Listen, I know the esports world is not thriving at the moment. However, gaming still remains a viable career path for a few. The rest of us will have to be content with gaming for fun—I doubt any of us are complaining.
It’s always exciting when you get a chance to meet up with fellow gamers and test yourself.
Various organizations have held such meetups, and now Otaku Konnect will be hosting “the first gaming convention in Zimbabwe”—a claim some organizations may dispute—but it should be fun all the same.
Called Button Bash, Otaku Konnect describes it as “the perfect event if you love gaming and all things gaming.”
Button Bash is a gaming convention organized by Otaku Konnect, taking place on April 19th and 20th, 2025, at Moto Republik in Harare.
Tickets are priced at $3 for Game Day, $8 in advance or $10 at the gate for Fun Day, and a discounted $10 for both days. Attendees in costume receive a 50% discount.
Day 1 focuses on competitive gaming, featuring tournaments for Mortal Kombat 1, Tekken 8, Blur, and EAFC25, while Day 2 includes a cosplay competition, gaming merchandise, and family-friendly activities.
The event aims to foster a vibrant gaming community in Zimbabwe, bringing together gamers, developers, and artists to encourage collaboration and growth in the gaming industry.
Participants can register for competitive tournaments online, with additional details and ticket sales available through Tango and Flippin Tickets.
As shared by Innovation Village,
Button Bash 2025
Introducing Button Bash, a two-day gaming-focused event taking place this April 19th and 20th at Moto Republik in Harare.
What is Button Bash?
Button Bash is the name we’ve given to the first of our annual Gamer events. Easter weekend is where it’s at with Otaku Konnect’s first-ever two-day event. This is also the first gaming convention in Zimbabwe, which is exciting. Button bash promises to be an exciting event that caters to all types of gamers. Whether PlayStation, Xbox or PC gaming is your thing, board games, trading games, or card games, this is the one place where we all gather to have an amazing time. You’ll find us in the cards section, showing off our crazy 8 skills!
What to Expect at Button Bash
Day 1: Game Day
This will be dedicated to games only, no frills and no fancy business. A full day of games, good vibes, and glory-seeking. Whether you’re a hardcore, carry-your-own-controller gamer who wants to win at all costs or you’re new to it all and you can’t tell the X button from the A button, this is a home for you. All ages are welcome to come and enjoy this once-a-year gaming extravaganza, so even if all the characters were 18-bit when you last gamed, WE WANT YOU THERE!
A minimum of 4 competitive tournaments will run throughout Game Day. Mortal Kombat 1, Tekken 8, Blur, and EAFC25 with a chance for the top 8 to qualify for finals the next day. In addition to the competitive tournaments, we will have a great line-up of games available for our members who love to game but don’t want to sweat about it. REGISTER for the Button Bash 2025 Competitive tournaments here.
Day 2: Fun Day
Thiswill be the convention experience you have come to love and expect from Otaku Konnect. Come through to buy gaming and anime merch, cosplay competition, take part in our Boss Level game quiz, enjoy outdoor games, and board games, and of course watch the Kings and Queens of the console gaming tournaments be crowned! It will be a family-friendly day with lots of activities for young ones, great food options, and well-curated music.
Otaku Konnect’s head of Marketing, Bill Masuku has expressed how the ultimate goal is to grow gaming in Zimbabwe into a fully functioning industry that goes beyond just entertainment. “It starts with getting all the right people in one place, and that’s what we want to do with Button Bash. We want to bring together gamers, game developers, artists and marketers and let them interact in this one melting pot. Who knows? The next big game development company could come from individuals who meet at Button Bash.”
Tickets and Such?
Ticket sales for the Button are open and attendees can get a ticket to attend Game day, Fun Day, and both days. The prices are: Game Day ($3), Fun Day ($8 in advance and $10 at the gate), or both days for a discounted $10. As always at Otaku Konnect events, if you show up dressed as a fictional character you enjoy a 50% percent discount and your ticket becomes just $5. Extra points if your fictional character is from a video game. Tickets will be available online on Tango and Flippin Tickets as well as at several physical outlets that will be announced in due course. Look out for some flash sales over the next few weeks leading to the event.
Classroom6xCool is a great site for play unblocked games! It’s perfect for having fun during breaks. So many games to choose from!
I remember the days of Teken 2 on the original sony playstation one. It was an incredible machine, It didnt use cartridges.Quick question who was first with laser read discs for gaming, PC Playstation SEGA other?.
The downside It used discs one scratch and Its heartbreak. There was one particular game TOCA a racing game. It had a tiny scratch. You could hear the disc reving trying to load to 100 It would work 1 out of 2 tries. The machine was Fanuels pa New Prospect apo. One day I will tell you the story of a girl from St Dominics and her cousing from Chisipite.
So I made some people upset. When I was at Leeds I posted to our group United Provinces. I posted anything which is res nullis can be claimed like what Jan Van Rebeek did at the Cape. So I said our empire is vacant So I claim it. Yoh I didnt even think they read my posts. It was a strange conversation because they started it. And I was thats my private life It was similar to When I would love to go to space.
It says in the scriptures you can ask the Lord amd your ancestors for anything. I would have loved a Playstation 3 or Ferrari but thats what I chose. What do you ask God for? But be careful what you ask for and dont waste you prayers on frivilous things necause the most high is not to ne approached lightly.
Ah. Yesterday I got.a chance to play some tracks. So I played
Fortune Mparutsa Wangu Ndenga
Mamoyo (Follow me if you love me)
Spoke to my kids.
Naniso is loving her New school, she is learning French and made a New friend. They bonded on Karate and Kun Fu I think.
Raviro my little darling. She is still.doing her press ups every evening and continuing with her sport.
Jacob says he is working out in the evening and reading his books amd comics. I just habe to nudge him more to practice his cricket shots almost every day until the Bat becomes an extention of his arm.
Have fun at the Big Bash
This means that I can live my claim now I do not have to for a date. The only date in my mind right now is my abdication.
Back to domestics. My late elder brother paid me a visit to Ambleside in Cape Town. Remember Tanaka you played Football manager on my PC you were Real Madrid I think. I like to play with teams like Genk SchalkeO4 Roma Valencia Spurs Notts County so on It was fun especially the beach amd Rita kept askimg to go to Shoprite sorry we did ypu wrong we didn’t find time to stop by.
Anyways my late brother broight with him a concortion that he said to ne from my mom. I had to write down my email name address phone number in red onto a piece of paper at least It was an Eversharp. Then I had to go into the bath and smear this substance onto my feet. I protested Then he said sha anything your mom says you have to do. So i did. I was a kid then….
We the youth say Happy Youth day.
We thank our leaders and heroes sacrifice and vow to keep our land from foes.
May the Lord protect and bless Zimbabwe.
On United Province. I had a debate with my mentor. Mukoma Prosper. Mhofu Mutenhezanwa. He said Dzidzai will get us in all sorts of wars. I said at least mukoma I will be the the first one out of the plane.
A simple test for a Para. When the green light goes on and your hesitate. Its a fail. When the green lights goes on you jump. Its a static line.
We had a running joke in the generals group. Dyke is removing mines he laid. One of the lads. Rest in peace Sir
Paramount Bottle Store pa gomba I am here.
Great Dyke vs Rand
Kaguvi Cell 2.
Mount Pleasant. I miss you!
Boss Lady
Since I have to tell you zvese. I was in love with my mother in law. Yes we used to chat for hours. The death of her son really touched her. She was my nest friend she helped me on a lot of occasions.
She was also the first to comment our car was nice. When I was changing the head gasket she came to check on me.
I love her. time space circumstance
Am I the only one experiencing very poor internet speeds on SmartBiz Econet? 3 days now I’ve been getting around 50-100kbps. Is something wrong with Econet or I’m an isolated case?
Marvel vs Capcom
How old were you when you realised that Magneto might be the good guy and Professor X could actually be the villian.
Apparently he wants to protect mutants who are being hunted down. Then he hunts them down and brings them to his school for gifted children, sounds like indoctrination to me.
Then he gets them to fight his own battles with no regard to their safety. The real kicker is that if you do not bend to his will he uses mind control to read your mind without consent or in some cases control your actions….hmmmmm
Magneto perhaps fell out with his brother because of this. So the X Men might actually be the good guys.
Who ever rocks a Magneto helmet to the bash, Sando dzako!
First Emperor of Rome
Yale University Press
New Haven & London
‘And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from
Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing
was fi rst made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went
to be taxed, every one into his own city.’ The Gospel according to Luke,
later fi rst century AD.1
This brief mention in the Christmas story must have been the fi rst
time I heard of Augustus, and although it is hard to be precise with
such early memories I must have been very young. Like most people
who hear or read these words, I doubt that I thought much of them,
and it was only later that my love of history grew and I developed
a particular fascination for everything about ancient Rome. You
cannot study Roman history without coming across Augustus and
his legacy. He was the fi rst emperor, the man who fi nally replaced a
Republic which had lasted for almost half a millennium with a veiled
monarchy. The system he created gave the empire some 250 years
of stability, when it was both larger and more prosperous than at
any other time. In the third century ad it faced decades of crisis and
survived only after extensive reform, but even so the ‘Roman’ em-
perors who ruled from Constantinople until the fi fteenth century
felt themselves to be rightful successors to the power and authority
of Augustus.
