EcoCash Holdings Shake-Up: 8 Directors Resign but Masiyiwa’s Daughter Stays as Nyambirai Takes Over

This is huge. EcoCash Holdings has appointed new directors after all but two resigned. In total, eight directors have resigned, including the chairperson, while ten new directors have been appointed.

Needless to say, this is not something that happens on a typical business day. It all makes sense when you find out that Tawanda Nyambirai now has a controlling stake in EcoCash Holdings.

Please remember that EcoCash Holdings is only EcoCash in name, as it no longer includes the mobile business you are aware of. In fact, it let go of even more subsidiaries you associated with EcoCash.

So, all in all, EcoCash Holdings lost EcoCash, Econet Life, Econet Insurance, Vaya Technologies, Maisha Health Fund, and Mars.

So, although we are talking about EcoCash Holdings, think Steward Bank. That’s essentially all that EcoCash Holdings is at this point.

Another quick reminder is that Tawanda Nyambirai, who now has a controlling stake in EcoCash Holdings, was the original founder of Steward Bank, then called TN Bank in 2001. He sold it to Econet back in 2013. So, we are talking about exes getting back together here.

With all that said, I think we have a clearer picture of why all those directors resigned.

Tawanda Nyambirai’s Appointment as CEO

Nyambirai took over control and then also took over as CEO. He said:

I am happy that I have now bought Steward Bank back and look forward to continued support from everyone

His leadership, of course, means a shift in the company’s strategic direction, potentially sidelining existing board members who may not have aligned with his approach. Or maybe he just has his own trusted lieutenants. Either way, there was no place for those old directors. So, I wouldn’t think of what happened as resignations but rather as polite requests to move on.

The Exit of EcoCash Mobile Money and Other Subsidiaries

EcoCash Holdings was primarily known for its mobile money business, which it let go of months ago. The sale of other subsidiaries further reduced the company’s complexity.

Some directors may have felt their roles became redundant as the company’s core business changed.

Interesting Elizabeth Masiyiwa Tidbit

The only two directors who did not resign are Strive Masiyiwa’s daughter, Elizabeth, and Dominic Musengi.
This suggests that the Masiyiwa family is not out of the Steward Bank business, even though some of their long-term lieutenants, like Darlington Mandivenga and Eddie Chibi, were among the departing directors.

That brings us to the list of departing directors:

  • Sherree Gladys Shereni (Chairperson, Independent Non-Executive Director)
  • Zienzile Dillon (Independent Non-Executive Director)
  • Hardy Pemhiwa (Non-Executive Director)
  • Darlington T. Mandivenga (Non-Executive Director)
  • Michael L. Bennett (Independent Non-Executive Director)
  • Christopher Maswi (Independent Non-Executive Director)
  • Eddie Chibi (Executive Director)
  • Theresa Nyemba (Executive Director)

We may not recognize all those names, but some of these people have been long-serving employees in the Econet Group. So, it will be interesting to see where they end up. I would not be surprised if some of them find their way to Econet, especially in the mobile money division.

These are the people who will replace them:

  • Titus Murefu (Chairperson, Independent Non-Executive Director)
  • Rugare Chidembo (Non-Executive Director)
  • Roy Chimanikire (Non-Executive Director)
  • Nadine Gabi Levy (Independent Non-Executive Director)
  • Evaristo Mudhikwa (Independent Non-Executive Director)
  • Morgen Mufowo (Independent Non-Executive Director)
  • James Andrew Kufakunesu Mushore (Independent Non-Executive Director)
  • David Alexander Rhodes (Independent Non-Executive Director)
  • Tawanda Nyambirai (Group Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director)
  • Hazvinei Kapfunde (Banking Operations Director, Executive Director)

So, EcoCash Holdings is going to have a bigger board despite being less complex. Yay.


15 responses

  1.  Avatar

    Those folks are already better off than the masses.

  2. Laverov Avatar

    Article is well written and insightful. Such level of quality is rare these days.

  3. Paul Charumbira Avatar
    Paul Charumbira

    12+ directors in any business is a formula for failure. Ever read Parkinsons law and studies in administration. But we’ll wait, maybe they have something worth talking about cooking.

  4. Joiyce Chirongoma Avatar
    Joiyce Chirongoma

    Well written and informative! 12 is but a very big number….will be interesting to watch the developments

    1.  Avatar

      Techzim always provides insightful information

  5. Samaita Avatar

    Tawanda Nyambirai takes back TN Bank, now called Steward Bank. In short, “EcoCash Holdings” is dead! No need to complicate things here 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Gentleman Avatar

      There’s is no complicating things here, they just explained it as it is legally, as per companies law in Zim

  6. Whatmore Mtariswa Avatar

    Zim style we do things our own ways hahah but directors more that 10 playing with hellfire bussiness ethics disapprove these funny things

  7. Takura Agostino Chatikobo Avatar
    Takura Agostino Chatikobo

    I always knew that it was a strategic move for Nyambirai to sell off the bank to econet so that it would facilitate easier entry of econet in the financial services arena. Given their legal battery with the government to acquire a license it was only natural to enlist the services of Nyambirai to get it easier for them without going through another handcap with the RBZ. Now that the dust has settled and the landscape is changing with other disruptive innovations in the form of starlink, omari, innbucks it is once again natural to focus on the core business. The advent of other disruptive technologies in the form of AI, IoT, Machine learning etc is also giving a torrid task on Ecocash Holdings and econet Zimbabwe sleepless nights that if one could be in their shoes, would have made the kind of decisions they are making before its too late. With starlink coming up with starlink on mobile we are likely to see most mobile service operators going into extinction soon if serious innovations are not implemented asap.

    1. @cm Avatar

      Starlink has PayPal which is fast losing its reputation due to Elon Musk meddling in global politics so I don’t see it as a threat to local money transfer business

  8. Takura Agostino Chatikobo Avatar
    Takura Agostino Chatikobo

    On another note i would want to believe that engaging more than 10 directors on such a small company is a recipe for disaster especially considering that those that have been appointed almost share similar areas of expertise. This being the case there would be little significant changes, lack of innovation because everything can be peer reviewed by people from the same pot with same or shared mindsets. Time would however tell, but in my view the board is too big for nothing to make significant changes.

  9. Aaron Avatar

    People who have inflated egos in Management never learn it turns out and make decisions that are destined to making them bankrupt as always. EcoCash has been abysmal of late and they make such decisions…. Goes to show that some owners are more concerned about clout than the actual service rendered .

    1.  Avatar

      TN holding already owning acturus gold mine, cattle bank, and and just maybe ?

  10.  Avatar

    titus murefu & evaristo mudhikwa

  11. Adolphus Wiza Avatar
    Adolphus Wiza

    Elizabeth Masiyiwa staying on signals that the Masiyiwa family still has a stake in the game Geometry Dash World

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