Multichoice Zimbabwe Announces That Prices Will Not Increase This Year…

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After much speculation, Multichoice Africa has announced that DSTV Zimbabwe will not be increasing their prices this April as has been the custom. Our counterparts who are located down South were subjected to a 4-8% price increase, while Zimbabwe actually had a price reduction in October 2016.

Interestingly DSTV states: “The company made this decision to keep annual subscription prices at their current level despite a particularly tough year it has faced due to a number of harsh macro-economic headwinds in the markets it operates in on the continent. From falling commodity and oil prices which affected economies and exchange rates and the ever-rising costs of satellite capacity, there has been quite a number of external economic factors which have created a challenge for us. However, we recognise that we’re not the only ones feeling the pinch.

In Zimbabwe not only have we been using the strong US dollar, but the market has been agressive to DSTV, with a new entrant in the form of StarSat entering last year. KweseTV, though not yet being available to Zimbabwean viewers, is much anticipated.

Zimbabwean viewers, who’ve for long been subjected to an ailing national broadcaster, have fallen hook line and sinker for the Naspers owned satellite TV broadcaster, causing our Reserve Bank to single them out, and having to deal with payment partners pulling out one by one.

DSTV customers will appreciate the price maintenance, though some would argue that a reduction should have been effected instead.

You can read the full DSTV announcement here.

One response

  1. Ginna

    is that so

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