Local telecoms regulator says there’s no increase to the cost of mobile data & voice calls

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We might have lost bonus minutes and all that free data from NetOne, Telecel and Econet, but there are currently no tariff adjustments that have been made to Zimbabwean mobile telecoms services.

This clarification was provided by the country’s telecoms regulator, POTRAZ, following the adjustments made by Zimbabwe’s mobile telecoms operators to their product lineups that resulted in the suspension of a number of promotions and the termination of bonuses.

According to POTRAZ, in the event that such changes are made citizens will be notified by their mobile network operators and the regulator within a reasonable time.

The loss of these airtime bonuses has meant that subscribers have to access some services at gazetted tariffs.

Mobile voice and broadband services in Zimbabwe are expensive and the airtime bonuses and rollover promotions have provided subscribers with a cheaper way to communicate.

It’s no wonder then that the promo suspension and termination was viewed by subscribers a tariff increase of sorts.


  1. Reggie

    Oh thats very nice that we have a clarification— nw I have to understand why I call form much less time on the same amount of money I was using before! Zvekuhwandirana kuseri kwechigunwe

  2. Tindo

    Promotions back please! Promotions gave us value for money. Now my cellphone is just another game toy!

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