Science And The Problem With Chikumbutso’s “Free Energy” Claims

Zimbabwe’s Sungulani Maxwell Chikumbutso recently demonstrated what he claims to be revolutionary energy technology to President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The demonstration featured an electric vehicle, reportedly a modified Chinese-manufactured car available on Alibaba, which Chikumbutso claims can run indefinitely without charging through his “Microsonic energy device.” This device, he says, converts radio frequencies into usable energy.

Chikumbutso’s claims have shifted over time. In 2013, he initially stated his device generated power “from air.” Now, he describes it as harnessing radio frequencies for energy production. He has said this technology can power various vehicles, including cars, helicopters, and bikes.

Ironically he has made these claims during a decade when Zimbabwe has faced and continues to experience a severe electricity crisis, with daily power outages exceeding 15 hours throughout the country.

Chikumbutso acknowledges his invention allegedly violates fundamental laws of physics, specifically the laws of thermodynamics. When attempting to patent the technology, he reports being rejected on the grounds that it violated natural physical laws and lacked industrial applicability. Rather than addressing these scientific concerns, he says he opted to treat the technology as a trade secret.

His narrative includes a concerning account of attempted operations in Silicon Valley, where he alleges that he and a partner were poisoned due to their revolutionary discovery, resulting in his partner’s death. He claims this led to his return to Zimbabwe at the invitation of the president.

Maxwell Chikumbutso’s Electric Vehicle

The Scientific Method Problem

It’s tempting for amateurs like me (and probably you the reader) to want to go into the science of energy and why Chikumbutso’s claims are impossible, or God-sent depending on the side you are. Ofcourse his claim has been proved to be false, but I think that would be going at the wrong issue altogether.

The core issue lies not in Chikumbutso’s claim of a revolutionary discovery – history shows breakthrough innovations can come from unexpected sources. Rather, the problem is his apparent rejection of the scientific method, which has been instrumental in validating every major technological advancement from telecommunications to aviation.

His association with Spiritage company from around 2013 framed his technologies as “spiritual gifts,” suggesting they transcend scientific explanation. That company, which bet significantly on his technologies, eventually went bankrupt. The spiritual angle to his technologies remains though. It’s reflected in his company name, Saith Technologies, derived from the biblical phrase “Thus Saith the Lord.”

While spiritual beliefs and scientific innovation aren’t mutually exclusive, verifiable scientific evidence is still crucial for technological claims.

Does Zimbabwe and Africa have a shortage of scientists?

Zimbabwe has numerous qualified scientists and IP lawyers, both domestically and in the diaspora, who could help evaluate these claims through proper scientific channels. A rigorous, transparent scientific validation process would better serve both Chikumbutso and Zimbabwe than presidential endorsements of unverified technologies.

The hallmark of legitimate scientific breakthrough is not just innovation but verifiability. If Chikumbutso’s technology functions as claimed, it could be validated while protecting his intellectual property rights through proper patents and peer review – standard practices that have successfully protected countless revolutionary innovations throughout history.

President Mnangagwa’s personal involvement means there’s politicization of unverified scientific claims. Despite Zimbabwe having access to globally recognized scientists and intellectual property experts who could facilitate proper scientific validation while protecting Chikumbutso’s interests, the demonstration bypassed traditional scientific scrutiny in favor of political endorsement.

In 2007 Zimbabwe cabinet ministers were fooled by a traditional healer who told them ancestors had blessed Zimbabwe with refined deisel that oozed from a rock in Chinhoyi. They went to site, took their shoes off thanked ancestors for the gift.

This situation, unfortunately, bears uncomfortable similarities to the “Dhiziri paChinhoyi” episode during Robert Mugabe’s presidency, where unverified scientific claims received presidential endorsement, ultimately damaging national credibility.


136 responses

  1. He is playing with fire presenting such things to the President. If he is found to be fraudulent, it will not end well for him.

    1. The Last Don

      The president seems to love clowns. He has hordes of them surrounding him. Zvigananda

    2. Dryriver

      In science do not judge before research. Give him a chance to explain. Chikumbutso can be very real and correct. From experience his claim can be true. Waves do have momentum; quantum physics does have an explanation to his claim. Give a quantum physicist the situation, calculations will be made and you will get your answerers

      1. Anonymous

        Except he is not explaining. When questioned he simply goes “trade secret”.

        1. I guess the explanation to his invention could be so simple, he probably thinks anyone could make it once it goes public. But before it does he wants to get some credit first. We should not lose sight of the fact science is still evolving. Now with electronic devices becoming littered all around the globe – Newton in his time played with an apple, imagine if he had a mobile phone in his hands instead. Geniuses can be anywhere on earth, Australia, India, Africa, anywhere…

        He’s been exposed as the fraud he always was now real solutions can be researched instead of snake oil salesmen.

    3. manando

      There is no president in Zimbabwe

      1. Anonymous

        Zim president is fake and a fraudster.

    4. Charles Anderson Mwakalinga

      Does anyone recall the “War on Currents” of the 19th century? When Nikolai Tesla explained that there was a technology to Generate and transport electricity over long distances without the need of additional DC generators he was laughed and scoffed at even though he was an accomplished Electrical Engineer simply because he went against the established science of the time.

      His breakthrough came by the support of industrialist George Westinghouse in 1895 when Tesla and Westinghouse successfully built the first major hydroelectric power plant at Niagara Falls, proving that AC could provide reliable and large-scale power generation. We owe Tesla the Transformer technology, poly-phase motors and generators without which our life on earth wouldn’t be better than that of the caveman. …yet still they gave Tesla a Post-humus Nobel price a very long time after his passing!

      The irony of Chikumbutso’s claims is that this technology was first professed by Nikola Tesla’s which aimed to transmit electricity without wires, providing energy to homes, industries, and entire cities. His vision was based on the idea that the Earth itself could conduct electrical energy, allowing power to be distributed globally through the atmosphere. He was also scoffed and laughed at and nobody wanted to fund his invention.

