Announcing Techzim Events 2017…

Broadband forum, male pointing

In a not so distant past Techzim hosted a number of events. From the Broadband Forum to the Digital Future. Not forgetting the well received Startup Challenge, that was hosted for 4 consecutive years. We believe that the efforts we put into it are still lingering as a number of startups who won in the competition are still operating to date – Soccer24, SSN, ZimboKitchen and RLMS.

Last year, 2016, we took a hiatus and basically had a recharge.

Through the years we’ve come to see the value that our events have brought, allowing us to bring in people from Google/Youtube,, WIOCC and SEACOM. A host of authoritative individuals represented local companies, culminating into meaningful discussions on how best to move the industry forward.

We still see the need for healthy talk in various spaces in the local ICT industry. Digital media and marketing, broadband and connectivity, eCommerce and payments (both online and mobile) as well as startups and investment as topics we’re setting out to tackle this year going forward and not only coming together to discuss but also seeing to it that implementation follows suit.

Digital Future: Digital Media and Marketing

Targeted at those that are in the digital media and marketing space, the event seeks to bring together thought leaders not only locally but from the region as well, tackle the challenges in not only content creation but its distribution as well.

This event is penciled for May 11 and 12, a two day event, that will have both a conference and training for practitioners who want to set themselves apart in the online ‘jungle’.

Hashtag: #DF2017

Broadband Forum: Broadband and Connectivity

For years this has proved to be a hugely popular event, targeted at the telecoms industry, discussing topics around internet connectivity and to an extent, pricing. The cost of data has somewhat come down in Zimbabwe, but we’re still the third most expensive country in Africa.

This event brings together those in the telecoms and reliant sectors, to discuss on how to make internet ubiquitous and affordable, while also addressing the supply issues of content on the internet.

A provisional date of July 20, 2017 has been set.

Hashtag: #BBF2017

eCommerce and ePayments Forum: Buying and Selling Online

The need for a solution of eCommerce in Zimbabwe can not be over emphasised and on our first bit at this cherry fruitful discussions took place around mobile money service provider API’s and intergration for startups.

This year, with the cash crisis having ensued for a while, there’ll be enlightening discussions on how businesses can trade both locally as well as earn the much revered “foreign currency” from abroad.

The payments landscape will be interesting over the next few months and we hope to bring in international payment gateways, fintech startups as well as world renowned eCommerce platforms.

Hashtag: (to be advised)

StartUp Challenge: Startups and Investment

Over the four times that we hosted this event, we’ve learnt a number of lessons. How can we encourage and nurture a startup culture that will be long term profitable? How best can we make it more than just “the money”? What value can we give to the whole ecosystem and not just a selected few?

These and more questions have been addressed as we tackle rewarding young and upcoming wanna-be internet entreprenuers.

Over a three month period mentoring will take place teaching and exposing startups to solving local problems using local solutions.

Hashtag: (to be advised)

What can you do to get in on the fun?

We know that a number of people follow our events and look forward to attending them. Surprised that no one killed us last year for taking a break.

For those that would like to stay up to date on our events here’s what you could do:


2 responses

  1. Charles Muzonzini

    Nice! Glad to see Digital Future back! Had a great time in 2015!

  2. Nathaniel Mafemba

    I am looking forward to attending most of your events this year. Keep the fire burning TechZim, the nation is in need of these initiatives. Having attended the Digital Skills Training, i realized with have so many things that we are not exploiting digitally.

Upcoming Tech Events in Zimbabwe

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