ZODSAT also gets clearance to sell/distribute Starlink in Zimbabwe

ZODSAT joins the growing list of Internet Service Providers who have been given clearance to resell/distribute Starlink kits in Zimbabwe. 

They got the same letter that Frampol and DFA got which reads:

Starlink was licensed to operate in Zimbabwe last year and went live in September. However, despite many ISPs signing agreements with Starlink to be resellers, they need approval from the regulator to do so. 

In typical Potraz nontransparent behaviour, we have no idea why it took this long for these ISPs to be cleared. 

It is all a bit suspicious because TelOne and Aura were granted their licences at the very start. 

It’s especially so when considering Aura got its licence before Zodsat, arguably the best known satellite internet provider in the country for years. No shade to Aura but it doesn’t make sense that they would get clearance before Zodsat. 

Zodsat has been a VSAT player for years and was probably the most at risk company following Starlink’s entry into the market. 

See, VSAT is a satellite internet service like Starlink. However, they use different technology which results in different performance and experience. 

VSAT is slower with higher latency and more expensive to boot.

Zodsat’s website says the cheapest unlimited VSAT package costs $280 a month and only offers 5Mbps down/ 3Mbps up speeds. For 20Mbps down/3Mbps up you’ll need $455.

Starlink, at just $30 no less, offers a superior experience whichever way you look at it. So, it’s good to see Zodsat join the bandwagon and introduce the new technology. 

I mean, their VSAT customers were paying at least $280 a month which is enough to get a Starlink kits and pay the first month’s subscription. It’s a no-branier for these users to switch to Starlink.

Too bad TelOne and Aura got a head start and probably nicked some Zodsat customers in remote areas in the months they had monopoly power. 

Anyway, it seems Potraz has opened the floodgates and ISPs are getting clearances like Oprah is dishing them out herself. It’s good to see. 


3 responses

  1. Tashinga Avatar

    ZODSAT was probably the most at risk company even before starlink, because VSat is just old technology which is expensive to maintain. better for them to invest in LTE than to become starlink reseller.

    1.  Avatar

      That’s sensible and business wise

  2. yaaaaaawnn.... Avatar

    yawn … starlink … yawn goodnight

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