Unquestionably important, his story is at the same time intensely
dramatic. When teaching students about Augustus, I have always
stopped to remind them that he was not quite nineteen when he
thrust himself into Rome’s extremely violent politics – hence almost
always younger than anyone in the class. It is often hard to remem-
ber this when recounting what he did, skilfully and unscrupulously
manoeuvring his way through the twisting allegiances of these years
of civil war. The great-nephew of the murdered Julius Caesar, he
was made the principal heir in his will and given his name…
ZNA Service & Education Corps
WAR (264 B.C. – A.D. 235)
Strategy is to war what the plot is to the play; Logistics
furnishes the stage management, accessories, and mainte-
nance. The audience, thrilled by the action of the play and
the art of the performers, overlooks all of the cleverly hidden
details of stage management. . . .
George C. Thorpe1
Ancient historians use the term logistics to refer to a variety of
different military functions.2For example, under the rubric of logis-
tics, Jacques Harmand discusses the organization and the financing
of the army, the train and baggage, as well as medical services.3
John Paul Adams covers military roads, ports, fleets, and supply,4
and Donald Engels concerns himself almost entirely with provisions.5
Arthur Ferrill, in a general survey of ancient warfare, defines logis-
tics simply as “organized supply.”6Both François Berárd and Patrick
Le Roux, in studies of the Roman army’s supply system, refer to its
In the war of Troy, the Greeks having sacked some of the neighbouring
towns, and taken from thence two beautiful captives, Chryseis and Briseis,
allotted the first to Agamemnon, and the last to Achilles. Chryses, the
father of Chryseis, and priest of Apollo, comes to the Grecian camp to
ransom her; with which the action of the poem opens, in the tenth year of
the siege. The priest being refused, and insolently dismissed by
Agamemnon, entreats for vengeance from his god; who inflicts a pestilence
on the Greeks. Achilles calls a council, and encourages Chalcas to declare
the cause of it; who attributes it to the refusal of Chryseis. The king,
being obliged to send back his captive, enters into a furious contest with
Achilles, which Nestor pacifies; however, as he had the absolute command
of the army, he seizes on Briseis in revenge. Achilles in discontent
withdraws himself and his forces from the rest of the Greeks; and
complaining to Thetis, she supplicates Jupiter to render them sensible of
USAFA Harmon Memorial Lecture #31
The Intelligence Revolution: A Historical Perspective
Sir Harry Hinsley, 1988
In the Second World War, if we leave aside the information they obtained by overt means from
embassies, the press, the radio and other such channels, governments received their intelligence from
four sources:
1. Physical contact in the form of captured documents, the censorship of mail and the
interrogation of prisoners;
2. Espionage;
3. Aerial reconnaissance, particularly aerial photographic reconnaissance; and
4. Signals intelligence, SIGINT for short.
About these four sources we should note two preliminary points. Essentially, each of them had
always existed. There never was a time when governments did not avail themselves of censorship,
captures, prisoners and spies; aerial reconnaissance was old-fashioned reconnaissance greatly extended
by the development of flying since the beginning of this century; SIGINT; in the same way, was the
product of the marriage of one of the most ancient of crafts- cryptanalysis- with the advent of wireless
communication. In the second place, all governments exploited all these sources in World War II or
did their best to do so.
To this extent the outbreak of the war was not at once followed by an intelligence revolution,
and this was all the more the case because until the autumn of l94l- for the first two years of the war-
the intelligence bodies on both sides achieved roughly equal success or failure. To illustrate this point
by reference only to SIGINT, the most valuable and prolific of all the sources, British success in
breaking the cypher used by the Germans in the April 1940 invasion of Norway and in reading the
Luftwaffe’s communications after May 1940 was balanced by the fact that the Germans read between
30 and 50 percent of British naval traffic in the North Sea and the Atlantic during 1940, and a
considerable amount of the French Army’s traffic from the outbreak of war to the fall of France. That
the British were reading the high-grade cyphers of the Italian Army, Navy and Air Force from
September 1940 to the end of 1941 was offset by Axis successes during most of that period against
equivalent British cyphers in the Mediterranean and Middle East.
Axis successes against British cyphers did not cease at the end of 1941. From January 1942 to
June 1943 Germany continued to read many of the codes and cyphers associated with the Atlantic
convoys. However, the previous rough equivalence of advantage in SIGINT gave way in the autumn of
1941 to massive Allied superiority. It did so in a process by which Axis openings were successively
blocked, and the Allied penetration of Axis communications, and especially of German
communications, was progressively expanded. It was expanded to a degree that had never been
achieved before, even in wartime. Leaving aside the decryption of tactical codes and cyphers-
confining ourselves to the highest grade decrypts for which London used the code-name Ultra and
Washington used the code-names Ultra and Magic- the Allies were reading from the end of 1942
between 3,000 and 4,000 German signals a day and a large, but somewhat smaller, volume of Italian
and Japanese traffic. Whereas to Germany, Italy, and Japan virtually all the Allied cyphers had by then
been made invulnerable.
While SIGINT, as a result of the development of radio, was for the first time in history the most
prolific as well as the most reliable intelligence source, and since the possession of it made it possible
Good films—those that efectively communicate the desired
message—are the result of an almost magical blend of ideas and
technological ingredients. And with an understanding of the tools and
techniques available to the filmmaker, you can truly realize your vision.
The “idea” ingredient is well documented, for beginner and
professional alike. Books covering virtually all aspects of the aesthetics
and mechanics of filmmaking abound—how to choose an appropriate
film style, the importance of sound, how to write an efective film
script, the basic elements of visual continuity, etc.
Although equally important, becoming fluent with the technological
aspects of filmmaking can be intimidating. With that in mind, we have
produced this book, The Essential Reference Guide for Filmmakers. In it
you will find technical information—about light meters, cameras, light,
film selection, postproduction, and workflows—in an easy-to-read-
and-apply format.
Ours is a business that’s more than 100 years old, and from the
beginning, Kodak has recognized that cinema is a form of artistic
expression. Today’s cinematographers have at their disposal a variety
of tools to assist them in manipulating and fine-tuning their images.
And with all the changes taking place in film, digital, and hybrid
technologies, you are involved with the entertainment industry at one
of its most dynamic times.
As you enter the exciting world of cinematography, remember that
Kodak is an absolute treasure trove of information, and we are here to
assist you in your journey. Hopefully you will find this book useful—and
we invite you to call upon us now and in the future for the technology,
products and support you need to succeed.
Drunken Master Shifu
Di X men a sorterly di bad guys…1根
I recently had an opportunity to watch debates from the CEO roundtable.
I agree with Mr.Cross that we are over taxed and our taxation system should be streamlined. Sir, you proximity to our leaders gives you unique access that allows you to lobby and counsel them to relax and streamline our tax regime. Our people are over taxed and this in turn impoverishes them. Why we pay to NSSA Sir, we pay to NSSA because its the law. In my opinion it is the duty and care of the parent Ministry to ensure checks and balances so our civil servants receive home mortages at a nominal rate and oir pensioners receive a cushion in their retirement.
I was impressed with the CEO of United refineries. He gets it. I think he is also a rugby fan. Only a concerted effort to industrialise and produce can extricate us from this economic malaise. With lads like that you do not really need me, we have other people more than capable.
Coming of the Back of Youth Day it is imperative we retain our best talent and not lose it to other nations. We spend so much effort and resources training them only for someone else to benefit, if it were football we would be a feeder club. Jobs can be created by a rapid industrialising nation and not only jobs but a competitive job market perhaps only second to South Africa. This means remuneration and conditions of service should be attractive enough to retain anddevelop talent. We have a ticking time bomb with un and under employed youth and each year our educations system pumps more of them into the job market. The societal effects are collosal not limited to increased crime, health issues, single parent families or no families at all and mal nuritioned children with under developed brains and other effects that generaly speak of.a.disintegrating society.
I have a simple test for the job market. I read the classifieds in the newspaper. A quarter of a page of classifieds is worrying especially if most of the jobs advertised are senior manament.We need tailors,boilermakers,mechanics for example,something for every qualification and vocation. It speaks volumes on the economic performance,So many people looking for So few opportunities.
Capitans of industry understand economic metrics more than the run off the mill person on the street because daily you have to deal with realities on the ground in conducting business. It is imperative you give decision and policy makers a clear perspective without fear or favour,mwana asinga cheme……
Athens vs Sparta
My case against democracy. Inherently democracy is not a bad system but like any system it will be worked. World ober It has become aboit who can raise the most campaign funding others are even privy from payouts from the tax payer who is already ober burdened with a myriad of taxes.
This brings all sorts of people out of the woodwork. If I could fund a politician once She is elected I can basically get in front of the line. If I could buy the boys alcohol they will run around and campaign for me. Neither this is rule by the people for the people Its those that have will rule those that do not have.
Democracy also.seems to work better in countries were the incomes are relatively higher and the education level of a high standard and widespread. How many of our countrymen have access to reliable information that they can comprehend to make an informed decision on the best candidates?
When a bill is passed or about to be passed How many people can comprehend its effects and impact 5 or 20 years into the future and.