      I find it absurd that the PATENT offices and ‘My Cousins of Science” always stand as ‘gatekeepers,’ rather than enablers of innovations.
      Can we imagine, if this technology is true as it is, what will happen to the billion Dollar Energy market? I applaud H.E. Munangangwa for this bold move to spread his presidential protection and support to Chikumbutso. After all he is inervening where the “imperial” /”babilonian” system has failed the children of the soil! “Tatenda sekuru nerutsigiro rwenyu”

      1. Martin Hofstetter

        If it didn’t affect the petro-dollars value then not a big deal. The ones crying foul over this invention are the corporations who’s profits will influenced dramatically. Etheric/telluric energy has been know of for centuries . Electroculture gardening is an example of this. Follow the money.

        1. Anonymous

          Well said👏

    5. Anonymous

      The real problem with science is that it has been bought paid for and conveniently wrapped in a pretty package for the everyday indoctrinated viewer. FOLLOW THE MONEY. The chokehold on energy has been lifted by an individual who wants their countrymen to thrive . Usa denied his patent application. No money for the oligarchs

      1. You are delusional. Comprehend if he found a way to harness boundless energy, eh, wouldnt that imemdiately be apllied to Z’s crippled infrastructure. Yea yea see I created a renewable energy conversion for a automobile, but I forgot to build a power plant to stabilise daily living, be serious. Stop putting this salesman anywhere near convos of Tesla or Newton or as much as i hate him, Musk.

      2. Stephen Barwell

        Nicolai Tesla also said his ideas came as visions. Perhaps this new improved Nicolai is just a fabulist. If it’s technological snake oil, at least the bottle it come in is remarkable

        1. Anonymous

          That’s so true

      3. Anonymous

        I agree. What is amazing is that despite the challenges, this man has invented something. The question is how big is this invention? Who stands to be most impacted? It’s all about the patent. Being denied a patent speaks volumes.

    6. Even with your own brother you Still execute bitterness.
      Your a cursed Generation to this continent, bad seeds within good seeds.
      Your not different from those people who sold out them brothers to the white man for slavery….

      That invention is 1000% authentic and groundbreaking.
      You try to polish it black,but you’ll never succeed, because it has been launched already, I need to see your face when they start sales and delivery to various companies and customers.

      Your sleeping on the same bed with the devil….This is what we call witchcraft … Pure Jealousy out of envy, because you can’t invent nor add anything to the society.
      Better get a sixth fifth hole and prepare for heart attacks and high blood pressure will soon be your 24hrs Companion,when the cars and machines enter the market…..

      Your not different from the westerners trying to bury the truth if this ground breaking invention, saying that it’s against the law if physics.

      1. Professor linx

        He’s the Gregory Rasputin of our time

    7. Anonymous

      I hear your frustration, and I agree that African innovation and history deserve more recognition and respect. Africa has a long and rich history of technological, architectural, and cultural advancements that are often downplayed or ignored in mainstream narratives.

      Regarding the pyramids, many ancient building techniques are still debated, and it’s not just white people withholding knowledge—it’s a matter of lost historical records, lack of evidence, and ongoing research. However, African civilizations, including the Great Zimbabwe ruins, the Malian Empire’s architecture, and ancient Nubian pyramids, show that African societies were highly advanced in engineering, astronomy, and mathematics.

      It’s important to continue celebrating and rediscovering African achievements, ensuring that future generations learn about and build upon their ancestors’ knowledge.

    8. Kambisa

      I hear your frustration, and I agree that African innovation and history deserve more recognition and respect. Africa has a long and rich history of technological, architectural, and cultural advancements that are often downplayed or ignored in mainstream narratives.

      Regarding the pyramids, many ancient building techniques are still debated, and it’s not just white people withholding knowledge—it’s a matter of lost historical records, lack of evidence, and ongoing research. However, African civilizations, including the Great Zimbabwe ruins, the Malian Empire’s architecture, and ancient Nubian pyramids, show that African societies were highly advanced in engineering, astronomy, and mathematics.

      It’s important to continue celebrating and rediscovering African achievements, ensuring that future generations learn about and build upon their ancestors’ knowledge.

  2. Anonymous

    i have been listening and tracing his background something is not adding up .

  3. Fifiri

    Why worry..Just put his invention on a road test for a month to prove /disapprove him

    1. The Last Don

      Exactly. In Shona we say, Sei kuyera nyoka negavi iyo iripo (roughly, why using a bark to measure the length of a snake when you can just do it on the snake). Let us get the cars and inventions on to the Zimbabwean market and see for ourselves. If he really has made these products he must not worry about filing patents. He must just make as many as he wants and when the world sees our 18 hour blackout over they will come rushing.

      1. Anonymous

        Good one, just get them cars on the road

    2. M2

      Just one round trip to Beitbridge will be enough.

    3. Anonymous

      You know, there is no scientific verification needed here, just a road trip, say Cap to Cairo!

      1. Anonymous

        Let us not undermine ourselves us Africans we need to support each others and start from what chikumbusti ended just like Chinese and other continents does to support themselves, why are we not believing ourselves

        1. Thank you bro
          I feel so bad when we get to tanish our own brothers image and also they are ignorant and lack self confidence.

        2. Henry Winters

          Just like the indigenous people who live here in Arizona and America and around the world use scientific method to protect and prove your theories. I’m struggling with my own family and country, America did not vote for Trump or Elon musk the wealthy did. Pop

    4. Pereira Henriques

      Exactly but i heard that is going to be that way….land voyage to Egipt with Press/Media

  4. Anonymous

    Reminds how the Chinhoyi caves deiseal scam was perpetuated for so long and no one dared stand up challenged the absurd claims that were being made

    1. Thus Saith The Lord

  5. Anonymous

    Inventions are perfected over time. We just are doubting Thomases who believe nothing comes from Zimbabwe.


