Anyway, the discussion last about 2 hours and in that time I and many other Zimbabwean Tweeters (Twimbos is the name) shared their views on these issues. We thought we’d post some of the most interesting tweets here for those of you that didn’t attend. You can view all the tweets here, remember to select to view all tweets.
@tawandamashava @sirnige adoption of new telecoms tech been fast, regulation has been too sluggish resulting in pple losing to MNOs #263chat — LSK Makani (@lskmakani) December 4, 2012
If Mobile networks share infrastructure they could potentially lower Roll out costs bynot less than 20% #263Chat — Tafadzwa M Bvekerwa (@taffy_malone82) December 4, 2012
@lskmakani @sirnige I propose we have a Minister of ICT who is a tech person #263Chat @techzim — Tawanda V. Mashava (@tawandamashava) December 4, 2012
#263Chat plenty of youngsters have excellent technological ideas but halted by Licensing! The hurdles placed in their way prevent progress
— David Mudzudzu (@Cde_Huruva) December 4, 2012
#263chat, We really need Public-Private-Partnerships to drive technology from grassroots level, & not expect Ministry to drive it alone.
— Tapuah n (@TapuahN) December 4, 2012
@sirnige #263Chatwe should not have to lobby a ministry with business ideas, a ministry should be challenging us to forward ideas — David Mudzudzu (@Cde_Huruva) December 4, 2012
#263Chat the use of tech in development, charity and service is a personal interest of mine. Eg @consumerizim n another coming soon — Joe Black (@joeblackzw) December 4, 2012
@lskmakani how effective is whatsapp for marketing in zimbabwe and what is role of ict and social networks in next #elections #263chat
— nyasha mupaso (@vhangerioftruth) December 4, 2012
@vhangerioftruth WhatsApp’s opportunity is low cost messaging, unfortunately it’s coming with spam probs: i.e. msgs from strangers #263chat — LSK Makani (@lskmakani) December 4, 2012
#263Chat I think Facebook is a huge tech tool for any sector especially for marketing n promo. Not that many Zims taking advantage — Joe Black (@joeblackzw) December 4, 2012
@joeblackzw #263Chat I’m realising just HOW bad it is.Lots of Zim businesses don’t understand/value the power of social media — Sir Nigel (@SirNige) December 4, 2012
#263chat I wonder what next elections will be esp those on fb last election zim was still down on ict@sirnige will be tweeting results
— nyasha mupaso (@vhangerioftruth) December 4, 2012
One of the best business opportunity in Zim would be e-wallet since banks have high bank charges and very few ppl have bank acc #263Chat
— C’mba (@simbamujena1) December 4, 2012
@joseneusu Zim still needs to develop industry and commerce that supports techpreneurs developing apps. Relevance is important #263Chat — Zimbabwe Investor (@ziminvestor) December 4, 2012
@sirnige @jumpstartzim in nutshell #jumpstart is about harnessing the power of mobile and web tech to create new companies, jobs #263chat — LSK Makani (@lskmakani) December 4, 2012
@lskmakani @techzim Zim should view tech as a tool & business enabler, not tech necessarily as a business itself. cc @rlms_zw #263Chat — Zimbabwe Investor (@ziminvestor) December 4, 2012
@techzim @lskmakani Money is not in the Apps developed but in the business that uses the apps #banking #trading #263Chat
— Zimbabwe Investor (@ziminvestor) December 4, 2012
So, online payments. How far are we, in real terms (without headaches) from making / accepting payments online? @lskmakani @sirnige #263chat — Nikki Kershaw (@MsFuzzyhead) December 4, 2012
@mushtella @tawandamashava @lskmakani EcoCash doesn’t seem to be looking at eCommerce in the near term #263chat. Focusing on unbanked — LSK Makani (@lskmakani) December 4, 2012
@lskmakaniVpayments seems v.close 2 an online payment solution, the disappointing thing is the barriers 2 entry 4 free-lance devs #263chat — Bethel Goka (@Techdev9) December 4, 2012
@msfuzzyhead @lskmakani @sirnige #263chat making payments is nw pretty simple, CBZ, NMB, FBC, Kingdom all hv international VISA & MasterCard — Richard K. Mberi (@kmberi) December 4, 2012
@tawandamashava @kmberi @lskmakani @sirnige Need a system that accommodates banked & unbanked – even a parallel system: online/mobi #263chat — Nikki Kershaw (@MsFuzzyhead) December 4, 2012
What I still can’t understand is number of women (lack of) involved in Tech in Zim.They’re usually on the sales side #263Chat @lskmakani — Sir Nigel (@SirNige) December 4, 2012
@sirnige @lskmakani or marketing / strategy – very few female devs, but it’s not confined to Zim #263chat — Nikki Kershaw (@MsFuzzyhead) December 4, 2012
@lskmakani #263Chat Does anyone know where a Zim start up can access funding for an IT project?Which banks are open to such ideas? #Twimbos — Sir Nigel (@SirNige) December 4, 2012
Returned to zim in 2010 pregnant with ideas and plans but NO ONE here readily supports IT related businesses or ventures. #263chat — Kuda Chisepo(@nyashanekutenda) December 4, 2012
@sirnige @lskmakani CABS or Stanbic loans for indigenisation. CABSis 5k doesnt needcolateral. Stanbic is $20k with colateral #263Chat — larry kwirirayi (@kwirirayi) December 4, 2012
I’d like to think that a platform is required to link IT start-ups with investors. Not only are there ideas but people to fund em. #263Chat — Natalie Moyo (@Nats0) December 4, 2012
People should stop looking for hand outs and make a way to get your own capital…gettin outside investors can dilute your idea #263Chat — Mo’Fo Jones (@MiKe_MaGiK) December 4, 2012
@sirnige As Zimpreneurs I think we look at the nxt startup as competitions and not a team mate. We are fighting for the same cause. #263chat — Samora & First (@samorafirst) December 4, 2012
@chase_wacho @sirnige @techzim another issue is lack of mentorship culture. startup makes avoidable expensive mistakes #263chat — LSK Makani (@lskmakani) December 4, 2012
@lskmakani @chase_wacho @techzim We don’t want to mentor.The lessons learnt by our fathers are not easily passed down to us.Sad #263Chat — Sir Nigel (@SirNige) December 4, 2012