Brings me to the fee of running for president. It used to be USD1000 and now is set at USD20,000 in a country with a GDP less than 40Billion per annum and GDP per capita around USD1000. If the people standby and allow these laws to be amended and if the people have not questioned the implications, they have tacitly accepted that only those of wealth will be their leaders forever. Its ironic because democracy is supposed to be inclusive and a reflection of societies will. When you hear my advesaries saying Dzidzai haana mari,they are right,like with school fees you can be excluded and I have made peace with it. The reason given for the change was that the previous election had too many candidates…kkkkk Is that not Democracy?, a wide field to choose from?. Actually is is not more about the quality of candidates than their number?
These contradictions in my opinion lead me to conclude that Democracy should be for Athens while Traditional leadership principles should be for the Mutapa Empire. If really we are so enamoured to adopt foreign concepts perhaps its better to adopt the Spartan way of life. Kings and Generals get things done, politicians well you know them don’t you by their works.
I love you my countrymen and thank you for the protection and this wonderful experience. You will always be in my bossom and I will do my best for you. Inexperienced surrounded by enemies,we live on a prayer.
I have been out of the corporate job market for almost 10 years now after I resigned from Cape Union Mart. Its not easy, its highly competitive and I am hoping the experience I have had running a company in Zimbabwe will stand me in good stead. Those that say if you can make it in New York, its if you can make it here! and some are doing it well sando dzenyu,massive respect to you. I came across this advert amd it rekindled that fire that got me out of a farm compound, thrive as hard for some of us. It also shows our companies that their competition is not only at home in terms of products or services but the most vital clog in an organisation, human resources.
Kids whwn your parents tell you hard. They are not being too strict on you they know life better amd having a qualification to fall back on is critical. Whether you want to play professional sport,act in movies or be a Ballerina.
Regional Manager, Africa
Key details
●Salary: Benchmarked against our UK-based compensation framework at $66,000 –
$85,000 (£55,000 – £70,000) dependent on experience.
●Hours: Full time, 37.5 hours a week but flexible working will be considered.
●Annual leave: 26 days plus the public holidays of your country of residence.
●Location: Home-based, remote working. Flexible work location but must be based in
the Southern or Eastern African regions with regular virtual team meetings and
in-person sessions. Applicants must have the right to work in their country of
residence as we cannot provide work visas for any country.
●Contract type: The role is permanent and a part of the core team but due to our remote
organisation set-up, the contract will be that of an international self-employed
●Reports to: Senior Regional Manager, Africa.
●Line Management: No line management however Project Consultants as required.
About Open Ownership
Open Ownership is driving the global shift towards transparency over who owns and controls
corporate vehicles, known as beneficial ownership transparency (BOT).
We are working to create a world where governments, businesses, and citizens can readily
access and e�ectively use accurate, complete, and high-quality evidence and information on
the true owners of companies, not only to achieve transparency but to reduce key global and
national risks such as corruption and tax evasion, and create a more sustainable business
To achieve this, our team of implementation, technology, policy, and research experts:
●Provides technical assistance to implement beneficial ownership transparency reforms;
●Builds technology and capacity to use beneficial ownership data; and
●Conducts research and advocates to shape global policy and practice.
We are a remote organisation with a growing global team of professionals based in Argentina,
Chile, France, Mexico, Nigeria, the Philippines and South Africa as well as the United Kingdom
where currently 50% of the organisation is based.
We o�er a fast-paced environment with an emphasis on agility and flexibility. People who
enjoy learning and variety in their work will be particularly well-suited for our team. Although
home-based, our full remote team does meet in-person at least once a year with the
implementation team meeting at more regular intervals.
andidate profile
You will be an action-oriented individual with a keen eye for detail. You’ll understand and have
a passion for how policy, technology and data can together drive positive impact.
The successful candidate will demonstrate the following skills and attributes:
●Demonstrable experience with managing complex projects with several stakeholders
●Experience of building relationships with senior stakeholders from di�erent
nationalities and timezones to influence policy
●Experience of managing international and national projects in a relevant field (e.g.
natural resource governance, anti-corruption, digital transformation)
●Knowledge of countries in east and southern Africa where OO is actively engaged in
providing technical delivery including Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, South
Africa, and Zambia. Preference will be given to candidates’ knowledge and experience
in at least one of these countries with 3 + years of relevant work history. Candidates
must be based in Southern Africa or East Africa.
●Knowledge of national and/or international policy in a field such as anti-corruption,
tax, good governance, open data, national security
●Confidence with Microsoft O�ce and G-Suite, experience with Notion would be an
●Willing and able to travel internationally up to 40% FTE (travel restrictions permitting)
●A confident communicator (in at least English), with an aptitude for explaining complex
issues in an easily digestible manner
●A proactive self-starter who shows initiative and can manage competing priorities
without much supervision
●Experience with managing direct reports and consultants
●A quick learner, able to swiftly understand information about complex issues
●Good attention to detail and highly organised
●Entrepreneurial and look for opportunities to solve problems and adaptable to
changing context
Application process
Candidates must be based in the Southern or Eastern African region with the right to work in
their country of residence. We want to hear from all voices, and particularly encourage
individuals of diverse and marginalised communities to apply. If there is a requirement in the
job description which you feel you don’t quite meet but are still keen to apply then please do.
Please note that Open Ownership is a fiscally sponsored organisation and the contract will be
executed in the name of our fiscal sponsor Global Impact, a non-profit, on behalf of Open
Open Ownership uses the Applied platform for our recruitment which is designed to promote
diversity and inclusion through anonymised applications and scenario-based questions. Our
initial process will be solely based on your anonymised answers within the Applied platform.
We will also ask you to submit your CV, but your CV will not be reviewed unless we decide to
invite you to interview. Please note that we will not accept AI generated answers and will be
checking for its usage in all applications.
If you reach the final stage of interviews, we will retain your details for future posts at Open
Ownership, unless you tell us otherwise….
First Man on Mars (Fictional)
Welcome to the SADC space agency SEA ‘Space Exploration Agency’. We are exited to announce our manned mission to Mars has been given a Go.
Our mission will use a hybrid propulsion system that will reduce total transit time to and fro Mars to 6 months. Chemical propulsion will be used near planetary bodies to get in and out of gravity wells. Dielectric anti-gravity propulsion will be used during long transits.
The mission crew will be one Astronaut aided by AI, various automated and robotic tools to complete the mission. An Astronaut has already been selected and he is currently completing his rigorous training in preparation for the launch. We will reveal who he is in due course.
Our mission parameters are to succesfully launch one man to Mars, orbit and land on the Martial surface. Go on walk about in the name of science and humanity and return back to the realities of Earth.
A secondary but not lesser objective is to study the effect of space travel on the human body with emphasis on exposure to the Van Allen radiation belts, so we have our brave Guinea Pig.
A third and crucial objective is to deploy a high bandwidth deep space communication system that brings near realtime updates in high resolution video (space internet like fibre). We have created a prototype communication system which does not use radio due to its limited bandwidth but high powered lasers that will be deployed at specific Lagrange points to transmit and amplfy signal. These pods will be deployed by the mothership at intervals on the transit to Mars with ground station on both planets. It will be televised, we anticipate it will be the biggest live televised event even bigger than the soccer world cup.
We hope to inspire the next generation of space enthusiasts, explorers and scientists.
Director of Operations
‘See you in space’
Button Bash 2025 sounds amazing! Excited to see the gaming community in Zimbabwe grow. Can’t wait for the event!
Have you ever had a conversation ne mbavha manheru, mungori two mu road. I have.
Iwe ndipe moto!
Ah Comrade
Hamuzive here kuti moto haupihwe munhu manheru.
Hanti wakumbira.
Munogara kupi Comrade
Ku J
Ah ku J, ndakakurira ku J, munogara papi
Pa corner paya paya
Ah bho
The other time I passed by a guard room near J. I had blood all over my jeans and I wanted to take a shortcut home. The guard thought ndarohwa nema tsotsi. The actual story was some dude was chasing me outside Gungwa. In you life if you love to have fun and party you need to visit Gungwa pachikwanha. Yes the one Baba Shero sang about. Anyways the story is always almost about a girl. So he chased me around their canteen then I fell and cut myself,hence the bloody pants. He didn’t like the fact I spoke to his lady colleagues…kkk All I asked is if the canteen was open. I wanted to buy some Sadza but yah.
In a bar pa J there was a girl who came to sit next to me, next thing I know some lads have surrounded me. She was a dancer. I backed up by two lads who I do not even know,they disappeared into the night but never forgotten, panga pakashata. Thank you.
The other time I was dancing harmlessly with a voluptous woman pa J futi, then an enforcer told me to move away, no dancing allowed. In England they have a word for it I think cork blocking or something…kkk
And yes there is someone who comes to J pama shops kunozotengesa mazai akabhoiliswa how I miss Nyabira come and try that there.
Ah yes then there were those two dudes pa J who wanted to fight you in a story they bought and didnt know were it started or ended. Hanzi pa Unit J pa growth point. Ah! What were we saying about democracy and the need for standadised education. pamaMaruta futi hanzi pa growth point,but they wouldnt sell a beer. What develops countries is industrialisation, growth points are for consuming alcohol on the tax payers tab. Then I went to sit across the road from them, then a third guy came and started touching me. He actually wanted to kiss me. So I said dont touch me then he said he would and I qoute ‘I will f@ck you with a knife’,….. ndakangomira, maya!
