Posted ine-Health Gadgets & Apps
10 things Zimbabwean startups need to consider when developing Electronic Health Record (EHR) solutions
For the effective adoption of electronic health information systems over the less convenient paper based status quo, there are key functionalities that every EHR system on the market should have. One bad apple can really spoil the whole bunch.
Posted ine-Health
This is how e-Health will impact the next 5 years of medical service delivery in Zimbabwe
According to what's been shared at the recent Zimbabwe Medical Association conference, here are 5 ways in which e-Health will be implemented to solve health-related challenges in Zimbabwe.
Posted ine-Health
e-Health gains momentum in Zimbabwe as doctors embrace tech to ensure basic service delivery
To face these and other challenges presented by the prevailing socioeconomic crisis, the need to change practices and incorporate new technologies in health delivery has therefore been realised by Zimbabwean health practitioners.