Pay Kombi Fares with EcoCash: Adoption

The introduction of EcoCash payments in kombis was met by large scepticism in the market. Some of us doubted its practicality and questioned how the conductor was going to verify all the text messages and identify who made the payments. Surely the conductor doesn’t know everybody’s name and number. So does he have to check everybody’s ID. The cumbersome process of making a payment through EcoCash is also another point to consider
Where is Zimbabwe’s technology? Why?

Where is Zimbabwe’s technology? Why?

We have all admired the advanced technologies in movies, the hologram computers, the space satellites, the high-tech weapons and we have all redirected our minds back home to reflect on our own world’s position in technology. The result of that always leaves a dulling effect in our minds. Well this is an attempt to assess what is really on ground in terms of technology and whether or not we are really centuries behind the developed world, like they say. Is the word “century” here an exaggeration or a fact?