They are so many more incidents and yes it usually starts with a lady involved. Its not unique read up on the Trojan war and its cause.
SEA Press Event
MC: Welcome to the SEA launch party. Today the public will finally find out who will be going to Mars. Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for MYST our Astronaut candidate for the Mars Recon and Science Mission.
MC: It took while but here you are. How excited are you.
MYST: Very
MC: Okay okay. You beat 299 other Asscans how do you feel.
MYST: Well it wasnt that hard. They told us it was a one way mission with no return and I was left in the room by myself.
MC: Oh, right. How was the training and do you feel sufficiently prepared.
MYST: Gruesome but doable.
MC: Okay, lets try something else. What personalsitems will you be taking with you, you photos a football….
Scientists 1: Let me come in here. We had to redesign the entire hull of the mothership so we could accommodate 100litres of beer,wine and rum.
MC: 100litres of what?
Scientists 2: Its actually 100litres of each beverage. So 300 litres total. Do you know the scientific equipment we could have added..
Mahlako: Let me interject. The comfort of our Astronaut is of paramount importance especially on this never been done before journey.
MYST: When I asked for two comfort women you refused.
Mahlako: Well Its because they would have to be Astronauts as well and Its a one manned mission…
MYST: Yeah but they wouldn’t touch anything.They would just walk around the ship.
Mahlako: Its an impossible request, we stop at the Alcohol…
MYST: You are a Biologist. 6 months travel plus a month stay. 7 months. How is that going to be possible.
Mahlako: Use your imagination
MYST: I think It would have added to tue experiment and I think
MC: We will be right back dont go anywhere…
So this year I had sworn a vow pf silence. Sinve they hang on every word, sometimes When im speaking in the third person to myself you May thing im talking about you.
Pana Sekuru vakazviramba. Hanzi f@ck that mfanha! Sekuru ivavo vangoda zve hondo hondo me dhewe nekunwa saTekeshe. Thats a nick nickname that because a surname vai dhakwa kuti Tekeshe those from Manicaland can translate.
He also loves me very much. Havadi kuti ndimbojairirwa kana. Ndosaka ndisingatuke mudzimubyangu.
If the devil exist we invented him in our own image. A red or black man with a tail and a pitch fork that Torments you for eternity as his punishment. The devil is more likely to look like a Well kempt Dzidzai in a tux with a Tag Huer for a $1000 a Bell Jet Ranger 505 an exotic car collection with the Lancia and Audi from the 1985 rally and a black yatch on the Kariba. How else would he deceive you If he had horns and a tail?
One of my teachers always used to say decolonise your mind. Must be Mr.Badza A Level literature.
Rise and Kill First
EVERY SPRING IN LONDON, the De La Rue company, a British-based currency-printing and security-system
firm, hosts a black-tie dinner for diplomats and business executives in the city. In 1982, it was held on the
night of June 3 at the posh Dorchester Hotel. Eighty-four ambassadors and CEOs from all over the world
feasted, networked, and swapped gossip.
How I got my name MYST. It was my last day of work and my penultimate day at Lilfordia Farm. When we arose in the morning a think mist had descended on the in the bush and It surrounding area. I worked in the Bees section Kunyuchi henve the nickname Manyuchi which I hated but grew into because ranga ririzita rekubhora for Leeds Legends.
The mist was So thick you couldn’t see more than 5 meters in front of you. You had to get on by muscle memory. By mid norning the mist had lifted and the Bees resumed their work again pollinating Blue Berries. I gave myself a half day, left my station ready for my transfer to Chegutu. Packed my bags cleaned my room and wanted to be picked up. Left my little garden and I was out….
A History of Central Banking and the
Enslavement of Mankind
Stephen Mitford Goodson
By the Same Author
General Jan Christian Smuts
The Debunking of a Myth
Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith
The Debunking of a Myth
Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd
South Africa’s Greatest Prime Minister
The Genocide of the Boers
History is the most crucial subject of any educational system superseding science and
the humanities in importance. Within its fabric, it holds the culture, traditions, beliefs,
ethos and raison d’etre necessary for the continued existence of any people. If history is
compromised by falsifications and omissions, which are frequently imposed by
outsiders, then that civilisation will decay and finally collapse, as may be observed in
the slow disintegration of Western civilisation since 1945. George Orwell expressed a
similar sentiment in ‘1984’ when he wrote: “The most effective way to destroy people is
to deny and obliterate their own understanding of history.”
Winston Churchill once made the observation that the further one goes back into
history, the clearer the picture becomes. By employing this technique the author is
hopeful that any doubts, which readers may have concerning his analysis and exegesis
of modern historical events will be assuaged, if not entirely eliminated.
For any nation/state/society/community to have full sovereignty and independence in
its affairs, absolute control over the means it employs to exchange goods and services
must reside with the organs, which represent the people, and must not be delegated to
private individuals.
Throughout recorded history periods of state control of the money supply have been
synonymous with eras of prosperity, peace, cultural enrichment, full employment and
zero inflation. However, when private bankers usurp control of the money creation
process, the inevitable results are recurring cycles of prosperity and poverty,
unemployment, embedded inflation and an enormous and ever increasing transfer of
wealth and political power to this tiny clique, who control this exploitative monetary
system. Whenever these private and central bankers have been opposed in the past by
nations seeking restoration of an honest money system, these parasitic bankers have
invariably invoked a “patriotic” war in order to defeat the much maligned “enemy”.
This has been a feature of almost all wars during the past 300 plus years.
This book provides insights as to how private bankers since ancient times have abused
monetary systems, whether they are based on coin, bank notes, cheque or electronic
money, by creating money out of nothing as an interest bearing debt in order to
arrogate supreme power to themselves. It also provides a record, both ancient and
modern, of societies and civilisations which have flourished in an environment free
from the burden of usury.
The solution is simple and self-evident. If we wish to obtain our liberation and
sovereignty from the enslavement imposed by the private bankers, we must dismantle
their fractional reserve system of banking and supporting central banks, or we
ourselves shall be destroyed and consigned to oblivion.
Stephen Mitford Goodson
Speaking about Whatsapp groups I hav been kicked out of.
There was a reading club or should we say book club. Each week or month I cannot Remember a book would be chosen to read review and share.
Reading is one of my favourite hobbies So in time I was invited to the group. Readers fund each other somehow. Then someone asked on the group. Dzidzai are you a boy or girl? I replied boy.
Sorry this group is Only for ladies. Ah man.
You are no longer a participant of this group.😊
I can understand Why, It was their rule, but speaks volumes because it was a lady that gave me the invite link…kkk
Our ladies read and write.🌹
MP Readers Club
Teach Yourself
Modern Hebrew
Shula Gilboa
1 Aleph
2 Bet
3 Gimel
4 Dalet
5 Hey
6 Vav
7 Zayin
8 Chet
9 Tet
10 Yod
Prehistory Decoded
Martin Sweatman
Did an extinction-level event engulf earth 13,000 years ago triggering the dawn of civilisation?
A science Odyssey unifying Astronomy, Geochemistry and Archaeology
The French Foreign Legion
Douglas Boyd
Sans honneur? Ah, passons. Et sans foi? Qu’est-ce à dire ?
Que fallait-il de plus et qu’aurait-on voulu ?
N’avez-vous pas tenu, tenu jusqu’au martyre,
la parole donnée et le marché conclu ?
They say that you’re without honour or faith,
But what more could they have asked?
Did you not fulfil unto death
the sworn duty with which you were tasked?
Legion Captain Borelli, to his legionnaires
who died at Thuyen Quang in 1885
Around 2022 I posted that It was imperative for us to Habe a presenve in Goma. I do not know if my advice was heeded but current events lead me to believe that it May have not.
I posted the map of the DRC with the town of Goma on one of the WhatsApp groups either United Provinves, WeVoted or one of the military ones.
Someone May Habe thought this madness. I warned that If we Let this wound fester It would one day septic.
Now this leads me to an arguement I with a former Bluejob who is now based in the UK (name withheld). I asserted that modern warfare should be waged with smaller highly agile specialised forces. Any military of special forces. His counter arguement was that he had been an officer and every engagement needed boots on the ground. He is a veteran of the DRC and this tactic served us well. However, warfare has dramatically changed and There is an ever existential threat from above that was not present in the late nineteen nineties. Warfare has also changed from static large scale battles to smaller units which are highly agile amd specialised.
A drone operator also wake up at home, have breakfast. Go to work, sortie in a far offland. Then, hand over her duties and be Back home in time for supper, such is the reality and dawn of modern warfare.
Our goal not to be on the receiving end. However wars and security costs a lot of money, not mention daily allowances, meals, rounds, masking tape, fuel, notebooks, glue, note pads, spanners, torque wrenches, nuts bolts, spare parts, compressed air, medicines, pressure washers, generators, drones, night vision scopes the list is endless little and Big items that lead to a long receipt. Only a thriving economy can support such outlays in peace and war.
I remember also mentioning When incidents began to flare in the East in Cabo Del Gado that an attack on one is an attack on all. Especially an attack on a neighbour. A stitch in time saves 9.
We will be ready to propose a SADC Standby Ready force to ensure peace and security in our region. An attack on one is an attack on all. A strong message must be sent that we did It in the late nineties and we are ready to do it again at a whim, that message Must contain 5000lbs on the casing or else bad guys will continue to get adventurus and close to our borders If they see we are just full of words.
