Can we actually raise our hopes after this $1 billion 920MW energy project was commissioned?

We shall have to keep tabs on what’s going on in the energy sector. I mean, we love tinkering with gadgets but unfortunately, these devices still run on electricity and the shortages the country is facing are hitting us where it hurts.

For the first time ever in Zimbabwe, we have accessible unlimited data internet packages and some are not able to properly indulge cause they only have power for a fraction of the day. So, we need ZESA, ZPC and the government to fix this.

Thing is, we can’t really trust those institutions to get us out of this hole we’re in. Luckily for us, they now admit it too. Well, maybe not explicitly, but their actions show that they recognise we need the private sector to get in on this action.

We have seen a number of Independent Power Producers licensed to take a crack at it. There are multiple projects in the pipeline, some in the 5MW range and some in the hundreds. We have talked about some of those here.

We know that not all will come to fruition but let’s hope this next one succeeds.

Titan’s 920MW plan

Titan New Energy has invested US$1 billion into the construction of a 720MW coal thermal power plant in Hwange and a 200MW solar plant in Gweru.

Construction of the power plants is set to begin immediately, with some units expected to be operational by the end of next year, and completion of projects anticipated by December 2025.

The new thermal power plant will generate 720MW, while the solar project will add an additional 200MW, significantly boosting Zimbabwe’s electricity generation capacity. As I write this on the 6th of December, the Zimbabwe Power Company says we are producing just under 1200MW.

Hopefully, that shows you just how big of a deal the 920MW would be. That’s like three quarters of what we are generating today.

The Hwange station will utilize lower quality coal that would otherwise be wasted, aiming to control costs and minimize environmental degradation. I know that the green army will still hate that Zimbabwe is fully embracing coal but they have to admit, this is a neat little silver lining.

President Mnangagwa emphasized the government’s commitment to enhancing energy infrastructure through public-private partnerships and creating a conducive environment for investment. See, the government is now fully on board with public-private partnerships and I’m all for it.

This news comes around the same time as that of Hwange’s old units getting much-needed upgrades. Units 1-6 will be getting a 500MW capacity upgrade (from 300MW – which we’re not even getting – to over 800MW.)

So, with just the Hwange upgrades and this Titan project, we will add 1420MW capacity (920+500). So, I think this time around there might some meat to the government’s ‘We will fix power shortages in two years’ rhetoric bone.

The Chinese whipped the bottoms of our feet

These projects show just how much we were overcharged for Units 7 and 8 at Hwange. We paid $1.5 billion for 600MW of capacity.

Then comes Jindal who have committed $1 billion but the project is expected to cost $800 million for their 500MW Hwange upgrades.

Then Titan blows both those projects out of the water with their 920MW project having gotten $1 billion. Maybe that figure will rise as they construct the things but it will still be cheaper per MW than the Unit 7 and 8 upgrades.

It is what it is though. We are just glad that we can be cautiously optimistic that this power shortage problem might be solved soon.

Also read:


30 responses

  1. moon man Avatar
    moon man

    fairy tales

  2. Shafiq Masukari Avatar
    Shafiq Masukari

    Not at all, this is just propaganda, we have had these promises since time immemorial. The situation is getting worse

    1. Cde Kk Avatar
      Cde Kk

      And yu think the Chinese overcharged us kkkkk. Like yu don’t know the current Zim regime. Don’t be surprised to learn that, the Chinese portion of Money is only a third.

    2. Cde Kkk Avatar
      Cde Kkk

      And yu think the Chinese overcharged us kkkkk. Like yu don’t know the current Zim regime. Don’t be surprised to learn that, the Chinese portion of Money is only a third.

  3.  Avatar

    Don’t forget Chivayo was awarded a prize by Project Management Institute Zimbabwe for project management !

    1.  Avatar

      That was for the phantom solar project supposed to be built in Gwanda

  4. Always Off Topic Avatar
    Always Off Topic

    Who are Titan New Energy. How are they making money from the project. Are they simply being paid for construction of the power station. Then handing it over to Hwange. Or is there something else to the deal. Important questions that could shed some light on whether this is likely to come to fruition.

  5. Just a Dummie Avatar
    Just a Dummie

    🤣 i like how people have such bad memory. Busy analyzing a promise. Under the current gvt you are sold dummies and thats all. Wait until the project is completed then weite about it. Chivayo’s project once got rave reviews too. Where is it now? Till 2030 tenge tirimo in the dark

  6. will smith Avatar
    will smith

    Check out this useful platform if you’re searching for tools and intelligent advice to improve your relationship with your pet. It is full of suggestions for maintaining your dog’s happiness and well-being.

  7. Dube Avatar

    Dreams, Dreams, Dreams, Dreams, Dreams, Dreams, Dreams and Dreams.

    With Current Government expect Dreams, Dreams, Dreams, Dreams.

  8. Dzidzai Avatar

    Well done Titan, we need all the energy we can harness, SADC is also facing a deficit, the first country to make power a priority and use it’s creativity and human resources will become a regional geopolitical and economic power house.⚡ 💹

  9. Dzidzai Avatar

    Our coal our choice!🇿🇼 A lot has gone into lobbying for renewable energy. Yes it has its benefits which cannot be understated. However, developed countries all used coal to fire up their industry and become rich. After about a 100 years of pumping CO2 into our atmosphere, they are now rich enough to consider other forms of power and full bellied enough to worry about the planet, which ironically they pretty much are responsible for altering. Our carbon footprint is negligible, and if we change a proven development path in order to make others happy, we may be licking our wounds in the near future as this headline suggests.

