The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has extended the deadline for applications being processed online for Form places at various boarding schools around Zimbabwe.
This has been prompted by some of the technical challenges that have been encountered by users attempting to submit applications through eMAP, the online enrolment system developed by the Ministry of Education for all applicants seeking to secure a place for boarding school.
Speaking to Techzim, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education Dr Sylivia Utete Masango acknowledged that there had been some technical challenges experienced over the past day as several users failed to either access the system or had difficulties in submitting their applications.
The eMAP online enrolment system was launched on the 10th of December 2016 and was slated to accept applications over three-day period ending on the 12th of December 2016.
However, on the 11th of December, the system crashed for at least 3 hours, presumably due to multiple requests and a failure to handle traffic coming to the website. Access to the site was eventually restored albeit in patches throughout the day.
As more users attempt to apply there have also been reports of complications faced in creating multiple accounts for parents making applications for more than one child, errors in form submission and challenges in updating the forms where errors are made.
The Ministry has advised parents facing challenges accessing the system either through the lack of resources or understanding how to use it, to get help from the schools where their children sat for their Grade 7 exams or from cluster schools.
Dr Utete-Masango could not be drawn into disclosing the new deadline for the submission of the applications though she did highlight how the Ministry is working to ensure that the system will be able to accommodate all applications.
“The average Black does not plan his life beyond a year”, P.W Botha 1985 Speech. How can we when important issues such as your children’s secondary education are treated lightly like this with those in higher offices?
pamhata pako na botha wako
“Dr Utete-Masango could not be drawn into disclosing the new deadline for the submission of the applications”. What is the implication to our planning? When are we getting the sms responses. Oh, God Almighty, have mercy on us!
The system becomes useless when other parents are waiting for confirmation whilst others had already been registered. Langham girls high today registered applicants for boarding school and the classes are full. What the use of then applying online. Some had selected that school but only today to be told that they had enrolled not online.
Does the ministry know that school heads are defying the order to register online and are going on registering applicants.
i have been trying to register th whole of yesterday..i ddnt even sleep.i was successful in creating account yesterday afternoon but failed t complete the next level..tried to open the account throughout the night and its saying account does not exist.honestly,what is that..soon my school of choice will be full.whats gnna happen
system is working fine, maybe try using a faster browser. I applied for someone and within 24hrs they got a response, accepted, via an SMS. The site even shows the status as matching the SMS.
The Sever is at Telone, what do we expect from Telone, their service is pathetic. is hosted by TELONESnap of
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The School heads do not even know how to use a computer and do not even have internet connection within the rural and no infrastructure.. Is the Ministry being driven by someone who is well versed. Whee do we go from here.. Zvakaoma..
extended to when plz can someone help me
For now no date has been provided as the new deadline
what is the next step after your application status says accepted on one school and is there still access to the other 2 schools you applied to
what is the next step after your application status says accepted on one school and is there still access to the other 2 schools you applied to
@ Nigel Gambanga
At a serious not plz help us coz your internet connection its very poor and y are you the ones who are choosing schools for us its not fair
This is rather proving to be problematic,poor planning brings out such outcomes,guys lets not run ministries just as if we are running own homes. issues that concerns people`s future nid to b handled with caution. the disadvantaged are not receiving any advantage from what s on the table now,,,,no access to internet remember the technological gap uuuuuu terrible
Whats the solution to the problem of a forgotten password?
good move introduced at the wrong time. Many schools are only enrolling pupils who attained 4 units and those are the very schools that boast of high pass rates yet they would have taken all the intelligent pupils. For us to have a true reflection of a certain schools’ pass rate let them enrol all pupils who successfully completed primary level. 5 is a pass so why not demonstrate their skills with an aggregate 20 pupil?
Madhodha amweni anofunga ngesure.ndokuteya nzou ngeriya.atidi zvemahumbwe povho yaramba.ndani yamai ako.uwudhani ngei.nyika mwapedza.nezvikoro mwodekudii.nyika yeshe taakadzi ako ere.kuti chonjomara tochonjomara.kuti ata pashi tota.wotibeke mukanwa.
Honestly im fed up wth this crap…a child wth 4 units gets accepted by the very last choice …cld there be any logical explanation to this ? The mere reason why i had to mek it tge last choice was simply an expression tht im not interested in tht school as much as i do wth th the others . Minister …this system of yours jus aint working !!
What an uphill task for one to get through all the stages of the application process.A simpler format should have been used rather than the one in use.Finally made it bt given the last option.
what if selected schools vazadza but kiddo is not selected but has very good units.totamba takamira appending here.this is frustrating
This is so wrong hatichazive zvokita anhu weee