Ot Pervego Litsa
Bear Went
Over the Mountain:
Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan
When the Soviet Union decided to invade Afghanistan, they
evaluated their chances for success upon their experiences in East
Germany, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Unfortunately for their sol-
diers, as well as the people of Afghanistan, they ignored not only the
experiences of the British in the same region, but also their own
experience with the Basmachi resistance fighters in Central Asia
from 1918-1933. Consequently, in Afghanistan the Soviet army found
its tactics inadequate to meet the challenges posed by the difficult ter-
rain and the highly motivated mujahideen freedom fighters.
To capture the lessons their tactical leaders learned in
Afghanistan and to explain the change in tactics that followed, the
Frunze Military Academy compiled this book for their command and
general staff combat arms officers.The lessons are valuable not just
for Russian officers, but for the tactical training of platoon, company
and battalion leaders of any nation likely to engage in conflicts
involving civil war, guerrilla forces and rough terrain. This is a book
dealing with the starkest features of the unforgiving landscape of tac-
tical combat: casualties and death, adaptation, and survival.
Battalion and company commanders, platoon leaders and
sergeants will find realistic issues within these vignettes to discuss
with squad and team leaders, and with vehicle commanders and dri-
vers. Basic and Advanced Infantry Officer and NC0 courses will
find useful applications for both classroom and field instructions.
Senior leaders may find invaluable insights into the dangers and
opportunities tactical units under their command may face in limited
wars. Above all, the lessons in this book should help small unit lead-
ers understand the need for security, deception, patrols, light and lit-
ter discipline, caution, vigilance, and the ability to seize the initiative
in responding to unpredictable enemy actions and ambushes.
Hans Binncndijk
Director, Institute for National Strategic Studies
Ah Mhungu84 makanganwa wine and rum for the troops.
Yes but not When on sentry duty. On sentry duty we will make you look like the bomb squad. Asi If you sleep detention barrack straight…
Ecology Corps Beret Brown. Best dress English Khakhi. Blazer Brown. Insignia. Jolly Roger
I found myself at a dinner in Kimgsmead Road. Chinese Hotel. After the RBZ list debacle. Got an ipad as a gift. Thank you. I was speaking to one of the ladies from China and she said. We think about tue collective. Will never forget those words. Then I asked the lad what they eat in Ku Fu Panda is It Tofu but I forget….The DRC question came up in the conversation Circa. Chinese Deputy Ambassador wha gwaan. I am abetter partner. They are Western secrectly….
36 responses
Classroom6xCool is a great site for play unblocked games! It’s perfect for having fun during breaks. So many games to choose from!
I remember the days of Teken 2 on the original sony playstation one. It was an incredible machine, It didnt use cartridges.Quick question who was first with laser read discs for gaming, PC Playstation SEGA other?.
The downside It used discs one scratch and Its heartbreak. There was one particular game TOCA a racing game. It had a tiny scratch. You could hear the disc reving trying to load to 100 It would work 1 out of 2 tries. The machine was Fanuels pa New Prospect apo. One day I will tell you the story of a girl from St Dominics and her cousing from Chisipite.
So I made some people upset. When I was at Leeds I posted to our group United Provinces. I posted anything which is res nullis can be claimed like what Jan Van Rebeek did at the Cape. So I said our empire is vacant So I claim it. Yoh I didnt even think they read my posts. It was a strange conversation because they started it. And I was thats my private life It was similar to When I would love to go to space.
It says in the scriptures you can ask the Lord amd your ancestors for anything. I would have loved a Playstation 3 or Ferrari but thats what I chose. What do you ask God for? But be careful what you ask for and dont waste you prayers on frivilous things necause the most high is not to ne approached lightly.
Ah. Yesterday I got.a chance to play some tracks. So I played
Fortune Mparutsa Wangu Ndenga
Mamoyo (Follow me if you love me)
Spoke to my kids.
Naniso is loving her New school, she is learning French and made a New friend. They bonded on Karate and Kun Fu I think.
Raviro my little darling. She is still.doing her press ups every evening and continuing with her sport.
Jacob says he is working out in the evening and reading his books amd comics. I just habe to nudge him more to practice his cricket shots almost every day until the Bat becomes an extention of his arm.
Have fun at the Big Bash
This means that I can live my claim now I do not have to for a date. The only date in my mind right now is my abdication.
Back to domestics. My late elder brother paid me a visit to Ambleside in Cape Town. Remember Tanaka you played Football manager on my PC you were Real Madrid I think. I like to play with teams like Genk SchalkeO4 Roma Valencia Spurs Notts County so on It was fun especially the beach amd Rita kept askimg to go to Shoprite sorry we did ypu wrong we didn’t find time to stop by.
Anyways my late brother broight with him a concortion that he said to ne from my mom. I had to write down my email name address phone number in red onto a piece of paper at least It was an Eversharp. Then I had to go into the bath and smear this substance onto my feet. I protested Then he said sha anything your mom says you have to do. So i did. I was a kid then….
We the youth say Happy Youth day.
We thank our leaders and heroes sacrifice and vow to keep our land from foes.
May the Lord protect and bless Zimbabwe.
On United Province. I had a debate with my mentor. Mukoma Prosper. Mhofu Mutenhezanwa. He said Dzidzai will get us in all sorts of wars. I said at least mukoma I will be the the first one out of the plane.
A simple test for a Para. When the green light goes on and your hesitate. Its a fail. When the green lights goes on you jump. Its a static line.
Paramount Garments
6 Parachute Regiment
Rest in peace Col. Dyke
Rhodesia African Rifles
Selous Scouts
We had a running joke in the generals group. Dyke is removing mines he laid. One of the lads. Rest in peace Sir
Paramount Bottle Store pa gomba I am here.
Great Dyke vs Rand
Kaguvi Cell 2.
Mount Pleasant. I miss you!
Since I have to tell you zvese. I was in love with my mother in law. Yes we used to chat for hours. The death of her son really touched her. She was my nest friend she helped me on a lot of occasions.
She was also the first to comment our car was nice. When I was changing the head gasket she came to check on me.
I love her. time space circumstance
Am I the only one experiencing very poor internet speeds on SmartBiz Econet? 3 days now I’ve been getting around 50-100kbps. Is something wrong with Econet or I’m an isolated case?
Marvel vs Capcom
How old were you when you realised that Magneto might be the good guy and Professor X could actually be the villian.
Apparently he wants to protect mutants who are being hunted down. Then he hunts them down and brings them to his school for gifted children, sounds like indoctrination to me.
Then he gets them to fight his own battles with no regard to their safety. The real kicker is that if you do not bend to his will he uses mind control to read your mind without consent or in some cases control your actions….hmmmmm
Magneto perhaps fell out with his brother because of this. So the X Men might actually be the good guys.
Who ever rocks a Magneto helmet to the bash, Sando dzako!
First Emperor of Rome
Yale University Press
New Haven & London
‘And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from
Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing
was fi rst made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went
to be taxed, every one into his own city.’ The Gospel according to Luke,
later fi rst century AD.1
This brief mention in the Christmas story must have been the fi rst
time I heard of Augustus, and although it is hard to be precise with
such early memories I must have been very young. Like most people
who hear or read these words, I doubt that I thought much of them,
and it was only later that my love of history grew and I developed
a particular fascination for everything about ancient Rome. You
cannot study Roman history without coming across Augustus and
his legacy. He was the fi rst emperor, the man who fi nally replaced a
Republic which had lasted for almost half a millennium with a veiled
monarchy. The system he created gave the empire some 250 years
of stability, when it was both larger and more prosperous than at
any other time. In the third century ad it faced decades of crisis and
survived only after extensive reform, but even so the ‘Roman’ em-
perors who ruled from Constantinople until the fi fteenth century
felt themselves to be rightful successors to the power and authority
of Augustus.
Unquestionably important, his story is at the same time intensely
dramatic. When teaching students about Augustus, I have always
stopped to remind them that he was not quite nineteen when he
thrust himself into Rome’s extremely violent politics – hence almost
always younger than anyone in the class. It is often hard to remem-
ber this when recounting what he did, skilfully and unscrupulously
manoeuvring his way through the twisting allegiances of these years
of civil war. The great-nephew of the murdered Julius Caesar, he
was made the principal heir in his will and given his name…
WAR (264 B.C. – A.D. 235)
Strategy is to war what the plot is to the play; Logistics
furnishes the stage management, accessories, and mainte-
nance. The audience, thrilled by the action of the play and
the art of the performers, overlooks all of the cleverly hidden
details of stage management. . . .
