EcoCash, TeleCash mobile money tariff comparison

EcoCash, Telecash mobile money comparison

The table below is a head-to-head comparison of the mobile money tariffs charged by the two biggest MNOs in Zimbabwe, Econet and Telecel. From glancing at the table, it shows that Telecel’s product, Telecash is generally cheaper compared to EcoCash from Econet wireless. Both products do not charge cash-out transactions on unregistered subscribers explaining why these transactions are not in this table. We will update the table as and when changes are made.
AmountsSend to registeredSend to unregisteredCash out Registered
$1 – $1.99$0.14$0.07$0.00$0.07c$0.00$0.08
$2.00 – $5$0.14$0.13$0.54$0.35$0.20$0.15
$5.01 – $10$0.24 $0.20$0.74$0.55$0.30$0.25
$10.01 – $20$0.44 $0.34$1.34$0.95$0.60$0.50
$20.01 – $30$0.64 $0.54$1.84$1.35$0.90$0.75
$30.01 – $40$0.84 $0.74$2.34$1.85$1.20$0.95
$40.01 – $50$1.04 $0.94$3.54$2.55$1.50$1.25
$50.01 – $75$1.54$1.24$5.04$3.95$2.30$2.05
$75.01 – $100$2.00 $1.55$7.00$6.05$3.05$2.55
$100.01 – $150$2.50 $2.05$8.50$6.55$3.50$2.95
$150.01 – $200$3.00 $2.55$9.60$7.55$3.90$3.45
$200.01 – $300$4.05$3.55$11.00$8.65$4.85$4.04
$300.01 – $400$4.35$3.95$13.05$9.55$4.90$4.45
$400.01 – $500$4.54 $4.04$14.04$9.85$4.95$4.55