• How your company can avoid becoming the next hacking victim

    Hack attacks are on the rise. And even if you’re not the immediate target, you could still end up a victim. It’s just a matter of time. This is generally true for big organisations. Targeted hacking is becoming a multibillion industry and the more profitable it becomes it means more skilled and talented hackers will…

  • The Econet broadband website has been hacked

    The Econet Wireless broadband website www.econetbroadband.co.zw has been hacked. We just discovered this right now while working on a story for the new Econet Email system, which we will post later. If you visit the site right now, you will see it’s been defaced with the following banner:

  • Zimbabwe’s Google Top Searches of 2010

    Today, Google posted this year’s Zeitgeist, an interactive visual tool showing what the world searched on Google in 2010. Google’s version of the world’s list of 2010’s most trending topics. We should be getting a Twitter one and possibly a Facebook one as well before the year closes.

  • Press Release: Zimbabwe Internet Entreprenuer Launches website to profile Orphanages

    Richwell Phinias, renowned internet marketing consultant and the co-founder of Dariro.com has partnered with a number organisations in Zimbabwe in an innovative ICT project meant to give hope and support […]

  • Candid Consumerism, a Zimbabwe platform to complain.. and praise

    If you are reading this post from Zimbabwe or you have been in Zim these past 2 years then you’ve probably had your change held back at a supermarket a number of times. If you’re like me, this has happened so many times you have lost count. Typically, you’re offered a credit note or asked…

  • MXit, A Mobile Social Network For Africa

    I’ll confess that I only came to know about MXit just a few weeks ago. I should have known it earlier, like a few years back maybe. In this age of Facebook, the influence MXit has on social interaction in South Africa is nothing short of a phenomenon.

  • Of Social Networks . . . . And Work

    A visit to an internet café in town just gave me a reminder of how much Zimbabweans love social networking. I had just read an article on TechCrunch about the social web and how it might not be surprising to hear about a Facebook browser (fancy that)

  • Beyond A Gig, Africom’s Mobile Broadband Costs $100 Per Gig

    Africom has received a lot of praise since it launched its mobile broadband service a little more than a month ago. Most users of the new service love it. Some subscribers even credit Africom with bringing the first true mobile broadband experience to Zimbabwe.

  • The Econet Mobile Broadband Letdown

    To say we didn’t wait with abated breath for one year would be a lie. We waited. We naively thought Econet would use its muscle and deep pockets to roll out the most affordable mobile broadband service.

  • The Power Of Social Media For Communications

    Social Media has changed human behaviour as it reshapes all structures – family, business, society, and governance. Ignoring social media has opportunity costs that Zimbabwe cannot afford as we deliberate our US$6 billion debt.

  • Clouds of Change, Your Role in the Clouds

    Cloud computing and virtualization are bringing a paradigm shift for the classic IT function. Adapting your skills to the new technical requirements could make all the difference and ultimately increase your visibility and depending on your current situation, those clouds on the horizon bring welcome relief or are the beginning of the end to your…

  • 12 Reasons Your Zimbabwe Business Needs A Website

    The internet is exploding in Zimbabwe, and already businesses are seeing the benefits of being online – Isn’t time you joined in? If you’re wondering what the benefits of a website would be for your Zimbabwe business, here are a few good reasons to go for it!

  • The Forgotten Line of Defense: The People

    From the beginning hackers have been known for their skills of breaking into computers and networks. They applied different techniques and methodologies in order to break into corporate systems or personal computers.

  • Ecoweb Embraces Social Media With New Website

    Early this week, Ecoweb replaced their old (and kind of stale) website with a fresh, bright and actually nice looking one. It was long overdue and Ecoweb’s parent company, Econet, should consider doing something about theirs too. Besides the fresh look, what is really interesting about the new Ecoweb website is that it brings with…

  • The Story that /Malware/ Tells

    The early versions of internet based Malware popped up around the late 80s with the most common one being the Morris Worm. It caught many IT professional off guard back then.

  • When Econet’s 3G Will Open To All Subscribers

    Since Econet launched 3G on it’s network last year in August, the services has had more than a few problems. First it was that 3G itself was only limited to the greater Harare.

  • Review: Ecoweb’s 4G Mobile WiMax

    A little more than two weeks ago we got hold of an Ecoweb 4g Mobile WiMax kit. We’ve been using it since. Long enough to give a fair review. We cut the review up into separate sections so you can jump to the section you want

  • Nhava Sells Stake To Rugare Chidembo, To Push Tens Of Thousands Of Nhavas This Year

    We visited the Nhava founders yesterday at their Livingstone offices in the Harare Avenues. We had an interesting discussion with them; from how Nhava was founded, their vision, the range of laptops and expansion plans.

  • We Live-Tweeted The POTRAZ Consultative Meeting

    For the first time at Techzim today, we live tweeted an event. The result: a live update of the proceedings at a POTRAZ consultative meeting with Internet Access Providers and Internet Service Providers in Harare. Our followers were able to follow the event in realtime!

  • The Zim Ubuntu 10.04 Release Party On This Weekend

    Yes, the Zimbabwe Ubuntu LoCo Team finally said something. So all you party animals (and not-so-social geeks, seriously, here is your chance to interact with like minded dudes) make time this Saturday to celebrate freedom. The release party will take place at 335 Herbert Chitepo Street, Alliance Française in Harare and it starts at 2PM.…

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