George C. Thorpe1
Ancient historians use the term logistics to refer to a variety of
different military functions.2For example, under the rubric of logis-
tics, Jacques Harmand discusses the organization and the financing
of the army, the train and baggage, as well as medical services.3
John Paul Adams covers military roads, ports, fleets, and supply,4
and Donald Engels concerns himself almost entirely with provisions.5
Arthur Ferrill, in a general survey of ancient warfare, defines logis-
tics simply as “organized supply.”6Both François Berárd and Patrick
Le Roux, in studies of the Roman army’s supply system, refer to its
In the war of Troy, the Greeks having sacked some of the neighbouring
towns, and taken from thence two beautiful captives, Chryseis and Briseis,
allotted the first to Agamemnon, and the last to Achilles. Chryses, the
father of Chryseis, and priest of Apollo, comes to the Grecian camp to
ransom her; with which the action of the poem opens, in the tenth year of
the siege. The priest being refused, and insolently dismissed by
Agamemnon, entreats for vengeance from his god; who inflicts a pestilence
on the Greeks. Achilles calls a council, and encourages Chalcas to declare
the cause of it; who attributes it to the refusal of Chryseis. The king,
being obliged to send back his captive, enters into a furious contest with
Achilles, which Nestor pacifies; however, as he had the absolute command
of the army, he seizes on Briseis in revenge. Achilles in discontent
withdraws himself and his forces from the rest of the Greeks; and
complaining to Thetis, she supplicates Jupiter to render them sensible of
USAFA Harmon Memorial Lecture #31
The Intelligence Revolution: A Historical Perspective
Sir Harry Hinsley, 1988
In the Second World War, if we leave aside the information they obtained by overt means from
embassies, the press, the radio and other such channels, governments received their intelligence from
four sources:
1. Physical contact in the form of captured documents, the censorship of mail and the
interrogation of prisoners;
2. Espionage;
3. Aerial reconnaissance, particularly aerial photographic reconnaissance; and
4. Signals intelligence, SIGINT for short.
About these four sources we should note two preliminary points. Essentially, each of them had
always existed. There never was a time when governments did not avail themselves of censorship,
captures, prisoners and spies; aerial reconnaissance was old-fashioned reconnaissance greatly extended
by the development of flying since the beginning of this century; SIGINT; in the same way, was the
product of the marriage of one of the most ancient of crafts- cryptanalysis- with the advent of wireless
communication. In the second place, all governments exploited all these sources in World War II or
did their best to do so.
To this extent the outbreak of the war was not at once followed by an intelligence revolution,
and this was all the more the case because until the autumn of l94l- for the first two years of the war-
the intelligence bodies on both sides achieved roughly equal success or failure. To illustrate this point
by reference only to SIGINT, the most valuable and prolific of all the sources, British success in
breaking the cypher used by the Germans in the April 1940 invasion of Norway and in reading the
Luftwaffe’s communications after May 1940 was balanced by the fact that the Germans read between
30 and 50 percent of British naval traffic in the North Sea and the Atlantic during 1940, and a
considerable amount of the French Army’s traffic from the outbreak of war to the fall of France. That
the British were reading the high-grade cyphers of the Italian Army, Navy and Air Force from
September 1940 to the end of 1941 was offset by Axis successes during most of that period against
equivalent British cyphers in the Mediterranean and Middle East.
Axis successes against British cyphers did not cease at the end of 1941. From January 1942 to
June 1943 Germany continued to read many of the codes and cyphers associated with the Atlantic
convoys. However, the previous rough equivalence of advantage in SIGINT gave way in the autumn of
1941 to massive Allied superiority. It did so in a process by which Axis openings were successively
blocked, and the Allied penetration of Axis communications, and especially of German
communications, was progressively expanded. It was expanded to a degree that had never been
achieved before, even in wartime. Leaving aside the decryption of tactical codes and cyphers-
confining ourselves to the highest grade decrypts for which London used the code-name Ultra and
Washington used the code-names Ultra and Magic- the Allies were reading from the end of 1942
between 3,000 and 4,000 German signals a day and a large, but somewhat smaller, volume of Italian
and Japanese traffic. Whereas to Germany, Italy, and Japan virtually all the Allied cyphers had by then
been made invulnerable.
While SIGINT, as a result of the development of radio, was for the first time in history the most
prolific as well as the most reliable intelligence source, and since the possession of it made it possible
Good films—those that efectively communicate the desired
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Ours is a business that’s more than 100 years old, and from the
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And with all the changes taking place in film, digital, and hybrid
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As you enter the exciting world of cinematography, remember that
Kodak is an absolute treasure trove of information, and we are here to
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we invite you to call upon us now and in the future for the technology,
products and support you need to succeed.
Di X men a sorterly di bad guys…1根
I recently had an opportunity to watch debates from the CEO roundtable.
I agree with Mr.Cross that we are over taxed and our taxation system should be streamlined. Sir, you proximity to our leaders gives you unique access that allows you to lobby and counsel them to relax and streamline our tax regime. Our people are over taxed and this in turn impoverishes them. Why we pay to NSSA Sir, we pay to NSSA because its the law. In my opinion it is the duty and care of the parent Ministry to ensure checks and balances so our civil servants receive home mortages at a nominal rate and oir pensioners receive a cushion in their retirement.
I was impressed with the CEO of United refineries. He gets it. I think he is also a rugby fan. Only a concerted effort to industrialise and produce can extricate us from this economic malaise. With lads like that you do not really need me, we have other people more than capable.
Coming of the Back of Youth Day it is imperative we retain our best talent and not lose it to other nations. We spend so much effort and resources training them only for someone else to benefit, if it were football we would be a feeder club. Jobs can be created by a rapid industrialising nation and not only jobs but a competitive job market perhaps only second to South Africa. This means remuneration and conditions of service should be attractive enough to retain anddevelop talent. We have a ticking time bomb with un and under employed youth and each year our educations system pumps more of them into the job market. The societal effects are collosal not limited to increased crime, health issues, single parent families or no families at all and mal nuritioned children with under developed brains and other effects that generaly speak of.a.disintegrating society.
I have a simple test for the job market. I read the classifieds in the newspaper. A quarter of a page of classifieds is worrying especially if most of the jobs advertised are senior manament.We need tailors,boilermakers,mechanics for example,something for every qualification and vocation. It speaks volumes on the economic performance,So many people looking for So few opportunities.
Capitans of industry understand economic metrics more than the run off the mill person on the street because daily you have to deal with realities on the ground in conducting business. It is imperative you give decision and policy makers a clear perspective without fear or favour,mwana asinga cheme……
Athens vs Sparta
My case against democracy. Inherently democracy is not a bad system but like any system it will be worked. World ober It has become aboit who can raise the most campaign funding others are even privy from payouts from the tax payer who is already ober burdened with a myriad of taxes.
This brings all sorts of people out of the woodwork. If I could fund a politician once She is elected I can basically get in front of the line. If I could buy the boys alcohol they will run around and campaign for me. Neither this is rule by the people for the people Its those that have will rule those that do not have.
Democracy also.seems to work better in countries were the incomes are relatively higher and the education level of a high standard and widespread. How many of our countrymen have access to reliable information that they can comprehend to make an informed decision on the best candidates?
When a bill is passed or about to be passed How many people can comprehend its effects and impact 5 or 20 years into the future and.
Brings me to the fee of running for president. It used to be USD1000 and now is set at USD20,000 in a country with a GDP less than 40Billion per annum and GDP per capita around USD1000. If the people standby and allow these laws to be amended and if the people have not questioned the implications, they have tacitly accepted that only those of wealth will be their leaders forever. Its ironic because democracy is supposed to be inclusive and a reflection of societies will. When you hear my advesaries saying Dzidzai haana mari,they are right,like with school fees you can be excluded and I have made peace with it. The reason given for the change was that the previous election had too many candidates…kkkkk Is that not Democracy?, a wide field to choose from?. Actually is is not more about the quality of candidates than their number?
These contradictions in my opinion lead me to conclude that Democracy should be for Athens while Traditional leadership principles should be for the Mutapa Empire. If really we are so enamoured to adopt foreign concepts perhaps its better to adopt the Spartan way of life. Kings and Generals get things done, politicians well you know them don’t you by their works.
I love you my countrymen and thank you for the protection and this wonderful experience. You will always be in my bossom and I will do my best for you. Inexperienced surrounded by enemies,we live on a prayer.
I have been out of the corporate job market for almost 10 years now after I resigned from Cape Union Mart. Its not easy, its highly competitive and I am hoping the experience I have had running a company in Zimbabwe will stand me in good stead. Those that say if you can make it in New York, its if you can make it here! and some are doing it well sando dzenyu,massive respect to you. I came across this advert amd it rekindled that fire that got me out of a farm compound, thrive as hard for some of us. It also shows our companies that their competition is not only at home in terms of products or services but the most vital clog in an organisation, human resources.
Kids whwn your parents tell you hard. They are not being too strict on you they know life better amd having a qualification to fall back on is critical. Whether you want to play professional sport,act in movies or be a Ballerina.
Regional Manager, Africa
Key details
●Salary: Benchmarked against our UK-based compensation framework at $66,000 –
$85,000 (£55,000 – £70,000) dependent on experience.
●Hours: Full time, 37.5 hours a week but flexible working will be considered.
●Annual leave: 26 days plus the public holidays of your country of residence.
●Location: Home-based, remote working. Flexible work location but must be based in
the Southern or Eastern African regions with regular virtual team meetings and
in-person sessions. Applicants must have the right to work in their country of
residence as we cannot provide work visas for any country.
●Contract type: The role is permanent and a part of the core team but due to our remote
organisation set-up, the contract will be that of an international self-employed
●Reports to: Senior Regional Manager, Africa.
●Line Management: No line management however Project Consultants as required.
About Open Ownership
Open Ownership is driving the global shift towards transparency over who owns and controls
corporate vehicles, known as beneficial ownership transparency (BOT).