      True. The fact that he had made som3is reason enough to give him time amd resources. After all look at how America is fighting a trade war with China. Do yiu think they will just approve this man’s work easily

    2. M2

      It’s got nothing to do with his Zim origins. He is not the first in the world to make such outlandish claims and refuse to have them subjected to scientific review. What is really happening here is that he wants gullible investors to give him money without him proving his claims first.

      1. African

        He doesn’t seem to refuse scrutiny but instead scientists probably you being one of them seem to know more about his product which you have not even possibly physically interfaced with. How are you sure that the science you studied is even not flawed and could be the reason you have limited innovation? When we use a lie to verify truth what do you end up with. The seemingly educated people can often be the truly ignorant ones especially when they stick to what they learnt and avoid thinking out of the box.

        1. zorho

          Well said.

    3. Ighodalo

      Strange, Guys check out African maths Professor, Dr Gabriel Oyibo on YouTube. He ended mathematics for good with his discovery: GAGUT THEOREM. . His theorem provided the maths solution to every maths problem for all times, It was even used to solve the Rhieman equation.

  6. Chikumbu Saith

    I small desperation.Imagine an Invention or rather a technology that cannot be proven or verified using scientific methods!A big 2025 scam it is!

    1. Anonymous

      Ko chinonzi sainzi chiiko. Lets not be stereotypical

      1. Fazili

        Chikumbutsa is one of the many Zimbabwean witches who want to be regarded as scientists for their unverifiable claims. Munangagwa is just a believer of these beliefs and can’t hide this.

        1. Citizen

          Amazing. You really are something. Go to Maxwell and ask to verify, especially if you understand electromagnetic wave science or possibly the difference between energy and power.

          1. Anonymous

            Us Zimbabweans we have a problem we always criticize every achievement just because of we hate our leaders we don’t separate politics and achievements in our country, all of us there is no one who can understand what chikumbusto did to his invasions yet so far yet ur busy criticizing everything why

  7. Kamikaze

    While spiritual beliefs and scientific innovation aren’t mutually exclusive, Do research first before you shout nonsense, you know the discovery of microchips is actually due to the study of spiritual ancient symbols.

    1. Samaita

      Dzavharwa nechingezi idzi 🤣🤣🤣

      1. Anonymous

        😂😂😂 kwidibi chaiyo

    2. Anonymous

      tipei reference

    3. ceejay

      stop glorifying your ignorance

    4. Anonymous

      And they are not mutually inclusive , either . Correlation does not imply causation .

  8. Ronnie

    no more zuva & no more zesa bills

    1. Samaita

      Dzavharwa nechingezi idzi 🤣🤣🤣

  9. Anonymous

    White people are misleading telling everyone that technology and spiritual world are not connected but the truth is everything is connected,just look at what the greatest scientists are doing at CERN in Switzerland, studying Nuclear fusion, Quantum physics and Demons even sacrificing animals.

  10. Prince

    That is the same exactly device like the Tesla coil tht never seen the face of the sun due to powerful people protecting their teritories.. electricity was always free in this earth’s atmosphere,do a research on Nikola Tesla and see but the sad part is tht he went to the grave with all tht tech because noone wanted to partent them and let him realise his goal..

  11. Chuck

    Lets just connect it to the national grid tione. He might be onto something zvika failer wo we know takamupa chance. What we need now is an enviroment that fosters innovation and makes life easier…. ma rockets mangani a Elon Musk akadhuuka before azoita success. I think government should support the guy kana zvichiita to exporter magetsi atagadzira toita bag.

    1. St. Xavier

      Well, the thing is Elon had a whole team of PhDs and professional engineers in the background, unquestionably incorporating the scientific method. You therefore cannot use him as an example to prove your point. The problem with Max is his rejection of it and his hesitancy to involve actual engineering professionals who can validate his claims. Physics is a model we use to explain natural laws and phenomena. It does not claim to have an answer for everything. Just like any other model, there is room for refinement given that his claims happen to be genuine (which they probably aren’t given the fact that this has been tried for millennia and failed and also given his reluctance to involve actual professionals who can help physically explain his transcendent knowledge). There’s been many instances in history where the established laws thought to govern the universe turned out to be false and the model was refined in light of the newly discovered truth (e.g Galileo Galilei’s refinements of how people perceived the Gravitational force). We therefore cannot say there’s no room for adjustments of physics if his claims turn out viable. He just needs to give professionals the chance to access.

      1. Citizen

        Has he refused or scientists simply have dismissed his claims without even trying to verify? Let us give the young man a benefit of doubt. Even the guy who discovered that the world is round was imprisoned for it and died in prison only to be vindicated later.

        1. Anonymous

          Who cares about patents and scientists refusing to validate his claims. If his claims are legit he can show the world himself in an indisputable way. two words, ROAD TRIP. Take an electric vehicle, remove the worthless batteries and throw them in the trash. Plug in his micro sonic energy device in and start driving until the wheels fall off while live streaming it to the world. That fact he hasnt done this simple demonstration is proof that his claims are bogus.

  12. The Last Don

    Now that he is in touch with the president I believe his patents issue is solved. If his inventions really work he must ignore the naysayers and go into full-scale production and the customers will flock especially on his energy generators.

    1. karl baba

      The President was onboard at first then backtracked when it turned out to be bogus

  13. Always Off Topic

    ” …..When attempting to patent the technology, he reports being rejected on the grounds that it violated natural physical laws and lacked industrial applicability. Rather than addressing these scientific concerns, he says he opted to treat the technology as a trade secret…. ”

    WTF!!!! If anyone who reads this, thinks it to be plausible, YOU NEED TO SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. Your brain cells are either failing or worse, they have failed !!!!
    First the claim his patent was rejected because it had no industrial applicability. What !!! But he claims it can power all types of vehicles. How can something that can supposedly power a car not have any industrial applicability?
    As for this spiritual nonsense. It is proof he is just another, “scam prophet”. No wonder, numero uno came sniffing about. Those are his people. NXA !!!!!