    Germany’s weak winds trigger record surge in gas-fired power –

    Coal is also an interesting source of energy as CBM can be converted into synthetic fuels. If you have lots of coal you have oil, pretty much. Diesel and Petrol can be made from Coal Bed Methane like SASOL in South Africa. Imagine being a net exporter of fuel and not an importer.🌀 We would create jobs in that industry, we would save and generate foreign currency, we would be able to create demand in our own currency by selling fuel in ZiG and we would be able to secure ourselves in Defence by not relying on external ports (subject to geopolitical events and acts of God) and cross border logistics and foreign currency availability for our jets, APCs and tanks.

    Titan please consider a CBM coal to synthetic fuel plant, perhaps a consortium with the likes of RioZim and the guys that blend Ethanol. 🙏🇿🇼

  10. Dzidzai Avatar


    There are benefits to gas-fired power. A pipeline into our surrounding SADC 🇧🇼🇿🇲🇲🇿🇿🇦 neighbours can bring in much needed forex while generating much needed power for local industry. Zimbabwe is situated in a prime location, it’s time we make our God given right count. 👑

    I envisage a future were we will have a gas company in Zimbabwe that pumps metered gas into homes instead of us carrying around gas canisters to the service station for a refill. Each new built house will have a gas port and there will be works to lay gas pipelines around the country, starting with high density areas, because it’s cheaper. I think the UK has this sort of arrangement that people get gas straight into their homes, so it’s technically feasible. ⛽

    A consortium of service stations perhaps? It makes sense as economies of scale will provide better returns than transporting gas to services stations around the country with Tankers. In the long run this may be cost effective and efficient both for customers and corporations. 💁

  11. World citizen Avatar
    World citizen

    Pure propaganda loll, even in China or Germany a 720 MW project is not built in 12 months. How can the editorial take this fantasy seriously and remain credible
    This is a complete fabrication of facts and logic
    Be serious

  12. Cobra iComms Avatar
    Cobra iComms

    One of the little projects I was working on was Taxi Wars. Not about fighting, just like Storage Wars. A reality series that follows Kombi crews around. We see how they live, how they relax, how they eat, then compare cash outs just for sport. Like that National Geo or History Channel series Deadliest Catch. If it would have been commissioned on ZBC even better.

    I made a rookie mistake. It won’t happen again. I should have for-warned you to lay-low or change your rank and clothes. I am genuinely sorry about that, I hope you are okay.🙏

  13. Murenga😈 Avatar

    Rejoice, O Young Man, In Thy Youth


  14. Dzidzai Avatar

    This morning I queued some of my favourite tracks.

    Mbuya Nyathi – Munoera
    Mbuya Nyathi – Mudzimudzoka

    For some of you this is a simple act but for me it’s the taste of something different. I wasn’t allowed to play Mbira music, wear my cloth or drink Super, Nyathi was not around just then. It was found to be reprehensible even though I didn’t bother or judge anyone else for the religion and drinking habits.

    Which reminds me, the brain washing of kids is reprehensible. It can never be justified, and I am speaking as a victim, hope other can learn to shed off all worldly garments like I had to do.🙏

  15. Dzidzai Chidumba Avatar
    Dzidzai Chidumba

    If you do not like divination please leave now. There were two divination bowls found to my recollection. One at Mapungubwe in South Africa and one at Great Zimbabwe.

    The one found at great Zimbabwe is a great big clock. A pre-historic creature in the center. There is what looks like a spiral galaxy at 7 o’clock, to the left of it’s tail. There are also some symbols which I cannot discern but if we use AI perhaps it can search millions of archaeological records for any links and meanings.

    This means our ancestors who didn’t have hubble or the james webb telescope knew galaxy’s were spirals. I don’t know what else was taken from our sacred sites, but we may finally find out who we are with a little google and research.

  16. Spellchecker Avatar

    The German who came to Great Zimbabwe in the 1800s is called Carl Maunch. Explorer, hunter, writer, spy.

  17. Orphans Did It 🧑🏼‍❤️‍🧑🏿 Avatar
    Orphans Did It 🧑🏼‍❤️‍🧑🏿

    I once had a conversation with someone. She said there is a prophet who predicted the death of the Queen. When I asked who the prophet was she didn’t want to say. Strange because people bang on about prophets but this one there was a hush hush. As they say prophets are seldom loved at home, only when they leave are they perhaps appreciated.

    1. Gene Moses Avatar
      Gene Moses

      this article is good
      google site

  18. Penelope Avatar

    Another gripe can be, why have you been trying to kill me ever since I was a kid?

    I doesn’t mean I am complaining, I am just asking why?

    Another gripe can be how come you take something from us then show off to us? Like with a Rolls Royce or something.

    Another gripe is why do you do what you do at household level at national level?

    Another gripe is, how come you do not like to see someone happy?

    Another gripe can be, how come you haven’t found happiness in all you have, so you project your unhappy feelings on us?

  19. Spellchecker✔️ Avatar

    The Highlands pool, The car, ,The chair, Harava dam, it puts it at 2 lives MYST

  20. CHINX Avatar

    Hondo maiona vapambepfumi!

    Inogadzirwa zvidhinha’

  21. DJD🎱 Avatar

    Listening to Top Hits 2024 Trending.

  22.  Avatar

    Raviro the count down to your birthday begins, you were early. I hear you won’t be there, I will find

  23. Dzidzai Chidumba Avatar
    Dzidzai Chidumba

    Raviro the count down to your birthday begins. I love you babes. I hear you won’t be around. I will find you when you get back. Love Baba.

  24. DJD 💀 Avatar
    DJD 💀

    King Shaddy Ft Ndunge

  25. Cape Boy🇿🇦🇿🇼 Avatar
    Cape Boy🇿🇦🇿🇼

    Bok – Die Kaplan

    🇺🇸 And number Gang wah gwaan.


  26. AG Avatar

    No, miners take preference and we still need transmission.

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