We are working to create a world where governments, businesses, and citizens can readily
access and e�ectively use accurate, complete, and high-quality evidence and information on
the true owners of companies, not only to achieve transparency but to reduce key global and
national risks such as corruption and tax evasion, and create a more sustainable business
To achieve this, our team of implementation, technology, policy, and research experts:
●Provides technical assistance to implement beneficial ownership transparency reforms;
●Builds technology and capacity to use beneficial ownership data; and
●Conducts research and advocates to shape global policy and practice.
We are a remote organisation with a growing global team of professionals based in Argentina,
Chile, France, Mexico, Nigeria, the Philippines and South Africa as well as the United Kingdom
where currently 50% of the organisation is based.
We o�er a fast-paced environment with an emphasis on agility and flexibility. People who
enjoy learning and variety in their work will be particularly well-suited for our team. Although
home-based, our full remote team does meet in-person at least once a year with the
implementation team meeting at more regular intervals.
andidate profile
You will be an action-oriented individual with a keen eye for detail. You’ll understand and have
a passion for how policy, technology and data can together drive positive impact.
The successful candidate will demonstrate the following skills and attributes:
●Demonstrable experience with managing complex projects with several stakeholders
●Experience of building relationships with senior stakeholders from di�erent
nationalities and timezones to influence policy
●Experience of managing international and national projects in a relevant field (e.g.
natural resource governance, anti-corruption, digital transformation)
●Knowledge of countries in east and southern Africa where OO is actively engaged in
providing technical delivery including Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, South
Africa, and Zambia. Preference will be given to candidates’ knowledge and experience
in at least one of these countries with 3 + years of relevant work history. Candidates
must be based in Southern Africa or East Africa.
●Knowledge of national and/or international policy in a field such as anti-corruption,
tax, good governance, open data, national security
●Confidence with Microsoft O�ce and G-Suite, experience with Notion would be an
●Willing and able to travel internationally up to 40% FTE (travel restrictions permitting)
●A confident communicator (in at least English), with an aptitude for explaining complex
issues in an easily digestible manner
●A proactive self-starter who shows initiative and can manage competing priorities
without much supervision
●Experience with managing direct reports and consultants
●A quick learner, able to swiftly understand information about complex issues
●Good attention to detail and highly organised
●Entrepreneurial and look for opportunities to solve problems and adaptable to
changing context
Application process
Candidates must be based in the Southern or Eastern African region with the right to work in
their country of residence. We want to hear from all voices, and particularly encourage
individuals of diverse and marginalised communities to apply. If there is a requirement in the
job description which you feel you don’t quite meet but are still keen to apply then please do.
Please note that Open Ownership is a fiscally sponsored organisation and the contract will be
executed in the name of our fiscal sponsor Global Impact, a non-profit, on behalf of Open
Open Ownership uses the Applied platform for our recruitment which is designed to promote
diversity and inclusion through anonymised applications and scenario-based questions. Our
initial process will be solely based on your anonymised answers within the Applied platform.
We will also ask you to submit your CV, but your CV will not be reviewed unless we decide to
invite you to interview. Please note that we will not accept AI generated answers and will be
checking for its usage in all applications.
If you reach the final stage of interviews, we will retain your details for future posts at Open
Ownership, unless you tell us otherwise….
First Man on Mars (Fictional)
Welcome to the SADC space agency SEA ‘Space Exploration Agency’. We are exited to announce our manned mission to Mars has been given a Go.
Our mission will use a hybrid propulsion system that will reduce total transit time to and fro Mars to 6 months. Chemical propulsion will be used near planetary bodies to get in and out of gravity wells. Dielectric anti-gravity propulsion will be used during long transits.
The mission crew will be one Astronaut aided by AI, various automated and robotic tools to complete the mission. An Astronaut has already been selected and he is currently completing his rigorous training in preparation for the launch. We will reveal who he is in due course.
Our mission parameters are to succesfully launch one man to Mars, orbit and land on the Martial surface. Go on walk about in the name of science and humanity and return back to the realities of Earth.
A secondary but not lesser objective is to study the effect of space travel on the human body with emphasis on exposure to the Van Allen radiation belts, so we have our brave Guinea Pig.
A third and crucial objective is to deploy a high bandwidth deep space communication system that brings near realtime updates in high resolution video (space internet like fibre). We have created a prototype communication system which does not use radio due to its limited bandwidth but high powered lasers that will be deployed at specific Lagrange points to transmit and amplfy signal. These pods will be deployed by the mothership at intervals on the transit to Mars with ground station on both planets. It will be televised, we anticipate it will be the biggest live televised event even bigger than the soccer world cup.
We hope to inspire the next generation of space enthusiasts, explorers and scientists.
Director of Operations
‘See you in space’
Button Bash 2025 sounds amazing! Excited to see the gaming community in Zimbabwe grow. Can’t wait for the event!
Have you ever had a conversation ne mbavha manheru, mungori two mu road. I have.
Iwe ndipe moto!
Ah Comrade
Hamuzive here kuti moto haupihwe munhu manheru.
Hanti wakumbira.
Munogara kupi Comrade
Ku J
Ah ku J, ndakakurira ku J, munogara papi
Pa corner paya paya
Ah bho
The other time I passed by a guard room near J. I had blood all over my jeans and I wanted to take a shortcut home. The guard thought ndarohwa nema tsotsi. The actual story was some dude was chasing me outside Gungwa. In you life if you love to have fun and party you need to visit Gungwa pachikwanha. Yes the one Baba Shero sang about. Anyways the story is always almost about a girl. So he chased me around their canteen then I fell and cut myself,hence the bloody pants. He didn’t like the fact I spoke to his lady colleagues…kkk All I asked is if the canteen was open. I wanted to buy some Sadza but yah.
In a bar pa J there was a girl who came to sit next to me, next thing I know some lads have surrounded me. She was a dancer. I backed up by two lads who I do not even know,they disappeared into the night but never forgotten, panga pakashata. Thank you.
The other time I was dancing harmlessly with a voluptous woman pa J futi, then an enforcer told me to move away, no dancing allowed. In England they have a word for it I think cork blocking or something…kkk
And yes there is someone who comes to J pama shops kunozotengesa mazai akabhoiliswa how I miss Nyabira come and try that there.
Ah yes then there were those two dudes pa J who wanted to fight you in a story they bought and didnt know were it started or ended. Hanzi pa Unit J pa growth point. Ah! What were we saying about democracy and the need for standadised education. pamaMaruta futi hanzi pa growth point,but they wouldnt sell a beer. What develops countries is industrialisation, growth points are for consuming alcohol on the tax payers tab. Then I went to sit across the road from them, then a third guy came and started touching me. He actually wanted to kiss me. So I said dont touch me then he said he would and I qoute ‘I will f@ck you with a knife’,….. ndakangomira, maya!
They are so many more incidents and yes it usually starts with a lady involved. Its not unique read up on the Trojan war and its cause.
SEA Press Event
MC: Welcome to the SEA launch party. Today the public will finally find out who will be going to Mars. Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for MYST our Astronaut candidate for the Mars Recon and Science Mission.
MC: It took while but here you are. How excited are you.
MYST: Very
MC: Okay okay. You beat 299 other Asscans how do you feel.
MYST: Well it wasnt that hard. They told us it was a one way mission with no return and I was left in the room by myself.
MC: Oh, right. How was the training and do you feel sufficiently prepared.
MYST: Gruesome but doable.
MC: Okay, lets try something else. What personalsitems will you be taking with you, you photos a football….
Scientists 1: Let me come in here. We had to redesign the entire hull of the mothership so we could accommodate 100litres of beer,wine and rum.
MC: 100litres of what?
Scientists 2: Its actually 100litres of each beverage. So 300 litres total. Do you know the scientific equipment we could have added..
Mahlako: Let me interject. The comfort of our Astronaut is of paramount importance especially on this never been done before journey.
MYST: When I asked for two comfort women you refused.
Mahlako: Well Its because they would have to be Astronauts as well and Its a one manned mission…
MYST: Yeah but they wouldn’t touch anything.They would just walk around the ship.
Mahlako: Its an impossible request, we stop at the Alcohol…
MYST: You are a Biologist. 6 months travel plus a month stay. 7 months. How is that going to be possible.
Mahlako: Use your imagination
MYST: I think It would have added to tue experiment and I think
MC: We will be right back dont go anywhere…
So this year I had sworn a vow pf silence. Sinve they hang on every word, sometimes When im speaking in the third person to myself you May thing im talking about you.
Pana Sekuru vakazviramba. Hanzi f@ck that mfanha! Sekuru ivavo vangoda zve hondo hondo me dhewe nekunwa saTekeshe. Thats a nick nickname that because a surname vai dhakwa kuti Tekeshe those from Manicaland can translate.
He also loves me very much. Havadi kuti ndimbojairirwa kana. Ndosaka ndisingatuke mudzimubyangu.
If the devil exist we invented him in our own image. A red or black man with a tail and a pitch fork that Torments you for eternity as his punishment. The devil is more likely to look like a Well kempt Dzidzai in a tux with a Tag Huer for a $1000 a Bell Jet Ranger 505 an exotic car collection with the Lancia and Audi from the 1985 rally and a black yatch on the Kariba. How else would he deceive you If he had horns and a tail?