  14. M Kondo’o

    Simz Zimbabweans don’t beliv in ich other, here his tech is blocked by laws set by others to reject any idea which doesn’t saport the passed laws of physics. All u esp writer who doesn’t know kut radio frequence is in th air, you know with tech you can develop something that works realy well but you won’t bee understanding how it works, some innovations are misteks or or strange results eg the light bulb was not planned but resulted, magetsi was not researched on but resulted. So him not understanding how his machine works isn’t a problem or changing stetments but very normal in physics of his path coz haisi breaklaying but electronics. Mr writer you can’t even relate to what u have oredy writen to try correct yo self. Write about things you hev complit understanding o.
    If it doesn’t wek properly now hazvireve kut hazviite some innovations took dacades to fully develop under gvnmt saport, xray gun took decades, diesel engine dacades from 1880s untill late 1920s.

    His tech is prohibited or haibvumirwe in this world nomater it weks inosungisa. Nicolai Tesla had same technology wani n was blocked, tesla holds over 700patens and this idea he got blocked by his boss first who owned GE in USA.

    You guys shud understand why vaingazvide, it’s all coz fuel companys battery companies and other related electronics companies Wil loose market , and once a car is sold no more aftersales profit, forcing downsizing etc.

    Let’s not criticize but rather advocate fo amendment of thermodynamics physics laws.

    This guy akagadxira radio station rakabata kuwadzana 6 high 1 area achi broadcaster from his father’s house, huyai kuwDzana muri one.

    1. Taps

      > You guys shud understand why vaingazvide, it’s all coz fuel companys battery companies and other related electronics companies Wil loose market ,

      Zimbabwe is sovereign – if his invention worked, he can become very rich overnight by selling his magical generators to fellow Zimbabweans “wasting” their money on solar installations. No western oil companies can stop him from doing that, but for some reason, he can’t even sell a single unit since 2013 – how?!

  15. Hughie

    well written and balanced article

  16. Joseph

    In Ghana and I need some of the generators to power my house

  17. Anonymous

    I fear his mind is like that of a certain prophet who claimed to have shared a steak with God. Lunacy personified.

  18. clown # 1

    is he related to profit magaya, or the woman that found refined fuel coming out of a rock? silly clowns

  19. Thomas

    The man is onto something here. Tesla did it but he was an academic so he wrote and calculated a lot of stuff. Yes, it is a thing; Wireless power transfer is a generic term for a number of different technologies for transmitting energy by means of electromagnetic fields and in the type of electromagnetic energy they use: time varying electric fields, magnetic fields, radio waves, microwave. If this guy has figured out what was proven over a 100 years ago then kudos to him. The proof is the pudding. Make the cars in Harare, Bulawayo, Hwange, Livingstone, Kitwe, Gaborone and Windhoek then flood Africa with these Energy producing cars which will solve a bigger chunk of Africa’s problems today! I stand by him and if he fails, at least, he tried.

  20. Wendlyn Musona

    Remember those who discovered those thermodynamic laws are not gods.
    Vanhuo sei. Mayb there is somewhere pavaka potsa. There might be some exceptions to their laws which they ddnt notice by then.
    These exceptions might be the ones that we are now discovering and use like in inventions like this guy’s car.
    Daniel Chingoma made a helicopter but it was rejected because it was a Zimbabwean. Noone bothered to work with him or sponsor him

  21. Car Guy

    I want to believe but my logic and common sense are buzzing.. So I went looking and found the vehicle which was “modified” for this demo;

    Now going down a rabbit hole over RF-EH tech and its current state. Suffice to say, there are many inconsistencies and lies in his claims.

    Finally, a Toyota Urban Cruiser weighs 1165kgs dry….

    1. Anonymous

      many car manufacturers have done this in the past, using a chassis from another vehicle and incorporating their own powertrain and engine… it’s very common. so, saying that he’s full of lies is really doing a disservice not only to the man but to Africa as a whole. Isn’t it time we supported our own inventors and helped them develop the terminology to describe their own inventions, especially if they haven’t been formally educated like you? The fact that a Chinese company is supporting him and the Zimbabwean president should give this the gravity it deserves.

      1. Car Guy

        I agree, badge engineering is nothing new in manufacturing. Had this been the stated case from the beginning then I don’t think it would have caused so much discussion. The issue is with the claims made and assertions about “breaking physics” among others. Science is based on fact and in my line of work, we’re always reminded to “trust but verify.”
        By all means, I want to be proud of him and celebrate his achievements as a fellow Zimbabwean. I’m sure he’s a very intelligent man who can contribute meaningfully to our country, however, it would be ill-advised to accept words without experiments and facts. Due diligence is the term.

  22. If this was Elon Musk no one would be saying nonsense.

    1. Anonymous

      indeed. well put.

  23. Cain Manzira

    There is a US Space project which is at an advanced stage to beam energy to devices in remote locations that can store that energy and covert it to electricity. There are billions of particles from space that are yet to be identified and described. Could the young man have stumbled upon a highly energetic particle from which he is harnessing power from, very feasible. Remember they sent Galileo to prison for claiming that the world was round.

  24. Anonymous

    This guy is a scum he ordered those things on alibaba

  25. Anonymous

    I think at times we have to agree to say they is no limit to inventions neither discovering something new which one cannot explain and we say its fake. You can still convert your old 1960 vehicle to be electric the issue here is not the body of the vehicle, but the fact that it can move with the technology. Something was missed during the discovery of radio frequency science which he stumbled upon. This guy is a school drop out but knows what he is doing the fact that he can not explain it in a way you understand does not mean its fake. All it means is scientist need to sit down and evaluate the invention and write the science behind the invention. Lets not believe that its not possible yet we have seen the cars on videos driving around. That alone shows he has gotten something. They is nowhere it is written that scientific inventions have all been exhausted they is still room a lot that we have not been able to do and if we continue with what was invented we miss out on other possibilities.

    1. Anonymous

      thank you. western science is not the only legitimate science.

