• Protect your idea, after all it’s all you have got!

    This is a series of guest articles by Brenda Matanga on Intellectual Property and its impact on innovators and entrepreneurs Every tech entrepreneur’s heart lies the dream of converting their […]

  • Liquid Telecom provides Somalia first fibre cable link to the world #AfricaCom

    Now three years after a number of undersea fibre cable systems have landed on the shores of the African continent, it’s easy to assume that any country on the continent […]

  • Econet introduces more free websites: our take

    An ad appearing in today’s Herald has information to the effect that Econet Wireless has introduced free access to three websites as follows: www.yookos.com www.econet.co.zw www.econetwireless.com For those who don’t […]

  • Econet working on tech enabled diseases testing system, says founder Masiyiwa

    Econet Wireless founder, Strive Masiyiwa, announced via his Facebook page that his company is working on a disease testing system that will enable health delivery centers around the country test […]

  • Cape to Cairo: Econet founder Masiyiwa shares dreams of fibre expansion

    In an update to his followers on Facebook this week, Econet Wireless founder Strive Masiyiwa shared plans to expand the Liquid Telecom fibre network to cover the stretch of the African […]

  • The irony of the Android BBM messaging app in Zimbabwe

    You might have heard that after years of making BBM exclusive to BlackBerry device customers only, and then watching the WhatsApps and what nots run with the prize, BlackBerry finally woke up. Well, not really, since they are all but yielding the ghost. Anyway, life onwards or not, BlackBerry decided to open up BBM to…

  • Press Release: Axis Solutions Zimbabwe appointed VMware enterprise partner

    VMware, the leader in virtualization and cloud solutions, has appointed Zimbabwe-based Axis Solutions as an Enterprise Partner, forming part of its strategy to bolster its skills base across the African continent.

  • It’s not just you, the Dipleague service was down for weeks

    At the beginning of this month, users of popular email based classifieds service, Dipleague, asked about a sudden stop to the flow of the service’s emails.

  • Econet to split shares 10 to 1 to make them more accessible

    Econet just sent out a press release today to basically say they’d like to go back to their founding roots when the majority of the company’s shares where in the hands of ordinary people, and that to do that they will be splitting the company’s shares 10 to 1.

  • You don’t need to be an engineer to start a technology business

    Gary Shayne who founded Cellular Systems, later renamed Celsys, which he listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange when he was only 27 years old and went on to sell to Lonrho was a chartered accountant, and not a telecommunications engineer. Sure there were many telecommunications engineers who knew telecommunications, and who could boast more experience…

  • About Yookos, its SMS adverts, and its place in the social networking space (interview)

    Trying Yookos hasn’t been easy and I would’ve just given up had I not been on a blogging mission. See, when you sign up it says the verification email’s been sent to your mailbox, but doesn’t actually send it until you attempt to login with the unverified account and instruct it to send the email.…

  • Press Release: Econet Wireless Zimbabwe appoints new chairman

    Veteran American telecoms executive Dr James Patrick Myers has been appointed the new Non-Executive Chairman of Econet Wireless Zimbabwe to replace Tawanda Nyambirai, who stepped down this week. Dr Myers is a retired former Vice President for Africa of South Western Bell, now part of AT&T, the world’s largest telecoms company by value. He also…

  • TN Bank becomes Econet subsidiary as Nyambirai sells stake

    Tawanda Nyambirai, Lifestyle Holdings CEO and Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Chairman, announced today that he has accepted an offer from Econet Wireless to buy him out of TN bank. Speaking at a press briefing today Nyambirai said he will be selling his stake in the bank he founded in exchange for shareholding in Econet Wireless. As…

  • The National ICT review, a participant’s view

    Yesterday, 24 July 2012, the National ICT Policy consultative meeting was held in Bulawayo and it was a somewhat charged affair. The man running the show on behalf of the […]

  • Will MTN be snookered by deepening bribery scandal?

    The bribery scandal involving the MTN Group and its Iranian associate MTN Irancell is gathering momentum following the suspension of Yusuf Saloojee, South Africa’s ambassador to Oman. Saloojee is the […]

  • Econet Wireless Zimbabwe celebrates 14th anniversary

    The 10th of July marks the date Econet Wireless Zimbabwe was granted its GSM mobile network operating license back in 1998. Today, the company celebrates its 14th anniversary. In press […]

  • Econet Solar’s home power station. Some thoughts

    Econet Wireless recently announced Zimbabwe as the first commercial site for its highly acclaimed solar powered ‘Home Power Station’ (HPS), this according to a report on the mobile phone company’s […]

  • Utande launches new WIMAX broadband service

    This morning Utande Internet Services (Pvt) limited, a subsidiary company of Dandemutande Investments a company in Zimbabwe’s telecommunications industry launched its broadband WIMAX service under the uMAX brand. The Financial […]

  • Econet Wireless uses YouTube for PR in Nigeria dispute with Airtel

    In mega disputes the kind Econet Wireless International fights globally, you need neutral parties seeing things from your angle, and as many voices on your side as you can get. When you understand this the way Econet does, the logical decision to take is to go out there and tell your story; the whole story…

  • Econet Wireless Group triumphs in Nigeria

    According to a press release posted on the Econet Wireless website today, the Federal High Court of Nigeria handed down judgment in favour of Econet in the dispute between the company and Bharti Airtel Nigeria. The matter stems from shareholding problems in 2003 and until now, Econet had failed to get any favorable outcome from…

  • Zimbabwe paper’s questionable attack on Trustco

    As Techzim we are obliged to promote debate and dialogue. We were surprised to read an article in this morning’s Daily News (A Zimbabwe daily) that we believe was not generous with facts. The article’s opening shot begins by describing Trustco as “a company that appears to talk very big about itself”, and proceeds to…

  • Mobile data services: Challenges and opportunities

    As I take a look at the local mobile application emerging market and use of cell phones, I will start by warning our mobile operators that their business can be easily shrunk by highlighting the threat in Bill Gates and Craig Mundie statements. “PC is the phone and phone is the PC.”and “People in those…

  • Be a Sys Admin of Note

    ICT geeks have attained messiah status in organizations and, resultantly, have grown to be key strategic players in organizations. Before you know it, you are the heart and pulse, the life and soul of the party.

  • Skype Comes To Nokia Smartphones

    Earlier today, the mobile phone giant, Nokia announced that Skype for it’s Symbian smartphones is now available for free download in its OVI store. Mobile users can now use 3G or Wi-Fi connections to call each other for ‘free’ without needing to route the call through mobile operators. This is a big game changer for…

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