe to achieve a successful turnaround, it must harness the power of analytical minds, particularly in engineering. By shifting the focus from traditional leadership roles dominated by lawyers and accountants to a model that prioritises engineering expertise, Zimbabwe can lay the groundwork for sustainable infrastructure development. Drawing inspiration from China’s engineer-led growth, Zimbabwe can embark on a path that not only addresses its immediate challenges but also paves the way for a prosperous and resilient future.


18 responses

  1. repressed engineer

    A very interesting article and one l think makes a lot of sense.

    This has been my way of thinking for a while, as good as it is to have the lawyers and accountants etc we primarily need people who will produce something.

    If you look at most economies fundamentally they started off by manufacturing like the Industrial Revolution where they started coming up with all manner of machinery, some of which we still use to this day like the steam locomotive.

    Anyway the point to me, is society can only move forward if led by science. Taking further the case of the UK it is only when these countries are very well developed that they then look at complementary activities such as marketing and accounting. At some point someone has to record the efficiency of output economically and another has to ensure that laws and regulations are observed whilst another needs to ensure that there is a market for the product and seeing how it can meet its needs.

    We cannot start with Accounting, or marketing as that would be putting the horse before the cart. However countries need to be careful though, in the recent past the West has largely offshored its low level industries to poorer countries which was a win win, less expensive workers, less unionised workers, less scrutiny about work practice and the resultant effluent and environmental impacts.

    So it was a win win situation, theoretically companies were making more with less. Assuming they can get the product made at 10th of the price in their countries and assuming shipping and duties are not as obscene as in a certain SADC country, they would be making more for less effort.

    However, the trouble with this strategy is that the pandemic exposed the overreliance on others especially when supply chains were especially stretched and simple and routine occurrences like a ship blocking a vital waterway like the Suez can lead to serious problems for those who depend on international trade.

    Thankfully countries are now waking up to this threat, that is dangerous to rely on others for everything or most things. So some more enlightened and to an extent paranoid countries are now trying to bring manufacturing back home with varying degrees of success.

    For all the attention on China, what a lot of people do not know is that it is itself having trouble finding young people who want to work in factories. This is due to the cultural aspect of those jobs being very physically demanding and looked down upon whereas a college education is treasured and there is a prestige in white collar or office bound employment, does this sound familiar?

    Therefore it is also facing its own challenges which is worsened by rising wages, a falling birthrate and problems with some markets. l recall watching a report where factory owners were complaining about having a hard time find workers, the guy was offering about > 1000 for a 12 hour day which is usually provided with accommodation and meals. However, the young would rather prefer working for online companies, coffee shops which pay much worse than the factory but hours and type of work less stressful besides one can do that without moving far from home as is common with working in factories which were traditionally based around the coastal areas on the East and South Coasts. Some even choose to do delivery work which depending on your work habits can earn even up to $3K.

    Interestingly enough the Govt has decided to fix this by trying to copy the German model. Germany has very low levels, last time l checked, of university education. Rather they have a very robust system of technical/vocational training which starts from early on in high school and which goes on to vocational and higher education different from universities.

    So the people are very very skilled as they have been doing it for a very long time. Thus most of these guys then go on to start their own small companies making so many different things. Thus German industry is interesting as there are very few heavyweights but lots of very small specialist entities.

    Anyway the Chinese are currently saying in the near future, they want to restrict entrance into universities, so they will try to make it more difficult for young people to go there with the aim of diverting the rest of them into vocational education and thus they hope to replicate Germany’s success of engineering excellence. Whether it will work is debatable given society’s preference for universities and the vastly different cultural and political dynamics of the two respective countries.

    In my opinion we have to focus more on this, it is sad for a country which is so blessed with resources that we export most of them raw we do very little value addition or processing which means we will be confined to a life of poverty.

    Recently l was talking to two people who are from the Ivory Coast and Cameroon, l was shocked that despite very big players in the production of commodities like Cocoa or coffee they had virtually no industry in their countries related to these which is criminal shortsightedness by those who are supposed to lead.

    Anyway for a country which had the likes of Supersonic, WRS, Philips and many other manufacturing entities like Trinity or Morewear, l years to see the country restored to its previous glory where we did our own clothing, made most of what we needed and were an export powerhouse. l am ashamed to see that virtually everything originates from other places.

    l think it starts with a deliberate policy of import substitution, reverse engineering, tarriffs and duties on imports. We should also challenge and resource the boffins at the various universities to come up with solutions or at least replicate certain technologies. For others we will have to be content with licensing those but building things locally.

    In as much as the arts and other subjects are important l am yet to come across a society which prospered because it was led by the arts. My own beliefs are this. Someone makes a lot of money from building things. When this occurs as he has the means and maybe as a result of the misery or squalor associated with achieving that, partly out of remorse these same people have decided to donate to charity or have decided to fund the arts and culture due to their need to build up the arts scene. So we should focus on building and after we have done so we can explore cultural endeavours.