    2. Wendy Allen

      Very well said…thanks for your input.
      Do you have any links to the videos you mention ? Thanks

  26. Mrs Jones

    Sei tisingasimudzirane? We are good at destroying others. You can’t believe everything you read out there.

  27. Cain Manzira

    Very true indeed. Anyone shouting fake and scam is shouting from either an ignorant point of view or jealous of the so-called school dropout’s ingenuity. This sort of mindset is what set most of Africa backward. I can bet you everyone criticizing this guy believes in stupid stuff like njuzu which takes n’angas for 3 months under water and varoyi vanotumira mheni or go through locked doors, kana kunzi ndakaroyiwa kubasa or nhingi arikubatata.

  28. Josh
    Malcom Bendall’sthundetstorm generator reshaping conventional knowledge

  29. This article is a smear campaign supported by the West. What a shame😞

    President Mnangagwa said he actually had the self powered television set at home and had watched it.

    “He brought the television to my house…the television has no wiring (for connection), you can watch the television, all the stations you want on a tarmac.

    “He has been doing that at my house. But you will not believe it until you see it. About two years ago he said he would make a drone and he made one,” he said.

    Mr Chikumbutso narrated the modalities of his latest invention.

    “As you know, radio frequencies are measured in nanovolts, meaning to say they are less than a volt…but we find a way of harnessing it through the creation of 70 percent of the components in the microsonic energy, which I have tailor-made.

    “So, those are the components that enable the radiofrequency to be transferred into pure, useful energy and this is the first of its kind in the world,” he said.

    The inventor chronicled how he and his colleague were poisoned in the United States of America because their idea was deemed unconventional.

    Mr Chikumbutso’s colleague succumbed to the poisoning incident.

    “With that technology, it violates the laws of energy in thermodynamics and also the first law of energy as well…” he said, before President Mnangagwa interjected saying, “So they wanted to arrest him for changing physics”.

    Mr Chikumbutso continued recounting his ordeal of persecution.

    “Even when we tried to file a patent, they (Americans) said we were violating the natural laws of physics, so it is not industrially applicable.

    We decided to take the trade secret route after that,” he said.

    Mr Chikumbutso said his latest vehicle invention could even be used to power houses, terming it a “moving generator”.

    “So ,with this car, you can also use it to power your house, it is a moving generator…it gives you 15 kilowatts to power your house,” he said.

    1. karl baba

      Is this the president who used to support this guy?

    2. Wendy Allen

      So what happened to the tv would love to know ?? Any videos of it working on tarmac independently ?

  30. Norbert Nziramasanga

    If one comes up with a solution then one demonstrates it.
    Soap – they come on TV and wash dirty clothes.
    Shoes – they show people wearing the shoes and approving them.

    Just show the car driving longer than the longest range EV of the same weight. Don’t worry about the science. Most drivers don’t care to know how the car works but what it can do.

  31. michael mackenzie

    Nothing in that story disproves Chikumbutso claims…. The stories implication that his claims are false rests entirely On whether you believe the science types when they tell you that it breaks some Laws of physics.. It wouldn’t be the first time that Recognized laws of physics have been broken. And it wouldn’t be the first time scientists have lied to protect Their own narrative.

    1. Wendy Allen

      So what happened to the tv would love to know ?? Any videos of it working on tarmac independently ?

  32. A man produced something which is working, someone wakes up and writes a silly article as this.

    His invention is there and is working. No one cares about scientific method. It works, that’s all.

  33. Cha

    I find it strange that a journalist would call Chikumbuto a fraud when he/she is just a mere journalist. Think journalist. What is ‘air’ as perhaps Chikumbuto’s limited vocabulary allows him. And where do you find radio frequencies? Use your head Mr/Ms journalist and stop trying to be experts in fields you are not qualified for. Just keep to reporting. You are simply reporters and have no capacity whatsoever to analyse such things, and sadly even some of which are just common sense.

  34. Elon Musk

    For his invention to work….
    Embedded Emitters: Roads would need to be embedded with radio wave emitters to transmit energy to the vehicles.
    -Energy Transmission Network.A robust network for consistent and reliable energy transmission would be essential

    2. Smart Road Technology
    – Embedded Sensors: Roads could have embedded sensors to monitor and manage the flow of radio wave energy.

  35. Tseliso Moahloli

    There is a deep psychological and systemic issue where many African leaders and citizens still look to the West for validation, rather than trusting and investing in local talent. This colonial-era mindset, combined with economic struggles, has kept Africa from fully harnessing its own intellectual and technological potential.
    1. African Skepticism & The Worship of Western Science. Many Africans are quick to dismiss local innovators, fearing ridicule from the global scientific community. The West has long positioned itself as the sole authority on science and technology—anything outside its framework is considered “pseudo-science” or fraud. Western educational systems in Africa emphasize rote learning rather than innovation, discouraging original thought. Even Maxwell Chikumbutso lacks the language to fully explain his own discoveries, which makes it easy for critics to discredit him.

    Historical Parallels: Nikola Tesla & Suppressed Science
    Nikola Tesla was ridiculed for claiming to tap into “cosmic energy” or receiving insights through spiritual downloads. Despite skepticism, Tesla’s work paved the way for radio waves, wireless transmission, and even early energy transfer experiments. His rivalry with Thomas Edison and financial struggles prevented many of his greatest ideas from becoming mainstream. Similarly, Maxwell Chikumbutso faces an uphill battle, because the world isn’t ready to accept an African pioneering disruptive technology. Economic survival mode keeps many African nations focused on short-term survival rather than investing in long-term innovation. African elites still chase Western approval—funding Western brands rather than homegrown talent. Government corruption & lack of industrial infrastructure mean that even breakthrough technology struggles to reach mass production. African Universities & Scientists Must Engage. Instead of dismissing him, universities should study & validate his work. Even if his current explanation doesn’t fit standard physics, testing should determine whether the technology actually works. Investment in African Technology Hubs, Governments should create tech incubators like Silicon Valley for African inventors. A Shift in Mindset is needed, where African people must stop waiting for Western approval and start trusting their own visionaries. What Happens if the Car Actually Works? If it proves effective, the West will either try to buy it out, steal it, or shut it down. China and Russia may support it to challenge Western dominance in the automotive industry. Africa has a small window to embrace, develop, and protect this technology before external forces take control. Will Africa Miss Another Opportunity? If Chikumbutso is right, and this technology can be scaled, it could be Africa’s biggest technological revolution. But if African nations themselves reject or ignore it, the West will ensure it never sees the light of day.

