Latest Mukuru partnership adds 19 new cash collection points

Mukuru, Bereka

Remittance service company Mukuru ( has partnered with Zimpost in a deal that allows its customers to collect cash at any of the 19 Zimpost branches countrywide bringing much-needed convenience to the companies remittance service distribution.

Currently, the participating Zimpost branches include Lupane, Bulawayo, Plumtree, Beitbridge, Tsholotsho, Hwange, Gwanda, Norton, Harare, Chegutu, Karoi, Kariba, Mutare, Chipinge, Murewa, Gweru, Chiredzi, Chivhu and Masvingo.

Mukuru clients simply need to visit any of the above-mentioned Zimpost branches with their ID and proof of their transaction (SMS) to collect their money.

This new partnership comes just weeks after Econet announced its EcoCash-Mukuru partnership. The string of deals by Mukuru show the companies intent to localize their service and have it conveniently accessible to clients across the country at already known locations. Leveraging ZimPost’s already established infrastructure, network, and local appeal could help the Mukuru brand localize by gaining a physical presence in previously inaccessible areas.

Speaking on the Zimpost partnership Mukuru’s Head of Marketing Mike Cook had this to say:

“Mukuru is always working to make the remittance process easier for both the sender and recipient. Particularly at this time when we are working to ensure our clients can continue to send cash and collect cash. Our partnership with Zimpost does just that by bringing our cash collection service closer to the customers who need it”

Mukuru still faces stiff competition from established remittance services in Zimbabwe like the Western Union which already has a large network of local agents/collection points across the country and integrated with EcoCash system. It may be a case of Mukuru playing catch up but it is taking the necessary steps to compete to be the leading remittance service in the country.

However, immediately adding 19 new collection points across the country may prove to be a difficult situation with the cash crisis. Unless Mukuru has strategies to ensure that the clients are immediately served their remittances the collection points may simply be placeholders until the arrival of Bond notes which are expected sometime this month.


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