From instant messaging to instant games. Facebook has you covered

Facebook has been very busy this year with the launch of Facebook for Business sprinkling a dash of seriousness to the social media space. Now Facebook has introduced instant games in their Messenger app. So now you have a way to curb the awkward silence and cold shoulders with a couple of arcade classics. Let her win or something. Give her an extra life you never know.

The instant games are set to be launched in 30 countries that include Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Great Britain, Canada, United States, Japan, Netherlands, Australia, Austria, Latvia, Germany, Ireland, Belgium, New Zealand, France, Singapore, Finland, Hong Kong, Russian Federation, Estonia, Taiwan, Slovenia, Puerto Rico, Cyprus, Israel, Lithuania, Spain, and Italy.

So to jam with somebody all you have to do is open a chat of your choice or a group of our choice that already exists in your chat history that is. At the bottom  is a whole row of options that includes camera, photos, emoji, gif and so forth.

On that row of options you will also see a game pad icon which upon clicking will give you a whole host of instant games to jam. Facebook Messenger is attempting to keep you glued to it. At Least till you run out of juice.


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