  36. Tseliso

    instead of support, I see many Africans in this thread fanning the flames of Western skepticism instead of researching some of the terminology used like ‘micro sonic energy’ (we know of Macro sonic energy), a term which I’m sure has taken some time to come to terms, since he didn’t go to university like most people, to discover the terminology invented by others… Do you think there’s any hope for African nations to change their attitude toward their own innovators? Or are we doomed to repeat history, letting another major breakthrough slip away?

    1. tseliso

      Centuries of colonialism and neocolonialism have conditioned many Africans to believe that only Western science and technology are legitimate. Many Africans seek approval from the West before accepting their own breakthroughs.

      If an American, European, or even Asian scientist had introduced the same technology, many Africans would embrace it without question. Chikumbutso, like many self-taught inventors, doesn’t have the formal academic background to express his discoveries in the “correct” scientific language. Instead of investigating new terms like “Micro Sonic Energy,” many Africans dismiss it outright because it doesn’t match Western-defined terminology. But every major scientific discovery introduces new terminology—just as quantum mechanics once sounded like nonsense until it was understood. Western science is not absolute—it constantly evolves and revises itself. Dark energy, dark matter, quantum entanglement—all these concepts contradicted traditional physics until scientists proved them. Even Albert Einstein’s ideas were once considered radical before they were proven mathematically. Instead of tearing down Chikumbutso and others like him, Africans should- Test the technology objectively before rejecting it, Encourage dialogue instead of dismissing unknown terms, and Protect African intellectual property so discoveries are not stolen or suppressed. If Africans themselves reject their own pioneers, it only makes it easier for the West to control Africa’s future. African universities, scientists, and independent engineers must study his technology seriously instead of rushing to dismiss it. If it works, African governments must protect, fund, and mass-produce it before foreign corporations take over. If it doesn’t work, African scientists should offer constructive engagement to refine it. Many great African minds have been ignored, suppressed, or stolen because their own people did not defend them. If Africa is to break free from dependency, it must learn to support and believe in its own genius.

      1. Kambisa


  37. Ekanem, N. O.

    If you have not visited the inventor and test run the vehicle he built over long distances that would usually drain batteries, you have no moral rights to discredit the claim. Making references to established scientific boundaries is stereotypic, innovators think out of the box, that is why they continue to shift the frontiers of knowledge forward. Speculations has no place when the inventor is alive, available and accessible for first hand interaction. Why is the world so skeptical when an invention is claimed by an African on the soil of Africa. That was how we were taught in history that Mungo Park discovered River Niger when peoples had lived around its banks and traversed its length and breath for several centuries before the arrival of the Europeans in Nigeria.

    1. Anonymous

      Great thought Bro

    2. Karl Baba

      But he is not available for validation. He has been making claims for years and has not validly demonstrated and proved his tech to anyone

      you can’t just make a grand claim without demonstrating it or proving the tech and expect belief because there have been countess other free energy claims that have turned out to be bogus

  38. I don’t know what Zimbabweans are saying about Max invention. What is physics that we are given all credit to? He has a product, let’s test the product and see it his claims of free energy is true.then we find the law that backs it up later.

    And who said, USA most approve everything? People who can hardly believe the existence of God, how do you expect them to believe the earth was created out of nothing but by what God saith?

    I am a Nigerian and I dare to say that Zimbabwe is blessed with Max. Let put his claims to test and proof him right or wrong.Do this as fast as possible before Max’s invention got into the hand of a greedy west and we pay through our nose to access what we are blessed with

    1. Karl Baba

      It’s easy to say “let’s test the product” but he won’t let anyone test the product. He had the support of the Zimbabwe government then lost it. Surely he could have demonstrated it to them?

  39. Anonymous

    Reminds me of Stan Meyers water car, which tapped into zero-point energy. Meyers knew it worked, but didn’t understand the physics of how it could work. Of course, the fossil-fuel industry does not like any competition, so they say he was poisoned, and his prototype was confiscated by some faction of the government on the grounds that the technology might be a threat to national security.

    1. Wendy Allen

      Ive been thinking of him too reading all the variety of always so many sides to the story …

  40. Ty S Lagerstrom

    Remember Christians, we are living at a point in time where a man is going to come on scene that will be allowed to fool the masses. He will do so with lies and wonders. God will allow this, even sending a strong dilusion on the people that will make it possible to believe the lie. One reason I’ve always said God has put a temporary pause on miracles and healing etc. is so the Devils supposed miracles will be believable. Remember, he will suffer a mortal head shot and will come back to life, pretending he too has that power. Of course God can heal, but he has restrained himself precisely for this time. So far the only miracle healings are like invisible ones, a back pain, a shoulder out of joint, a shorter leg ect. Never do we see a soldiers blown off leg or arm replaced. Why? Too hard for God? Of course not but then when the Devil does it, it wouldn’t be a big deal. All this is simply a conditioning, getting us ready, ufo’s, orbs, etc. Shortly, millions of people will instantaneously disappear, and when that happens the government will need answers and a leader will emerge like a Trump that will be loved by the whole world. At first there will be a calm, a chance at world peace, especially focused on the Jews. I don’t know about this car but what I wouldn’t do is assume that because it breaks the Newtonian and Einsteiian rules of energy and thermodynamics its impossible. Quantum is already proving that two things can be true at the same time. Even separated by thousands or millions of miles. Great time to be Alive.