    So to me science leads everything else and once a certain level of attainment then people naturally focus on the arts and sometimes the arts are possible due to scientific advances. Like look at the building of the Crystal Palace for instance a famous building and very striking but if there were no advances in glassmaking or steel works, it would not have been possible to build it.

    1. Rimwegore Zvipera

      Thanks. Well said. Straight and to the point. Well thought out article and correct observations made that should resonate with quite a few people who actually hope to see a thriving and self sustaining and competitive Zimbabwe. What some people in leadership fail to realize is that the cake is too big to eat it alone and everyone will have a share if things are simply done right. Fear is driven by greed in the current situation.

  2. Niqqa

    A country should be runned by capitalists than nationalists, like Albert Einstein sayed “nationalism is the measles of mankind.” Nationalism is the forefront of Zimbabwe hence any form of innovation ground breaking ideas are thwarted. This led to the current situation whereby we even import toothpicks. Privatize institutions, let industry lead stop running a country with statutory instruments, there’s no guarantee of what happenes in Zimbabwe you might be thriving today as a business tomorrow comes an SI that hinders how you do things Veto powers are too much in this country and Veto powers are just invoked unnecessary, businesses need guarantee and certainty in the environment they operate in. This country has a tremendous ability to recover i can a ay the worst en2of Zimbabwe is Zimbabweans themselves. As for engineering led initiatives, that’s a great idea to get in bord with and also it requires a revamp of our engineering curriculum, mordenise it reduce the requirements for universities in engineering disciplines create technical colleges that confines to engineering disciplines with an ability to confer degrees, some of the people we have needs to be trained outside so that they come equipped with the skills eg Italy is known to have great architects send some of our people ther on a learning mission, Japan and Taiwan they are very good in electronics and electronical engineering send some people there. As it stands this idea might be too farfetched our engineers need experience first there is a reason why those developed countries like UAE and even China outsource Civil engineers and architects experience and a priven track record matters in these businesses.

    1. theives

      a great idea that will be translated to regime change by the current junta. it all starts with our poisoned politics with looting at heart

  3. The guy

    Is this web still Data free?

  4. I sense Jealousy

    “While lawyers and accountants have traditionally held sway over the economic landscape,
    it is essential to recognise that engineers should take the lead in infrastructure development to drive Zimbabwe’s recovery.” This statement is has been repeated over and over again in this article. It is the assumptions that you need an engineer in a political office to be successful that makes me wonder what beef the write has with lawyers and accountants. You do not need an engineering degree or background to understand that there is congestion on the road or that with the increase of population roads must be widened or buildings must touch the clouds, that drought impacts national food security and Agricultural production must be upgraded to meet demand in the worst of conditions, that with advances in tech not everyone will be accommodated in a traditional job hence a need to untether from”desk job” mindset. Capability is not tied to your degree thats why the world is moving away from that.The article also makes an assumption that we lack in engineering expertise. Maybe or maybe not. There is no statistics for this But i sure know of brain drain in Zimbabwe. If you are capable there will always be a suitable job for u in some country out there. The last assumption is that we do not have technocrats in our current and previous gvts. The question is why is it our engineers have not made an impact that is tangible to the writer such that they feel need to bash lawyers and accountants. My two cents tells me that the writer has a lot to learn about Zimbabwe and the world, the assumption made in the article are akin to the ones i used to make back in the day when i was in high school(largely influenced by baseless debates i had with friends during lunchtime to pass time). That said, under resourced Engineers no matter their level of expertise are dead weight. The same can be said of lawyers and accountants. Stop it! Guest authors please. Techzim why do you let this happen, my cranium itches now.

    1. Your views are useless they can never work in Africa besides that the world will end while Africa is still broke


  5. Anonymous

    This good article is well balanced. However it does not address the root causes of the problem of Zimbabwe:
    # Bush to office syndrome. When these guys came from the war they had no clue how to run an economy as diverse as Zimbabwe. Worse still they overstay, learning and arguing at the same time. Some came from war as grade 7s. They then took decades to learn how things work. Apa vari panyanga. And havadi kusiira vamwe.

    1. Imi Vanhu Musadaro

      They learnt how things work, they just don’t care. That’s why on one end Zesa has plunged millions into never ending load shedding, but on the other end people hail a presidential solar scheme benefiting 200.

      They’ve only learnt to smash the whole cake and get credit for serving a slice of bread.