One of my teachers always used to say decolonise your mind. Must be Mr.Badza A Level literature.
EVERY SPRING IN LONDON, the De La Rue company, a British-based currency-printing and security-system
firm, hosts a black-tie dinner for diplomats and business executives in the city. In 1982, it was held on the
night of June 3 at the posh Dorchester Hotel. Eighty-four ambassadors and CEOs from all over the world
feasted, networked, and swapped gossip.
How I got my name MYST. It was my last day of work and my penultimate day at Lilfordia Farm. When we arose in the morning a think mist had descended on the in the bush and It surrounding area. I worked in the Bees section Kunyuchi henve the nickname Manyuchi which I hated but grew into because ranga ririzita rekubhora for Leeds Legends.
The mist was So thick you couldn’t see more than 5 meters in front of you. You had to get on by muscle memory. By mid norning the mist had lifted and the Bees resumed their work again pollinating Blue Berries. I gave myself a half day, left my station ready for my transfer to Chegutu. Packed my bags cleaned my room and wanted to be picked up. Left my little garden and I was out….
A History of Central Banking and the
Enslavement of Mankind
Stephen Mitford Goodson
By the Same Author
General Jan Christian Smuts
The Debunking of a Myth
Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith
The Debunking of a Myth
Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd
South Africa’s Greatest Prime Minister
The Genocide of the Boers
History is the most crucial subject of any educational system superseding science and
the humanities in importance. Within its fabric, it holds the culture, traditions, beliefs,
ethos and raison d’etre necessary for the continued existence of any people. If history is
compromised by falsifications and omissions, which are frequently imposed by
outsiders, then that civilisation will decay and finally collapse, as may be observed in
the slow disintegration of Western civilisation since 1945. George Orwell expressed a
similar sentiment in ‘1984’ when he wrote: “The most effective way to destroy people is
to deny and obliterate their own understanding of history.”
Winston Churchill once made the observation that the further one goes back into
history, the clearer the picture becomes. By employing this technique the author is
hopeful that any doubts, which readers may have concerning his analysis and exegesis
of modern historical events will be assuaged, if not entirely eliminated.
For any nation/state/society/community to have full sovereignty and independence in
its affairs, absolute control over the means it employs to exchange goods and services
must reside with the organs, which represent the people, and must not be delegated to
private individuals.
Throughout recorded history periods of state control of the money supply have been
synonymous with eras of prosperity, peace, cultural enrichment, full employment and
zero inflation. However, when private bankers usurp control of the money creation
process, the inevitable results are recurring cycles of prosperity and poverty,
unemployment, embedded inflation and an enormous and ever increasing transfer of
wealth and political power to this tiny clique, who control this exploitative monetary
system. Whenever these private and central bankers have been opposed in the past by
nations seeking restoration of an honest money system, these parasitic bankers have
invariably invoked a “patriotic” war in order to defeat the much maligned “enemy”.
This has been a feature of almost all wars during the past 300 plus years.
This book provides insights as to how private bankers since ancient times have abused
monetary systems, whether they are based on coin, bank notes, cheque or electronic
money, by creating money out of nothing as an interest bearing debt in order to
arrogate supreme power to themselves. It also provides a record, both ancient and
modern, of societies and civilisations which have flourished in an environment free
from the burden of usury.
The solution is simple and self-evident. If we wish to obtain our liberation and
sovereignty from the enslavement imposed by the private bankers, we must dismantle
their fractional reserve system of banking and supporting central banks, or we
ourselves shall be destroyed and consigned to oblivion.
Stephen Mitford Goodson
Speaking about Whatsapp groups I hav been kicked out of.
There was a reading club or should we say book club. Each week or month I cannot Remember a book would be chosen to read review and share.
Reading is one of my favourite hobbies So in time I was invited to the group. Readers fund each other somehow. Then someone asked on the group. Dzidzai are you a boy or girl? I replied boy.
Sorry this group is Only for ladies. Ah man.
You are no longer a participant of this group.😊
I can understand Why, It was their rule, but speaks volumes because it was a lady that gave me the invite link…kkk
Our ladies read and write.🌹
Teach Yourself
Modern Hebrew
Shula Gilboa
1 Aleph
2 Bet
3 Gimel
4 Dalet
5 Hey
6 Vav
7 Zayin
8 Chet
9 Tet
10 Yod
Prehistory Decoded
Martin Sweatman
Did an extinction-level event engulf earth 13,000 years ago triggering the dawn of civilisation?
A science Odyssey unifying Astronomy, Geochemistry and Archaeology
The French Foreign Legion
Douglas Boyd
Sans honneur? Ah, passons. Et sans foi? Qu’est-ce à dire ?
Que fallait-il de plus et qu’aurait-on voulu ?
N’avez-vous pas tenu, tenu jusqu’au martyre,
la parole donnée et le marché conclu ?
They say that you’re without honour or faith,
But what more could they have asked?
Did you not fulfil unto death
the sworn duty with which you were tasked?
Legion Captain Borelli, to his legionnaires
who died at Thuyen Quang in 1885
Around 2022 I posted that It was imperative for us to Habe a presenve in Goma. I do not know if my advice was heeded but current events lead me to believe that it May have not.
I posted the map of the DRC with the town of Goma on one of the WhatsApp groups either United Provinves, WeVoted or one of the military ones.
Someone May Habe thought this madness. I warned that If we Let this wound fester It would one day septic.
Now this leads me to an arguement I with a former Bluejob who is now based in the UK (name withheld). I asserted that modern warfare should be waged with smaller highly agile specialised forces. Any military of special forces. His counter arguement was that he had been an officer and every engagement needed boots on the ground. He is a veteran of the DRC and this tactic served us well. However, warfare has dramatically changed and There is an ever existential threat from above that was not present in the late nineteen nineties. Warfare has also changed from static large scale battles to smaller units which are highly agile amd specialised.
A drone operator also wake up at home, have breakfast. Go to work, sortie in a far offland. Then, hand over her duties and be Back home in time for supper, such is the reality and dawn of modern warfare.
Our goal not to be on the receiving end. However wars and security costs a lot of money, not mention daily allowances, meals, rounds, masking tape, fuel, notebooks, glue, note pads, spanners, torque wrenches, nuts bolts, spare parts, compressed air, medicines, pressure washers, generators, drones, night vision scopes the list is endless little and Big items that lead to a long receipt. Only a thriving economy can support such outlays in peace and war.
I remember also mentioning When incidents began to flare in the East in Cabo Del Gado that an attack on one is an attack on all. Especially an attack on a neighbour. A stitch in time saves 9.
We will be ready to propose a SADC Standby Ready force to ensure peace and security in our region. An attack on one is an attack on all. A strong message must be sent that we did It in the late nineties and we are ready to do it again at a whim, that message Must contain 5000lbs on the casing or else bad guys will continue to get adventurus and close to our borders If they see we are just full of words.
Bear Went
Over the Mountain:
Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan
When the Soviet Union decided to invade Afghanistan, they
evaluated their chances for success upon their experiences in East
Germany, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Unfortunately for their sol-
diers, as well as the people of Afghanistan, they ignored not only the
experiences of the British in the same region, but also their own
experience with the Basmachi resistance fighters in Central Asia
from 1918-1933. Consequently, in Afghanistan the Soviet army found
its tactics inadequate to meet the challenges posed by the difficult ter-
rain and the highly motivated mujahideen freedom fighters.
To capture the lessons their tactical leaders learned in
Afghanistan and to explain the change in tactics that followed, the
Frunze Military Academy compiled this book for their command and
general staff combat arms officers.The lessons are valuable not just
for Russian officers, but for the tactical training of platoon, company
and battalion leaders of any nation likely to engage in conflicts
involving civil war, guerrilla forces and rough terrain. This is a book
dealing with the starkest features of the unforgiving landscape of tac-
tical combat: casualties and death, adaptation, and survival.
Battalion and company commanders, platoon leaders and
sergeants will find realistic issues within these vignettes to discuss
with squad and team leaders, and with vehicle commanders and dri-
vers. Basic and Advanced Infantry Officer and NC0 courses will
find useful applications for both classroom and field instructions.
Senior leaders may find invaluable insights into the dangers and
opportunities tactical units under their command may face in limited
wars. Above all, the lessons in this book should help small unit lead-
ers understand the need for security, deception, patrols, light and lit-
ter discipline, caution, vigilance, and the ability to seize the initiative
in responding to unpredictable enemy actions and ambushes.
Hans Binncndijk
Director, Institute for National Strategic Studies
Ah Mhungu84 makanganwa wine and rum for the troops.
Yes but not When on sentry duty. On sentry duty we will make you look like the bomb squad. Asi If you sleep detention barrack straight…
Ecology Corps Beret Brown. Best dress English Khakhi. Blazer Brown. Insignia. Jolly Roger
I found myself at a dinner in Kimgsmead Road. Chinese Hotel. After the RBZ list debacle. Got an ipad as a gift. Thank you. I was speaking to one of the ladies from China and she said. We think about tue collective. Will never forget those words. Then I asked the lad what they eat in Ku Fu Panda is It Tofu but I forget….The DRC question came up in the conversation Circa. Chinese Deputy Ambassador wha gwaan. I am abetter partner. They are Western secrectly….