    1. Anonymous

      There is very simple logic here. Internet allows people to make money from being mentioned online even if it is for nonsense. The second thing is for one uninformed anything can be true.
      The truth here is: He mentions radio waves and he mentions lots of power. He therefore should be working in the realm of the physics some of us know. In that case there is no way to get even a kW of power from the dinky box he is holding. Also if he could catch a kW of radio waves through the dinky box he would not live long from radiation. That is why astronauts wear space suits. There is no further evidence than this no matter the gadgets he has. Let’s go back to productive work. This guy will come pack when whatever money he is swiping starts dwindling.

  41. Anonymous

    This post must have been written by a very jealous, bitter & toxic person. The kind of people will not do anything worthy in life except waiting for other people to do something so they can analyse, criticise and make content out of it. Even if its not a viable invention as you say, is spreading all this bad stuff about your fellow Zimbabwean who is at least trying to do something at his level helpful in any way? What notable thing have you done in your life apart from researching on the internet (using someone else’s invention) to write a long essay about how your fellow brother is a failure?

    How about finding a way to help him come up with brilliant ideas of how to actually make something out of (his invention) since you know science better?

    Uridhadha remunhu

  42. Takunda Gotosa

    How do we purchase the cars if l really need the vehicle

  43. Takunda Gotosa

    How do l purchase the vehicle if l really need it

  44. Citizen

    Let us make the cars in Africa and drive them here. Let us use this invention to quickly power Africa with cheap energy and will overtake the global powers in a few years. The west must be shivering. May God protect Maxwell and preserve his invention. Imagine what this invention can do for Africa?

  45. Anonymous

    That we cant sell our oil is one reason to rage and rant. You believe Solomom. His gift was from God. Maxwell doest claim anything. Get out of your rage attack , he says he had visions from God. Given the number of fanatics in Africa especially the west side , if they buy all that snake oil from their prophets , why they dont believe their owm Brother might cant catch Gods eye. Most people posting have never even heared of Zero Point Energy and cant tell the difference between a nano and nino. Why not go for a holiday , take time out from your desktop and visit ZIM. Then you can really get going.

  46. Daz

    Ok. Here is something to think about for all the sceptics. We already have technology that converts electromagnetic waves into electric current. They are called solar panels! Add in a voltage booster circuit and an inverter and you have AC power! Visible light is an electromagnetic wave. So are wifi, radio waves, mobile phone signals, tv signals and microwave transmitters. Electromagnetic waves are everywhere! Also think about a crystal radio. It has no external power, however if you tune it to the right frequency, you can convert electromagnetic radio waves into audio. Using this logic and sense, don’t you think it is possible to design a product that can do what a solar panel can do, but instead of converting light electromagnetic radiation, it can convert other frequencies of electromagnetic waves into electric power? ‘Food for thought’

    1. The Engineer

      You can drive small devices, yes. You cannot get kW unless you want to wait for months/years to charge your car each time. If you could get kW into that small box he is holding you would be irradiated to death. To get 400W of solar power you need about half a square meter. That is from UV. Radio waves are lower energy density so, his claim is a scam.

      1. Anonymous

        The small box is only part of the total circuit. Chinese manufacturers can now produce circuits on the nano scale. For example, a 600w inverter from even 2 years ago was the size of a small shoe box. Now they can make that same inverter the size of a cigarette packet. Educate yourself with quantum physics, then your opinion might change. Maybe his dreams where he believes GOD gave him the idea was actually an advanced NHI he perceived as GOD giving him the instruction through his consciousness while dreaming. I suppose you do not believe in gravitic population or aliens from another world either? but it is true! You must educate yourself higher than your electronics degree. I have an electronics engineering degree as well, however through further studies into quantum physics, a whole different field of thinking has opened up in regards to frequency tuning, electric and electromagnetic theory. Check out to find out more.

        1. Anonymous

          Lets post that again because there was a small spelling mistake in grammar caused by autocorrect typing.
          The small box is only part of the total circuit. Chinese manufacturers can now produce circuits on the nano scale. For example, a 600w inverter from even 2 years ago was the size of a small shoe box. Now they can make that same inverter the size of a cigarette packet. Educate yourself with quantum physics, then your opinion might change. Maybe his dreams where he believes GOD gave him the idea was actually an advanced NHI he perceived as GOD giving him the instruction through his consciousness while dreaming. I suppose you do not believe in Electrogravitic population or aliens from another world either? but it is true! You must educate yourself higher than your electronics degree. I have an electronics engineering degree as well, however through further studies into quantum physics, a whole different field of thinking has opened up in regards to frequency tuning, electric and electromagnetic theory. Check out to find out more.

  47. G NCUBS

    come and showcase your technology at this year ZITF ,so that we can believe its true

  48. Farai

    The problem with Africans is we bring each other down. If this self powered electric vehicle was invented by Elon Mask you would be congratulating and praising him but when done by an African inventor you doubt its authenticity. We must move away from this inferiority complex syndrome and start to believe in ourselves.

    1. Anonymous

      Its very simple no need for scientists to prove it, give the cars to motoring journalists for a week. Problem solved.

  49. Honest Sceptic

    If I was Max I would’ve opened a youtube channel,made a vlog driving the car (without charging according to his claims)from Harare to VicFalls with another car as witnesses then post it.I would also have video evidence of his devices in action with random people as witnesses.With this in hand then approach the president and present my findings.My only issue with unknown tech is the repairability option which is another chasm to cross.

    Oh ,since the devices produce energy I would completely be separated from the electric grid and use my own energy sources for daily use.There’s nothing that would convince the community than doing that.

  50. Nhlanhla Khumalo

    Max we need your cars in South African Market just drop it we will support your invention we don’t care whether they believe in western theories and capabilitiea more then their own. I feel shame for Africans who belivea in western than their selves

  51. Mary Mcdonald

    Tesla got the idea of power energy from the Pyramids in Egypt. He believe that they were drawing energy from the earth’s magnetic field. The underground water ran under them in a way that created energy from earth making the Pyramids energy generators.