  6. D.K.

    A very thought provoking article!
    I have always been wondering where we are heading when the present situation wants no organised labour and pushing almost everyone into selling. Supermarkets, banks, hardware shops, garages etc have been partitioned into many small shops, making one wonder if all those in those shops make a sale every day, and if they survive for more than six months. For those who know, how much does that activity lead to the country’s economic growth?
    A lot of “jobs” created over the past few decades actually subtract value due to duplication. Imagine if zinara was not created an councils carried on the vehicle licencing and doing their own roads, with the road ministry looking after state roads and the toll gate system? A lot of other entities which only consume, were created to share what was available.
    Without producing anything meaningful for sale locally or internationally we will continue going backwards. We need to have engineers and technical people at the forefront of developing the country. The politicians and lawyers seem to fear losing their positions if the chaos is removed and things are made to function properly. They even prefer foreign companies doing what some of us can do better. If engineers’ contribution was recognised and welcome, by now we would be exporting lithium batteries and electric cars. Unfortunately, we are exporting the lithium and our land as ore, and in the other countries a lot of other minerals besides the lithium are extracted and the remaining soil used into land reclamation or expansion.
    If we were serious enough to check what is filed in most companies, there would be no need for most of the “meetings” whose resolutions are more like plagiarised ideas of years ago., e.g Kunzvi Dam and the Zambezi to Bulawayo water pipeline.
    With politicians and lawyers only areas of personal interest get developed, and, with engineers whole nations and the world gets developed.

  7. Eng Chifamba

    This is the most intelligent article I have read in years. Sadly no one will heed this self evident advice

  8. Munakandafa

    The Engineering landscape in Zim currently also needs it’s own overhaul cause the system has been churning out just “maintenance Engineers” not necessarily “Design Engineers” who have the inate skills & capacity to craft solutions specific to the needs of this country.

    The China story you reference is not necessarily only hinged on them building infrastructure but it happened at a confluence moment for them when the world was opening up to them under the globalisation Era.

    But yes, technical, quantitative acumen at the highest levels of government is needed because as they say in management ” If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” and no discipline trains you about Measurement like Engineering.

    You can’t innovate your way out of poverty by being high on volume & cost cutting measures…we need those who are high on execution and have the discipline to measure solutions to get out of this mess.

  9. Inginiya mzezuru

    Just to discuss with a fellow commentator below , he says Zimbabwe is only producing maintenance engineers – yes I understand because I’m also into maintenance but Maintenance Engineers Now can be transformed into design engineers tomorrow, maintain it today design your own tomorrow- besides a 4 stroke engine is the same world over either made in China , US or Germany it still works on the same principle so yes if we maintain these automobiles well today tomorrow we can also design ours and put our names on them !
    Also I think the level of commitment necessary to kick start Serious Engineering Companies cannot come from Lawyers and Accountants like the Author says it’s can only come from Engineers themselves ,as Engineers we need to take what’s rightfully ours , waiting for politicians accountants and lawyers to create these companies is a waste of precious time . Zimbabwe is just 1 province in our country called Africa , we can experiment in 51 other provinces Africa wide and still replicate a successful experiment back in Zim later on. It seems Zimbabwean challenges are African challenges as well so yes we need to try out in other places especially if they have favorable operating environments.
    Also as Engineers let’s not wear blinkers – a civil engineer can be an Architectural engineer as well , can also be a Surveyor even a Town planner . Let’s multi skill ourselves into the future you never know what Gold awaits in various African Provinces out there !

  10. Robert Ndlovu

    I couldn’t agree more.

    The ZESA , ZETDC and ZPC board must be shown the highway first

    We need competent people who get things done.

    Secondly the ICT Ministry needs a lot of help indeed . We need funding into R&D and less conferences and seminars.

    Water engineers come thither.

    We are sliding too fast.

    A nation can not survive on 20 hours of electricity a week.

    We need to get serious people in critical roles.
    I am still wondering why our telcos done want to share infrastructure because there will be gnashing of teeth as soon as Starlink spreads Directvto Cell Services. I have to colleagues I know who have already left for Rwanda.

    AI and Blockchain. What’s the status of these two bills ?

    1. The Seer

      The article is good,but it doesnt sound like its written for an Africam country.We are still far from implementing thrse engineering ideas.

      Also why is the author so obsessed with “lawyers and accountants”.Those are professoonals in their own right and usually they are dextrous im moving their way up the corporate ladder.
      So no gripes against them please.

  11. ngito

    accountants have very rigid mindsets.daft actually

  12. Anonymous

    Zvagara team rema sciences kunyanya Physics ndoroto designer stock market but muno muzimbabwe unoupihwa nani mukana uyoyo wekutaura ma Ideas 🤣😂😅 Unemployment yakazara kudaro….Also must involve vanhu vari Between 25 to 30 those people kune vanhu vanoziva Tech zvekudaro big tym…kunyanya team ririkurova Fraud vakarikonesa they will be great assets for Zimbabwe but Hanty Youth ye Current Government inotangira pa 40 saka ndikoko

  13. Shark

    What have engineers done outside of wanting leadership titles to enable them to lead? Being an engineer is not a pre-disposition for being a good leader or an excellent problem solver. We’ve got engineers, but look at the myriad of problems we have and none has ever come up with a novel solution. Not even a white paper on how to fix potholes. We need problem solvers. Which engineers are at the forefront of lobbying for change, putting forward concrete ideas and working on proof of concepts? That is information that should be used to back this theory.

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