Enterprise Mobility

Enterprise mobility; what to consider

There is mobility, and there is enterprise mobility. Arguably, over the past 4 years mobility in Zimbabwe has seen an impressive and steady growth; we have had new technologies, mobile broadband, more companies, and cheaper broadband prices. All this has opened up a lot of doors, and a lot of opportunities for individuals and companies alike. But the question that remains is how far we have really gone with enterprise mobility. To what extent can you stretch your iPad or Galaxy Tab to serve a real purpose in the enterprise structure?
Of Facebook penetration, privacy and security

Of Facebook penetration, privacy and security

I had always heard/read about the exponential growth of Facebook users over the past couple of years, but it really didn’t quite sink in. The problem was I was seeing the same old faces I knew and a few surprises here and there, so much that it got to a point where I wasn’t really motivated to log on. So I took a break. Now, upon coming back a few months ago, I really experienced that growth.
Social Media

Our data on the internet

One evening, while going through my Facebook wall I began to wonder, how long is it all going to last? 40 years? 20 years? 100 years? I joined Facebook back in 2008, and my friends list has grown significantly (360 something friends and counting).
Gaming LAN Tournament

The Gaming LAN Tourney

Imagine a room full of high end gaming PCs and loaded with the latest Games! Now that’s what I call the sum of all dreams. This was the warm site that greeted gamers that managed to attend the gaming tourney a week ago. There was an appetizing array of games lined up, as was previously announced.
Digsby Screenshot

Of Social Networks . . . . And Work

A visit to an internet café in town just gave me a reminder of how much Zimbabweans love social networking. I had just read an article on TechCrunch about the social web and how it might not be surprising to hear about a Facebook browser (fancy that)
Head to Head, FIFA 11 vs PES 11 – Part 2

Head to Head, FIFA 11 vs PES 11 – Part 2

Last week we were happy the ICT Africa 2010 Exhibition was upon us; to be honest I wanted to see if any exhibitors would bring some games and gaming consoles with them. After having just gone through a copy of PC Format and seeing how the E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo 2010) had left visitors mesmerized.
About Zim Gaming

About Zim Gaming

So what is this hype about games? One might ask. Why the introduction of a gaming category on this blog? Well, It’s aimed at gamers (both aspiring and established), where we look at the latest games, gaming consoles and PC Gaming regalia. The aim being to create a strong Zimbabwean gaming community, and hopefully one day host our own gaming expos.
PES11 vs FIFA11

Head to Head, FIFA 11 vs PES 11

With Africa’s 1st World Cup over, another battle biggest soccer spectacle is just about to begin, planning of which started long before the world cup in SA. Two rival giants both stretch their teams to the limit for the ultimate clash.