  52. Nick Bikkql

    Funny. It has been proven to work. People argue it goes against the laws of thermodynamics. Time for science to catch up. How do you argue against success..unless YOU are the one politicizing discoveries and science

  53. Ighodalo

    Strange, Guys check out African maths Professor, Dr Gabriel Oyibo on YouTube. He ended mathematics for good with his discovery: GAGUT THEOREM. . His theorem provided the maths solution to every maths problem for all times, It was even used to solve the Rhieman equation.

  54. Joe Hayes

    It amazes me how racism will turn so called civilized white people into muderous physcopaths when a black man makes an attempt to save humanity at the expense of their profit margins.

  55. Notyet

    I am very much impressed and delighted that such our young son can invent this. The government needs to support him so we can enjoy the fruits of ours. I would also love to drive this car. Have they started selling the cars? Others should try to emulate him. More grease to our great son Michael.

  56. People shouldn’t be too quick to judge. The laws of thermodynamics only apply to closed systems. If this technology is harvesting radio waves, they are plainly from outside the system. The question is how the energy gain is being amplified.

  57. Tinashe

    The problem is the writer himself is taking sides without proper research. It’s good to publish after doing proper research. That guy is real and he has history. The only challenge is that if one does not believe something they want to influence others instead of doing proper research. The writer is biased.

  58. Srk

    Search rotoverter from ark research its public … Power source. Magnetic field
    Energy amplification (electromagnum)

  59. Franklin Ssempirima

    There is nothing that Mr. Maxwell C. has Not explained. He is only problem I See is naming the ambient energy his Devise is harvesting a “radio frequency/Wave”.

    Maxwell is very Well aware that the particles bearing the energy his device is harvesting are electrons. You are mistake to think that Maxwell is unaware of Eng Tesla’s Motor!

  60. Edwards Oswald Gordon

    Simple question… has he powered his own house, or neighborhood with this device?

  61. Anonymous

    Because his invention goes against the basic fundamentals laws of physics doesn’t mean it’s not possible, if max was a white man he would be welcomed with opened arms and labeled a genius Africans would praise him like a god, But guess what? He is a poor black African High school dropout, so he can’t be a genius and a great inventor. And white big techs will always label him as a fraud. The sad thing is we know this yet everytime we let white people make us doubt our greatness. Do any of you know why people patent their inventions? If he lets his tech out without a patent, those white thieves are going to take his tech and patent it as their own. Then he can no longer invent anything without their permission and if he does, all the earnings goes to to them and he again like how Africa has been raped economically. It will just continue. Hence why he can let any of the so called professionals get into his inventions. Then he can moment he gets patented he will allow any and everyone to investigate.

    1. Anonymous

      So since they will not give him a patent, what is your suggestion or possible solution to his dilemma. For more than 10 years he has been talking about his green machine, invented a self powered TV set, a helicopter and an electric car. Since 2013!!!!!!!! None of his inventions are in the market. its as if you just started to know about him recently.

      1. Anonymous

        I think he started from the basic function of a simple RF receiver circuit, that device receives RF which induces a current in the circuit that could be heard as sound from a connected transducer without a power supply, the trasducer converts electrical energy to sound energy. We have been living with it all along. I see nothing impossible here. We just need to appreciate and support our own scientists. We shld use the innovations to solve our country’s problems, lets just give it time, its not goin back.

  62. Ravi

    I’m not a scientist and nothing to do with electronics or electrical engineering. However, I really and whole heartedly want to believe in him and the tech. I want to believe in Africa of tomorrow… the lion roaring and taking on the world with respect and dignity. While I favour a healthy level of rationale; I’m willing to add faith to this kind of project. Common Africa, common Zimbabweans!!!

  63. Nji Nkimbeng Ade

    Mr. Chikumbutso’s claim can neither be proven nor discredited at this point. Putting aside spirituality, his claim goes against the current laws of physics as we know it. This does not proof that his claim is false. Is it possible that the second law of thermodynamics is questionable? Is it possible that Mr. Chikumbutso’s technology is quite simple to understand, unconventional, ahead of our time, and would capsize the fossil fuel industry business thereby disrupting the world order? Mr. Chikumbutso is a black African. If his claim is a discovery indeed, and this technology falls in the wrong hands, it could be stolen. All the credit may be directed elsewhere. That said, Mr. Chikumbutso should throw more light to clarify his claim. For example, without revealing his technology, he can use it to provide more electricity and illuminate his country Zimbabwe. Actions speak louder.

  64. Michael N Ade

    We should question the conventional status quo. Just may be that is where Maxwell is. Maxwell’s claim goes against the conventional science that addresses energy creation. Is it possible that energy can be created and not just transformed from one form to another? If we change the way you see things, the things we see will change.

  65. Borack Bentula

    If a Patten to his so called technology is what is needed for him to move forward his enormous claims seeing and given the amount of public opinion and scientific curiosity it has drummed up; then why not just give home the dang patten for him to move forward with the idea.

    The idea claims to be able to shift the world into the future. So I somewhat believe that a new world leader is hiding inside of this man and I also think that it is possible that fear of what this technology can produce for now and future generations. Therefore they will not provide the patten and other certifications so that the tech can move forward.

    Therefore I think it’s possible that the US and Other r countries are in fear of this one man invention who loves his country and would rather withhold his invention as it would make Zimbabwe Richer than most if not all nation

    All the naysayers may be in on the fallacy discrediting of this genius

  66. Clinton

    make it a huge news event ,,,social media etc ,,,and drive to Gqaberha , Eastern Cape , South Africa,,,,also where can i buy one and how much is it?

  67. Godfrey Dan Olap

    Move around African countries and it will work we believe in our brother ,but when you sit in one place it won,t work .open stores around African countries and see by yourself .come to Uganda .thanks

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