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Posted inSecurity
Be careful what you do on the internet because someone is ALWAYS watching
Nothing can be further from the truth. The internet does not give you anonymity unless you diligently seek it and even then just one breadcrumb is all it takes for you to be unmasked and get into real trouble.
Forget the recycle bin, here’s how to really delete files from your computer & phone
When you delete your files the regular way in Windows and Linux they are not really gone and if someone came along soon enough they can recover them. Even the rm -rf command does not really delete files. When you "delete" the file the file deleting utility simply makes the file invisible and marks that part of the operating system as available.
Secure your stuff – here’s how to prevent unauthorised access to files on your hard drive
The sad truth is that unless you have consciously taken the effort to secure your computer, a Linux distro less than 200 MB and basic command line skills is all it takes to defeat your long complex password.
Posted inSecurity
Hacker group Anonymous Africa says ZANU PF is a potential target
After assuming responsibility for the attack and explaining how it managed to execute it (it's been described as a DNS Reflection attack), Anonymous Africa has also promised to continue with its work and has mentioned some potential targets which include Zimbabwe's ruling party ZANU PF.
Posted inSecurity
Viber joins the secure messaging revolution, introduces end-to-end encryption
Viber the Instant messaging platform and VoIP service that most of us have forsaken for WhatsApp recently announced complete end-to-end encryption (E2EE) across all devices including Android and iOS devices as well as PC and Mac desktops.
Posted inSecurity
WhatsApp has just made all your messages safer by introducing end-to-end encryption
WhatsApp has announced that it is enabling end-to-end encryption for all of its users on the latest version of the application.
Posted inSecurity
Econet’s Ownai hit by another outage. Separately, hackers claim they attacked it
Econet's classifieds website, Ownai, is down again. It's not clear yet if it's another case of lots of visitors trying to visit the site at once (they just sent out an SMS ad inviting user to the platform) or if it's the case of hackers having hit it again.
Posted inSecurity
Before your email account gets hacked, here’s what you should do
You can avoid becoming a victim of most of these breaches by making use of multi-factor authentication. Multifactor authentication (MFA) is a security system that requires more than one method of authentication from independent categories of credentials to verify the user’s identity for a login or other transaction.
Posted inSecurity
Econet says Ownai wasn’t hacked, site is undergoing prelaunch tests
According to Econet, the Ownai site is still undergoing some necessary tests around security and stability and the inference that had been made that it was hacked wasn't necessarily factual.
Posted inSecurity
Ownai, the new Tengai experiences brief downtime, some suspect another hack
Ownai, the new version of Tengai wasn't accessible for an extended interval, with visitors to the URL being directed to a page carrying a 504 Gateway Timeout error message. Usually, this is diagnosed as a network error between servers, but because of the history that Tengai had with security breaches, some people have opined that this could have been another attack.
How to encrypt files using PGP on Windows
Here's a quick guide on how to encrypt files using PGP on Windows.
Posted inSecurity
An introduction to encryption
This is an introduction into the world of encryption which touches on the basics of the subject. The topic is becoming increasingly relevant in a world where a lot of our data is shared on cloud networks.
These Bulawayo techies are sharing info on how to hack a bank
Some people might recognise the name Owasp, a global non-profit organisation that works on improving software security. The Owasp Bulawayo chapter, in partnership with tech incubator, SkyHub, will be holding an event called "How To Hack a Bank Using XSS".